The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 6

by D E Boske

  “I will leave that up to the Mage. If he wants you to know, he will tell you,” said Kyler and she knew he would tell her nothing. She did not think Darian would either.

  She could not see the Gor Li’ Khan that stood guard over Darian, blended in with their surroundings as they were. Kelindril, Nymdal, Floran and Gavil remained absolutely still as they watched over their charge. They would not leave his side no matter how angry he would be when he woke. He liked his privacy and they were more than willing to grant it. However, after the events of last night, his safety came first. Kelindril was worried about him because the elf had never seen Darian behave in such a manner.

  He could not get the sound of the Mage’s laughter out of his mind. Maniacal. On the fringes of insanity. He could not understand what Darian found so amusing. The foul Mage deserved death, Kelindril would not disagree, but it was not, in any way, funny. That Darian laughed at it, concerned the Gor Li’ Khan leader. Was it the work of the Dark Magic that infected him? Or was it something else? Kelindril needed to understand so he could better protect Darian.

  A knock on the door roused him from his thoughts. The Gor Li’ Khan materialized immediately because they could sense who was at the door. Raylan jumped and cried out in surprise.

  “Takasha! What are you doing here? How long have you been here? Did you watch us make love last night?” she demanded angrily.

  Kelindril did not answer any of her questions, he merely pushed past her to open the door. He frowned, as his senses were once again, correct.

  “Where is Darian? We would very much like to talk to him concerning the events of last

  night,” stated Declan Rothbane.

  “You may not see him now,” was all the answer Kelindril was going to give. He attempted

  to close the door, but Declan cast a quick spell to prevent it.

  “How dare you!” Declan said angrily. “I am a Mage of The Order and you will show me respect!”

  “Darian is the Shangmarrum and you will show him your respect! Leave now while you still can and do not come back here. When he is ready, he will seek you out and set matters straight. Do not presume to be the one in charge!” Kelindril slammed the door in Declan’s face to the utter amazement of Raylan and Kyler who still stood in the bedroom.

  “And you,” Kelindril said coldly, “you know that we accompany him wherever he goes. You do not strike me as one who is shy, if you are uncomfortable about us watching, then stop carrying on with the Mage. We will always be there for it is our job to keep him safe.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind every time we make love and I call out his name,” she smirked. Kelindril almost smiled. Almost. She really did not care what others thought about her. He liked that about her, she was not weak at all.

  “We will wait outside now, let me know when he wakes,” Kelindril said.

  “Oh, I’ll be sure to run to you straightaway!” she said snidely.

  Kelindril wanted to slap some sense into her, but he knew Darian would be angry if he laid hands on her. She was a smartass just like the Mage. No wonder why they got along famously.

  Grey smoke boiled across the floor, signaling the demon’s approach. He was a menacing sight. When he materialized, his attention went directly to the Mage in Raylan’s bed. Darian always slept naked, but the blanket only covered him from his waist down, leaving his chiseled chest bare for all to see. The demon knew the Mage would not care even if he had no covers. That one had no shame.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, directing his question to Kelindril, who came back when he felt the demon’s arrival.

  “The Mages tried to force their way in here and wanted to know what happened.” “What did you tell them?” asked the demon, concerned.

  “I told them nothing,” replied Kelindril. “Why would I? Our job is to protect Darian, not betray his trust.”

  “Easy elf, I meant no disrespect. I’m just as concerned as you are.”

  “I doubt that,” retorted Kelindril.

  “Kyler, how’s he doing?” the demon turned his attention to the one he thought might answer honestly and with no sarcasm.

  “He has not risen yet. What happened out there?”

  “Not here, not now,” responded the demon. Sigorna motioned for Kyler to follow him out

  of the bedroom where they could talk quietly.

  “Last night, as I’m sure you’re aware, he drained himself considerably, healing the elf. Healing takes more energy than destruction magic. Each time he heals, he gives himself over to the healing magic and it takes its toll. Darian can do things that other Mages cannot. I’m sure you know this as well. However, Darian, as powerful as he is, still has his limits. Then we hunted down the animal who was responsible. I think what he witnessed, in combination with the guilt he feels over Kizziah’s attack, drove his body beyond its limits. He’s exhausted, Kyler. That’s all, he just needs rest. He’ll be fine. I told you I’d look after him, didn’t I?”

  “Thank you, Falahari. I appreciate it,” replied Kyler. “And thank you for your honesty. That seems to come in short supply lately.” Sigorna laughed and his fangs protruded from between his lips.

  “Don’t worry, elf, I will watch over him and no harm will come to him. Raylan is feisty and a good distraction for Darian, but she is very demanding. She will keep him busy, but he needs to regain his strength. If it’s all the same to you, I would prefer to bring him back to his chamber where he can rest in his own bed.”

  Kyler was shocked that the demon even sought his opinion. “I think that would be for the best. Raylan seems to be getting a bit possessive and they’ve only been together two days.”

  “Not to worry, if it continues, he will put her in her place. Darian will not tolerate it.” Sigorna asked Raylan to dress the Mage because he did not want to carry him naked all the way to his room. She looked a bit perplexed, but did as asked without a fuss.

  Surrounded by the Gor Li’ Khan and Kyler, Sigorna took the Mage back to his chamber where he laid him gently in his bed. The demon stood guard over the Mage’s unconscious body and the Gor Li’ Khan stayed outside in the hall.

  Two days later, Kyler was just rising after making love to Nephraete. It was early morning and he was preparing a bath when there was a knock on the door. Nephraete rose, pulling her robe on and hurriedly fixed her hair. She pulled open the door to find the gorgeous Darian standing in the doorway. Heat rose to her cheeks, he looked delicious as always. His smile told her that he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  “May I come in, Nephraete?” he asked, and his voice vibrated to her core.

  “Of course! I’m sorry, Darian. How are you feeling? We’ve been worried about you.”

  “Have you, now?” he asked with a knowing grin.

  “Of course, we have,” she said, playfully slapping his arm.

  “You look beautiful, Nephraete,” his voice was soft and low, meant only for her ears.

  “Darian! I’ve been worried about you!” said Kyler, coming to see who was at the door.

  Darian smiled at his friend, “I’m fine Kyler, really. I just needed rest. How did I get to my room?”

  “The Falahari took you. We thought it best under the circumstances.”

  “And what circumstances are those?” asked the Mage, waggling his eyebrows. Nephraete laughed out loud at the display and Darian decided she had a beautiful laugh. He wanted to fill her and make her cry out his name like he had before. Fully rested, his appetite began to return and he found he was starving.

  “We did not think you would get much rest with Raylan so close.”

  “You’re probably right,” admitted Darian. “She has an appetite equal to my own when it comes to…”

  “I think we know what you mean,” interrupted Kyler. “I was just about to take a bath.”

  “Don’t let me stop you. I can entertain Nephraete whilst you are away,” said the Mage with a smile.

  “I won’t be long,” said Kyler, not waiting for an answer. F
or what did he have to worry about?

  “Now, where were we?” asked the Mage with his sexy smile.

  “Darian, what are you doing?” she asked, her heart racing in her chest. She wanted him to kiss her. It was all she could think about lately. But he did not make a move. Instead, he sat at the table and poured a glass of juice and took a healthy sip. She was frustrated because he was so close and she could not help admiring him.

  “I awoke with such a thirst,” he smiled, knowingly. He knew exactly what she wanted, for she did not even try to hide her feelings from him. He could see the desperate fight within her. She wanted him, but she loved Kyler, too. “Would you like for me to leave? It would make it easier on you if I did.”

  “No! I don’t want you to go,” she said more forcefully than she intended.

  “What would you like to do then?” he asked, his eyes penetrating her.

  She made her way to him and touched his right hand lightly with her left hand. He looked up at her, “What are you doing, Nephraete? Kyler is just in the other room,” he said quietly. She could feel the magic envelop the room and knew he’d cast a spell.

  “I know, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I want you, Darian. I need you,” she said, voice filled with longing and desire. She was so beautiful, but she was his friend’s girl.

  He was fighting a losing battle and he knew it. She placed her hands on either side of his face and leaned into him, brushing her lips on his. He did not respond right away and at first, she thought he would refuse her advances. She sat in his lap, one very sexy leg on either side of his hips. She could feel him through their clothes and flashed him a wicked grin.

  “Nephraete,” his voice was raw with emotion and it aroused her deeply.

  “Shh,” she put her finger on his lips. Her lips found his in a heated kiss that left them both

  breathless. He kissed her again, liking the way she felt against him. Her tiny hands found their way into his breeches and he moaned against her lips. A moan filled with need. She undid his breeches, exposing him and the sight made her weak with want.

  His lips claimed hers and his hands undid the ties to her robe, letting it fall off her shoulders. He moved to her breasts, his lips caressing softly to her absolute delight. His hands were on either side of her shapely hips and she needed no more encouragement. She impaled herself on him and he growled even as she cried out. She gripped his hair tightly in her tiny hands as his lips worked her into a frenzy. She had never felt such intense pleasure, so deep and satisfying. Her movements were slow at first, she wanted to take it slow and enjoy every rise and fall of her hips on his. It was everything she’d fantasized about and more. He seemed perfectly content with her on top. She felt his hands caress her back, pulling her near. She ground her hips into his and kissed him playfully.

  She awoke as if from a dream, Darian was talking, but she hadn’t heard a word. Her breasts were full and firm and she felt the heat rise in her core. She could not believe that she had fantasized about them making love as he sat there talking to her! This was embarrassing!

  “I’m sorry, Darian. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today.” It had been so real too. Her

  cheeks blazed with color and she could not make eye contact with him.

  “I’ll be right back. She hurried away without waiting for an answer. She went to change

  her clothes. Maybe being fully clothed would help to keep her from being so distracted around the Mage.

  She stopped dead in her tracks as she entered the bedroom to find the bed neatly made and everything clean. When she rose to answer the door, they’d left the bed a mess… Hadn’t they?

  “Where’s Nephraete?” asked Kyler as he came directly from the bath.

  “I think she went to get dressed,” replied the Mage with a smile. “Let’s get some breakfast, I’m starving!” exclaimed the Mage.

  “I’ll go collect Nephraete,” said Kyler.

  They went to The Leaf and Vine to get breakfast because they preferred it to the Black Mare’s morning fare. Nephraete wore a dark blue dress with silver highlights that fell to her feet. A slit on either side of the garment traveled up her shapely legs, stopping just above her knees. Darian was admiring the view when a voice behind him began to annoy him.

  “Darian! There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” exclaimed Raylan as she sat herself at the table without being invited.

  “Seems you’ve found me,” he said dryly.

  She wrapped her arm around his and he frowned in irritation. The demon’s words came

  back to Kyler at that moment. It seemed Raylan was wearing out her welcome with the Mage.

  “I haven’t seen you in two days, Darian! I’ve missed you,” she said, begging for his attention.

  Nephraete scowled at Raylan’s behavior. She didn’t like the way the elf was clinging to Darian at all. She could see Raylan was trying too hard and Darian was getting angry. The Mage felt hands on his upper thigh; working their way up to… she found what she was seeking. Despite his irritation, he smiled inwardly. He would have to take her up on her offer, but he would be in control. He would not relinquish it to her and he would not be gentle. She needed to know that he was in charge.

  Nephraete could see how Raylan tried to manipulate Darian. Did the elf really think that sex was the only thing he cared about? The seer did not believe this to be true, though the Mage’s reputation would say otherwise. She could see that Darian possessed many layers, most of which he worked tirelessly to keep hidden from others. One look into his eyes on those rare moments when he allowed it, showed her the truth of his heart. He was lonely and in need of unconditional love. He had never known friendship or love before he came to Kiri A’ Nouell, only hatred and betrayal. She couldn’t imagine the kind of life he’d lived, nor the things he’d been forced to do just to survive. The only release he’d ever known, was women. It was natural for him to seek them out to divert his energy. He used sex as a distraction, but he wanted more, she knew.

  That admission from Darian left her breathless. She could feel him through their bond and it was extremely rare that he would let her feel what he felt. Even as he talked to Raylan and Kyler, he looked deep into the seer’s eyes, connecting with her. She felt she understood him a bit better than she had before. Her attraction to him only deepened with the increased understanding. The grey shirt he wore highlighted his eyes and his black pants hugged his hips. The Mage caught her looking and smirked, clearly amused that she was driven to distraction around him. She flushed crimson and struggled to return her attention to the conversation.

  “Are you okay, Nephraete? You seem distracted,” said Raylan, noticing how silent the seer had been.

  “I’m fine, sorry. I’m just deep in thought this morning, I guess,” she smiled.

  “About what?” asked Raylan.

  “It’s nothing,” responded Nephraete. She did not want any attention drawn to her.

  “It doesn’t seem like nothing, you’ve hardly spoken all morning,” observed Raylan.

  “I have a lot on my mind right now, Raylan, that’s all,” said the seer.

  “Darian always has a lot on his mind too,” she said with a smile. “But I help him with that. Don’t I, Darian?” she asked sweetly.

  Darian rolled his eyes and gave her a fake smile as he responded. “Of course, you do.”

  Kyler tried not to laugh at the display between Raylan and his friend. She did not seem to notice his obvious disdain for her. He almost felt sorry for her, but her assumptions about the Mage bothered the elf prince. She seemed to believe that they were together and it was obvious Darian felt very different. She was just another distraction in a long list of diversions. The problem was, she didn’t even realize it. She’d overstepped her bounds, Nephraete knew it, Kyler knew it, but Raylan was oblivious to the truth. Darian would not be with her for much longer.

  A lovely young elf maiden brought them hot tea and took their orders. She smiled at Darian, flirti
ng with him openly.

  “What can I get you, Darian?” she asked, ignoring the others for the moment.

  “Jayliss, right?” he replied, smiling that smile that brought women to his bed by the dozens.

  “How did you know my name?” she asked, shocked and excited that the Mage knew her.

  “Names are my specialty,” he replied softly. Raylan cleared her throat, clearly upset that Darian was flirting with another woman in front of her. The look that Darian directed to Raylan curled Nephraete’s toes. He was angry.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were together. What can I get you?” she asked.

  “We’re not,” Darian clarified. “She’s with me now, yes, but we are not together. I would like to take you to dinner sometime. Would you honor me?” Jayliss stood there, unable to believe the gorgeous Mage had just asked her out!

  “Excuse me, Darian, what are you doing?” asked Raylan none too nicely.

  “Raylan, please do not make the mistake of thinking that you own me. No one owns me. I never promised you anything, but you assumed it anyway. Don’t get me wrong, you are beautiful and intelligent and I have enjoyed your company immensely. But what I will not tolerate is your possessiveness. I am a Mage of The Order and very capable of taking care of myself.”

  Jayliss shifted uncomfortably during the exchange between the Mage and the beautiful elf. She was no longer sure if she should go with the Mage. She’d probably be in the same position as Raylan before too long. The whispers around the forest were true she supposed, concerning the Mage. He looked deadly when he was angry, as he was right now. And yet, he also appeared to be a gentleman, kind, loving and attentive. She’d heard about the deadly attack on Kizziah and the Mage’s quick response. He really cared; otherwise, why would he bother?

  “I apologize for that display, Jayliss. I’m sorry that you now feel uncomfortable around me. I think we are ready to order,” he smiled at her and she knew she wanted to have dinner with him.

  She returned shortly with Eylan Brua, an elvish dish made with fresh fruit, cream, and thin elvish cakes.

  “Will this be enough for you, Darian?” she asked, looking him over.


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