The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 13

by D E Boske

  “Yes, well, Tynuviel and I are no more. Though we never were, to begin with,” Darian said

  softly. The pain in his eyes was there and gone so quickly that Aganor thought he may have

  imagined it all.

  “What’s happened, Darian?”

  “I do not wish to discuss it, Aganor. It pains me deeply and it is just another chapter that is now closed to me.”

  “What about Renlyss? I can see she loves you. Do you have any designs on her?”

  “She is covered in my designs,” Darian smirked and Aganor clapped him on the back.

  “So, the sex is good?” asked Aganor.

  “The sex in incredible.” “I think I have found my consort. Someone worthy and capable of handling me. She is an elven mage, so she understands magic and she has a deeper understanding of me. Our conversations are stimulating and hold my interest,” admitted Darian.

  “You never needed much, Darian,” said Aganor, his eyes dancing with mirth.

  “Jealous?” remarked the young Mage.

  “You have no idea,” answered Aganor. “Stay and have lunch with me, both of you,” offered Aganor.

  “Sure, I’d love for you to meet Reny,” said Darian.

  The fondness in the young Mage’s tone completely threw Aganor off. He’d never heard Darian speak so of a woman. Darian cancelled Aganor’s shield spell, a very difficult thing for another Mage to do and yet Darian did it without even thinking. Everything seemed to come so naturally to him. Darian held out his hand to Renlyss and she came willingly. He kissed her right in front of Aganor, as his hands slid down to her ass, pulling her tightly against him.

  “Would you like to have lunch with us?” he asked her, his eyes smoldering with promises of lust to come.

  “Yes, I would like that very much,” she responded, as she left Darian’s embrace to come before Aganor.

  “I am Renlyss and it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said, extending her hand to the handsome Mage.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Renlyss, I assure you. My name is Aganor,” he said, taking her hand in his, lifting it to his lips and kissing her gently. He noticed that Darian was completely at ease. No jealousy radiated from him at all. Interesting, thought Aganor. Either he doesn’t care or he knows he has nothing to worry about. Aganor would be willing to bet good gold that it was the latter. He knows I cannot compete with him. No one can, mused Aganor.


  Darian awoke to the morning sun shining in his eyes. Renlyss was not yet awake and still lay sprawled on his chest, her bare breasts tantalizing him with their sweet softness. His left arm caressed her bare back, his fingertips running softly down her silky skin. He smiled at her response, as she cuddled closer to him. Her left knee slid between his thighs and he let out a soft groan of pleasure. Her golden green eyes fluttered open to meet his silvery grey gaze.

  “Hi,” she said, smiling at him. His smile was immediate, warm, and full of affection.

  He did not speak. Instead, he brought his lips to hers in a possessive kiss. He’d never kissed her like this before. His tongue passed her lips to caress hers, in a way that told her she was his and no one else’s. She moaned softly as he deepened the kiss. Rolling over, he put his right knee between hers, forcing her legs apart. His right knee forced her left leg up, past her hips and held it prisoner as he slid inside her.

  Her fingers dug into his back as he began to move. “I love you, Darian,” she gasped as he picked up his pace.

  His mouth claimed hers, effectively shutting her up. It wasn’t that he didn’t like to hear her confession, but it pained him because he couldn’t return it. Renlyss was the first one that he felt guilty for not being able to say three simple words. They were not so simple though and many

  invisible strings came attached to them. Things Darian had never been interested in becoming entangled in.

  He placed her legs on his shoulders, claiming her body as his with every deep thrust of his hips. He knew her body better than any ever had, herself included. He knew every inch of it and how best to exploit it for the pleasure of them both.

  Rolling onto his back, he pulled her atop him. Leaning forward, she brushed her lips on his. She could feel his fingers snake through her hair as his tongue passed her lips.

  “Ah!” she cried, breaking off the kiss, as she felt his fingers between her thighs.

  “Take me,” he said and she nearly climaxed from his words alone. Although Darian was notorious for talking dirty while having sex, something in his voice was different this morning.

  She looked into his beautiful, silvery eyes as she took him, claiming him as hers and hers alone. He rested his hands on her hips, but relinquished control to her. As she began to move, his hands moved from her hips to her firm breasts, gently squeezing them until she moaned loudly. He grasped her nipples between his thumb and index finger and gently pulled on them much to her arousal and enjoyment. Her hips punished his as she rode him hard. He could feel her tightening around him and he grabbed her hips, pulling her down hard as he found his release. She cried out as she continued her dance until the aftershocks of her pleasure faded.

  After they bathed, he dressed in black pants that fit him well, hugging his hips in the most delectable way. He wore a white shirt, black leather boots with silver buckles, and his Shryvven.

  “Takasha Darian! You look good,” she smiled wickedly at him and he caught her by surprise as he pulled her into a passionate kiss.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go, Reny,” he said softly, as he kissed her again. She lost herself in the kiss. She lost herself in him and she knew without doubt that she loved him deeply. It terrified her as much as it made her happy.

  “Hurry back to me, my love,” she whispered and he smiled down at her. The backs of his fingers stroked her face lovingly as he gripped her chin between his right thumb and index finger. He kissed her once more and made his way to the door. As he stood in the doorway, on impulse, she smacked him on the ass, grabbing him hard.

  “Careful Reny,” he said in a smoldering tone. “Or I will have to take you right here on the walkway.” He smiled that smile of his and she damn near melted where she stood.

  Alvos was waiting for him outside and they left quickly, much to the dismay and anger of the Gor Li’ Khan. Darian had left them behind. Kelindril was irate. Nymdal had never seen Kelindril so angry before and it was terrifying. The Gor Li’ Khan made their way back to Darian’s chamber. Kelindril walked in without knocking, startling Renlyss.

  “Did you know what he was up to? How could you let him do this? Do you not understand

  the danger he is in?”

  “What are you talking about, Kelindril?” asked Renlyss, completely baffled.

  “Are you trying to tell me you had no idea what he had planned?” Kelindril said in disbelief.

  “What’s happened, Kelindril? Where is Darian?” asked Renlyss, panic rising in her throat.

  “He and Alvos left without waiting for us. He knows we must accompany him. It’s the only way we can guarantee his safety!” Kelindril was livid.

  “Why wouldn’t he wait for you?” said Renlyss. She didn’t know why Darian would leave the Gor Li’ Khan behind, but she knew he must have a reason. And it had to do with Alvos.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Once the portal closed behind Darian, he looked to Alvos and nodded. They were safe. They arrived in Al-Dan-Tir as the sun was rising. The time difference always amazed the young Mage. Darian enacted a sound shield around them so they could speak freely, without fear that anyone would overhear them.

  The smell of bacon, fresh baked bread and pastries filled the air with their delicious aromas, a palatable potpourri for the senses. Darian’s stomach took the time to remind him that he had not yet eaten today. Not food anyway, he smirked to himself, as he thought of how Reny screamed his name while his tongue worked her into a frenzy.

  “Do you think we were convincing?” asked Darian, as they walked down the alley that
would lead them to the street.

  “If they don’t believe us after that fight, then we don’t deserve to be Mages,” replied Alvos.

  “Damn Darian, I almost forgot how hard you can hit,” said Alvos, rubbing his still sore jaw. “Why did you leave the elves behind?”

  “Because no one may know of our alliance, Alvos. We have kept it a secret all these years and it must remain so. At least for now. With you on the inside, maybe we can glean more information. Hopefully they will let down their guard and be honest with you. More so than if they knew we were friends.”

  “You are one cynical son of a bitch!” said Alvos.

  “I’m a realist, Alvos. We were both raised by The Order. We experienced the same things. I am who I am because of The Order. We are each of us shaped by The Order’s hand, crafted and honed to perfection. I do not regret the way they raised me, nor do I regret the way they taught me. It is because of this that I am no weakling bastard. I am not afraid of anything, The Order has seen to that,” Darian confessed.

  “Aye, that they have,” replied Alvos, eyeing Darian askance. “What do you hope to learn by keeping our friendship secret?”

  “The traitor’s identity,” answered the young Mage.

  “Traitor? What traitor?” asked Alvos, suspiciously.

  “There is a traitor in our midst, Alvos and I need to find him. He must answer for the lives that have been sacrificed.” Alvos could see that something was bothering Darian. The troubled expression, so fleeting, that marred his perfect features was anathema to the powerful Mage. Or so Alvos had always believed and he knew he was not alone in his beliefs.

  “Why are you so sure it’s a Mage? What proof do you have?” pressed Alvos.

  “None yet, Alvos,” replied Darian. “But who else could have summoned a Falahari demon,

  cloak not only my room, but the elf prince’s as well and cloak Kyler himself in powerful demonic

  magic? Who else could accomplish this?”

  Alvos paled at the young Mage’s words. “Who indeed,” he agreed. “Why would they use

  demonic magic on you and the elf prince? I don’t understand.”

  “They attempted to drive a wedge between us and it almost worked. They could not break past my defenses, but Kyler was less lucky. Demonic magic is dark and powerful. It changed the elf prince gradually, over days, maybe even weeks. I have no way of knowing how long he was affected by it.”

  “Is it possible that the demon you consort with is responsible?” asked Alvos cautiously.

  “You should know better than to even ask that question, Alvos. Of course, he’s not responsible. I have him bound so tightly that if I so chose, he would not draw breath but by my wish,” said Darian, mildly amused.

  “You’re extremely intelligent, Darian. It is why they fear you, you know,” Alvos admitted. “Your strength and power are unmatched and they all know this. Add in your intelligence and you are a force to be reckoned with, my friend.”

  “Indeed,” responded the young Mage.

  “Renlyss is beautiful, sensual and sexy. You always had great taste in women, Darian. She is a good match for you. I think she can actually handle you my friend,” said Alvos.

  “She has more than beauty, Alvos. So much more. She is every bit as intelligent and wily as I am. And you are very perceptive, she is strong enough to handle me, which she does every night,” Darian admitted with a smirk.

  Alvos laughed at the comment and the not so hidden meaning. “That’s not what I meant.”

  Darian led them to the market and Alvos admired the ease with which Darian moved. He was glad Delvishan had chosen him. He would follow Darian to his death if need be to see The Order restored to their former glory. The Mages had fallen far under Mordikai’s rule. Why did the Mages allow it to happen? Why did they remove themselves from Corillia?

  Darian never got lost or turned around. He led them through the maze of streets to the center of the huge city where the market lay. He knew exactly where he was going and what booth he was looking for.

  The booth that sold the magical items was first on their list. Darian negotiated hard for what they needed, and in the end, he handed over three fat purses full of gold. All their purchases went into the magical haversack, which Darian carried.

  Next, they visited the alchemy booth to gather the ingredients needed for the upcoming journey. Darian bought almost everything the merchant had on display and much of what she did not.

  “Oi! Mage, you no canno’ leave afore ye stop’n say ‘ello!” shouted a voice with a thick


  “Shit!” exclaimed Darian. “Act angry and give me plenty of attitude, Alvos,” instructed the

  young Mage, as he turned around to see a short, stocky dwarf waving his arms like a maniac, while his companion elbowed him hard in the ribs. He plastered a fake smile on his face and made his way over to the Thundershield booth. There were too many witnesses; people were staring at the two Mages and the dwarves with open suspicion.

  “Dunderhead!” exclaimed the elbowing dwarf. “He don’t wanna’ be rec ognized. Look at the attention ye be drawin’, ye durned fool!”

  “You may stop waving your arms around, good dwarf, or I may be forced to chop them from your half pint self,” Darian said through clenched teeth, as he smiled that fake smile. A smile that did not touch his eyes. Eyes that remained cold and guarded.

  “I telled him not to be botherin’ ye, Mage. He ain’t all there in th’ head if ye know what I mean,” said half pint’s companion.

  “Looks like he ignored your request,” said Darian.

  “Wow, that was obvious,” cut in Alvos and Darian glared at him.

  “I know yer Mages’n all, but we have a good selection o’ blades and other assorted oddities…”

  “You mean beside your friend?” quipped Darian and the dwarf laughed nervously, but to their surprise, Darian seemed interested in their wares. He looked over a few items, dismissing the rest and prepared for a cutthroat bargaining process.

  “Don’t waste good gold on this hammered metal! We’re Mages and have no need for this crap,” chided Alvos.

  “You’d do well to remember that in close combat, a good knife kills far quicker than any spell you have prepared,” warned Darian.

  “Whatever,” snapped Alvos, looking over the items laid out on the black cloth.

  “What are you asking for these?” asked Darian, selecting several items, one of which was

  a delicately carved long dagger. It was surprisingly light, with runes engraved on the handle and a blade that was razor sharp. Darian already had the enchantment in mind for the blade, but kept his eagerness hidden from the dwarves.

  “Normally, we’d be askin’ fifteen hunnerd gold for them. But seein’ as yer a friend, seven hunnerd and we’ll throw in a leather sheath for each of the blades,” replied the dwarf.

  “Done,” said Darian, handing over a bag of gold.

  Darian knew a good deal when he heard one and didn’t have a need to haggle any more. The dwarves were more than fair with the price. They seemed surprised that he didn’t argue and even more so when they saw the amount of gold he carried. They poured it onto their scale and

  gave him his change.

  They stopped at several more booths, gathering the supplies that they both knew the elves

  did not have. When they had everything they thought they might need, they made their way back to the alley where Darian opened a portal to return them to Kiri A’ Nouell. They arrived in Darian’s chamber, much to the relief of Renlyss. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him softly.

  “Why did you leave without Kelindril? He’s very cross with you,” she explained and the Mage smiled.

  “Alvos and I had to come to an understanding, babe, that’s all. I thought it best if we went alone to talk through our differences. I assure you, we were perfectly safe,” Darian said, as he brought his lips to hers in a sensual kiss.

  “Where have you been?
I suppose you think that was terribly clever?” said Kelindril, as he walked in without knocking. “You do not leave this room without an escort, Darian, you know this. I cannot protect you if you do not allow me to do my job!”

  Much to their surprise, Darian did not get angry, but instead, managed to look contrite.

  “I’m sorry, Kel. Really, I am. I just felt it best to be alone with Alvos and talk through our differences. I did not mean to offend you or keep you from doing your job.”

  “Do not do so again. You put me in charge of your security and I take my job very seriously, Darian.”

  “I know Kel,” Darian said, as he laid his right hand on the elf’s left shoulder. “It gets pretty ugly when Alvos and I are together for any length of time. I didn’t want you to have to see that,” the Mage looked at Alvos as he said it and Alvos just snickered.

  “See what I mean? No respect,” the young Mage told the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “Respect is earned, Darian, not just meted out for your benefit,” said Alvos contemptuously. Darian merely laughed at the Mage’s rudeness.

  “Why do you speak to him so?” asked Kelindril.

  “Because he is not deserving of my respect,” said Alvos in a clipped tone.

  “I do not agree,” said Kelindril.

  “I give a shit!” exclaimed Alvos, pushing past the elf and out the door.

  “Why do you let him speak to you so?” asked Renlyss, as she took her lover’s hand in hers.

  “He is of no consequence, Reny. Don’t let it bother you, I don’t. I have become quite used to it, really,” he said quietly.

  “Maybe that’s the problem, Darian. These Mages think that they can talk to you however

  they wish, but you are no longer just a mere Mage. You are their Shangmarrum now and deserving of their respect. You must put them in their place, else they will never stop.”

  “She’s right, Darian,” chimed in Kelindril. “The way they treat you is abhorrent and it’s


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