The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 15

by D E Boske

  “So, what are your plans, Mage? What is your next move?” asked the wyrm, crossing its huge clawed appendages in front of its body.

  “The Mages think that I should go to Mogan Dar and rescue those I can.”

  “That would be suicide, Darian,” said the wyrm, his voice a heavy bass rumble that Darian could feel in his chest.

  “Without Dark Magic to aid you, you would perish along with the rest of those upstarts. You must have a better plan than that. I cannot place my trust in you if you lose your wits.”

  “Not to worry, I haven’t lost anything. In fact, I’ve gained quite a bit recently,” said the young Mage, his voice drifting off, as he seemed to contemplate something.

  “You need to recover that book before you do anything else. I don’t think I need to remind you of what will happen should you fail?” Jabbed the dragon and was rewarded with a glare from the young pain in the ass Mage.

  “I know what I need to do. I came to check on you and verify that you’re ready to begin. I didn’t come for your snide comments.” The dragon laughed heartily at that.

  “Suit yourself. I’m ready when you are, Darian,” said the dragon, closing his eyes and pretending to rest.

  “Am I boring you?” asked the Mage.

  “You have no idea,” mumbled the wyrm.

  Before he could stop himself, Darian’s thoughts erupted out of his mouth with reckless abandon, a rarity that Morphindinaetlus never thought he’d see personally.

  “Whose idea was it to take Tynuviel, you or the Dark Mage?” If Darian didn’t know better, he would have sworn he saw resentment flash in the wyrm’s eyes. The dragon blinked and it was gone.

  “What does it matter? The damage has been done, Mage,” the deep voice rumbled across the cavernous walls and resonated in the Mage’s chest.

  “It matters to me,” Darian responded, quietly threatening.

  “It was my idea, but the Dark Mage gave me the tools to succeed. It would comfort you to know that it was deeply personal. At the time, I wanted revenge for your thievery,” said the dragon, throwing the young Mage’s words back at him.

  “And now?” asked Darian, surprising the dragon with the lack of forthcoming fury.

  “I suppose I acted a bit rashly. After all, how was I supposed to know that you compensated me for the orb?” Darian laughed heartily at that.

  “If you weren’t such an intolerable slob, you would have noticed.” The dragon bristled at the words the young Mage spoke and the tone in which he spoke them. “I thought dragons knew every item in their hoards. How did you even know I took it?” asked Darian with a smile that did not touch his eyes.

  “The orb is special and it was precious to me. I always knew its location. When I couldn’t find it, I knew you’d taken it. That spell you cast to hide your theft was quite clever,” the reverence in the wyrm’s voice was almost imperceptible.

  “We have each of us wronged the other. Now is not the time for petty squabbles, Darian. We need to work together or Corillia will be lost and us along with it. Is that what you want? I recommend we put our differences in the past and move forward.”

  “I’ll be in touch,” said Darian, as he rapidly withdrew his consciousness from the lair of the dragon. He flew at blinding speed back to his body in the elven homeland, leaving the mighty wyrm speechless and stunned.


  Darian’s awareness slammed back into his body so forcefully that it nearly threw him out of his seat. He was angry and his temper was slipping away from him. He threw everything from his desk with one severe swipe of his arm, overthrowing the desk and sending it crashing against the wall.

  Kelindril heard the commotion and came running, but Darian’s ward repelled him fiercely, throwing the elven warrior over the couch where he tumbled back to land hard on his ass.

  “Kelindril! Are you alright? What’s going on?” asked Renlyss worriedly.

  “I’m fine,” the elf gritted out. “But your lover is pissed. I’m guessing the meeting didn’t go as planned.”

  Darian destroyed everything in his study; nothing was safe from his ire. He couldn’t remember ever being so angry before and if he stopped to think about it, it would worry him. But the Dark Magic controlled him now. It was as if he was watching from afar. No, that wasn’t quite right. It was as if he were dragged beneath the surface of water, plunging to the bottom. He tried to claw his way to the surface, but the weight on his chest was sinking him faster than an anchor tied to his ankle. He was losing consciousness quickly, as the Dark force raged through him. His body trembled. He was losing himself, drifting away. His silvery grey eyes became black as the young Mage lost the battle. An evil smile snaked its way across his lips and he brushed himself off and straightened his hair. With a tiny waggle of his fingers, he put everything in his study back in place, opened a portal and was gone.

  Kelindril banged on the invisible barrier but couldn’t gain access. Not that it would have done much good anyway. The Mage was gone. Again. How was he supposed to protect him now?

  Renlyss shivered. Something wasn’t right about the way Darian had acted. She didn’t know how exactly, but he was different. What had the dragon said to him to upset him so? She wished she’d been with him for that meeting. A knock on the door brought her around.

  “Kyler!” she exclaimed as she flung herself into his arms.

  “What’s wrong? Where’s Darian?” asked Kyler, as a sinking feeling overcame him.

  “I don’t know, Kyler. He went to see Morphindinaetlus and when he came back, he was

  angrier than I’ve ever seen him. He destroyed his study; it was like he was waging an internal battle. Then, all at once, he became calm. He straightened himself, his study and then left.”

  “He left? Did he say anything?” he asked.

  “No. He didn’t even acknowledge me, Kyler. He never even looked at me,” she began to cry. She was feeling overwhelmed. Was she moving too fast with the Mage? Was it a mistake to become his consort? She didn’t really know him. Did anyone? She was in love with him, but would he ever feel the same about her? At first, she didn’t think it would matter; that if they were together, she’d be happy, but she wasn’t sure it was enough anymore.

  “Hey, it’s gonna’ be okay, Renlyss. We’ll find him. He probably went to cool off somewhere. He’ll be back.” Kyler gently put her at arm’s length so he could look into her eyes. He had the feeling there was something else going on here.

  “What is it, Renlyss?” Kyler searched her eyes and saw it immediately; the doubt, the worry, and the love she had for the Mage.

  “Do you love him, Renlyss?” he asked her, placing his right forefinger and thumb under her chin.

  “You know I do. I’m just not sure it’s enough anymore, Kyler. I’m scared. I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone. The feelings I have for him are swallowing me alive. Will I ever matter to him? Am I just another possession to him? Just one more conquest?”

  “I understand why you feel the way you do, Renlyss, but I also know that Darian cares for you. You should have seen him when you left him. He was lost without you. I think out of all the women he’s been with; you are the one he wants the most. He needs you. And I honestly believe that with time, he will fall in love with you. You’re perfect for him because you don’t let him walk all over you. You stand up for yourself and he loves that about you. Don’t tell him I ever said that, he’ll deny it,” Kyler said with a smile.

  “I just realized that I don’t even really know him. He really scares me, Kyler. I couldn’t see his eyes, but his demeanor was frightening.”

  “I don’t think I need to say this, but I’m going to anyway. He needs you now more than ever. The Dark Magic is consuming him faster than… Shit! That’s it!”

  “What?” asked Renlyss.

  “The Dark Magic must have overcome him again.” Kyler looked worried, which scared Renlyss more. The elf was usually unshakable.

  “What do you mean, again? Kyler, how ofte
n does this happen?”

  “I don’t know exactly, but it’s happening more frequently. He needs us to stabilize him so he has a reason to fight. Without us, he may give in and the Darian we know and love will be gone forever. Is that what you want?”

  “No, of course not! It’s just that I’m having second thoughts about being his consort. I feel like maybe we’re moving too fast. I don’t know, maybe I’m just scared.”

  “It’s not easy loving him, I know. He comes with a lot of history and baggage. The only question you should be asking yourself is if you love him. If the answer is yes, then fight for him, Renlyss. Don’t let your fears play any factor here. They won’t even matter in the long run and you know it. It sounds like you’re just making excuses to leave.”

  “Maybe I am, I don’t know. I think I just need some time to think things through. I’m going to visit my mom, Kyler. You can tell Darian if and when he gets back.”

  “Now is not the time for this, Renlyss. He needs you, though he’ll never admit to it,” said the elf.

  “Maybe that’s why I’m having such a hard time. He doesn’t talk to me. We make love, that’s it.”

  “You know that’s not true. He’s told me of the conversations he has with you. He says they’re the most stimulating conversation’s he’s ever had. Because you are a mage, you can understand what he’s going through. He feels closer to you than anyone except for me, perhaps. Please don’t leave, Renlyss. When he gets back, we can talk to him together.”

  “I’m sorry, Kyler. I can’t. I need to get out of here.”

  “What am I supposed to tell him when he gets back?”

  “You’ll think of something, I’m sure. You always do, Kyler.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Kyler, slightly offended.

  “You’ll say or do anything to protect him at whatever cost. I just don’t know if I can be there for him the way he needs me to. I don’t know how to handle this, Kyler. What if the Dark Magic swallows him and he kills me or hurts me? You didn’t see the way he acted; it was truly terrifying. I never realized how powerful and strong he is. I do not want that power directed at me.”

  “You honestly think he would hurt you?” asked Kyler, his voice tinged with disbelief.

  “You said it yourself, he is not himself. The Dark Magic is consuming him piece by piece.”

  “You know what, Renlyss? Just go. Run away. I guess you don’t love him after all, because if you did, you would stay and fight for him instead of being a coward. As usual, I will be here for him when he returns and I will not lie to him again. I will tell him the truth.”

  “Kyler…” she began, but the elf cut her off.

  “Enough! Just go!” Kyler left, slamming the door, as he began looking for his friend.

  Kelindril signaled several of his Gor Li’ Khan to go with Kyler and they left Renlyss standing there feeling incredibly foolish.

  “Kyler, wait!” said Kelindril, as he caught up with the elf prince. “We’re coming with you.”

  “I welcome the help,” said Kyler, without stopping.

  “Where do you think he would go?” asked Kelindril.

  “In his state of mind, I don’t know. I thought I’d try his usual places first. If he’s not there, then we’ll have to look elsewhere.”

  “You were pretty hard on her, you know.”

  “If she’s having second thoughts about being with him, then she should leave. He doesn’t need this shit! Especially after everything that happened with my sister. He needs her, Kelindril. If she loved him like she says she does, she wouldn’t even think about leaving.

  “You didn’t see him Kyler, we did. He was violent, brutally ruthless and he acted like we weren’t even there.” Kelindril still only spoke in his native tongue and Kyler began to wonder if he would ever come around.

  “You know he’s not quite himself a lot of the time, right?” asked Kyler, looking Kelindril

  in the eye.

  “Yes, he slips away more often of late and I don’t know how to prevent it. I’m scared, Kyler, scared we’re losing him.” The admission rocked Kyler to his core. Gor Li’ Khan were known for their ferocity, loyalty, savageness and fearlessness. To hear one openly admit to being afraid was uncanny.

  “We have to find him, Kelindril. There is no other option.” They walked in silence for a long time as they checked the waterfall, then every place in the forest they thought he might be. It was very late when Kyler began to realize that Darian was no longer on elven land.

  Upon their return, Asa was waiting for Kyler in his chamber.

  “Kyler, where have you been?”

  “Looking for Darian,” Kyler said tiredly.

  “Why? What’s happened?” asked Asa. Kyler told his older brother everything.

  “Gone? Gone how? Where did he go?” asked Asa.

  “I don’t know. I looked everywhere, Asa. He’s not here. He must have left the forest.”

  “That’s not good, Kyler.”

  “That’s not the worst, Asa,” said Kyler, facing his older brother.

  “What is it?” asked Asa, seeing Kyler’s changing mood.

  “Renlyss, she’s thinking of leaving him.”

  “What?! Renlyss and Darian are together? Since when?” asked Asa, shocked.

  “He asked her to be his consort.”

  “Shit, really?”

  “Yes, but she’s having second thoughts. Says she doesn’t really know him. Says he scared her and that maybe they rushed into things. I was so mad at her, Asa! He doesn’t need this crap right now. Do you have any idea what he went through losing Tynuviel? He was a wreck! Then when Renlyss left him before, he was devastated. Like he couldn’t believe it could happen.”

  “I bet!” said Asa with a smile. “Sorry,” he apologized. Darian was always so confident in everything he did. It wasn’t hard to imagine the Mage believing Renlyss couldn’t leave him.

  Asa knew that Kyler used to have a crush on Renlyss and had pursued her vigorously. Renlyss had politely refused every time. He wondered what the story was behind the refusals. There must be a reason. He wondered if Darian knew that his best friend had pursued his girlfriend. Probably. Darian had a way of knowing things no one else knew.

  “I hate to bring this up, but father wanted us to walk the border before we leave. He wants to make sure Kiri A’ Nouell is safe while we’re away. We need to make sure there are no repeat entrances like the Dorgansi.”

  “I’m sorry, Asa. I forgot all about it. Darian thinks there is a traitor among us. He believes one of us is working with the Dark Mage.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Kyler! An elf would never work with the Dark Mage.”

  “I used to think so too, Asa. Not anymore. Too much has happened since Darian came into our lives. I have to find him and bring him back from the darkness.”

  “I’ll help you, brother,” said Asa sincerely.

  The portal opened in a darkened alley and the Mage stepped out, ready to wreak havoc. He walked down familiar streets, making his way to the Affluent Circle. Upon entering, Mistress Dialade was all over him.

  “Lord Beltran! How may I serve you?” she asked sweetly, as she noticed he was alone.

  “I would like a table that is quiet and drinks nonstop,” replied the Mage.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you?” she breathed, as she came close to the Lord. She didn’t even notice his eyes were black.

  “Are you coming on to me, Mistress Dialade?” asked Darian with a smirk. If the Dark Magic had not consumed him, Darian never would have granted her request, but he wasn’t himself.

  “What if I am?” she asked, as her breathing quickened. She reached out to stroke him and giggled at the rigidity she found. “Right this way, Lord Beltran,” she cooed.

  She led him up the stairs to her room where she’d fantasized many times that someday they would make love. She never actually thought it would happen. Lord Beltran had never looked at her that way before and she did
n’t understand why. She was beautiful and shapely; things she knew mattered to him. She had large, firm breasts, which she knew he preferred. All the women she’d seen him with were all similar in shape and size. She fit right in and yet he

  never acknowledged her. No matter, he was here now and she would show him a good time.

  He closed and locked the door and came to her. Tipping her head up, he brought his lips to hers for a kiss that had her instantly wet. She moaned against his lips as he undid her dress with ease. It fell around her ankles with a soft swishing sound. His warm hands closed around her generous breasts, gently squeezing, as he ravaged her mouth. His fingers dipped between her legs and she parted them to let him in.

  Afterwards, she drifted to sleep more tired than she had been in a long time. He bathed then went back downstairs to seek more attention. When Darian wanted company, he was never alone.

  A comely woman approached him as he sat sipping his drink. “Would you like some company, sugar?” she asked, her eyes feasting on him.

  He stood as he held out a chair for her. She smiled in appreciation of his chivalry. After several more drinks, she took him to her room. She appealed to him far more than the last one and he was already rigid with need.

  Much later, he waited until she fell asleep then left. He arrived in his tower minutes later. He took a long, hot bath to wash the night’s festivities from his skin. He washed his clothes to remove their scent and hung them to dry. He went for a walk outside, completely naked, enjoying the breeze on his bare skin. He realized he was ravenous and went back inside to make something to eat.

  The night was deep and dark before he went to his bed to rest. He should be exhausted after all the sex he’d had, but he felt invigorated instead. His body, however, was worn out from the Dark Magic raging inside and he plunged into mind numbing darkness.

  In the morning, he awoke with no recollection as to how he had gotten here. He could

  not remember coming to his tower. Was he alone? Where was Renlyss? Then he remembered returning to his study after meeting with Morphindinaetlus.


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