Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 80

by L M Lacee

  ‘Oh my, that is something to remember.’ Kate murmured as she held her statue on her palm and said in her soft accent. ‘Thank you Peyton, for this memory, and can you thank the Spirits of the Stars, when you talk to them next.’

  Peyton smiled and assured her she would. ‘I will do as you ask.’


  After coming back from the moon, Peyton found her way to Willian’s cabin where he was sleeping. She sat with her back against the wall on the adjacent bed with her arms clasped around her knees, while she worked through the sadness squeezing her chest.

  Darby slipped in and wiggled in next to her. She did not speak for a few minutes then whispered. ‘Sorry to hear about Citri. The ceremony was sad but nice.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  She looked at Peyton, then at the sleeping Willian, and said. ‘So his back is all repaired now.’


  ‘We are moving.’


  Darby sighed. ‘We have to let her go.’



  ‘It does and we will do it with love and grace. Darby we will survive her leaving.’

  Darby admitted tearfully. ‘I want to be that person. I just don’t think I can.’

  ‘I believe you can.’

  ‘This sucks.’

  ‘Don’t hurt her Darby by making it harder on her.’

  She scrunched her shoulders up under her ears. ‘I am trying not to, but I hurt.’

  ‘Preaching to the choir here.’




  The following night, after they had left the moon, the Turqualls were observing their own ritual of grieving for Citri’s passing. Melody, Trina and Kate, several Warriors and Engineer Londor spent the day creating a habitat under Rage and Fanharr’s supervision on a vacant level of the ship for the Turquall.

  As with everyone else on board the Warbird, Peyton kept herself busy throughout the day catching up on visiting the Warriors and checking out the refitted ship with Darby. Willian was pleased he was allowed to get out of bed under supervision, of course. Peyton was almost positive she saw a smile when he thought no one was looking. Trina had been in the regenerator and had her scars removed. Heather’s daily report stated that several people had made use of the regen, as it was now called.

  As Peyton moved through the day, she had the distinct feeling she was being followed. It had the feel of a Turquall, but try as she might she was never quick enough to see him or her. The sensation was not uncomfortable, just amusing; It almost became a kind of game to see if she could catch the stalker.

  After second-meal, Darby retreated to her cabin and remained there for the rest of the day. By eve-meal she had still not been seen. It seemed everyone else was not in any mood for the normal nightly pursuits. So within an hour of the meal finishing, everyone had retired to their own cabins.

  Peyton walked aimlessly through the ship, the time was well past midnight. An hour of the early morning that saw everyone but those on watch asleep and dreaming of better tomorrows. She was not in bed because tomorrow they would meet up with the Solverea family, and Heather would leave for a while or forever. It was still unclear which it was to be, and this was the reason Peyton was wandering the ship. Because the heaviness of losing her sister gripped her heart and made sleep impossible.

  Finally, she wandered into the large, industrial sized kitchen. Staring at the gleaming counters and appliances, it was hard to believe they were not made from stainless steel. Helen told her the metal was a kind of substance that if she could believe it, was better than anything she had ever experienced. The counters and there were many of them as well as an island, were all stain and mark resistant, they automatically hardened to make chopping boards or warmed when bread or pastries were being kneaded. Apparently they self-cleaned, regardless of what they were used for, as did the entire kitchen, floors included.

  The ovens cooked by using wavelengths so food was ready in minutes, not hours; the fryers were infrared, which impressed Helen but other than that she was content to blissfully use the appliances with no understanding of how they worked. And to Peyton’s annoyance, she did not know how any of the machines worked either. Because of the stupid agreement, she could not dismantle them to find out. As on Prime, there were reclaimers and bots on the ship to do dishes and clean the dining rooms. Peyton got the impression Helen loved her ship’s kitchen more than the one at home. Especially when she, Esther and Brenda were seen designing and making up lists of what they were going to copy for the kitchen at home.

  Peyton’s eyes fell on the bacon crisper. One night after they had first arrived on Prime, she and Darby spent time discovering how to use the bacon crisper. And to this day she had to pinch herself each time she remembered there was a machine just for cooking bacon. This was the most popular of all the kitchen appliances and was installed in every kitchen on all the worlds. She had heard several comments from females, saying they did not know how they lived without the bacon crisper. She agreed with them and knew for a fact the Warriors felt the same way, as they seemed to always hunt enough of the animals for bacon.

  Thinking of bacon, Peyton realized that was what she needed. A few minutes later, she was sitting on the soft warm floor with a full cup of coffee. Leaning back against the kitchen panels, with a pile of bacon on a large square platter next to her. Eating and thinking about life and the future of her people. She had just finished the piece of bacon she had in her hand, when she heard a sniffling or snuffling sound from outside the kitchen door.

  Before she became alarmed a black nose nudged open the swing door and a small sized Turquall, depending on one’s perspective that was. Slipped around the door and came to a stop as he and Peyton was sure it was a male, spied her.

  She took a sip of coffee then picked up another piece of bacon and crunched, breaking it in half as she stared at him. He stared back at her, and she watched his nose twitch at the scent. Seriously, could someone say adorable?

  Greetings Isa a Turquall.

  ‘Greetings yourself and I know.’

  Arrs you the Beloved?

  ‘I am Madam Peyton.’


  He laid down on the floor and filled the area beside her outstretched, crossed at the ankle legs. She would hazard a guess he was under ten yentas old. His beautiful guileless eyes just spoke of innocence and led her to believe he was young. As large as he was, he was still adorable. She supposed he would be the size of an enormous dog and was definitely not the standard Turquall. This kit was completely black, with only pencil markings in white around his eyes and ears. She asked. ‘What is your name?’

  Isa doncha have one.

  ‘Why not?’

  Isa difficut.


  Yep, tats me!

  ‘Okay.’ Peyton laughed quietly to herself. He was really sweet. ‘So would you like to try my bacon?’

  Isa tats wat smells so good?


  She held out a piece, and he delicately took it from her fingers with just his lips and crunched. His eyes rolled back in his head as he said. That is the most wondous fing isa tasted eva an eva.

  ‘So sweetie, how old are you?’

  Isa five or six, mesa difficult.

  She gave him another piece of bacon as she laughed softly. ‘I see.’

  Madam Petn are you growly.

  ‘No, I am sad.’

  Oh isa tat not same?

  ‘No sweetie, one is angry and yells, the other is when you feel bad in your tummy.’

  Ans thens youse hava bacon.


  He sighed loudly. Isa sad.

  Peyton popped a piece of bacon in her mouth and gave him some more. ‘I know sweetie, it is a sad time for us all.’

  Trying to lighten the mood they both had sunk into, she asked. ‘So did you smell the bacon from your nest?’

  Yep, mes
a good at smelsing.


  He cocked his head to the side and said. Yep, smelling.

  ‘You are so cute, should we find a name for you?’

  The young kit stilled and then slowly crept forward. He placed his head on her knees and looked into her eyes, with his big round black ones. She scratched him behind his ears, then fed him another piece of bacon as he whispered.

  Will you give me one?

  She softy agreed. ‘I will if you would like me to.’

  Isa would.

  ‘Okay, well let’s see what kind of name would be good enough for you.’

  She fed him another piece of bacon and then one for herself as she hummed while she watched the bliss from the bacon overtake him again. She was positive his eyes almost crossed and blurted out. ‘What about Bacon?’

  Isa like it, it taste good.

  ‘No sweet boy, I mean for you.’

  He giggled a sweet innocent sound and said. Isa already eating it.

  Peyton laughed gently as she pulled his ear. ‘No sweet prowler, shall we name you Bacon?’

  He asked her thoughtfully. Issa tat a good name?

  ‘I think it is an excellent name.’ Peyton told him with a grin. ‘Bacon is one of my favorite things in the Universe and now you are as well and you like bacon.’

  Madam Petn isa lub bacon.

  ‘Yes, I can tell, but do you like the name Bacon?’

  Isa luubs it. My name is Bacon cause you like me and bacon.

  ‘Alright then, well nice to meet you Bacon.’

  Nice to meetcha Madam Petn. He giggled like the kit he was, then he cocked his head to the side again and asked. Madam wat is powler?

  ‘Oh sweet Bacon, that is something for another time, I think we are to have a visitor.’

  As they both listened, they could hear the unmistakable telltale click of claws on the floor. Which meant someone wanted them to know they were coming.

  Peyton leaned nearer to Bacon and said. ‘I think that is Fanharr, is she looking for you, little Bacon?’

  She fed him another piece of bacon as he whispered back. Mesa in twouble.

  ‘Why Bacon?’

  Cause isa means to be in the nest.

  ‘Ahh, I see, but the smell was just too much.’

  It was Madam juss tooo much! He said sadly as he shimmed forward a little and borrowed his head under her arm after she gave him another piece of bacon.


  Fanharr prodded the door to the kitchen open and sighed. Madam Peyton, I was going to ask if you had seen one of our kits, but I see you have indeed. If she had eyebrows, one would be raised at the kit, whose head was partially buried under Peyton’s arm.

  ‘It would appear I have indeed. How are you this early morn Fanharr?’

  I was good until I lost one of my charges.

  Peyton tried not to laugh as they could hear Bacon smacking his lips together. She told her. ‘We are eating bacon.’

  Fanharr sighed again. I see.

  ‘Would you like to try a piece?’

  Yes... maybe. It smells delightful.

  ‘I think that is what brought young Bacon here.’

  Fanharr took the bacon politely from Peyton’s fingers as she asked. You have named him and he allowed it?

  ‘Umm… okay, I am not sure what that means.’

  We have tried many names for young... Bacon and he has declined all of them. We gave up hope he would ever be named.

  ‘Well now, you don’t have to worry, Bacon and I chose his name, and he likes it. Bacon come on out of there. Fanharr can see you.’

  Fanharr crunched the bacon. Oh... Oh my… Oh my, this is as delicious as it smells. I am... May I have more Madam Peyton?

  ‘Of course you may.’ She handed several pieces to her as Bacon sat up and looked at Fanharr. Greetings Fanharr.

  Oh Bacon, I am upset with you. You know you must stay in the nest. It is for your own good until we are on our new home world. I have been told you have hardly been in it at all today. Artar Kate said you need to rest as all the kits do.

  He hung his head. Isa know, Fanharr but the smells was juss so nice I hasta follow it.

  Yes well, I suppose the smell of bacon could do that. Especially to one such as you.

  No notsa the bacon, it wasa Madam. She smells of starlight, Fanharr, bootiful starlight. So isa followed her all the ways from hers nest to heres.

  Peyton smoothed her hand down his back. ‘Oh Bacon sweetie, have you been following me all day?’

  Yes, cause starlight, Madam Petn.

  ‘Well, I can understand that I suppose, I am very happy I met you, but you must go back to the nest with Fanharr. If Artar Kate says it is for your own good, it must be important. We will meet on Maikonia, I swear.’

  But Fanharr, Madam is sad.

  Yes dearle one, we all are.

  Ohh! He hung his head again. Isa lubbed Citri. Isa misses her Fanharr.

  As we all do dearle. Now go back to the nest, Jade and Sox and the others are worried about you.

  Peyton hugged him and stood as she told him. ‘Tell your friends there will be bacon for first-meal.’

  He wiggled with pleasure as he asked. We will?

  ‘Yep, I will write a note to Chef Helen and she will make sure you all get some.’

  Which she proceeded to do on the comm screen, typing quickly. He nudged her leg. Fank you. Isa lub you Madam Petn.

  She leaned down and hugged him again. ‘As I do you, Bacon, now scoot.’ He giggled and left in a hurry.

  Fanharr looked after him. He is a delight and very hard to keep still.

  ‘He needs to scent, it is his ability. We will work on that at home, Fanharr, do not worry he and all the Turqualls will be well. Go back to the nest and sleep. Hopefully, we will be home in a few days. If not, I will find somewhere for you all to run and exercise.’

  Thank you, Madam Peyton. Good morn to you.

  ‘And to you, oh here.’ She gave her a piece of bacon. ‘To travel with.’ She told her as Fanharr took it and laughed as she nudged the door open again. Fank you.

  Which made Peyton grin. She left as well, after she had tidied up her mess in the kitchen. Otherwise the grumpy stares just made eating first-meal uncomfortable. Which she had learned after a few midnight raids of the kitchen at home.


  She wandered along to her favorite viewing area. Leaning against the doorjamb she looked into the large room and wondered what was different. Could it be the stars they were passing, or perhaps it was the new couch added to the room, or maybe it was the new dispenser. She glanced around her once more and smiled. It could of course be the humongous white Turquall sitting looking out at the stars. Apparently early morn, was a time for meetings and having intriguing conversations.

  Rage knew she would eventually find her way to her favorite lounge and as he had waited, he felt the distance grow from Porquiel. Once more he swallowed the agony that ate at his heart. Leaving his parents and the only world he knew underscored his decision with pain. Even though, like Fanharr and Rave, he believed it was the right thing to do, his heart still hurt.

  His ear rotated back when he felt rather than heard her enter and walk to the couch. Looking over at her, he saw her curled up on the couch with a plate of bacon on her lap. Peyton looked him over and could already see an improvement, and while she thought on it, Fanharr had looked well too.

  Involuntary Rage’s nose twitched as she took a few rashers and placed the heaped plate on the table in front of him. She crunched a piece as he flipped a piece or three into his mouth. Peyton made herself comfortable on the wide seat facing the same view as he did and told him.

  ‘I never tire of looking at this.’

  He grinned, allowing her to see the expression in his thoughts. For some of us, it is something that we have become accustomed to. Therefore, we do not find it as compelling as you Terrans do.

  ‘Terrans, now I wonder where you heard that term.’
r />   I have conversed with your kind in the past.

  ‘Really, male or female?’

  Does it matter?

  ‘Probably not, so here in this Universe or on Earth?’

  Does that matter?

  ‘Huh! I am not sure. Are you always so reticent or is it just your mood this early morn and do not ask if it matters? It does.’

  He growled. I have been told I could be more forthcoming. This is me being forthcoming.

  ‘Well, I appreciate it.’ She told him with a smile. ‘So, if this view does not do for you what it does for me. Why do I find you here, in my favorite place at this hour?’

  I confess, Hawk told me I would find you here at some point. Also Fanharr told me you were awake and wandering. So I waited.

  ‘Huh, ambushed.’

  He took several more pieces of bacon and casually said. I hear you have become acquainted with our newly named Bacon.

  ‘Yes, he is a delight, a true innocent. I enjoyed our talk.’

  He has waited a long time for his name. We have never had a kit refuse a name before.

  ‘Do not the parents just name the kits?’

  Not always, sometimes the kit will wait for a name. Something or someone will trigger a sense of recognition, and they will take that name. In saying that, to reach Bacon’s age of five or six without a name is unique.

  ‘He seemed very happy with it.’

  I am sure he is.

  ‘Did you ever think the naming had something to do with bonding between Turqualls and the person they were to bond with?’

  She could tell she had caught him off guard and made him unsure and uneasy with the new direction his thoughts took. She let him off the hook, she had planted the idea that was enough for the moment so she asked. ‘Why did you wait here for me Rage and do not tell me it was for the bacon?’

  He shook the uneasy thoughts away and replied as he took another piece. That was almost worth it. No, I have another concern.

  ‘Well, okay, why do we not discuss it?’

  My mate and I wish to stay with you. We would be honored to be chosen by you.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath of relief, letting it out slowly, she asked. ‘Chosen is not bonded, is it?’


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