Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

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Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel Page 16

by J. A. Owenby

  Chapter 17

  Unfortunately, I’d seen the same look on Hendrix’s face in the past, and it wasn’t good. Not even close.

  “Babe?” Gemma asked, touching his arm. “What’s going on?”

  “We need to get our food to go. I can’t talk here,” he said, scanning the few people in the restaurant.

  Uneasiness pulled at me. Was this news about Brandon? Had he been released on a technicality? Was his father following us? My thoughts sped into overdrive as we gathered to go boxes and quietly left the restaurant.

  Hendrix slid his arm around Gemma, and Cade laced his fingers through mine. His thumb stroked the back of my hand while we all walked quietly.

  “This is bad,” I whispered, looking up at Cade.

  “I’m right here. I’m not leaving your side. Whatever is going on, you’re not alone.”

  My heart galloped into overdrive as we all filed onto the bus.

  “Let’s go, Mike!” Hendrix yelled toward the front. The engine roared to life, and we eased forward.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips. “Hell, I didn’t even know Mike was on the bus. Fuck. It is Mike, right? I mean we didn’t get hijacked, or something did we? Pierce? Did you look?” I ran up to the front and poked my head around the corner of the driver’s seat. “Omigosh. All of this is freaking me the fuck out. You’re lucky you’re you, Mike.”

  Mike gave me an alarmed look and returned his focus to steering.

  “Sorry, sorry. It’s been a bad few days,” I muttered, backing away.

  I clung onto the bar and furniture as Mike turned out of the parking lot and onto the road. What bothered me more than me trippin’ was that my brother hadn’t stopped me.

  When I finally reached Cade, he pulled me into his lap and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Hendrix hadn’t let Gemma go, either. They were wedged together in the recliner.

  Hendrix swallowed visibly, repositioned Gemma in the chair, then stood. He leaned against the bar and crossed his ankles while his blue eyes focused on each of us, then landed on John and Cade.

  “It’s not public knowledge but Pierce is … although he’s employed with Westbrook’s Security firm, he also consults with the FBI on some cases. Dad employed him a little over a year ago, but the FBI was also tracking Gemma and her father. Pierce was a part of the team. When Gemma moved from Louisiana to Spokane, well, they realized her father’s connection with the Dark Circle Society spread across the country and led directly to Brandon and his father, Dillon.” Hendrix’s jaw visibly tensed as he paused.

  “Dude, the FBI?” Cade said, shock flickering across his features. “I knew you were a bodyguard, but this is an entirely different level. And why now? I mean, why is Hendrix telling us this now?”

  “It’s a good question, and I’ll get to it in a minute,” Pierce said, picking up where Hendrix had left off. “Dillon Montgomery's grandfather was one of the founding members of the Society, instrumental in building it to what it is now. Dillon worked alongside his grandfather for years before the old man died. The Society is a carefully orchestrated operation. The victims are typically related to a member—daughter, niece, step-daughter. Makes it easier to plan an assault if they know when the girls might be alone and vulnerable.”

  Horror danced across Cade’s expression.

  “So Brandon was a part of it too? I thought he was arrested for the rapes on the college campus.” For the first time, he was learning the entire story. Which meant there was a new development. Otherwise Pierce and Hendrix wouldn’t be supplying the information.

  I peeked over at John, but he remained quiet with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. From the looks of it, he was chewing on the information. It was a lot to handle.

  “Pierce was with us that night …” Gemma’s words trailed off. “The night Mac was kidnapped. He coached me on how to take Brandon down when I traded myself for Mac.”

  “Mac? You knew all of this?” Cade asked, the color draining from his handsome face.

  “I’m so sorry, Cade. We weren’t allowed to discuss any details. The FBI worked with a judge and sealed all the information except about Brandon’s arrest for kidnapping and assault. The media was forbidden to release most of the footage they had, including images of Pierce. He’s still working the case. It’s not really closed like the public was led to believe.”

  “So all this time on the road, Pierce has been more than your bodyguard, he’s working a huge fucking case?” Cade shook his head in disbelief and looked at Hendrix. “Dude, I just thought your dad had enemies because he was an attorney and super rich. I had no fucking clue this was so big.” His focus bounced from Hendrix to Pierce then settled on me. “Your nightmares,” he said, his voice hovering above a whisper. He clutched my hand, and his shoulders slumped forward with the weight of this new reality. “You’re not safe yet. This isn’t over.”

  Tears streamed down my cheeks.

  “It’s not over for any of us, and now you and John are caught up in it. I’m so sorry, man.” Hendrix rubbed his forehead then nodded at Pierce.

  “Although he wore a disguise, facial recognition picked up Dillon’s location today. He was a few miles from our cafe this morning.”

  Gemma and I gasped in unison.

  “He has the balls to show up in public?” My anxiety increased with each word.

  “Unfortunately, he’s eluded the FBI since Brandon was arrested. You have to remember Mac, these people are sneaky and highly intelligent. The reason their operation has existed for so long is because they’re skilled at staying invisible,” Pierce said.

  “But why? Why did we have to run? Couldn’t you have waited around the corner for him and shot the son of a bitch in the head or something?” I asked.

  Pierce attempted to hide his grin, and Cade gently rubbed my back.

  “I’d love to take the son of a bitch out, but the society is huge. We need him. He and Brandon are the only connections we have that are part of the actual operation at the moment. They’re more valuable to us alive than dead.”

  No longer able to sit still, I hopped off Cade’s lap and paced the small living and kitchen area.

  “Well can I at least torture him? I mean, between Gemma and me, I’m pretty sure we could get him to talk. I’d want to come up with something more than pulling a few teeth or fingernails out, though. Even waterboarding would be too good for him. Maybe a few needles in his eyes?” I tapped my finger against my chin while I entertained different scenarios.

  “No shit,” Gemma agreed. “I’d be happy to help. In my opinion, these people aren’t human. I mean, how can someone harm children like they do and not be classified as an animal?”

  Cade sank back in his seat and dragged his hands down his face. My insides cringed with regret. Life had been filled with so many secrets lately, and I hated it. It had to be over the top nuts to learn you were inside a federal investigation.

  “I have questions,” Cade said.

  “I’ll do my best to answer them, but some of the information I can’t share,” Pierce replied, folding his muscular arms across his chest.

  “Why are you including John and me now?”

  “Because you’re in danger. We realized there was a chance Dillon would show up during the tour, but we needed to flush him out. It’s no secret what the band’s schedule is. Now we know for sure he’s coming back. There was also the possibility he’d left the country and had gone into hiding.”

  “Too bad he hadn’t literally gone underground and suffocated,” I hissed.

  “Fuck,” Cade said. “Are we going to stop touring? I mean I get it, but I’m the sole provider for my family. I need the money for medical expenses for my mom, and I have a sister to support.”

  “We have to keep going,” Hendrix replied. “If we stop now, it will send Dillon back into hiding. We can’t change anything we’re doing at this point. We hightailed it out of the restaurant today because Dillon was so close. Franklin had called,
and while we were talking, he received information Dillon was close to us. Usually it would come from Pierce or his higher-ups, but since it was urgent, Franklin was notified. It was a coincidence we were already on the phone together when his contact called.”

  “When Hendrix walked back into the restaurant, I was also notified to move you all out,” Pierce said.

  “Fire,” I muttered under my breath, still plotting revenge. My thoughts ran full speed ahead about how to inflict the most torture on Dillon and anyone else associated with him.

  “We’ll get him, Mac. But it’s not cut and dry,” Pierce said.

  “Well, one bullet would be pretty cut and dry. Plus, cheap … I mean it’s a few dollars compared to hundreds of thousands if the bastard rots in jail. He gets housing and food the taxpayers have to cough up. What in God’s name is right about any of this?” I asked, fisting my hands together in frustration.

  “I agree with Mac, but I also know he has others that work alongside him and multiple people are primed and ready to step up and take over the society if something happened to Dillon. Then we’d be at a disadvantage again. We’d be starting from ground zero,” Hendrix added.

  “Exactly,” Pierce said.

  “What happens now?” Cade asked.

  I stopped my pacing and sank back down on his lap.

  “Additional security is on the way. The concert venues will have multiple undercover agents and bodyguards. This doesn’t mean you can walk around unaware or go anywhere alone,” Pierce explained.

  My body went limp, and I buried my hands in my face. “Does this mean Calvin will join us? I have every intention of telling Dad about Cade and me, but it should be a conversation I have, not my bodyguard.” I dropped my hands and leaned against Cade’s chest.

  Pierce actually chuckled.

  “So not funny, dude! Like can’t you do something with him?” I pleaded.

  “There won’t be any more security on the bus, Mac. Hendrix is a championship boxer, Gemma is trained in self-defense, you have me …” Pierce stopped, clearing his throat. “And—

  “And me.”

  My head snapped up, and my jaw dropped open.”

  Chapter 18

  “Is anybody on this bus who they say they are?” Cade asked, jumping up so quickly he nearly dumped me on the floor. He grabbed my arm and placed me on the couch.

  “I work with the same agency as Pierce,” John admitted, rubbing his lightly stubbled chin.

  Hendrix’s brows knitted together in disbelief. “How?” he asked. “Dude, I’ve known you for years. How would you have snuck it by me?”

  Too stunned to speak, I remained still and listened. This crap just kept getting better.

  Cade crossed his arms over his chest and anger flashed across his expression.

  “I’d considered the military, but I wanted to stay close to home and the band was picking up. When Westbrook’s Security approached me, it sounded like a great fit. They recruited me right out of high school. My dad was a sergeant in the Marines, a drill instructor. He managed the family like we were his troops. Insisted I learn to handle and shoot firearms properly and trained me himself in self-defense. He was tough. I was young enough to blend in on a college campus and continue to be friends with you guys. Apparently the firm is short on guys my age which made me more valuable. Remember all the trips I took with my family to visit my grandparents and how we were gone for weeks at a time? I was training.”

  “You used your grandparents to lie to us? Dude, totally harsh,” I sputtered.

  John shrugged. “I did what I was told. I was learning and working on small assignments. It was when they realized I was touring with Hendrix … that’s when I was also assigned to keep you guys safe.”

  My eyes narrowed at him. “You knew.” I stood with my hands on my hips. “You knew about Cade and me. And now that I think about it, you were pretending to snore and be asleep, weren’t you?”

  John’s forehead creased. “Yeah. I knew about you and Cade. At first I wasn’t too keen on the idea, and I let my personal feelings get in the way of my assignment and protecting you guys.”

  “The club … you stuck to me like glue when you saw Cade and I dancing together.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve known him for a long time, and until recently I thought you deserved better, Mac.”

  In one smooth motion, Cade stepped forward and clipped John in the jaw.

  Before he could get another swing in, Hendrix and Pierce grabbed Cade and pulled him away from John.

  “For God’s sake, you guys have got to stop this. We’re all adults, aren’t we? I mean, everyone is shocked, and I even understand you feel betrayed, but there is a way bigger picture here. John, thank you for keeping us safe,” Gemma said. “But for right now. I’m done. I’m at maximum capacity for any more drama. I can’t deal with it right now.” She whirled on her heel and hurried toward her bedroom.

  At least she had a place to go. All I had was my curtain and two bodyguards.

  Cade rubbed his knuckles and glared at John.

  “Listen, guys, it’s been a hell of a last few days. Gemma, Mac, and I have been dealing with this for a while so we’re a little more accustomed to how quickly life can change. But here’s the deal. First, we’re a band and this is our career. I can’t have us fighting. I include myself in that. We either figure out how to move forward and stay friends, or … I’m canceling the tour, and I’ll look for a new guitarist and drummer. There’s a much bigger picture here than us. Mac and Gemma are at risk. Brandon hurt them both. Now I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to let it happen again. Not to mention the thousands of young girls who have been viciously raped by this society. We can either stick together, remember we’re family, and be a part of the solution instead of the problem, or we’re done. It’s your decision.” Hendrix’s lips pursed as he gave a disapproving look at Cade and John. “I’m going to spend some time with my girlfriend. I’ll need your answer by the time we reach New Mexico tonight.”

  Pride swelled up inside me. That was my awesome brother. He was a take charge kind of guy, and I adored him for it. He even admitted he’d been a part of the problem.

  Cade turned to me slowly and held out his hand. I took it, and he led me to the bunks. We quietly climbed into his bed and shut the curtain. I don’t think either of us wanted to discuss what had just happened, but we needed some time to wrap our heads around it all.

  Silence filled the bus, and my mind raced a million miles an hour. I’d rarely seen Hendrix give someone an ultimatum, but he’d not had any other choice. Shit just got real.

  I rolled over onto my side and looked at my him. A part of me was astonished Cade Richardson, reformed playboy, was my boyfriend, and the other part was in awe. Never in a million years would I have thought we’d end up together, but I loved every minute with him.

  “Are you okay?” I asked softly.


  “Always,” I said, placing my hand on his chest.

  “I don’t know. Life took a huge unexpected turn, and I’m not sure what to do with it yet.”

  A lump formed inside my throat. Had he regretted his decision about me?

  “Does this … does this mean you don’t want to be with me? I’d understand. It was a huge concern I’d had in the first place. I shouldn’t have agreed, it was too much to risk—”

  Cade’s mouth crashed down on mine, silencing my fears. He rolled me over on my back and pulled away.

  “You’re the one thing I’ve done right. I’ve got a lot of regrets, but not us. Not you.” His amber eyes softened while he spoke.

  “What do you regret?” I asked, making sure my voice was low enough no one else could hear us.

  “A lot. I regret the women and meaningless sex, Mac. I was chasing highs, trying to fill a void.”

  “What void?” Suddenly, I found myself wanting to reach inside him and heal the pain that was so evident in his face.

  His lips brushed gently against mine.
/>   “You. The space inside my heart that was only for you.”

  My breath caught in my chest. No guy had ever said anything like that to me before. All this time I’d wanted someone to cherish, value, and love me. I wanted to belong and be loved for all my good and all my crazy. And the thing was, it’d been in front of me all this time. Emotion swelled inside me.

  “Too much too fast?” he asked, smoothing my hair.

  “No. I’m glad you told me.” I traced his jawline with my fingertips, taking in every beautiful thing about him. His heart, his protectiveness, and his willingness to be so transparent with me.

  I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled his mouth down to mine. Our lips parted, and his tongue caressed mine. My body ached for his touch, but there was more to it this time.

  “I want to make love to you, babe. We have to be seriously quiet, though.”

  I nodded. There wasn’t a single part of me that wasn’t craving him on every level.

  He rolled off of me, positioning himself on his side. His hand slid underneath my shirt, lingering at the edge of my bra. I lifted up slightly and unhooked the clasp, pushing it through my sleeve and placing it next to me.

  “Since we don’t have much privacy, I’m not going to take your shirt off.” He lifted my top, exposing one of my breasts. He took my nipple between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth. My eyes fluttered closed as I surrendered to his touch and everything else faded away.

  Tugging on his shirt, I ran my nails along his muscular back. The heat of his skin sent shivers down my spine.

  His fingers lightly trailed down my stomach, only stopping long enough to unfasten my shorts. I wiggled out of them, tossing them next to my bra.

  “I know it’s tough being quiet, but …” His thumb danced across the thin fabric of my panties. “I want to take my time and savor every inch of your beautiful body.”

  How in the hell could I possibly argue?

  I chewed my bottom lip while he slowly slid his fingers across my core. He traced my entrance, and I moaned softly into the pillow.


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