The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 3

by D E Boske

  “Nephraete, Darian tells me you are a seer,” began Kizziah, once they ordered.

  “Yes, I am,” the seer smiled in response.

  “And you left Kaleika Bay by yourself? I admire your bravery,” Kizziah said, sincerely impressed with the petite elf.

  “Thank you, but don’t be too impressed. Calisha is the one who really got me through it

  all. He kept me safe and out of harm’s way. If not for him, I never would have made it alive.”

  “Who’s Calisha?” asked Kizziah.

  “He’s a Crebellan and my protector.”

  “And he’s okay with your relationship with Kyler?” asked Kizziah curiously.

  “Does that surprise you?” asked the tiny seer.

  “Yes, actually. Where is he now?” asked Kizziah.

  “He is with Khazzuri tonight,” the seer said with a grin.

  In the back of the room sat Tynuviel and Tireniel. When Darian walked in with Kizziah, Tynuviel’s heart nearly stopped beating. He looked so good. She could see his muscles rippling beneath the soft cloth of his shirt. When he leaned over to kiss Kizziah, her heart clenched as if someone were squeezing it tightly.

  On the other side of the room, Gayla sat with Asa. Of all nights, why had they come here tonight? Darian was so handsome, his very presence commanding. She could not take her eyes off him. Luckily, Asa had his back to the Mage and didn’t know he was there. She saw Darian kiss the beautiful elf he was with and could not help but feel saddened. She remembered when he kissed her like that. She still missed him so much.

  Then she noticed the Mages at a table near Darian and she almost ran in fear. Asa saw the swift change in her mood and he turned to see what she was looking at. He saw the Mages gathered round and knew instinctively this was what had upset Gayla.

  “Are you okay, Gayla? Do you want to go?” he asked her.

  “What if they see me, Asa? Back in Mogan Dar, they were hunting me. They would have

  killed me if they found me. What should I do?”

  “Don’t make any sudden movements,” Asa advised. “Right now, they are watching Darian and see nothing else. If we are lucky, they will not notice you. However, they are in danger as much as Darian is, so I think you are safe. Darian will not let any harm come to you and neither will I,” said Asa with conviction.

  She took Asa’s hand in her own and brought it to her face where she rested it on her cheek. He was so warm and loving and though she really did love him, she didn’t think she’d ever stop loving the Mage. Asa kissed her softly, sweetly as she pulled him closer. Soon after, they left quietly without anyone being the wiser.

  Kizziah’s hand moved up Darian’s thigh, touching him lightly, but getting the desired reaction. He smiled at her and she grinned wickedly.

  “Darian, what do you plan to do with the Mages? Do you believe their story?” asked the seer.

  “I do. They would never have come here if it weren’t true, little seer.” He said the words ‘little seer’ with affection, as if it was a pet name for her. She looked at Darian and smiled, and

  he could feel her desire for him sharpen, though she kept it well hidden. He could not help but think of the way they made love when he let his guard down, letting his desire for her leak through. She looked at him with her violet eyes, a look that was for him alone. Kyler and Kizziah were oblivious as they were deep in conversation. Kizziah’s hand began to stroke Darian under the table and he groaned softly, but did not stop her.

  Pride filled Aganor as he looked at Darian. The young Mage had come so far, farther than any of them. He was the epitome of what a Mage of The Order should be. They all knew it, though most would not admit it.

  Aganor knew that Darian did not adhere to all the Order’s laws. He’d known for some time that Darian’s sexual appetite went far beyond the girls The Order provided. The young Mage took every precaution so Aganor never felt the need to call him out for it.

  Darian’s ease with magic and women drove the others’ jealousy because he made everything look attainable. Beautiful women always surrounded him, as he was never one to pursue average. Average just wasn’t good enough for Darian Brade. He would only have the best; nothing less would do.

  Because of his high rank in The Order, Darian always got first choice of all incoming girls. He could choose as few or as many as he wanted and the Mages could do nothing about it. This had always been a sore spot with them. It was a bit perplexing because there was nothing stopping them from attaining such a position in their own order. It was just one of the many privileges of being a high-ranking Mage.

  “What do you plan to do next, Darian?” asked Nephraete.

  “I know the Mages will try to push me to return to Mogan Dar to rescue as many as we can, but my road also leads to The Haunted Lands. There will be much talk before anything is done, I fear.”

  “This does not please you, does it?” asked Kizziah. She was learning the Mage’s moods and could tell when he was upset.

  “Not at all. I have always loathed power because it is a heavy weight. I have never wanted to be chained to a desk.”

  “You do not have to be chained to a desk in order to make important decisions, Darian. You can make decisions wherever you may be, whether you are on the road or not. Do not let yourself become trapped by this position. They need you now, even if they will not admit it. Be at

  ease Darian, you have friends who will walk this road by your side. You need never be alone again,” she said, as she gripped his hand warmly.

  In response, he pulled her into his lap and kissed her hungrily. The Mages watched the intimate display of affection between the young Mage and the beautiful elf, feeling more envious

  of him than ever they had.

  Declan watched intently, maybe he could learn something from the young Mage. Back in Mogan Dar, Darian had quite the reputation with the ladies and Declan heard the rumors about him. Declan did not think there was a Mage that hadn’t.

  Betremen knew of Darian’s reputation as well. However, he’d never had the opportunity to talk to Darian personally. He was hoping that now he would. He wanted to learn whatever he could from the rogue Mage who was to be their Shangmarrum. None of his classes had intersected with Darian’s and he’d always been eager to meet the Mage who’d created such a tempest. It was as if the Mages were invisible, because Darian paid them no mind. With a beautiful elf like that, he certainly couldn’t blame him. She was urging Darian to do something crazy, but he was maintaining his control. Though barely.

  After the meal, Darian and Kizziah returned to his chamber. Nymdal and Kelindril relieved Jarlin and took up positions outside the Mage’s door. Kizziah pulled the Mage close as she kissed him, softly biting his lower lip. Darian grabbed her ass and she moaned softly against his lips. His nimble fingers undid the tiny buttons on her blouse and his hands closed on her breasts. She already had his shirt open and she pushed it off his shoulders as she kissed his chest. She left a trail of kisses as she went to her knees.

  Darian growled deep in his throat at her attention. She was a fantastic lover and he craved her for now. He never remained with one girl for more than a few months. Gayla held the longest record; she’d been his lover for more than two years, though not exclusively. Darian was never exclusive with anyone. He was not sure he was capable of it. He wasn’t even sure that he wanted to be. He thought briefly of Tynuviel. He’d wanted to be with just her, but still he could not be sure that he would have been able to do so.

  Afterward, Kizziah lay snuggled close to him as he held her. This was a first for her. Usually men, whether they be human or elf, wanted distance after lovemaking, but not Darian. He was so different and she knew she’d fallen deeply in love with him. This made her sad because she knew he would never love her. She almost wished she’d never seen him. The pain his loss would cause was something she did not wish to contemplate. Not now, not ever. She would just have to be satisfied with what attention he would give to her for as long as he wo
uld give it.

  Outside, Nymdal and Kelindril did not exchange words. They took their job seriously and did not allow for any distractions. Darian had chosen not to ward his room this night, so they heard every scream, every groan of pleasure. Perhaps he’d done it because the Mages were here and he wanted to show off. Maybe he’d forgotten with the urgency of the situation. Whichever it was, Kelindril it seemed, had not heard a thing. Nymdal, on the other hand, had a hard time blocking it out. He wasn’t like Kelindril; he did not wish to remain alone.

  At once, they became stiffly alert. It wasn’t so much a sound as it was a feeling that something was amiss. It was dark now and the light of the stars did not penetrate the forest canopy. Their sight was far superior to that of humans so they both saw the dark shadow detach itself from the other shadows. Whatever it was, it was staying hidden. A soft, shuffling noise came to them; footsteps. Someone was working very hard to try to remain silent, but the elves had exceptional hearing and easily picked out the sounds. They really weren’t that worried because old elven magic protected the ancient forest. Anything that was out there was surely not a threat, but it piqued their curiosity nonetheless.

  Slowly, the shadow made its way toward them. At some point, it had given up on secrecy and walked directly to Kelindril. It was a Mage of The Order. Of course, thought Kelindril.

  The Mage boldly walked up to them and tried to push past them to the door. These were

  no mere guards. They were Gor Li’ Khan! They were immovable.

  “I need to see Darian,” he told them.

  “Not tonight, you don’t,” remarked Kelindril, “He’s busy.” As if on cue, Kizziah cried out Darian’s name in the throes of her passion.

  “This is Mage business and I need to see him. Now,” the Mage commanded.

  “Not gonna’ happen,” remarked the Gor Li’ Khan leader. A faint flick of his wrist gave the signal for more Gor Li’ Khan. Jevich, a fierce Gor Li’ Khan that was in Kelindril’s unit was finishing his rounds and the Mage had not seen him. Nor would he unless Jevich wanted him to, which was unlikely. In less than a minute, Kelindril’s whole unit stood behind the Mage. The Mage laughed at the display.

  “Do you honestly think you have what it takes to kill a Mage of The Order?” he asked mockingly.

  “I do indeed,” Kelindril said coldly. The gleam in his eyes told the Mage that this elf would enjoy the blood. But there was something else there as well.

  “By the gods! You have killed a Mage of The Order, haven’t you? Do you know what the

  penalty is for that serious offense?” asked the Mage.

  Abruptly, Darian’s door opened and the Mage stood half-naked in the darkened opening, looking none too pleased. “What in the Black Hells is all this about?” he asked, perturbed at the interruption.

  “Your guards are trying to stop me from seeing you,” the Mage puffed himself up now that Darian was present.

  “That’s what I pay them for, you dolt,” Darian snapped. “It’s late, I’ve had an incredibly long day and I just want to make love to the beautiful elf that is no longer in my bed,” he said, directing his comments to Betremen.

  Kizziah stood behind Darian with her slim arms wrapped around his waist. She wore nothing but the bed sheet wrapped tightly around her small frame. She kissed the Mage’s back and ran her hands along his body, unembarrassed by being the center of attention. Darian grinned; he liked her confidence.

  Betremen no longer looked as sure as he’d been moments earlier. “They have admitted to a serious offense, Darian. They have killed at least one Mage of The Order. What are you going to do about it?”

  “Nothing,” said Darian tiredly. “Now, if you will excuse me,” the young Mage attempted to close the door, but Betremen moved to stop him.

  “I am tempted to kill you where you stand, Betremen,” Darian said softly. Coldness leaked into his voice and though his words were soft, they were sharp like knives.

  “How can you let them get away with what they’ve done?” asked Betremen, shocked that

  Darian would allow it.

  “They did it to protect me. They were the Dark Mage’s lackeys. You are only one. Do you think you stand a chance against twenty Gor Li’ Khan? Do you, Betremen?” asked Darian in his soft, cold voice when it seemed there would be no answer forthcoming.

  “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t know,” stammered Betremen.

  “There is a lot you do not know, Betremen. Do not presume to think that you have any authority here. This is Kiri A’ Nouell, not Mogan Dar. The elves owe you nothing. I owe you nothing. The next time you want to see me, make an appointment.” Darian slammed the door in his face. The Gor Li’ Khan snickered and laughed as the Mage walked away.

  It had not gone as planned. He’d wanted to talk to Darian privately. He should have known better. Darian never let anyone close. No Mage did. He’d hoped because the Dark Mage hunted them as he did Darian, that he would be more accommodating. Again, he should have known better. Darian was ever cagey, not friendly at all. Betremen could not blame the young Mage after all he’d been through. Very few Mages would not want to kill Darian Brade. He’d gone about it all wrong. Where Darian was concerned, was there ever a right way? He would live to find out.

  “Now, where were we?” asked Darian, as he kissed Kizziah softly. She leaned into him as he wrapped his strong arms around her. He made it so easy to love him. It wasn’t just his looks, but Takasha he was gorgeous! Nor was it just his body. Gods what a body! It was the way he was with her, gentle, teasing and so willing. Yet, he also seemed sincere in the way he kissed her and made love to her. It wasn’t just sex, not to her anyway. It was so much more and it frightened

  her as much as it turned her on.


  In the morning, preparations began for a party to welcome the Mages. The elves loved life and the pleasures that came with it. They also loved a good party. By nightfall, they would transform the ancient forest into a pleasure center. There would be food aplenty, drinking, dancing, music and storytelling. The excitement was in the air. A knock on his door brought Darian’s conscious mind out of Ru Nay’ Sha. He put his head back down on the soft pillow of Kizziah’s warm breasts. The knocking became insistent and he wondered how long he could ignore the sound before it drove him mad. He rose and pulled on a pair of pants and went to the door to commit murder. He opened the door and Nephraete gasped at his appearance, for though he was disheveled, he was still too damn good looking. It was obvious what he’d been doing all night. Kyler stood beside the seer, grinning wickedly.

  “Oh, it’s you,” remarked the Mage and walked back into his room, leaving the door open.

  “Is that any way to greet a guest whose brought breakfast and hot coffee?” asked the amused elf. He could tell the Mage had been up for most of the night engaged in carnal activities. Darian’s stomach rumbled loudly and he remembered he hadn’t eaten much yesterday. And what he had eaten, he’d worked off making love, but he wasn’t complaining. Nephraete’s eyes soaked in the sight of a half-naked Darian Brade. Damn! I want a taste, she thought. No sooner had she completed the thought, when Darian looked directly at her and grinned.

  “It’s nice to know that I’m not losing my charm,” he commented. Kyler was busying himself setting up the table in the other room and had not heard. Nephraete blushed furiously. “You really need to learn to control that, little seer,” he said softly, making his way to her.

  He leaned in close and she could smell him. Damn he smelled good! He reached behind her and grabbed his shirt off the chair. After he pulled the shirt over his head, he fixed his hair in the mirror until he was satisfied. But the image of him after a night of pleasurable sex was forever in her mind and she’d never forget it. She couldn’t help feeling a stab of jealously toward Kizziah no matter how irrational she knew it was. She loved Kyler and she didn’t understand her attraction to the Mage. But as she watched him, she knew it was true. She desired him and she hated herself for it.
r />   “You’re being too hard on yourself, Nephraete. Don’t feel that way babe, I have that effect

  on women.” He smiled that smile of his and her heart fluttered. “Besides, if you learned to block yourself from me, I wouldn’t be able to read you so easily.”

  “Maybe you could help me with that?” she asked, smiling at him as she took his hand in hers. She brought his hand to her face and he needed no more invitation than that. He pulled her into a kiss and as their lips met, she leaned into him, feeling his arousal. She ran her hands under his shirt across his muscular frame, enjoying the feel of him.

  “How far do you wish to take this, Nephraete?” he growled, voice thick with desire.

  “I-where is Kyler?” she asked breathlessly.

  “He is in the other room, but I have cast a spell to freeze them. How far, Nephraete?” he asked again.

  “I shouldn’t-we can’t-we can’t do this, Darian,” she said softly, her voice full of regret.

  “Then, if you don’t mind, can you take your hands off my…” he did not get to finish. The seer yanked her hands out of his pants and flushed crimson.

  “I’m sorry, Darian. I don’t know why I did that. Takasha this is embarrassing!”

  “I’m not embarrassed. Extremely turned on, but not embarrassed,” he grinned.

  “You’re not going to make this any easier, are you?” she smiled, and couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

  “I’m better at making things harder, if you know what I mean,” he grinned wickedly. “You’ve put me in a delicate situation now, little seer. I need to take care of this,” he remarked.

  “Just tell Kyler that I’ll be out in a moment or two.” She couldn’t help smiling; she was able to arouse him so easily, but she still didn’t understand why she’d done that.

  “Where’s Darian?” asked Kyler from behind her. She jumped at the sound of his voice.


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