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Preconception Page 5

by Aliyah Burke

  Jasmine Hoyer was full of surprises. Correction, Caro.

  “Who is she to you?” Jimmy asked, leaning forward.


  “Just curious.”

  He frowned recognizing the look of interest in Jimmy’s expression. “Aren’t you married with five kids?”

  “No harm in looking.”

  Declan shook his head. He tolerated this man for Tasha’s sake, no other reason. “Leave her alone, Jimmy. She’s not for you.”

  “Is she yours?”

  “If I say yes will you leave her alone?”

  The man shrugged negligently.

  “That’s what I thought. Just, leave her alone.” Declan wanted to scowl. Something else for him to tell her when they were alone.

  “Tell me about her.”

  Why is he pushing this? “No. You will leave her alone, Jimmy. Don’t think I’m kidding about this.”

  He held up his hands. “Fine. I won’t chase her but if she comes to me…”

  “You’ll do nothing,” Declan warned. “You’re a married man with children.” He closed his free hand into a fist. One he longed to punch Jimmy in the face with.

  Jimmy gave his patented ‘we’ll see’ smile and Declan grumbled under his breath. Moments later, feminine laughter filtered from the kitchen and he turned his head to see both women, heads bent together whispering and laughing.

  I expected her to be a bitch this entire time and make my life a living hell. She’s full of surprises. Getting along with Tasha. The dinner she made last night. His instincts were screaming that something was off and he swore he wouldn’t let down his guard. Whatever Jasmine—Caro—was attempting wouldn’t work. Her ass was staying here with him until they got the call to go back.

  Caro’s smile—as genuine as he’d ever seen it—struck a chord with him. Really, Declan? You’re getting soft on her? After all the hell she’s put you through? He didn’t like the commentary from his brain and shoved it to the dark corners where he didn’t have to listen.


  “What, Jimmy?” He tore his gaze from Caro and stared at the no account loser Tasha had wed.

  “You ever regret getting divorced? Or is single life that much better?” The man’s gaze drifted to Caro again.

  He placed his mug down and leaned forward. “I’m not getting into this, Jimmy. You married her and the two of you have five children.” I could just kill him and bury him out here in the mountains. No one would find him. Tasha would be so much better off.

  “I get it, you don’t want to share that piece of—”

  “You should really stop talking.” His words were more of a growl than anything.

  Jimmy apparently heeded his warning, for nothing else spewed from his mouth. He stood abruptly then yelled, “Tasha, let’s go.”

  Declan rose as the women parted. He disapproved of the looks on both their faces—they were disappointed. Caro said farewell but hung back, not going outside with them at all. He waved from the porch while they all piled into Jimmy’s truck and drove away. As the tail lights vanished, he walked back inside the warm cabin.

  Instantly the tension ratcheted up between him and the stunning woman standing opposite him in the kitchen. Purely sexual. Last night it had been hell for him to keep his hands off her. Never had lust affected him as it had since he’d gotten this woman on a plane.

  She stared at him before understanding smoothed over her features and she rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry. I know they won’t help me.” Caro rinsed her dishes then walked through the living room.


  She stiffened but didn’t turn. “What?”

  “Keep away from Jimmy.”

  “Away from… Right, because I have no problem going after married men.”

  He crossed his arms, willing her to turn so he could stare at her face, not her back. “I’m not the one who propositioned Detective Lance Baldwin and when that failed made the same offer to his married partner.” Lord, just speaking those words irritated him.

  Her hands fisted before she whirled to face him. Flames lit her eyes as she glared at him. She was magnificent. When she approached him, alarm bells went off in his head. Hips swaying seductively, she licked her lips.

  “What’s the problem, McBride? Jealous because you weren’t propositioned?” She approached closer.

  His cock stiffened. He held her gaze, refusing to back down. “Is that what you’re offering?”

  A smile suited to a sex kitten turned up her lips, and he knew he was in trouble. This woman had somehow gotten complete power over him. The immunity he’d had to her before had vanished.

  “Is that what you want? Me to walk closer, trail my fingers up your rock hard chest”—she did just that—“press against you and promise you anything you want?”

  He groaned when she curved her fingers around his rigid cock and held him. Her lips were right there, tempting him with their lush fullness. Declan knew once he crossed this line there would be no going back.

  He snapped an arm out, wrapping it around her shoulder, then sank his hand through the hair to grab the nape of her neck, before lifting her almost so their lips touched. She had to go up on her tiptoes, her breasts rubbed against him. Tantalizing. Provoking the need in him to rise to the top.

  “Don’t play with fire,” he warned, teetering on the edge of his control.

  Her gaze flicked from his eyes to his lips and back. Her breathing quickened and her pupils dilated as her nose flared slightly. She wanted him. Most likely as much as he wanted her.

  “Scared to take what’s being offered?”

  Her breath, a mixture of sweetness and mint, flowed over him. He wanted her subtle scent all over him. And vice versa. He wanted her to smell like him. All over. From top to bottom he wanted to smell him on her.

  He snapped his teeth close to her. “What would you do if I said I would take you up on it?” he asked, his voice a low thread of passion. “Would you stay where you are or run away and hide in your room? Would you let me take your clothes off until your body was naked beneath me? Let me lick you from head to foot, bury my face between your legs and eat your cream until you screamed my name as you came?”

  He thought she would back off. He should have known better. Caro dragged her tongue along his lip. “Only if you let me suck on your big cock at the same time. I love to sixty-nine. You could eat all you want so long as you don’t deny me the same pleasure.”

  It took him a minute to realize that the rumble had come from him. He flexed his hand on the nape of her neck and pressed his lips to hers. Dear sweet Lord. Soft, lush and perfect. He thrust his tongue in deep and she opened beneath him, no hesitation or anything. Her moan had his cock trying to punch free of his jeans.

  Footsteps on the porch barely registered and he jerked away from her just as the door flew open. He whirled around to face the person.

  “Dec— Oh, there you are.” Martin took in the scene before him, one gray eyebrow rising. “Am I disturbing something?”

  Hell yes. Behind him he heard her soft footfalls as she retreated. Definitely disturbing something.

  “Nope. What’s up, Martin?”

  He jerked his hand over his shoulder. “I brought some more things for your…guest.”

  Declan moved toward his friend and mentor. “Things? I know you, Martin. What are you playing at?”

  The men walked beyond the front door. Snow continued to fall and they passed through the deepening accumulation to get to Martin’s SUV. Sure enough there were a few plastic bags in the back.

  “I’m not playing at anything. You brought a woman here from the city. I know you didn’t plan on fucking her the entire time. Although, maybe you did.”

  Declan’s skin tingled at the thought. He cleared his throat and opened the door. “I’m not like that.”

  Martin placed a hand on his arm. “Listen to me, Declan McBride. I’ve known you since you were in diapers. Hell, longer than that. I knew your parents,
you and my boy were brothers and when you lost your parents and I lost my son, we became family. You never brought that woman you married out here and I have never seen the emotions on your face like I do when I see you interacting with this Caro. From what you said about her before, I expected nothing but hatred between the two of you. What I see isn’t hate. It’s passion. Whatever that fine line between love and hate, the two of you are teetering on falling into the side you claim you don’t want.”

  Declan grabbed most of the bags. “My wife wouldn’t set foot here. I asked her once to go with me on a trip and she threw a fit that it wasn’t going to be in a city. I never mentioned this place to her. No one knows about it, which is why I figured it would be safe for me to bring…Caro here.”

  Martin took the remaining bags. “So this is all about your job.”

  Even a deaf man would have picked up on the disbelief in Martin’s tone. Declan shut the vehicle door.


  “And had I not come when I did, where would you be right now?”

  He blinked. Naked with Caro. “Inside.” Inside her.

  “I’m guessing you’d be in a room learning what it was like to live again and be with a woman.” He chuckled. “I may be old, Declan, but I’m still a man and one who recognizes passion between two people. There was so much heat in your eyes when you faced me. I know where that was leading.” He grinned. “There are some condoms in the bags as well.”

  “Condoms? You brought me condoms?” Christ why was it so hard to find his breath?

  “Sure thing. Took them from the back so no one in town would know. You know business isn’t all that private around here.” Martin gazed around. “I know, I know. You’re just protecting her. If both of you want it, why are you denying yourselves?”

  “It’s not proper.”

  “Son, there was a time when you and her in a house together period wouldn’t be proper, not even with her sleeping in a room of her own. Times change. And I like her for you.”

  “You don’t know what she’s like.”

  “And maybe, for once in your life, you should forget what you read on paper about someone and look at her through fresh eyes. You’ll always be a cop, Declan, but look around you. Where is she going to go? Even if she takes your vehicle, she doesn’t know how to get out of here. Maybe all the bad you see is an act. Perhaps she’s truly a nice person, one you actually could like. Not just fuck, although that is why I put condoms—and a lot of them—in the bag.”

  “I can’t believe you’re talking to me about this.”

  “Why is that? Because you don’t want to face the truth? You’re attracted to her? You don’t have to be so unforgiving all the time, Declan. Enjoy being back here. Enjoy her. You don’t have to be a cop all the time. You will still protect her even if you allow yourself to be human for a while.”

  Damn the old man for making sense.

  Chapter Four

  Her fingertips were cold. Caro left them upon the glass as she stared blindly past the bedroom window. What the hell was I thinking? Did I really say those things to him?

  She had, and she dropped her head against the chilled glass in mortification. Something was seriously wrong with her. Those were not the actions of a sane woman. Not how she usually behaved.

  I really need to read the file they have on me. Or rather on Jasmine. When he said I went after married men, I snapped just like I did with the drug accusation. If I keep messing this up, he’ll figure out I’m not really Jasmine and this whole ruse will be a bust.

  Those things he said, those accusations, weren’t against her, but the twin she was doing this for. I can’t take his attacks so personally. He sees her when he looks at me, as he’s supposed to, but I can’t continue to expect him to judge me as Caro.

  She retreated from the window and sat on the bed, reaching for some more papers. Mindlessly she began to fold. A smile graced her lips when she thought about the reaction he’d had to her. One he couldn’t hide.

  That was for me, not Jasmine. Caro would be lying if she tried to pretend that Declan didn’t arouse her. The man was just fucking hot. End of discussion.

  Imagine what the days and nights would be like if you were to share a bed with him. Okay, so it wasn’t like she hadn’t already been thinking such things but still…

  She sobered at the recollection of his last warning. To stay away from Jimmy. She shuddered. The man was a sleeze. It bothered her to no end that he would think of her in such a way while being married with five children. Not like it doesn’t bother me that Jasmine’s past was such Declan thought I would be going after Jimmy just because.

  Caro rose from the bed, paper in hand, and walked to the door where she paused. What if Martin was still there? What if he isn’t? Her breaths came quicker and she shook her head as she tried to regain some semblance of control.

  “Declan?” she called out as she stepped from the room.

  No one responded and she progressed farther. New wood had been brought in and set by the fireplace. The cabin wasn’t all that big, it was cozy. Intimate. Hard for him to not be seen if he was present.

  Unless he’s in his bedroom. She turned her head and glanced over her shoulder to the closed door. Worrying her lower lip, she debated knocking on the door. That may not be the smartest thing I’ve done.

  Nope. Instead she headed for the living room. A shadow moved by one window and she peered out. There were no vehicles in the yard so Martin must have departed. The door opened and in walked Declan with another armful of wood.

  His gaze scorched her as he neared, bypassed her then placed the wood down. She’d been unable to move, just stared at him.

  “Need some help?” she offered.

  His attention flickered between her lips and eyes before he gave a brief nod. “Sure. Fill up the box here and place some on the side. I’ll move some more from the shed to the house.”

  She slid the partially done crane in her pocket. “You think it’s going to get colder tonight?”

  “I think from this snow it’s going to dump on us. I don’t want to have to go out in a blizzard if that’s what comes.” He whirled about and strode to the door.

  Caro stared unabashedly at his ass. Damn those jeans looked good on him. He didn’t wear a jacket, so the flannel shirt tucked into well-fitting jeans allowed her to ogle. Shaking herself from the daze, she shoved her feet into her hiking boots and followed him outside. She pulled the door behind her but didn’t shut it all the way.

  She took a few trips herself until the box inside had been filled to the top. The physical exercise felt good so she went back out, this time fully shutting the door, and trudged through the accumulated snow to the shed where he looked up from getting another load.

  “Where’s your jacket?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Where’s yours?”

  “I wasn’t shot. Go back inside.”

  “My head is covered,” she said tugging on one side of her knit cap. “The injury is covered if that’s what the concern is. I don’t know why you—” She took a ragged breath, the scent of him mingling with that of the wood and the crisp outdoors. “I don’t want to fight. I came to help.”

  He assessed her for a few moments then shrugged as if he didn’t have a single care in the world. “Fine.”

  Declan walked off. She loaded up her own arms and made the trek to the porch. They lined both sides of the door before he called it quits. He held the door and gestured for her to go in first.

  Caro wanted to stay out and enjoy the cold a bit more. It was the perfect temperature and she longed to explore. Not wanting to be inside at the moment, she reached up for her jacket and slipped it on.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, closing the door behind him.

  “I wanted to go outside and walk around. Explore a bit.”

  His jaw flexed a few times and he rolled those massive shoulders of his before blowing out a breath.

  “There are no houses within a short distance of here. St
ay within yelling distance of the cabin. Be mindful of bears. If there are some who’ve yet to go into hibernation you don’t want to stumble onto them.”

  Okay, so he wanted to scare her. “I won’t go far.”

  Declan swung the door open and closed it behind her. As she strode down the step and into the snow she knew he watched her. Caro didn’t turn just kept going. The fresh air uplifted her and she smiled as her entire body relaxed. This she could handle. More snow fell as she continued her mindless walking.

  When she headed back, she’d been out for two hours. The cabin came into view as she walked across a meadow. Smoke churned from the chimney and she gave a small grin. Like a postcard or a Christmas card picture.

  She knocked the snow off her boots as best she could on the porch then entered. The warmth seeped into her like she’d just drunk some fine cognac. One of her favorite parts of being out on a cold day, coming inside and warming up. Now all she needed was a cup of hot cocoa, with marshmallows, and she’d be in heaven.

  “Have fun?” Declan’s baritone wove around her and made her warm for an entirely different reason. Warm? More like hot.

  “I did, thank you.” She unzipped and slid off her jacket before hanging it on the peg. Her hat followed then she bent down to undo her boots. “Is all of this yours?”

  “Yes. I don’t think you walked far enough to get off my property.”

  Damn. Pulling her feet free, she rubbed her head, unpleased with the ache that seemed to want to persist in lingering.


  “I’m fine,” she said, putting her boots against the wall.

  She walked to the coffee maker and shook her head. Nope, she wanted hot chocolate. If she just knew where he’d put it.


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