The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 9

by D E Boske

  “If there is one thing I learned at Piri-Tuma, it’s not to play jokes on people. The things they subjected me to, I would never inflict on a woman. Never. If I were honestly not interested Jayliss, I never would have spoken to you. I know I have a bad reputation that I have earned, but I can promise you that I will not physically hurt you. I love women and the pleasures that they can give to me, but I also give pleasure in return. I am not a selfish lover. I always try to give more than I receive. I can promise you undeniable pleasure if you come with me, but I will not force you. I understand if you want nothing to do with me. Especially after yesterday.”

  He seemed sad, quiet and reserved. She always pictured him as commanding, rude and demanding, but he was nothing like that. She went to him then and took his hands in hers. He was so warm and the skin on skin contact electrified her blood, sending it coursing through her veins at a rapid pace.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her, not wanting her to feel forced into anything.

  She nodded, unable to speak. He bent to take her in his arms and brought his lips to hers in a tender kiss. Immediately, she felt warmth spread through her. When his tongue sought hers, she grew wet and kissed him back hungrily.

  “Easy babe,” he said breathlessly between kisses. “We’ve got all night.” He deepened the kiss and without even realizing what she was doing, she moved her hand from his waist down to stroke him softly. She found that he was quite ready and she was so thankful.

  “Darian,” she said breathlessly. “I need you.”

  “You shall have me,” he replied between kisses. Gods! His kisses made her weak and excited. She’d never felt this way before. “We need to get out of here right now, or I will take you on one of these tables,” he growled and a thrill coursed through her at his words.

  “Really?” she asked, as she gripped him gently, but firmly.

  “Ah!” he exclaimed. “Jayliss, do you want me to make love to you on this table?”

  “Yes please, I can’t wait anymore.” She kissed him as she undid his breeches, setting him free. She captured him between her lips and he gripped the table for support.

  “You taste so good, Darian,” she whispered, as she continued her sensual assault.

  “Takasha! Easy Jayliss,” he hissed, as she got a little too rough. He grabbed her and turned her around so her hands were on the table and her back was to him. He raised her dress and tugged her panties down to her knees. He kicked her feet apart and put his right hand in the middle of her back, gently pushing her forward and down.

  She felt him brush against her and she pushed her hips back toward him. He laughed at her eagerness and said, “Are you ready Jayliss?”

  “Yes Darian, please…” but she never got to finish. He drove himself into her at a frantic

  pace and he felt her tighten around him almost at once. She screamed in pleasure, as she gave in to the erotic sensation he created within her and he wasn’t far behind her.

  “You really know how to use that thing,” she said breathlessly.

  “Indeed, I do. Let’s get out of here, Jayliss,” he said, as he clasped her hand in his.

  He tugged her into his room and locked the door behind them. “Now, we take our time,”

  he whispered to her. She felt her whole body liquefy at his words and a happy vibration ran

  straight to her core.

  He took off his Shryvven and hung it on a peg by the door, then made his way to where she stood in the middle of the room. She wrapped her slim arms around his neck and drew him to her. He smiled at her forwardness and returned her feverish kiss. Her hands made it inside his breeches in record time and he groaned against her lips.

  “It’s been a long time for you, hasn’t it, Jayliss?” he asked knowingly.

  “Yes, too long. I’m sorry; you make me feel so much.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s alright, babe. Come here,” he said, as he motioned her closer. He kissed her softly, but soon the kiss became so much more. She yanked his shirt off and pushed his breeches off his hips.

  He entwined his fingers in her hair as she pleasured him. This time, her lips made love to him slowly. She wanted to enjoy every agonizing moment. With him, the pleasure was so great, it was almost painful. He closed his eyes, concentrating on her lips gliding across his hot, hard skin. She increased the depth and speed of her movements until she felt his body tense in preparation. He let out a breathy moan and began to thrust his hips along with her rhythm.

  “Jayliss,” he whispered. “If you don’t stop soon…” but she didn’t let him finish.

  “Shhh,” she said around him, silencing his protests.

  “Jayliss,” he tried again, through gritted teeth. “Babe, you’re gonna make me…” but even as he spoke the words, he erupted and she tightened her grip on him, effectively milking him.

  She danced for him as she stripped out of her clothes and he grew aroused watching her. She had no idea how beautiful she was. The more time she spent with him, the more outgoing she was. He didn’t want her to be shy around him.

  In Mogan Dar, when a new group of girls arrived, they would line up in Darian’s chamber. If he were unsure about a certain girl, he would take her to his bed right then. If she pleased him, he would keep her. If she did not, he would let her go. He remembered those times fondly. He would make them strip so he could look them over very carefully. Darian was ever picky and fastidious, definitely a breast and ass man.

  He took her by the hand and led her to his bed. She climbed into his lap and braced herself

  on his chest. The force of her hips took him by surprise. She impaled herself on him and threw back her head as she ground her hips into his. He groaned in pleasure as he watched her. Her enraptured expression turned him on. He placed his hands on her hips driving himself into her

  repeatedly until she fell forward on his chest, utterly spent.


  Morning dawned bright and early and the sun’s warmth gently woke Darian. When he turned, Jayliss was still deep in Ru Nay’ Sha, so he rose to bathe and dress. Damn, he felt good today! So much sex does that to a guy, he mused.

  Nymdal materialized as Darian crossed the threshold of his bedroom. “Morning Darian, rest well?” asked the elf knowingly.

  “Indeed, I did Nym, you?” replied the Mage with a smile. Nymdal’s was infectious.

  “Not really. I haven’t for some time, Darian,” he admitted quietly.

  “Why, Nym?” asked the Mage, serious now. He cared about the Gor Li’ Khan and did not like to see them tormented.

  “Fate, I guess.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” asked Darian for clarification.

  “The things that I have seen and done, sometimes haunt my dreams and I cannot rest.”

  “Why is this the first I’m hearing of it?” asked the Mage, upset that his guards were suffering. If he could do something about it, he would.

  “You have so much to deal with right now. There is no way I would place more on you. Besides, I’ve lived like this for so long now… I cannot even remember what it feels like to sleep

  through the night.”

  “Do not worry, I think I have something that will help you,” Darian replied, placing his left hand on Nym’s left shoulder.

  “Darian please, I don’t want you to bother. You have more important things to worry about than me. Maybe after the Haunted Lands…” But Darian interrupted him.

  “Nonsense! I will hear no more of it.” He went to his Dregian robes, pulled out a small packet and handed it over to Nymdal. “Put a pinch of this into your tea before bed and you should rest like a baby,” said Darian, not taking no for an answer.

  “Thank you, Darian,” said Nymdal.

  This simple act deeply touched the elf, surprised the Mage would even bother. He felt a strong closeness with Darian and wondered if the Mage felt the same. Since the first time Nymdal had laid eyes on the Mage, he wanted to befriend him. He respected Darian because, from Nym’s perspective, he
was so different from the other Mages who cared nothing for anyone but themselves. Yet Darian, hunted as he was, cared more than anyone ever had in Nym’s life. He felt deeply connected to Darian and he would gladly die to protect him.

  Darian seemed to understand what this meant to Nymdal, for he smiled at him. “I’m starving!” Exclaimed the Mage.

  “I bet you are,” Nym laughed and the Mage joined in.

  “Have breakfast with me when I’m done bathing,” Darian said and Nymdal nodded his consent.

  “I feel great today,” Darian admitted.

  “I bet you do,” said Nym, laughing harder.

  Darian drew a hot bath and undressed shamelessly in front of Nymdal. Nym turned his back to give the Mage his privacy, but did not leave the room. Darian hummed as he washed and Nymdal realized he never knew the Mage could sing.

  “Can I ask you something?” asked Nymdal.

  “Of course, Nym,” Darian responded.

  “What happened with Raylan? Why was she acting like that?”

  “Sometimes, I have that effect on women, Nym. She was getting extremely possessive of me and thought she owned me and I do not like that. I never promised her anything. I guess some women cannot have just one night with me and be satisfied. They want more. Raylan went about it all wrong. I am looking for a consort and I consider my carnal appetite the interview process. I guess Raylan thought I was hers and she was so wrong. I cannot be caged and kept. I’m not even sure I want to take a consort anymore. I do not know if I am capable of being with only one woman, Nym.” Darian ducked under the water to rinse his hair and when he came up, Nym was grinning at him.

  “I wish I had your troubles,” said Nymdal laughing.

  “Are you mocking me?” asked the Mage with a grin.

  “Hardly,” replied the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “Then what is it, Nym?” observed the Mage.

  “Kelindril doesn’t let us stray when we’re on a job,” admitted Nymdal quietly. Almost as if he was afraid of his leader hearing him.

  “Nym, I’m your job,” said Darian, as realization dawned.

  “Now you see my predicament,” said Nymdal sourly.

  “That’s ridiculous! I won’t stand for it, Nym. I will talk to Kelindril. Just because he chooses

  to abstain, doesn’t mean the rest of you must as well. I am not a harsh taskmaster.”

  Nymdal could tell Darian was really angry and he was sorry he brought it up. He didn’t

  want Kelindril to know he’d told the Mage. Kelindril didn’t like his leadership questioned.

  He rose, grabbing a towel and began to dry himself off just as Jayliss walked into the room.

  Her eyes took in the naked, wet Mage and desire spiked through her. He smirked at her, able to read her thoroughly. He knew what she wanted, what she needed and he would give it to her, but not now.

  Nymdal saw the elf maiden’s hungry gaze and smiled to himself. He had never seen one man pick up so many women in his life. He had to admit that he was a bit jealous. Darian made it look too easy, which Nymdal knew that it wasn’t. Unless you had Darian’s looks and charisma.

  “Good morning, Darian,” she said softly, as she absently licked her lips.

  “Mornin’ darlin’,” Darian drawled, with a rakish smile. Everything south of her waist vibrated with raw need.

  Darian appeared oblivious, which she didn’t understand and it rather threw her off. He was not exactly distant and yet… so different from last night. She watched him as he finished drying off. He was so damn sexy and he knew it. He vigorously dried his hair with the towel and then cast a minor cantrip to pull the rest of the moisture from his hair. As he walked past her, he paused to kiss her, his lips promising much pleasure to come.

  He walked naked into his bedroom and Nymdal followed. The elf tried to ignore the look

  of pure desire that lit Jayliss’ eyes. He felt a bit sorry for her because he knew she wasn’t Darian’s type. He would not keep her for long, Nym knew. In the short time the Gor Li’ Khan had been with Darian, the few assigned to protect him had gotten to know his moods, likes and dislikes quite well. The assassins knew when it was safe to approach the Mage and when it was best to leave him alone.

  Jayliss walked into Darian’s bedroom. He stood, naked still, by his wardrobe, deciding what clothes to wear. She couldn’t help herself. He looked so delicious and he smelled so good. She ran her hands over his smooth, tan skin as she brought her lips to kiss his strong back. She slipped her arms around his waist as her hands dipped to stroke him.

  “Mmm Jayliss, not now, I have to go.” She pouted and he kissed her thoroughly, as he wrapped her in his embrace. “I will come for you later,” he whispered.

  “I thought she’d never leave,” said Darian, once the girl was gone, confirming Nymdal’s


  “You don’t like her, do you?” asked Nymdal, but he already knew the answer. He watched Darian carefully for some time now and he thought he was beginning to have a deeper understanding of the Mage.

  “Too needy,” replied the Mage.

  “Doesn’t that guarantee your “interview process”?” asked Nymdal, emphasizing interview

  process, with finger quotes.

  “I long for someone strong, Nym. Someone who can keep up with me and put me in my place if I get out of line. Jayliss, though beautiful, is not the woman for me. She is meek and eager to please. Afraid of losing me though she knows it is inevitable. I need a highly intelligent woman who has a deep understanding of magic. I long for a woman to share my life with. Someone who I can have intelligent conversation with. I miss that with Reny. She was all those things and so much more. How did I go so wrong with her?”

  Nymdal was stunned into silence and had no idea how to respond to the Mage’s honesty. Hadn’t Darian just told him that he didn’t think he could be with only one woman? So… which was it? Did Darian even know what he wanted?

  “What happened, Darian?” asked Nymdal, the only thing he could think to say.

  “She broke off our affair, claiming that we could not be together until I was over Tynuviel. I understand to a certain degree. She feared to give herself to me because she felt that if Tynuviel came to her senses, I would go to her. And she is probably right. However, I think she underestimates how much she means to me. She is afraid I will hurt her, but since she left me, I have not been able to get her off my mind. I keep thinking of her. I want her, Nym. I want her to be my consort. When she is with me, I do not hunger for anyone else.” The Mage paused at his reflection, as if shocked by the words he spoke.

  Darian and Nym went to the Black Mare. Darian was hungry today and the thin elvish cakes with cream and fruit, that was the Leaf and Vine’s fare, would not satisfy him this morning. He wanted eggs, thick bacon and biscuits with fresh, sweet cream butter. Nymdal felt a bit weird going to eat with Darian, but he soon relaxed. Darian kept the conversation flowing, putting Nymdal at ease.

  They sat near the front by the door so they had a perfect view of the walkway and the forest in the background. The sun was bright and warm, streaming through the forest canopy to shed its golden light on the elves.

  “Good morning, what can I get for you this fine day?” asked their beautiful server. Her eyes roamed hungrily over Darian, as he sat back, totally relaxed. His lavender colored shirt really showed off the silvery grey of his eyes and she found she could not look away. His right ankle was resting easily on his left knee and she wondered how it would feel to climb in his lap.

  Once they placed their order, Nymdal said, “She likes you, Darian.” The whole time Nym was talking though, his eyes were everywhere else, assessing danger.

  “What’s not to like?” asked the Mage with a smile. Nymdal just shook his head at Darian’s cockiness.

  Their server returned with plates of eggs, bacon and biscuits for each of them. She placed

  a dish of sweet cream butter on the table and poured them each hot coffee.

  “What’s y
our name, sweetheart?” asked Darian in elvish, with his disarming smile.

  “Neira,” she replied, as her mouth went dry. She hadn’t expected him to speak to her, and in elvish too! What they said about him was true. How could one man have so many talents and be so… so gorgeous. It didn’t seem fair.

  “Thank you, Neira,” Darian said, brazenly looking her over from toe to head.

  “How do you do that?” asked Nymdal, a bit exasperated.

  “Do what?” asked the Mage, completely oblivious of what Nym was referring to.

  “You have her eating out of your hand. She’ll do anything you want her to. How do you do that so quickly?” asked Nym, a bit reverently.

  As the Mage was about to respond, an elf maiden was passing by outside their window. She paused at the railing, taking in the view, as did Darian. Nymdal looked to see what had the Mage so distracted and laughed aloud. He should have known.

  “Something funny, Nym?” asked the Mage, without pulling his eyes away from the elf in

  the tight, red dress, now leaning on the railing, which accented her lovely ass.

  “Is that all you ever think about, Darian?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan, as he ate. The sweet cream butter was soft and spread easily onto the warm biscuits.

  The elf maiden turned around, placing her back to the forest and rested her elbows on the railing. She spotted Darian right away and blushed, but did not change position. She smiled at him and he returned it with a winning one of his own. Though she caught Darian in the act, he did not even appear to be embarrassed and Nymdal supposed he wasn’t. Nymdal wasn’t sure if it was even possible to embarrass Darian. She waved to Darian and he waved back. A few moments later and she was gone.

  “Can I ask you something, Darian?” asked Nymdal, seriously.

  “Of course, Nym,” the Mage responded.

  “What will we likely face in the Haunted Lands?” If this question threw Darian off at all,

  he didn’t show it. The Mage never stopped eating. He took a drink of his hot coffee before answering.

  “I’m honestly not sure, Nym. I have never been there, though I have read about it in Piri-Tuma.”


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