Masking the Fae King: Bramble's Edge Academy Year 2 (Reverse Harem Romance)

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Masking the Fae King: Bramble's Edge Academy Year 2 (Reverse Harem Romance) Page 12

by Brenda Trim

  Ryker held his arms out and plastered a wide smile on his face. “You misunderstand. We didn’t grow up in the same realm that you did. We understand there are evil Fae and humans surrounding us. It’s one reason we need to practice so much.”

  Maurelle stepped forward and placed her hand on his forearm, stalling his next words. “What Ryker is saying is that we know there are untold dangers facing all Fae, and we want to be part of the solution. We cannot do that if we don’t develop the highest level of skills possible. We assumed the campus was a safe location for us.”

  The headmaster shifted his gaze between Ryker and Maurelle. “The campus is safe, but I cannot control everything, and I would rather not lose any students under my watch. I don’t believe you were allowed such freedoms under your previous headmistress. I expect the same respect.”

  Ryker didn’t know if that meant Gaius was involved with the same people Gullvieg was, or not. There was nothing they could do now except face the consequences. “We will remember that in the future. Are we free to go?”

  Shaking his head, the headmaster let out a harsh chuckle. “Not yet, young man. I haven’t informed you of your punishment for breaking the rules. Each of you will serve three weeks of detention starting first thing tomorrow morning,” he relayed with a smile. It wasn’t a friendly one, either. It sent chills down Ryker’s spine.

  “Where do we report for this detention?” Ryker queried.

  “The earth building. Seven am. And, to ensure you do not pull this stunt again, I will be placing enchantments on each of your windows. I would include your dorm room doors, but I cannot deny you the use of the restroom, so I will include the main doors to the dorms. An alarm will sound should anyone try to exit the building during the evening hours.”

  That was going to make it nearly impossible to conduct any of their clandestine adventures. He made a mental note to find out if there was anyway around such magics. There was always a work around where magic was concerned, he just needed to find it.

  “Is that all? I think we all need to get to sleep,” Ryker replied in an even tone.

  “No, that’s not all. You, of all people, should not be taking such chances. You placed not only yourself, but your friends in danger. Take care not to do that again,” the headmaster warned.

  Ryker narrowed his eyes as he considered Gaius’s words. Did the male know who and what he really was? He’d been careful to conceal his identity and always wore Shineah’s talisman.

  How could he possibly be aware that Ryker was the Fae King? If he knew that meant there was a chance that he wasn’t working with his enemy to take over Mag Mell. Or, maybe that’s what they want Ryker to believe so as to get him to let his guard down.

  He wasn’t going to get answers standing here staring at the male until it was time to report for detention. Nodding his head, he turned and started for the dorms without another word.

  He was exhausted and it was late. He needed a couple hours sleep before he would be worth anything. No one said anything as they made their way back to their rooms.

  “That wasn’t so bad,” Brokk murmured as he kept a swift pace next to Ryker.

  “Not so bad? How are we going to have alone time with Maurelle?” Ryker countered. Thinking he couldn’t go countless nights without her.

  “That shower was pretty hot. We can manage that unless they put in cameras,” Brokk replied.

  “They won’t put in cameras. That’s too invasive,” Ryker mumbled as he got lost in memories of Maurelle’s naked flesh writhing against his hard body. She was the sexiest female he’d ever met.

  Glancing back over his shoulder, his groin tightened when he watched her smile at Calla as they talked about the exhilaration of flying earlier. In his mind he saw her pert breasts as her back arched in pleasure. He loved that she didn’t shy away from pleasure and embraced the new element he was introducing to their love play.

  Not that he was certain he would take it any further with her and his guard. But, given how open and adventurous Maurelle was, he was going to take it experience by experience. He didn’t need to have a detailed plan of where their relationship was going with the others, only that he felt he needed to let them in more.

  Initially he told himself it was for her safety, but now he wondered if there was more to it than that. Fae didn’t have the same hang-ups as humans did about sex. He hadn’t considered if he wanted more intimacy with his Guard. It was the thought of them giving Maurelle pleasure when he was. He wanted to give her nothing but pleasure.

  The only thing he knew was that he wanted Maurelle for his mate. He only hoped that she could wait until he could claim her. It wasn’t fair to ask her to wait on him which is why he didn’t say anything.

  It was getting harder and harder to deny his instincts as time went on. There was no choice unless he wanted to lose Maurelle and his entire realm.

  Chapter 13

  “It’s way too early to be out here,” Maurelle complained to the guys and Calla. “But I managed to develop a stunning new look for our expedition today. How does the deep purple under my eyes bring out my eye color? I was going for a dramatic walking dead look.”

  Ryker chuckled at her grumbling and wrapped his arm around her waist before he placed a kiss to the top of her head. “You are the sexiest female ever born. Sleep deprived or not. We shouldn’t have practiced outside the dorm rooms last night and we wouldn’t be here.”

  Maurelle shot him a glare then smoothed her expression when Professor Locke’s eyes narrowed slightly. The earth professor was eager to have them assist her this morning in the forest. Her blue hair was tied in a low bun at the base of her neck and her rainbow-colored wings were relaxed at her back.

  The excursion the night before was worth the trip. The negative energy seemed to reach in and suffocate Maurelle’s soul the second they entered the outer lands. It was nice to do something and feel the impact as soon as they did it. Apparently, they were going to be her scavengers this morning and search for herbs to replenish the academy stores.

  “Now remember, we need you to find brahmi. Last time I wasn’t able to find any, and the clinic needs it to help relieve pain. Nothing else works as well on Fae. It’s not going to be easy. The herb is rare, and I’ve only been able to find it once during the past year,” Locke explained as she handed out burlap sacks for them to carry.

  “What does this herb look like?” Maurelle queried as she pulled the strap over her shoulder.

  The professor turned to her and smiled. The expression brightened Locke’s pink eyes and made her look younger and more carefree. “It’s a groundcover, so you will need to focus low for this one. It loves lots of moisture. It can survive in water gardens so don’t assume it won’t be very close to the water’s edge. It has small white flowers that look like a star with rounded edges.”

  “Is it safe out here?” Calla asked as a cold wind picked up and blew their hair back, making them shiver. The morning was overcast, and the sun hadn’t yet risen. That coupled with the fog working its way through the trees in front of them, and the sight was more than eerie.

  “It’s not as safe as it used to be, but,” the professor paused and glanced around while wiggling her fingers around. Her eyes scanned the area as if she was looking for something. “There have been changes recently, and we are doing our best to keep you all safe while at the academy. We have trackers in your bags, so don’t lose them and we will be able to locate you within minutes.”

  Maurelle wondered what the staff thought about what had been going on in the realm for decades and the academy of late. Not many Fae were happy about the conditions of their lives, but very few voiced those opinions. Her own parents rarely told her they hated their treatment and wanted something better.

  Maurelle couldn’t recall the last time her mom talked about how life used to be and how it was now. Her father talked incessantly the last time she was home about the ruin of their kind and the need for protection.

  “You think trac
kers are going to mean anything if we are attacked? You’re going to keep us safe? Is that even possible?” Sol scoffed as his fingertips sparked and flames lit the ends. “It seems as if the staff are in the dark about what is going on and unable to ensure we aren’t attacked on campus.”

  Maurelle gawked at the intellect of their group. Sol had his head in books more often than not, and he was usually even tempered despite being a fire elemental. Typically, Fae traits followed their element, but not in Sol’s case. Or, perhaps that was how he avoided burning everything down around him.

  She expected Brokk to ask a question like this. He was far more emotional. Always flirting with her or snapping at another student or ready to jump into a fight. Daine was fluid and rolled with whatever happened and wasn’t easily ruffled. That was probably because he was a water elemental.

  Professor Locke clenched her hands into fists and shook her head. “You’re here for detention, Mr. Aliante. You will show me, and the other professors respect, or you will lose all of your weekends while here.”

  “It is not my intention to disrespect you, Professor. I am on edge, like most students. And, it’s not entirely from being sleep deprived after studying late last night. It seems as if there’s this,” Sol waved his hands through the air rapidly. Maurelle was happy to see the flames were now gone. “Negative energy or something surrounding us.”

  “Yeah,” Daine added. “It feels like there’s a blanket of malice draped over the campus. It makes me sick to my stomach, and as you know we don’t get sick like humans.”

  Professor Locke lost the scowl from her face, but her expression remained guarded. “Don’t listen to rumors. They are rarely correct, and only cause unnecessary panic. The other professors and I are taking measures to root out the problem. We will ensure this academy is freed from whatever spell is affecting us all.”

  Ryker squeezed Maurelle’s hand and nodded his head. It was reassuring that they weren’t the only ones searching for the cursed object. The big question was whether or not all the staff was on their side. They knew Gullvieg worked with those controlling the realm, so it’s possible that others were, as well.

  “Now,” the professor continued, “don’t forget there’s an entire list of herbs. The brahmi is simply the rarest. The earth isn’t healing like usual and I’ve had to venture deeper into the forest to find what we need.”

  “The spell is impacting everything within a certain radius from campus,” Ryker observed. “Does that mean the spelled object is out here somewhere?”

  Locke’s head tilted to the side and her bun flopped in that same direction. “Not necessarily. Many things can amplify an enchantment, including pouring more energy into the object. We’ve searched throughout the area and come up empty. You all don’t need to worry yourselves about anything except finding herbs. Leave the hex to us. Now, meet back here before dinner.”

  “Thank you, professor,” Ryker replied as he tugged Maurelle to follow him as he entered the forest. The fog shrouded trees surrounded them in an instant and before long they couldn’t see the campus or Locke behind them.

  “How are we going to find anything in this soupy mess?” Daine asked.

  “We can clear the fog, but there’s no reason to bother yet. Even if there were herbs here, they have been tainted by dark magic,” Ryker explained in a low voice.

  “We have to find that dark object, soon, Ryk,” Maurelle replied as she continued walking.

  “She’s right,” Sol added as he held a branch out of Maurelle’s way. “I nearly lost my shit with the professor. If more of us fire elementals lose control, we won’t be alive to turn into a wraith. We’ll burn the entire fucking campus down.”

  They weren’t in the dorms long last night, but there was no mistaking the smell of burnt wood when they returned home. They’d brushed it off, but she’d guess someone has already lost their cool and destroyed at least their dorm, if not their entire suite.

  “We will search later tonight. I have some ideas. I think it’s in or close to one of the buildings,” Ryker informed them.

  Calla tripped and fell into Brokk’s back. He managed to catch himself on a tree, so they didn’t both go down. “Sorry. I can’t see shit out here. What makes you think it isn’t buried out here or in a cave somewhere?”

  “It has to be close in order to affect us as much is it has. Take a deep breath. That sensation of your lungs constricting and cutting off your air isn’t as bad.”

  Maurelle did as Ryker suggested. When she tried to concentrate on the sensation, her mind wandered and conjured up her desire for a hot cup of blackberry tea. Refusing to be sidetracked, she focused on her lungs and the feelings coursing through her body. After several seconds, she realized he was right. She hadn’t noticed it before that.

  “You’re right. It’s a good thing I’m gorgeous without my beauty sleep,” Maurelle griped.

  Brokk wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “Beauty sleep, smooty sleep. You are fucking sexy, Elle.”

  Maurelle laughed and smacked his arm. Ryker pushed him away with a smile, “That’s the worst pick up line I’ve ever heard.”

  “You guys are seriously odd,” Calla added with a shake of her head. “Are we getting close to viable herbs?”

  Maurelle opened to her air element and sent wind through the area to clear the fog. She hated not seeing the ground. Ryker and Brokk helped as soon as they felt her use her power.

  “That’s thistle over there,” Ryker pointed to the shrub a few feet away. “The dark magic isn’t as strong here, so I’d say it’s healthy enough to be harvested for use.”

  Sol grabbed his shears from the bag then bent down and snipped several pieces off. Stuffing them in the burlap, he stood up and scanned the area. Maurelle pulled the list out again and scanned it.

  “Here’s some rosemary,” she called out. Not that it was a challenge to snip sections and add them to their sacks, but it was incredibly boring. Especially, after the adrenaline rush of their previous outings.

  With their heads down, they each searched for plants on the list. Maurelle got lost in the task at hand which only served to make her fatigue worse. Her limbs were heavy, and she wanted to curl up and lie down on the ground to take a nap.

  “Let’s find some water,” Ryker suggested awhile later. “It’s our best bet to find some of the pain-relieving herb.”

  Maurelle nodded and stuffed the mint in her bag. Seeing as there was a good chance that she was going to need the medication derived from it, they should make it a priority.

  The ground began to shake from something large impacting it. Ryker went still before Maurelle’s tired mind even registered danger. She was jerked back by his hold and fell into his chest.

  With a rapid movement, he shoved her into Daine’s arms. “Keep her safe.” Ryker’s command had her heart racing. It was enough to clear some of the haziness from her head, but she was too tired to muster much energy.

  Reaching out, Maurelle pulled Calla to her side while Brokk and Sol stood slightly in front of Ryker. The sound of branches breaking and small trees crashing to the forest floor echoed ahead of them.

  “What the fuck is that? It’s bigger than the centaurs during the trial,” Brokk observed. The centaurs were bad enough. She didn’t want to think about anything worse coming after them.

  Ryker lifted his head and sniffed the air. He’d been doing that a lot more lately. As the King he was more attuned to Mag Mell and the creatures that called the realm home, but she wasn’t sure smelling would help him identify what was coming for them.

  Ryker’s forehead scrunched up and his head cocked to the side. “I think it’s a dragon.”

  “What?” Calla screeched. “We have to get out of here. Dragons aren’t nice creatures.”

  “Calla,” Ryker barked, getting her attention. “Don’t move. You’ll only incite it to chase us. I’m the King. That still means something here.”

  Calla nodded and inched closer to Maurelle’s side. Her entire bo
dy was shaking, making Maurelle move with her. Or, it could have been her fear making her limbs quake and heart stutter.

  They’d all heard the stories of the decline of dragons during the past few decades. It made them hate everyone and everything in the realm. It was said they fried any Fae they came across.

  “Ryker,” Maurelle began, “I’m not so sure this is a good idea…” Her words cut off when the massive dark purple and teal reptile crashed through the shrubs. Its roar shook the treetops and spit flew from its mouth.

  With its huge jaws open, Maurelle got a good look at the sword sized teeth filling its mouth. That was like fifty swords in one bite. Her racing heart skipped a beat, and her throat went dry. They were going to fucking die this time.

  Thirty-foot wings extended out to each side of the body and it lifted one of its front legs. Sharp talons headed toward Ryker. Brokk shouted the warning and jumped in front of Ryker. Those talons sliced through his shoulder like it was butter.

  Brokk was reaching for Ryker when he was hit. He screamed and crumpled to the ground. Ryker’s hand flew to his throat, and Maurelle knew his talisman was gone. She let go of Calla and dove toward Brokk.

  His body was writing while he groaned and cried out. Blood was gushing from his wound. She’d help him, but she needed to find the amulet, or their enemy would find Ryker. Although it didn’t seem as if they were going to live long enough to worry.

  “Elle,” Brokk gasped and reached for her. She found his hand and clasped hers with his. He pressed the talisman into her palm.

  “Oh my Gods. How did you hold that with your injury?”

  Brokk glanced away from her when the dragon stopped attacking and lowered back to the ground. “Who are you?”

  Ryker stepped forward and held his hands out. Needing to give him the protection, Maurelle climbed to her feet and handed him the object. The dragon immediately started snarling again.

  “I am the Fae King,” Ryker announced. “See?” He handed Maurelle the necklace and the dragon narrowed its eyes.


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