The Reject Rescue

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The Reject Rescue Page 5

by George H. McVey

  With that she hung up and refused to answer when the phone rang again seeing her parents’ number on it. Roxy knew who it was; she'd upset her mother, so her dad was calling to give her a talking too. However, she wasn’t going to listen to it because she’d been right, and she had to believe that, deep down, they all knew it.

  Just as the phone went to voicemail there came a knock at the door and Roxy went to the door and opened it to be swept into Jackson's strong arms. “Good Morning my love!”

  Then his lips were over hers, and she felt the tension of the phone call melting away under the onslaught of his desire and if she was honest love for her. When her lips were again swollen and bruised he pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. “What’s wrong? You are tighter than a rubber band twisted in a boat propeller.”

  “Oh just family stuff. I called my mom to let her, and dad know I was in town. She insisted I come to dinner tomorrow to be part of Elizabeth’s baby gender reveal and pregnancy photo shoot. She all but accused me of sleeping my way to the position I have at AWSG and suggested that Rudy should have sent a real expert to work with Disaster City. Heck she didn’t even realize I’d been promoted called me a secretary and then a sales girl.”

  “Well that’s just crazy. I know for a fact that Rudy is convinced the company wouldn’t be where it is today without you. He says you have made every part of AWSG better organized and more efficient. So, you put them out of your mind.

  Just then the phone started ringing again, and Roxy glanced at it before putting it back on the counter. “My dad calling to lecture me on upsetting mom.”

  Jackson picked up the phone, and before she could complain hit the accept call button. “Roxanne Kowalski’s phone.”

  “I’m sorry who is this?” He listened for a moment. “Hello Mister Kowalski. No sir, I’m afraid I can’t allow you to talk to Roxy right now. She’s very upset.”

  Roxy could hear her father bellowing at him. “Me sir, I’m Jackson Cornilus Roxy’s fiancé. You know the man who has promised to love, protect and provide for your daughter the rest of her life and letting you upset her more today would be violating those promises I’ve made to your daughter.” Again, the growls on the other end of the call were undecipherable for her. “I am the founder and leader of Anchorage Search and Rescue sir. Me and my team are the people that the forestry and police call when someone is lost or stranded in the frozen wilderness to go and rescue them and bring them home safe.” More questions. “That really isn’t any of your business sir, but because I love your daughter, I’ll tell you. I don’t make a penny as the founder and head of Anchorage Search and Rescue. In fact, it cost me money to lead that team.” A fair amount of screeching came from her father again but Jacksonseemed to be enjoying himself. He put his finger over his lips indicating for her to be quiet and then punched the speaker phone button. “… if you think I’d let my daughter marry a deadbeat like you.”

  “That wasn’t a very kind thing to say sir. You didn’t ask me how I was going to provide for your daughter. You asked how much I was paid for leading Anchorage Search and Rescue. I don’t believe my financial status is actually any of your business but to put your mind at rest, I will tell you. Last year, after paying my taxes my net worth was nine hundred and fifty-seven million dollars and a bit.”

  “But you said you made your living as head of this search and rescue team.”

  “Yes, sir I did. Because I do make that my living just as after our wedding, I’ll make taking care of your daughter my living. I don’t know about you, but my career isn’t how I make a living. What makes me feel alive is how I make a living. My financial status has nothing to do with that at least for me. My best friend and your daughters’ boss, he makes his living creating and manufacturing wilderness and survival gear. He does so as well by sharing his knowledge of its uses with people around the world, through his TV appearances. Myself, my career is; well I guess you would call me a venture capitalist. I help fund other people's hopes and dreams and make a profit doing so. So don’t worry about Roxy, she is in good hands. She is surrounded by people who love and support her. And I will make sure that she always is for the rest of her life. I will also protect her from those who would do her any harm. Physical, mental or emotional, and that sir, is why I can’t allow you to speak with her today. It would harm her. Now we have a full schedule, so you’ll excuse me if I say good-bye now.”

  “Now see here….” Then Jackson hung up and turned off her phone. He looked at her, and Roxy couldn’t help the feeling of love that welled up in her heart for this rugged hero who just waltzed into her life. She reached up and pulled him down pressing her lips against his for the first time since they agreed to give their connection a chance initiating intimacy between them. They lost themselves in the sensations of each other for a while until Jackson’s stomach growled causing Roxy to start giggling.

  Jackson pulled away slowly his hand stroking her cheek. “I think that’s the signal it’s time for breakfast. Where’s a good place to go around here?”

  Roxy thought for a moment. "How about IHOP?”

  Jackson smiled. “All you can eat pancakes sound perfect. Then what are we doing after breakfast I have our evening planned, but we are free to do whatever you want until about three this afternoon.”

  Roxy bit her lip. “I know it’s not romantic, but I really need to go grocery shopping today, if we can.”

  Jackson kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Pancakes and shopping sounds like bliss to me. Let’s take your car more room that way.”

  They loaded into her SUV and headed to IHOP with Pinga laying in the back seat. “Why did you tell my dad you were my fiancé? I haven’t agreed to marry you.”

  “No, you haven’t but that doesn’t matter. Do you remember what I told you my end game was when it comes to you Roxanne?”

  “Of course, you said you wanted to marry me and grow old with me.”

  “That’s right. And today I told your father that I’d made those promises to you to love you provide for you and protect you among other things for the rest of my life. It doesn't matter to me if you are willing to accept that promise or make ones to me, I made the promise, and I will fulfill it. Therefore, I am your fiancé. You just aren’t mine yet. But you will be eventually.”

  “You have a very unusual outlook on love and marriage Jackson.”

  He shrugged. “I know but it’s my outlook, so I’m not going to apologize for it. If you wish, I will ask you to accept my promise and make me one too. Then we can add a ring to your shopping today, but we don’t have too. Completely up to you.”

  She looked at him to see if he was joking and saw he wasn’t smirking or smiling like it was a joke. “You’re serious aren’t you? If I said yes I wanted to eventually marry you, then you’d take me to a jewelers and buy an engagement ring today and put it on my finger.”

  Jackson turned and looked her right in her eyes. “I’m extremely serious. Just say the words and it will happen heck, I’ll take you to the Jeweler’s before IHOP.”

  She pulled over to the side of the road and put the vehicle in park and turned to face him. “You realize this is completely crazy? We just agreed to see if we are compatible less than twenty-four hours ago.”

  He smiled “That’s true, so let me ask you a question. Do you believe that Clarice’s algorithm does what she says it does?”

  Roxy thought about it and then nodded. “Yes, I’ve seen her statistics they are very convincing.”

  Jackson nodded as well. “I agree they are and they said we are near perfect a match as they come. On top of that Evelyn who also has a near-perfect record thinks we are a true match. So why not just admit that we are and skip all the stuff that fills you with fear. Agree to marry me. Let me put a ring on your finger, food in your belly and fridge then this afternoon get on a plane with me. We'll meet our friends in Vegas and get married. Skip all the waiting and wondering if I’ll show up. We will walk into the
chapel together holding each other's hand and pledge our lives to each other forever. Leap straight into marriage and cut out all the will he show up or dump me baggage, once and for all.”

  “Give me my phone Jackson.”


  “Just do it please.”

  He handed it to her, and she turned it on. She waited until the Bluetooth sync’d then put the car in drive. “Siri call Evelyn.”

  “Calling Evelyn.”

  “Hello Roxy my dear, how is your day going?”

  “Don’t lie to me Evelyn are you and Clarice in Vegas right now?”

  “The whole family is here preparing for your wedding darling.”

  “All of you? Why?”

  “Because we love you and wanted to see you happily married of course.”

  “You agree with Jackson’s crazy plan?”

  “I do, but that isn’t the significant question is it?”

  “What’s the significant question?”

  Evelyn laughed. “Why the important question Roxanne Dallas Kowalski is: Do you agree with Jackson’s crazy plan? Would what he’s offering convince you that he is serious and plans to follow through to the I do and beyond? And do you want him too?”

  “What time is my wedding today?”

  “Four pm.”

  “Well see you there.

  “Yes, you will.”

  Roxy hung up and then spoke again. “Siri call mom.”

  “Calling Mom.”

  “Have you called to apologize Roxanne?”

  “No mother, I called to tell you that if you and Dad wish to see me get married you will meet me at the airfield at Disaster City today at two pm. I’m eloping at that time.”

  “Are you sure about this Roxanne? That young man was very rude to your father this morning.”

  “I’m not asking your permission or your blessing, Mom. I’m giving you and Dad a chance to see me marry my fiancé. We are leaving at five after two if you aren’t on our jet, then you won’t get the chance.”

  “Is your sister invited?”

  “Why in the world would I give her the chance to destroy this wedding? No, you and Dad no one else. Take it or don’t, the choice is yours.”

  She hit the end call button. “Jeweler’s then Pancakes. Are you okay with that?”

  “You are driving love. I’m with you from now on.”

  She smiled and this time Jackson saw it as it lit up her eyes and soul. “Yes, you most certainly are.”

  Jackson had been worried when they’d started their conversation after the phone call with her father. But the words he just heard had made it all worthwhile. She’d said yes. Today was the day he married his one true love. They stopped, and she parked in front of a very fashionable Jewelry store. The three of them got out, and Roxy took Jackson by the hand leading him inside. The bell on the door rang, and an older lady looked up and smiled. “Roxy Kowalski as I live and breathe. What brings you into our little store?”

  “Hello Cora, we’d like to look at engagement rings please.”

  Cora clapped, and the pure joy on her face warmed Jackson's heart. He could see that this woman made a living selling to happy couples. “Splendid, introduce me to your young man my dear. Then we can get to the business at hand.”

  Jackson stepped forward and took the older lady’s hand in his and brought it to his lips kissing it as if a knight of old. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance Miss Cora. I'm Roxy’s fiancé Jackson Cornilus. This lovely lady at my feet is my partner Pinga.”

  “Oh, you’ve found yourself a hero have you then, Roxy? He certainly isn’t hard on the peepers, is he?”

  “No, he isn’t Cora. He’s the founder of Anchorage Search and Rescue in Alaska where we live.”

  “I had wondered where you ended up. What brings you back and what is our limit on the cost of the ring.”

  Jackson reached into his wallet and pulled out his black card. “You just help Roxy find the ring she can’t live without Cora. The cost isn’t really an issue. Roxy’s here to help Disaster City upgrade their survival gear. She’s the Vice President of Alaska Wilderness and Survival Gear, and I’m training my partner at the center at the same time.”

  Cora’s eye widened as soon as she saw the unlimited credit limit card. “Well now, a wealthy hero.” She leaned toward Roxy and whispered. “Always the best kind darling.”

  Roxy laughed as the old lady sat several trays of rings out of Roxy to view and within a few minutes, the ring was chosen and Jackson had signed the receipt and placed the ring on Roxy’s finger right then and there. Again, making the older sales clear clap. “I’m glad to see you landed so well on your feet Roxy my dear. Congratulations you deserve this kind of Happy Ever After.”

  “Thank you, Cora. We’ll see you around. This one takes forever to fill his belly, and the beast has been growling at me for an hour now.”

  After stuffing their faces with delicious pancakes, the two of them went to the grocery store. Jackson got to see just why Roxy had called her mother as over and over, she was greeted and asked if her parents knew she was in town. Each time Roxanne told them they did and then introduced Jackson and Pinga. Which of course caused their shopping to take longer but that was small-town life.

  Finally, they were back at the bungalow, and the groceries were put away. Roxy took Jackson over to the owner's home and introduced him. They went about adding his jeep to the vehicles that could be expected to be parked regularly at the rental house for the month. Then after a quick shower each they loaded into the SUV and headed to the airfield. “I wish I had a wedding dress.”

  Jackson took Roxy’s hand and kissed it. “That’s our first stop in Vegas our suite. While Evelyn was sprucing up the venue and picking music and flowers. Clarice went by a few boutiques and got several dresses for you to try on. My tuxedo will be waiting for us there as well. This may be a rushed wedding, but it won’t be a skimpy one. You are too important to me for that Roxanne.”

  They arrived at the airfield, and Jackson saw the pickup parked beside their plane by the tension radiating off his bride, he knew it was her parents. “We are in this together love. They can’t hurt us. Our real family will meet us in Vegas.”

  She leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you, I needed you to remind me of that. Let’s go meet my parents. Then we can fly to Vegas and get married.”

  They climbed out of the SUV, and Roxy introduced him to her parents. They seemed displeased that his dog was traveling with them and once on board and airborne the snark continued. “Jackson you claim to be a millionaire, and yet you think it proper to take my daughter to Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator?”

  “I don’t know where you got the idea we were getting married by Elvis. Is that what your youngest daughter did when she ran away to Vegas to marry? To ease your worry let me say that our Alaskan family is already in Vegas arranging the venue and everything for us. Because that’s the kind of people, they are. We are marrying at a quaint little chapel just outside the stirp by an ordained Baptist minister Gordon Holliday knew. His wife Evelyn has been decorating the chapel and arranging flowers and a reception for us. At the same time, Roxy’s best friend Clarice has been collecting several potential wedding gowns for Roxy to try on in our honeymoon suite. My tuxedo is awaiting us there as well. If you and your wife wish, I will arrange for a gown and suit for the two of you as well.”

  The proud man lifted his head. “That won’t be necessary.”

  Jackson nodded in deference. “As you wish.”

  Roxy’s father turned to her. “I assume I’ll be walking you down the aisle again?”

  Roxy shook her head. “No thank you. Because of my insecurities about having a wedding, Jackson, and I agreed it was best if we enter the chapel together holding hands and walk to the minister and say our vows. I just didn’t want to disrespect you and mom by not allowing you to attend.”

  The man started to open his mouth to protest, but Jackson stepped in front of him. “N
one of this is open for debate or discussion sir. These are your daughters wishes, and I will see them followed. Let me remind you my only concern is her happiness and well being. You and your wife are here because she wanted you here. I'd rather knock your teeth out for allowing her to be humiliated two years ago, and then siding with those that purposely set out to destroy her self-worth. But again, it isn’t my desires that I’m fulfilling today. It’s Roxy’s”

  The man turned and took a seat asking the flight attendant to get him a bourbon on the rocks. Jackson pulled Roxy into his arm and then onto his lap for a cuddle the rest of the way to Vegas.



  Once they landed in Los Vegas, Jackson had a limo waiting for them. Roxy invited the flight crew to join them for the wedding. The pilot and copilot declined but the fight attendant having witnessed their growing romance asked if they minded if she went. Roxy and Jackson assured her she was welcome again earning her parents displeasure. By this time, Roxy was adapting Jackson’s stance when it came to this wedding. What her parents thought of it didn’t matter. She and Jackson would do what they wanted, and thought was best. Roxy remembered the girl’s kind words the night before, and therefor wanted her at the wedding. So she climbed into the limo with the rest of them.

  When they arrived at the hotel Jackson, Roxy and Susan, their newest friend climbed out sending her parents on to the chapel. Susan had offered to help Roxy with a wedding hair style as she had been a hairdresser to put herself through school. In exchange, Jackson had her stop by the boutique in the hotel and pick out a gown for the wedding.

  Clarice was upstairs waiting on them, and the three women had fun picking Roxy’s wedding gown and doing her hair and makeup. Once she was dressed Roxy entered the main room of the suite to have her heart flip in her chest and her whole-body heat up at the sight of her hunky husband in his fitted tuxedo. Jackson Cornilus in a tight T-shirt and jeans was handsome, but in a tailored tuxedo, he was pure man candy and Roxy’s body responded by heating to boiling. This sinfully delicious looking man was about to become her husband.


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