Daring Fantasies of a Noble Lady

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Daring Fantasies of a Noble Lady Page 11

by Olivia Bennet

  Percy leaped from his horse at a run and pulled the front door open before anyone could react.

  “Alexandra!” He called grabbing at a timid-looking maid, “Where is she?”

  The maid’s face paled with fear as she pointed down the hall.

  “Thank you,” Percy called even as he ran down the hall at full speed. He skidded to a stop outside the huge mahogany door and banged on it like a madman.

  “Alexandra!” he shouted.

  * * *

  Alexandra picked up the pen resigned to sign the contract but stopped short when she heard a commotion come from the corridor. She turned to the door, renewed hope blooming in her chest and eyes wide with longing.

  “Percy?” she whispered.

  “I told you, your Corinthian will not save you.” The Duke of Summerhill sneered. “Now, sign the bloody contract and let us be done with this.”

  The hand that Alexandra hovered over the paper shook, causing blotches of ink to mess up the parchment.

  There came a sudden banging on the door, and Percy was calling her name. She turned the big smile on her face toward Summerhill. “Not to throw a rub in the way of your plans, but I think my Corinthian is here to rescue me.”

  She dropped the quill, rubbed her hands free of ink and strode to the door, unlocking it before the Duke of Summerhill could move. She flung it open to see the Duke of Greenwick on the other side looking like someone had quite set up his bristles.

  “Alexandra?” he said in surprise.

  “Percy!” she threw herself into his arms in a tight hug.

  Quickly and without warning, she was torn from him with a sharp pain from Summerhill’s pull on her hair.

  “Stop this instant!” Tightening his grip, he dragged Alexandra away from his nemesis, and screamed, “She is mine. The papers have been signed.”

  Alexandra struggled to release his hold. “That is not true,” she said, “I signed nothing.”

  Percy regarded the other Duke impassively, “And, where is this signature you speak of?”

  The Duke of Summerhill brandished a parchment in his face, moving it too quickly for him to focus. “Here it is…”

  With her mouth wide open, Alexandra watched Percy grab the parchment and throw it straight into the fire.

  “There,” he said with a firm nod of his head. “That takes care of that.”

  With both hands covering her mouth, Alexandra found it impossible to stifle her laugh, and detonated a face-splitting guffaw. She knew Francis was professing a Banbury tale, but hearing Percy tie his garter in public came out of the blue.

  She was gratified that Percy took her at her word, needing no further proof. The Duke of Summerhill was apoplectic with rage. He turned to face Alexandra, “I am not a man to make an enemy of, Greenwick,” he warned.

  She was in no mood to pull caps with, being fagged to death, and just wanting to cry quits. But she knew that if she did not stand up to him now, he would never leave her alone. And so, she drew herself up to her full height.

  With dignity, she said, “You have already made an enemy of me, Your Grace.” Then stepping around him, she reached for Percy’s hand. “Will you take me home?”

  “Indeed, I will,” Percy smiled as he wrapped his much bigger hand around hers.

  She had arched her body against his, her face glowing and smiled, when the Duke of Summerhill shouted, “No!” He grabbed at the faggot of sticks lying next to the fireplace, thrust them into the fire, and flung them at Percy.

  Alexandra screamed. With his body as a shield, Percy snatched her hand and ran for the door all the while the Duke shouted obscenities chasing after them.

  Abruptly, a loud whooshed exploded. Percy turned to see the door of the Duke’s study ignited in a pillar of flames. He led Alexandra to his horse and helped her mount and caught sight of the constable’s men rounding everyone up for questioning.

  * * *

  Percy rode away with Alexandra sitting astride in front of him. As soon as they were far enough away from Summerhill, he stopped the horse, so he could take off his coat and give it to her. She was still clad only in her night rail and must have been quite uncomfortable.

  He squeezed her waist and whispered in her ear. “Don't fret, my love, I will take you home immediately. I am sure you are quite tired but never fear. Undoubtedly, your sister is waiting with a hot physick to soothe your troubled breast.”

  His eyes inadvertently dropped as he said it making her wrap his coat more tightly around her, her face quite becomingly flushed. He looked away, not wanting to cause her additional discomfort.

  “Percy?” She said her voice low and soft.

  “Yes, my Lady?” Percy replied in the same tone.

  She lifted her head to look into his eyes, “I haven't thanked you for rescuing me. The Duke of Summerhill had brought me to nonpoint plus, and I was terribly afraid that I would have to sign that contract. You saved me from that.”

  Percy shook his head, “Don’t thank me,” he said, “because I could not have lived with myself if I could not bring you back.”

  He lowered his head, fusing their lips together, hard. At last, she had the chance to feel the softness of his skin as his lips pressed up against hers and he bit her bottom lip with a tiny nip.

  His strong hands tightened around her waist pulling her close and letting her know that he was as glad to see her as she was to see him. She softened and parted her lips, letting him plunder her to his heart's content.

  If indeed, there was more to this intercourse than kissing, she could not wait to find out what else they could do to each other. For her head was spinning, and her vision blurred just from the little nips he gave her bottom lip before plunging back into her mouth and taking ownership of her senses.

  He released her at last, with an anxious look, “Was that alright?”

  She nodded and lowered her head to hide her blush. They rode the rest of the way in companionable silence.

  Chapter 14


  The fire at Summerhill Hall spread quite fast along the wooden floors aided by the lamp sconces lining the wall, filled to the brim with walnut oil as well as the myriad draperies that thronged the castle.

  The servants did their best, forming a line from the well with a stream of buckets, but the flames were out of control so fast. Everyone was aware that trying to save the castle was a hopeless feat.

  “Where is the Duke?” the constable inquired of the butler.

  The man shook his head in confusion, not having had enough time to assess what was going on.

  “There he is,” Walter said pointing at a solitary figure standing in the driveway, staring up at the burning hall. He and Rawlings had stayed behind to assist the constable with his inquiries and ultimately to stand witness to everything that had transpired on this day.

  The constable looked at him curiously. “What was your butler doing here anyway?”

  “Oh, we sent him on an errand early this morning,” Walter said airily, “I suppose it was just blind luck.”

  “Mmmph.” Evidently, the constable was not convinced and rode off to speak with Summerhill.

  * * *

  Percy helped Alexandra dismount his horse, and Magdalene must have been waiting anxiously with bated breath at the window because she came hurtling out of the door in no time.

  “Alexandra!” She flung herself into her sister’s arms. “Are you quite alright?”

  Alexandra held tightly onto her, “I am fine as can be, thank you, Magda. Just really fagged out with a few cuts and bruises. I am for Bedfordshire I think, and tomorrow I shall be alright.”

  Of course, she was more than fatigued, with a few cuts and bruises–nothing a night’s sleep and soothing cream could not fix. She would ask Constance to fetch her physicking kit later. After she had had some rest.

  Magdalene immediately grabbed onto her arm and began leading her back inside, “Oh, of course, you must be. Come inside. Sit. I shall get you a nice cup o
f chocolate. Are you hungry? Shall I have Cook make you something? Soup or…”

  Alexandra was shaking her head even before Magdalene finished speaking. “Oh no, I think I just want to lie down for a while.”

  “I will take my leave here then so that you can rest and recover,” Percy said, “Please convey to your father my regards and inform him that I will come to speak to him in the morning.”

  Alexandra gasped, turning to stare with a wide-eyed inquiry at Percy, “Speak to him?” she asked faintly.

  “Why, of course,” He made an elegant leg at them both and then climbed back on his horse. Magdalene sighed dreamily beside her.

  “What?” Alexandra asked, turning her sister so they could continue to proceed back into the house.

  “He is your knight in shining armor!” Magdalene declared, and Alexandra simply rolled her eyes in reply.

  “Yes well…” she was unable to hide the color in her cheeks.

  “Oh come, Xandra, are you not the least bit excited?”

  The small smile she’d been wearing dropped off Alexandra’s face, “No I am not. For tomorrow, I face scandal and shame.” she said as they climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

  Magdalene frowned, “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I spent hours alone with the Duke of Summerhill, in my night rail of all things and–”


  * * *

  They both stopped, turning to face their father who stood at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes were bloodshot, the reality of almost losing a daughter bringing to mind the dark days after his wife’s death. His children were all he had left of that union and now he had almost lost his eldest.

  “Are you quite alright?”

  He took a tentative step towards them. Not one for overt displays of affection, his agreement to the union between Alexandra and the Duke of Summerhill had nevertheless been made with more than business advantage in mind. The Duke of Summerhill was a young personable gentleman–at least Harcourt had thought so–who had shown devotion to his Alexandra. How could he have known what madness lay behind his eyes? It had seemed like such a tremendous coup at the time, and now he might be the laughingstock of the ton.

  * * *

  Alexandra felt tears prick her eyes and she lurched forward, reaching for her father who captured her in unexpected paternal embrace

  She nodded jerkily feeling safe at last. “Yes, I am, Father, thank you for asking.”

  He squeezed her hand affectionately before letting her go “We were all exceedingly concerned. Do go and lie down and we shall see you on the morrow for breakfast. Don’t worry; I have increased the guards around the property and have called for a physician to examine you. Aside from that, nobody will disturb your rest.”

  “Thank you, Father,” Alexandra was choked up by his worry.

  Magdalene reached out to recapture and squeeze her elbow as she led Alexandra down the corridor to her bedchambers. “Would you like me to stay with you, the night?” she asked, “I will if you want me to.” She was overpowered with all the concern for her safe return and could no longer process the overload of emotions. She managed a weak smile. “I think I would like that.”

  Once Magdalene had deposited her in her chambers, she called for Constance to bring a pitcher of hot water and some soap so that Alexandra could clean herself.

  Constance arrived, flanked by two abigails carrying three pails of hot water, towels, smelling salts, and the tub. Behind them were two maids from the kitchens bearing hot chocolate fortified with brandy and a basket of warmed bread.

  As they made the tub ready for her, she drank her chocolate and ate a mince pie, listening to Constance mutter angrily under her breath about mad dukes and Englishmen and other things that were too unintelligible for Alexandra to hear. She suspected they were not at all complimentary to the Duke of Summerhill.

  Still, she was content to be quiet and let everyone fuss over her as they were wont to do. It wasn’t hurting anyone, and it soothed them to do this for her. As for herself, she was surprisingly unbothered by the prospect of the scarlet letter that was undoubtedly waiting for her on the morrow.

  Percy loved her–he’d said as much with his actions, more so than his words. Her sister would also continue to love her regardless of her social status. It would have to be enough. Body and spirit now relieved, she was ready for deep slumber.

  * * *

  Percy did not go straight home. He returned to the scene of the crime, seeking out the Duke of Summerhill. This was a matter of honor, and he had every intention of calling him out for his actions. He arrived to find his brother and the constable, as well as Rawlings, assisting residents to recover as much as they could from the smoking husk of what used to be Summerhill Hall. It would seem the place had burned to the ground.

  Francis was hunched over by his carriage, looking for all intents and purposes the very picture of defeat.

  Percy stared at him for a long time before Francis finally looked up and met his eyes. Percy reared back at the sheer hatred he saw there.

  “Satisfied, Greenwick?” Summerhill snarled, “You have taken everything from me.”

  Percy said nothing but merely regarded the Duke sympathetically. “It would seem I have,” he said at last, before turning his horse and riding away, signaling for Walter and Rawlings to follow him.

  He had indeed taken everything that mattered to Summerhill; the least he could do was leave him with his pride.

  Chapter 15


  The wedding was a relatively quiet affair held at St. George’s Church in Hanover Square. Percy was eager to expedite things to turn the talk of the town away from the abduction and to more favorable news when it came to Alexandra.

  Her father had understood the need for haste because, for sure, tongues would be wagging about the huge scandal that the Duke of Summerhill had wrought in the process losing the seat of his duchy to fire.

  It had been the most titillating on-dit for days, before the engagement of Lady Alexandra Abbot to Percy Bradford, the Duke of Greenwick, was announced.

  For how she had attracted the passionate attention of not one duke but two, made her the subject of jealous speculation across the ton’s debutantes.

  The congregation included the families of the Earl of Ramsbury and the Duke of Greenwick as well as their particular friends.

  It was a lovely and sunny June day with a fresh breeze providing relief from the heat. Alexandra wore a white muslin gown–the same one her mother had worn down the aisle. It was trimmed with blue ribbon beneath the bosom, and at the cuffs of the short-puffed sleeves. This was her way of honoring her.

  Her long detachable lace sleeves were suitable for the time of day, and they matched the veil that she wore over her bonnet.

  The lace was exquisite, a gift from the Duke from his mother's wedding gown, and crafted carefully to provide the perfect finish to her wedding ensemble. Her gloves were borrowed from her sister while the bonnet and shoes were newly made for the day.

  Percy was standing at the front of the church waiting on her, looking resplendent in morning dress. His dark-blue tailcoat matched his eyes, and his fawn-colored pantaloons emphasized the length and shape of his long muscular legs. Alexandra could not believe he was to be hers.

  The day was perfect with Magdalene and Lady Mumford as her attendants and Walter standing as Percy’s groomsman.

  They retired to Ramsbury Manor for their wedding breakfast in Percy's curricle, in a procession of several carriages. Magdalene was most excited by the goings-on, and she was already commenting about how she could not wait until it was her turn.

  Alexandra rolled her eyes because she could most definitely wait before she was forced to plan another wedding. They were to withdraw to Percy’s castle in the islands for their honeymoon shortly after the reception

  Alexandra would be sad to miss the rest of Magdalene’s season, but Percy had assured her that they would be back long before it was
over. She could not wait to spend time with her husband, but she did not want to leave her sister alone either.

  She didn’t pay much attention on the journey, taking the opportunity to rest and slumber. She was nervous about her wedding night, and she wanted to dream and imagine how it would be before they got there.

  They spent the first night at an inn, but apart from a goodnight kiss, Percy did not touch her. She lay awake for a long time wondering why.

  “You are thinking very loudly, my dear,” he said at last, and she started not knowing that he was still awake as well.

  “I was...” she giggled ironically, “I was just thinking.”

  Percy laughed as well, “Yes, I know,” he said.” What is on your mind, my love?”

  “I…. why have you not touched me?” she asked, “Do you not want me?”

  He leaned over and focused on her face, “Alexandra, my love, do you really think I would take your virginity in a little inn with thin walls where total strangers can hear you scream and moan?”

  “Scream and moan?” she asked, her face hot.

  “Indeed,” he murmured his breath warm against her ear making her shiver.


  “When we get to the castle. I do assure you, I shall make it worth the wait.”

  She could not hide her trembling that shook her body that time, “I shall look forward to it,” she said mostly into her pillow.

  * * *

  They stopped at a distance so that Alexandra could get a look at the house. It was small by castle standards with a wide paved path culminating in shallow stone steps, leading the way to the front door.

  They arrived in the late afternoon, and the whole visage was covered in a golden glow that cast a warm gleam upon the red brick. A red brick walkway interspersed regularly with golden-painted oval cartouches, each containing a bust led away from the both sides of the house.


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