The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 1

by D E Boske

  The Dregian Chronicles

  Book Three: Morgannate

  By D. E. Boske

  Copyright © D. E. Boske, 2021

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents described herein are the product of the author’s imagination, are used fictitiously, or are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events, or locals is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, except by obtaining written permission from the author. Any inquiries may be addressed via email to: [email protected]

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  This book is dedicated to my mom. I love you and will miss you always. Thank you to my family for your unfailing love and support.


  Darian threw some clothes on as he cast a quick cleansing spell. Kinistaya accompanied the elven guard and Darian thought he saw the elder elf smirk with a twinkle in his eye, but when he looked again, it was gone.

  “Kinistaya, what’s going on? How many of them are there?”

  “I do not know, Darian, but I feel their number to be greater than twenty. That’s why I came to you; I want you to accompany us to the border. I’m quite sorry for the interruption. I hope my timing was not too bad,” the old elf smirked once more.

  “Not at all, Kinistaya. She is quite satisfied, I assure you.”

  “I’m sure she is; I have heard of your exploits. Now, I do not want them to see you until we know for sure what is going on. They cannot honestly think they can make war with the elves with twenty Mages. Do you think they search for you?”

  “I do not know. It is a definite possibility. Why would he send them here, though? The Mages and the elves have not worked together since the old days. What makes you think he would work with the elves now?”

  “Well, we will know for sure soon enough,” remarked Kinistaya.

  Kinistaya and Galavad thought it best to take as many elves as they believed necessary. It

  turned out that about five hundred elves were necessary. Give or take a hundred. Something about the situation did not sit right with the Mage. He did not believe the Dark Mage would send twenty Mages to Kiri A’ Nouell to look for him. He was far more subtle. And dangerous. On the way, he thought he saw Tynuviel watching from her window, but he could not allow himself any distraction right now. He put her from his mind. They made their way down the long spiral stairs, the bulk of the elven guard waiting below for them.

  Someone grabbed the Mage from behind and he turned to find Kyler looking at him questioningly. The relief that flooded him, he would never speak.

  “What’s going on, Darian? What’s this talk of Mages coming to Kiri A’ Nouell?” asked his friend.

  “I wish I knew, Kyler.”

  “You cannot let them see you, they might be here for you,” the elf said, his eyes full of


  “Nah,” the Mage said light heartedly. “If they were here for me, they surely would have brought more.” The smile that touched his lips had the elf smiling too.

  The elf saw the Mage pull up his cowl, hiding his features. His Shryvven billowed out as he walked, making him appear every bit the powerful Mage that he was. Appearances were not deceiving where Darian was concerned. Kyler was sure he was everything that he appeared to be and more. He was thankful the Mage had forgiven him because he wasn’t altogether certain he would have if he were the Mage. I guess our friendship really does mean something to him, thought Kyler.

  When they reached the elven outpost, the elves were on high alert, bows aimed and ready. Darian cast an invisibility spell and willed his Shryvven to protect him from magical attack. The elves walked up to the magical shield, carefully watching the Mages for any sign of threatening moves. It would help if Kinistaya knew any of the faces before him, but alas, the Mages of The Order had seen fit to withdraw from Corillia. They now kept to themselves, hiding behind their magic and mystery.

  “You are far from home, Mages. Why do you offend our border with your presence? Mogan Dar has not maintained the alliance of old. What are you doing here now?” demanded Kinistaya. One Mage stepped forward, dropping his cowl so the elves could see his features.

  “The elves and Mages have long been allies. We seek refuge in your forest. We are hunted men. The Dark Mage grows stronger the larger his army becomes.”

  “That still does not answer my question, Mage. Why did you come here? Why should the elves become involved in the affairs of Mages?”

  “We did not know where else to go. Please, he would have killed us had we not fled. We

  mean you no harm. We wish to rebuild the old alliances in accord with Delvishan’s wishes.”

  Do you know this man, Darian? Should I trust his words? Or should I condemn him to continue on his way? Asked Kinistaya.

  I know this man. His name is Aganor and he is the Head of my order. Darian returned his thoughts to Kinistaya.

  Can he be trusted? Do you believe him? The fate of the elves will hang with your decision, said Kinistaya seriously.

  Wow, no pressure! Takasha, Kinistaya! The Mage felt the elf’s amusement at his words. Darian could see it was not just the Dregian order. He saw many different orders represented by the different colored robes the Mages were wearing. Darian thought long and hard.

  What are you thinking, Darian? Do you think it is safe to let them in? asked Kyler.

  Aganor is more than just the Head of my order, he is my mentor. He saved me from many

  a punishment. I have ever been his favorite. He thinks of me as his son and he was like a father to me. I cannot believe that he is working with the Dark Mage. Darian sent his thoughts back to Kyler and Kinistaya.

  Good enough for me, sent Kinistaya.

  “You may enter,” said Kinistaya. “Walk slowly and make no sudden movements or our archers will cut you down. Your protective shields will not last forever,” said the elf.

  The Mages slowly stepped forward, entering one at a time. Once they were all inside the elven protective shield, Darian dropped his cowl and the invisibility spell simultaneously. Shocked gasps and whispered words followed the Mages. Aganor stepped forward in utter shock.

  “Darian! Is it really you? We’ve been searching for you for so long now,” Aganor said in disbelief.

  “Aganor,” Darian greeted, taking the Mage’s hand in his own.

  “All this time, you have been right under our very noses. You’ve been here the whole time, have you not?” asked Aganor.

  “Apparently your search is over, you found me. Now, what do you want?” he asked, none too nicely.

  “Darian, what I said is true. The Dark Mage is hunting us down. All who do not stand with him, he kills, draining their magic. I wish it were under better circumstances, but it is so good to see you again.” He pulled the young Mage into a hug. “I’ve been worried about you, Darian. I’m glad that I found you at last.”

  “How many have you brought, Aganor?”

  “Fifty, that’s all I could get out. Darian, we must go back for the rest. There are good Mages, loyal Mages, trapped in Piri-Tuma. We cannot leave them there!”

  Darian sneered, “And why should I care? Every single one of you would strike me down if you had the opportunity. Ever have you hated and despised me. And now you want my help.” He needed to be strong now and not show any weakness. If the Mages even suspected, they would not hesitate to strike. Kyler stood at Darian’s side; bow drawn. His body taught as he held his bow steady.

  To th
eir credit, the Mages remained still throughout the exchange. Not one of them moved. It was a good thing too because the elven archers lined the upper walkways, murder in their eyes.

  “Darian, we submit to you. Delvishan himself has visited every one of us that stands before

  you. We are loyal to him, to you, and to The Order. I know there are many others who stand with

  you and Delvishan. We must help them,” said Aganor.

  “Do they stand with me because they truly believe in Delvishan’s vision? Or am I just

  preferable to the torment that they face?” asked the sly Mage.

  “I cannot say for sure, Darian. But I know you, you are not like them. You never were. You cannot, in good conscience, leave them to their fate.”

  “Perhaps you are right,” he said. “But that is not a decision for tonight. Kinistaya, please provide them rooms next to each other. In addition, I want at least two guards outside every door.”

  “You shall have it,” assured Kinistaya.

  “It is late and you have had a hard road,” Darian said compassionately. “Please, find rest here within our borders. We will talk more in the morning.”

  The Mages glanced at each other when Darian said “our borders”. Darian considered himself a part of Kiri A’ Nouell and not an elf flinched at his words. He had the power of the elves behind him. What did that mean for Mogan Dar?

  Kinistaya rounded up the Mages and assigned three guards to each Mage because he was not sure if they were trustworthy, if ever they would be.

  Darian returned to his chamber and the lovely elf that was in his bed. “Is everything alright, Darian? What happened? Are you okay?” she asked in a rush. He could see the worry in her eyes and it touched him deeply.

  “Everything’s fine, Kizzi,” he said, crawling into bed with her. She kissed him as she ran her fingers through his hair. He was letting it grow and if she was being honest, it made him more attractive. They did not slip into Ru Nay’ Sha for some time.

  In the morning, the Mage bathed and dressed. Takasha, he looks delicious! She thought to herself as she watched him. He possessed absolutely no shyness about his body. And with a body like that, why would he? He walked around naked as he looked for his clothes and she just lay there admiring him. He was gorgeous and he was good to her. She thought she might be falling in love with him and it terrified her. She knew his reputation; he did not stay with one girl for long, so she decided to enjoy him while she could.

  “Kizziah, I have to go now. Can I see you tonight?” he asked her and she smiled at him in answer.

  “My place or yours?” she asked with a grin.

  “It does not matter to me, love. If we can be together, I do not care where we end up,” he remarked honestly. He kissed her sweetly, but all too soon, he was gone.

  Kyler was waiting for him outside and they walked together to the council room. “Who are you with now, Darian? Don’t bother to deny it, I heard her voice,” said the elf with no trace of malice.

  “Kizziah,” the Mage admitted. He decided to see how his friend would react, but to his

  surprise and delight, Kyler was not angry at all. It seemed the demon had been thorough.

  “Kizziah! Really Darian? I hear she is very particular and extremely picky.”

  The Mage chuckled, “How can she not love this?” asked the Mage, using his hands to encompass himself.

  “Darian, your self-esteem is waning. You really should do something about that,” laughed the elf.

  “Maybe the lovely Kizziah can help me with that after we’re done with this mess. We must be careful with how much we tell them for now.”

  “You do not trust them, do you?” asked the elf.

  “Of course not! Why would I? I spoke the truth when I said they would love to kill me if given the chance.”

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna’ happen,” retorted the elf in a steely tone.

  “Good to have you back, my friend,” said the Mage seriously.

  They walked into the council room to find the Mages already seated. They saw Darian seat himself in a place of honor next to the elf prince. For the young elf could be none other with his lascivious looks. He looked just like his father, but more stunning.

  At last, the Monarch walked in and seated himself. Darian made a mental note to go check on Tiriel.

  “At long last, the council of elves and Mages is held once more. What brings you to the Ancient Forest?” asked Galavad.

  “We come seeking solace and to renew the old alliance,” replied Aganor. It was obvious they all wanted Aganor to speak for them. He was a passionate speaker and quite capable of winning over a tough audience. At this moment, there was none tougher than the elven council and Darian.

  “What is it you expect the elves to do for you?” asked the Monarch, his presence commanding.

  “Nothing more than you wish. I ask only for refuge until we overthrow the usurper.”

  “Usurper,” Galavad repeated. “Is he not Shangmarrum of The Order? Did he not rightfully come by his post according to Mage law?” asked the Monarch. If they thought he knew nothing of the Mages and their ways, they were in for a surprise. An odd thought struck Darian at that moment. Why was Tynuviel unaware that a Mage cannot marry? Galavad seems to know intimate details. Why then, did he not tell his daughter? He looked to her empty seat.

  “Actually, no one seems to know. One day, he was Shangmarrum and Falcose was gone. But he no longer governs wisely. He is cruel and takes The Order in a direction that is not in line

  with Delvishan’s wishes.”

  “I fail to see how this is a problem for the elves,” said Galavad.

  Darian knew Galavad was not opposed to helping, but he had his people’s welfare to worry about.

  “It’s not, but we are asking for help nonetheless. Once, we worked together. Can we do so once more?” asked Aganor.

  “How can I be sure you are trustworthy? I have my people’s wellbeing to consider. What assurance can you give me that you will follow Darian’s direction?” asked Galavad.

  “We give you our word,” said Aganor.

  “Don’t be ridiculous!” said Galavad scathingly. “Your word is no good here. Mages are liars all. I seriously doubt that any of you would know the truth if it was spoken.”

  “We came here looking for help, not to be berated like children. We are Mages of The Order, deserving respect!” said Trétorna.

  The assembled elves lost their calm façade and began shouting at once in elvish. This is not going well, thought Darian. He saw many faces he recognized and a few he wished he didn’t. Galavad tried to regain control, but Trétorna had incited them. The Monarch looked to Darian to remedy the situation and he did.

  He slammed his hand down on the table, “Besh Toh’ Len! This is what he wants,” he continued in perfect elvish. “Do not give in to him, he’s worthless.”

  “You know this one?” asked Kinistaya in the tongue of his people.

  “I do,” responded the Mage in kind.

  “Then I pity you,” said Kinistaya.

  “I pity myself, Kinistaya,” said Darian in elvish. The Mages just looked on, simply stunned.

  “I told you that Delvishan chose well,” said Aganor to the Mages. “Darian is the right one to succeed the Dark Mage. He can help us rebuild our old alliances. For too long we have locked ourselves away in Mogan Dar. For too long we have not interacted with the peoples of Corillia. It is no wonder why they hate and fear us. They no longer know us the way they once did.”

  “I bet they know Darian. The ladies do anyway,” said Trétorna mockingly.

  “At least I can get laid without having to depend on Order law,” Darian retorted.

  “You son of a bitch!” Trétorna yelled.

  “Aganor, of all Mages, why’d you have to bring him? I do not for one second believe that he is loyal to me or Delvishan,” said Darian. “Have I wronged you in some way that I am unaware of?” he asked Aganor, who laughed.

“Darian, we need as many capable Mages as we can get. This will not be an easy battle.”

  “The key word here is capable. He might not be half bad if he could keep his head clear

  of liquor,” Darian said derisively.

  Kyler was getting an intimate look into his friend’s past and felt he understood him a bit better for it. The Mages were pompous asses, yet Darian handled them with ease. Maybe they would get away with this behavior in Mogan Dar, but they were not in the Mage city anymore.

  “I’ll kill you!” Trétorna shouted.

  “You’ve tried many times without success. Much like the rest of your life, I’d imagine,” Darian said scornfully. Trétorna’s face was red with his anger. Darian, on the other hand, had remained cool.

  “Is this true, Trétorna? Have you tried to kill Darian? Because that is against Order Law,” Aganor reprimanded.

  “What about when he shoved me down the stairs? He never received a punishment. He should have been beaten!” cried Trétorna.

  “Like you beat the women, you scum sucking pig?” berated Darian.

  “They are there for our pleasure! I can do as I please with them. They’re nothing but useless whores! Why do you care anyway, Darian, you always get the choicest cuts!”

  “You beat them because you have to in order to get your way with them, don’t you? Otherwise, they’d rather be dead than have you touch them. Yes, they are there for our pleasure but that doesn’t mean that we should mistreat them. A woman will give you whatever you desire if you but show her respect.

  “I am the highest-ranking Mage on the floor. I have earned my rank and rewards, Trétorna and I do not have to explain anything to you. You wouldn’t understand anyway, you witless imbecile.” Trétorna looked as if he would say something more, but the look that Darian gave him silenced him as surely as if he’d slit Trétorna’s throat.

  “Galavad, I apologize for our behavior. There are more important things to worry about right now,” said Darian.

  “Quite alright, Darian. Now I understand why you left,” remarked Galavad.


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