Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

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Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel Page 5

by J. A. Owenby

  Chapter 5

  The cool thing about touring on a bus? We were allowed to park at the venue or a close by area and sleep. No hotel necessary and it also gave us flexibility in our day. Since the band wasn’t scheduled to perform until the next evening, Hendrix had arranged a full day for us at the Multnomah Falls in Oregon, and afterward, we could sleep the rest of the way to Portland and through the night.

  The rush of the crystal-clear water filled me with awe as we approached the viewing area. I’d never seen trees so green and lush during the summer before either.

  “You ready?” Gemma asked Hendrix and me.

  “It’s pretty high up there,” I said, gulping visibly while I pulled on the clear plastic rain poncho and hat, I’d purchased from the gift shop.

  “We’re going to get soaked that close to the water,” Hendrix said, adjusting his own rain gear. “But it will be worth it.”

  We hiked up the steep, narrow hill and made it to the bridge halfway up the falls. Large droplets of water plopped on my hat and poncho. Since I’d never been this close to a waterfall, I’d not realized everything would get wet including my jeans and braids. Within minutes all three of us looked like drowned rats.

  “This is amazing.” I glanced around me, my heart splitting open at the sight of the wreckage still visible from the fire a few summers before. It had made national news and burned more than forty-eight thousand acres. It was mind blowing and heart crushing to see the damage. The tree trunks were scorched, and the ground still remained blackened even a few years later. Regardless, it was one of the most beautiful places I’d seen.

  “Shit,” I muttered glancing down from the bridge as I grabbed Gemma and Hendrix’s arms for support. Hopefully they hadn’t seen me sway.

  Hendrix chuckled and patted my hand.

  “Still afraid of heights, huh?”

  “Mmhm,” I squeaked out a response. “But I didn’t want to miss this. I mean, how many times have I ever been to Oregon? None, and we literally live five hours away. How does it even happen? I mean I moved to Louisiana for a while, but couldn’t find time to visit Oregon?”

  Gemma and Hendrix laughed as I contemplated how weird the situation was. But hell, life had been one ball of fucked up strange for a while now.

  “Be glad John and Cade are chatting up the girls below us, or I’m sure they’d be giving you grief right about now,” Gemma added, squeezing my fingers for additional support.

  We quieted for a moment and took in the beauty around us. Even though we were surrounded by people and the roar of rushing water, the falls were still peaceful. Maybe water soothed my soul. Didn’t other people talk about how the ocean or mountains calmed them? All I knew was I needed something to help.

  The gummy edibles I’d stashed at home were now in my purse, and if I got caught, I’d be in big shit. Not to mention Hendrix would be super pissed I’d brought them on his bus. I didn’t want to cause trouble, but some nights I was desperate to shut my mind off and sleep. I’m pretty sure my counselor would say I was self-medicating my ADHD and the kidnapping trauma. Of course I was. I was well aware of this fact, and as far as I was concerned my counselor could go fuck herself. She wasn’t living my life right now.

  “I’d love to stay up here all afternoon, but by the time we finish hiking to the top, it will be dark. We’ll need to eat, then drive into Portland,” Hendrix said to us.

  “Thanks for making time for us to stop,” I said, beaming at him. “This was awesome.”

  “Sightseeing is definitely one of the best parts about touring,” Gemma said. “It’s nice to see new places when we can squeeze in the time.”

  We made our way down the trail and back to the spot we’d seen John and Cade last. John waved and laughed as we approached.

  Frowning, I scanned the elbow to elbow crowd of people for Cade. Where was he?

  “You guys want to hike up the other trail with us?” Hendrix asked John. “Where’s Cade? Or do I want to know?”

  “Well,” John started and coughed into his hand.

  I glanced at Gemma confused. What was going on? Where was he?

  “There he is,” John said unable to hide his laughter.

  We all turned to see Cade and a gorgeous blonde step out from the woods. She giggled and hung all over him while he smacked her on the ass.

  Hendrix ran his hand through his hair, unable to hide his grin.

  “Dude’s got game.” He laughed and the girl took a selfie with Cade, then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before she ran off to meet up with her friends.

  “Her skirt’s twisted,” Gemma commented dryly as Cade approached us, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “Oh shit. They just fucked in the woods?” I muttered to Gemma.

  “Well, they did something.” Gemma rolled her eyes and grabbed Hendrix’s hand. “Man whores, both Cade and John.”

  My eyes widened. I knew Cade was a bit of a slut, but this was the first time I'd ever seen him sneak off in broad daylight with a random chick to get some action. Shit, I almost envied him for a minute. I had no problem with a one nighter, but I wasn’t down for a lot of them.

  “This happens a lot?” I asked her while the guys moved off to the side. I assumed Cade was sharing about his adventure. They laughed, and John smacked Cade on the back.

  “Mac, don’t get me wrong, being on tour can be lonely. I can’t imagine what it would be like without Hendrix. Plus, we have the bedroom, so we don’t have to sneak around. Hendrix told the guys to have as much fun as they wanted, just don’t bring it on the bus. I think if they had steady girlfriends who were with us on tour it would be different. I don’t know. It’s Hendrix’s call, but in a way, it’s not fair he and I sleep together. On the other hand, don’t these two have any sort of moral compass? Maybe that’s what Hendrix is more concerned about, ya know, like multiple girls on the bus.” Her nose wrinkled.

  I laughed. “When it comes to getting laid, I don’t know. Cade’s always been promiscuous. John too, but he had a steady girlfriend for over a year in high school.”

  “Did Cade? I mean, has he ever settled down in a real relationship?”

  My mouth twisted as I thought back over the years I’d known him. “Not in high school. Maybe over the last few years, but Hendrix never mentioned anything, and I’ve only seen John and Cade a handful of times in the last twelve months. I saw them more often my freshman year, when I had the awful roomie at school, and I stayed with Hendrix a lot.”

  “Maybe it’s the southern upbringing in me, but I hope he finds someone who’s good for him, and he can really see how amazing it is with someone special.” Gemma's blue eyes sparkled as she directed a dreamy gaze at Hendrix. The connection between them was amazing and only seemed to grow stronger with time. He gave her a soft smile, mouthed I love you, and returned to the conversation with Cade and John.

  I wanted what Gemma and Hendrix had, too. Deep down inside me though, I wondered if Gemma had found the last good guy on the planet.

  “Are you ladies ready to hike on up?” Hendrix asked as the guys surrounded us.

  “Yes! This is beautiful, and I’m already going stir crazy. Let’s do it,” I said, bouncing from one foot to the other like a little kid.

  Thank God the hike had worn me out. Not only was I exhausted, but I was the first one in the group to tumble into bed. I put my headphones on so I could listen to some music and block out everyone else around me. In some ways, this trip reminded me of having a roomie in college. No one was ever on the same schedule, and it was typically me that was up at weird hours of the night.

  I checked my little curtain in front of my bed for any cracks someone might be able to see through. If it had been all girls, I wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass, but I’d suddenly grown shy around my male friends.

  Flinging myself back into my pillow, I pushed play on my iPhone and listened to the soft music of the Sleep playlist on my Spotify app. Hopefully between the peaceful sounds and killer hike, I’d be asl
eep in no time. Even the movement of the bus seemed calming. No edibles would be needed tonight.

  “Nooo!” I shot straight up in bed, my chest heaving with short gasps, my pulse hammering, and beads of sweat dotting my forehead. I glanced around in the darkness, desperate to identify where I was. Brandon’s sneer remained imprinted in my mind as I attempted to shake the nightmare. But where was I?


  I froze. Had Brandon been released and found me? I patted the blankets for my phone as a small whimper escaped me.

  “Mac, it’s Cade.”

  Cade? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I was on the bus. I wasn’t with Brandon. I located my cell, the light splitting open the darkness. I was safe. I slapped my hands over my mouth and swallowed down a cry.

  “Can I open your curtain?” he asked quietly.

  I nodded, then realized he couldn’t see me.

  “Yeah,” I replied breathlessly, still paralyzed with fear.

  The curtain parted a few inches to reveal Cade's upper body hanging over the side of his bed and down into my space.

  “What’s up?” I asked, hoping I hadn’t actually yelled in my sleep.

  Even upside down I could tell a deep frown had etched itself into Cade’s forehead.

  “Are you okay? I think you had a bad dream.”

  “You heard me?” I grimaced.


  “Did anyone else?” I asked, frantic.

  “I can’t tell for sure, but I don’t think so. John sleeps with noise-canceling headphones on, and I’m pretty sure if your brother or Gemma had heard you, they’d be out here by now.”

  I nodded. Okay, not an ideal situation by any means, but it could be worse. I could have all of them staring at me.

  “You’re shaking,” Cade noted.

  “Sorry,” I muttered, rubbing my bare arms with my hands.

  “Come on.” Cade extended his hand toward me.


  “You’re terrified, Mac. Come up here with me until you feel better.”

  “Cade Richardson, are you trying to get me in your bed? Dude, do you not have any fucking limits?”

  Cade’s face paled.

  “No. Promise. I’m trying to take care of my best friend’s sister right now. I know he’d do it for me. Come on.”

  He disappeared, and I stayed where I was.

  “I don’t have all night. We both need some sleep before the show tomorrow so hurry up.”

  That sounded more like Cade, so I settled down a little. I slipped out of my bed and made my way up the ladder to his bunk.

  “I’m going to sleep on the outside of the bed so you gotta hop over me,” he said, grinning impishly.

  “Cade!” I whisper yelled. “I thought you were trying to help me, not get into my shorts.”

  He tossed his hands up in surrender then his amber eyes grew serious.

  “I won’t try to get in your shorts, Mac. Hendrix would fucking have my head. But your nightmare, whatever it was that terrified you ... John was serious, we’re all here for you. You don’t have to be afraid to sleep.”

  I searched him for any sign he was messing with me, and before I realized it, my attention traveled down his neck, chest, and across every breathtaking ab muscle. A dusting of dark hair trailed down his lower abdomen and disappeared beneath his navy-blue basketball shorts.

  “Hey now, I’m not a piece of meat,” he chuckled.

  My cheeks flushed crimson. I’d never outwardly ogled a guy I wasn’t in a relationship with. Apparently my manners were still asleep.

  “Are you going to stand on the ladder all night or are you going to jump over me so we can get some sleep?”

  I huffed, slung one short leg over him, and pushed myself off the ladder. But my foot refused to cooperate and somehow wrapped itself around a rung. I flailed around like a one-legged windsock pole at a car dealership and then managed to land right on top of him. The air rushed out of my lungs while my tank top twisted up beneath me. Cade’s brows shot up as he got an eye full of my overly exposed D cups. My nipples were the only thing that hadn’t popped out to greet him.

  I gasped, untangled my foot, and clumsily made my way to the other side of him.

  “Sorry,” I muttered and refused to look at him. Awkward didn’t even begin to sum up the situation. I’d known Cade for a long time, but sleeping in his bed put a new spin on our friendship.

  He cleared his throat and moved his hands behind his head. We both remained quiet for a few minutes. I shuddered as the air began to dry the sweat along my forehead and the back of my neck.

  “You can get under the blanket. I’ll sleep on top of them,” he offered.

  “Oh. Okay.” I was too chilled to argue.

  “Go on to sleep, Mac. I’ll set my alarm so we can get you back to your bed before anyone realizes you’re up here. No one can know. Your brother will kick me right out of the band if he thinks anything is going on.”

  “But nothing is going on. I’d tell him you were trying to help, Cade. He won’t do anything crazy, but I do think it’s a good idea no one knows. I really don’t feel like dealing with any drama while on tour with you guys.”

  I inhaled deeply and sleep suddenly tugged at me again.

  “And, Mac?”


  “You’re safe now.”

  And for the first time since Brandon had taken me, I actually felt protected.

  At six o’ clock in the morning, Cade gently woke me, and I slipped undetected back into my own bed.

  The next day, Cade and I barely saw each other as he prepared with the band for the performance at the Moda Center. Neither of us even mentioned what had happened. It worked for me, and it was nice to see he had kept his word and our secret.

  After a few hours of practice on stage, Gemma returned to the bus with me, which I assumed was a rare treat.

  “Hey, since you’ve already rehearsed and the guys don’t need you for a little bit, we should check out downtown and do some shopping,” I suggested, leaning against the door of her and Hendrix’s bedroom.

  “I’m one step ahead of you,” she said, smiling while she gathered her thick red hair, pulled it into a ponytail, and turned toward me. “As promised, we’ll have some girl time. Pierce will drive us in a rental car and keep us company, but unlike Calvin, he won’t repeat anything we discuss.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Very. Hendrix and I have actually argued in front of him before, and you’d never even know he’d heard us. His facial expression and body language never change. He’s never opened up about his background, but I know he’s had some serious training. Like, military or martial arts or some other intense shit. He’s tough to read. Only on a rare occasion do I get a glimpse into what he’s thinking.”

  “Well it’s good though. I mean, he is here on a job, right? He can’t protect you and Hendrix if he’s trolling on Facebook and Tinder.”

  Gemma giggled. “He’s all hawk eyes and no phone. But sometimes I want to crack his hard exterior and let him know we’re not just a job. We’re friends, too.”

  I paused for a moment, selecting my next words carefully.

  “Gemma, he can’t have an emotional attachment and also do his job to the best of his ability. Like, emotions complicate situations like this.”

  “Ugh, you sound like Hendrix,” she said, closing the bedroom door behind her and sauntering up the middle of the bus. “I mean, emotions make us connect on a deeper level, Mac. Having empathy doesn’t make someone weak, it makes them stronger.”

  I waited for her to continue, afraid to disagree with her about Pierce. I knew they had a history most people would never share. Maybe … maybe it was possible I simply didn’t understand their situation.

  “Take you and me for example,” she continued. “If you’d not had any compassion for me when I’d first arrived in our dorm room, you wouldn’t have hugged me, Mac. You wouldn’t have adopted me as your pet project or given me the time of day. You woul
d have turned up your nose at my appearance and moved on with your life. Your sensitive, generous side, which is full of emotion might I add, changed the entire situation. We would not be here together if you’d snubbed me like so many others did.”

  Fuck. I hated it when she outmaneuvered me with her logic. How in the hell was I supposed to respond to her?

  “I know, Gemma. Like, I totally see where you’re coming from, but I think this situation with Pierce is different. Hendrix is my brother. If he’s convinced Pierce wants to go to pound town with you, then you’ve got to take a step back and have some empathy for your boyfriend.”

  Gemma whirled around and stared a hole right into me. Oh damn. I’d crossed a line with her.

  “I do not under any circumstances want to sleep with anyone other than Hendrix. Mac, you know that about me. I’m not like Cade, hopping off into the woods for a quick hookup. Come on now.”

  My shoulders slumped forward. I did know. She’d never cheat on Hendrix, and I suspected they’d end up married. But my best bestie in the world was also seriously naïve when it came to the opposite sex. I almost felt bad for Hendrix while he attempted to educate her about guys and how to know if they were interested in being more than a buddy.

  “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Pierce and I are friends.”

  Our time in Louisiana earlier this year culminated with an avalanche of crazy. A tornado destroyed the arena where Hendrix was about to perform, injuring him so badly that he was in a coma for two weeks. Not only that, but Gemma's past had come with a vengeance to haunt her. Pierce was by her side throughout all of it.

  There was no way I was going to win this conversation. “I’m still keeping an eye on him. I want to see his interest or lack thereof for myself.”

  Gemma sighed softly and continued toward the doors where Pierce was waiting for us. She halted and turned toward me again, her eyes wide.


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