The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 25

by D E Boske

  “I don’t think you need to worry about her running, Mage. There is a reason why she was

  first on my list.”

  “Can’t be too careful nowadays, can you? I didn’t think Reny would run either, but she did, Kinistaya,” the Mage replied softly. Kinistaya could see the hurt that he tried to hide.

  “Her loss, my son. Her loss. Aslyn comes from very old stock. Her bloodline goes back unbroken before the Niri Ku’ Yamma.”

  “She’s an Elflord?” asked the stunned Mage.

  “Aye,” he smiled at Darian’s shocked look. It wasn’t often when one could shock a Mage

  of The Order, Kinistaya guessed.

  For the first time since Renlyss’s departure, Darian felt a surge of hope. Hope that he wouldn’t have to live out his life alone. Hope that he had found a woman worthy of his full attention. Hope that he could live through the dark times ahead.

  “From what I have heard, she is enamored of you.”

  “Let’s see if she can withstand what is to come,” Darian replied, unable to remain positive for long.

  Darian went to pick up Aslyn for breakfast. He knocked on her door and when she opened it, her smile lit up his heart. She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him into a passionate kiss. Kelindril and Nymdal averted their eyes respectfully.

  “Mmm. Good morning, Darian,” she purred.

  “Good morning, Aslyn,” he replied, stroking her face.

  “My brother wants to meet the man who has made me so happy. You’re all I’ve talked about and he is eager to meet you,” she said, looking at him hopefully.

  “Of course, Aslyn. I would love to meet your brother.”

  “Good, he’ll be here shortly. We can have breakfast together,” she said.

  “What is that delightful smell?” he asked, his stomach rumbling in anticipation.

  “Honey cakes and herbal tea. Why?” she asked. “I do hope you’re hungry.”

  “Mmm, Aslyn. Aren’t you a luscious surprise? Honey cakes are one of my favorite weak-


  “It’s my grandmother’s recipe,” she explained. “My brother pretty much raised me after my father was killed when I was just an elfling. It would mean so much to me if he accepted our relationship,” she explained, as she checked on the delicate cakes.

  “Oh, there’s my brother,” she said when she heard a knock on her door. Kelindril and Nymdal shifted to see who it was and could not hide their shock.

  When her brother walked through her door, he froze when he spotted the Mage and Darian’s reaction was similar.

  “Darian, are you the man my sister has been seeing?” Darian couldn’t tell if he was pissed

  or not.

  “Yes, I am. I can assure you that I adore her and have honest intentions.”

  “You’d better. She can take care of herself and I would never presume to try to run her life. But you will answer to me if you hurt her. Do I make myself clear, Mage?”

  “Inescapably,” replied Darian.

  “You two know each other?” asked Aslyn, shocked.

  “Aye,” said Darian.

  “She didn’t tell me who she was seeing. Just that this man was the best thing to ever happen to her,” said Kiel Lindurien.

  “Really? The best thing, huh?” asked Darian, turning to look at Aslyn, who blushed furiously.

  “I think the cakes are ready,” Aslyn announced and practically ran out of the room.

  “So, tell me, Darian, what are your intentions toward my sister?” asked Kiel, with steel in his voice.

  “I honestly like her, Kiel and I think this can really go somewhere. In fact, since I’ve been with her, I haven’t been with anyone else, nor have I wanted to.”

  “Are you saying that you’re diddling my sister?”

  “I thought that was obvious, Kiel. I don’t go on several dates without sampling the merchandise first. Relax,” he said to Kiel’s darkening anger. “I really like her. In fact, I’m glad you’re here, Kiel. I want to ask you something.”

  Aslyn returned with the honey cakes and placed them on the table along with tea, plates, cups, and cream and sugar for the tea.

  “Please, come and eat,” she invited. Darian gave her a lecherous grin, took her in his arms and kissed her right in front of Kiel.

  Kiel watched them both throughout the meal and he had to admit that they looked well together. More than that, they both looked happy. He could see that the Mage honestly cared for her and that was good. She’d never had a long-term relationship. Men were usually intimidated by her and he knew this hurt her deeply. Darian would be good for her. He really liked the Mage, but just wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to hurt Aslyn anymore than what she’d already been.

  “You have my blessing,” whispered Kiel, as he took the Mage’s hand and shook it.

  He left quietly and Darian turned to Aslyn and took her in his arms. “I thought he’d never leave.” He brought his lips to hers in a searing kiss. He lifted her easily and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He brought her to her bed where he laid her down and climbed in next to her. As they made love, he kissed her softly. He enjoyed looking at her as he pleasured her. She had her eyes closed tightly and her mouth was open, her tongue licking her lips, which drove the Mage insane. He thrust into her a little harder than he had been and she seemed to like it. She was so tight and wet that it drove him to distraction.

  “You might have told me that Kiel was your brother,” he said, as she snuggled against him afterward.

  “I thought you knew,” she said softly. “Why? Is it a problem?” she asked, looking into his

  gorgeous eyes.

  “No, of course not. Kiel and I get along well together, but I understand his trepidation. Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to the celebration tonight?” he asked.

  “Oh Darian!” she cried, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him tenderly. “It would be my pleasure.”

  “Good. I took the liberty of picking out your dress. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Oh?” she asked, curious as to which dress he’d chosen.

  “Aye. I had it made special for you, my love.”

  “How did you know my size?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

  “I can look at you and know what size you are, babe,” he said softly.

  “What color is it? Did you have it made by Embrys?” she asked, referring to an elven clothier.

  “No. I had it made in Al-Dan-Tir by a seamstress I know,” he replied.

  “Oh, Darian! Thank you,” she said, as she kissed him.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied with a smile. “Now, I’m afraid I have a few things that I must take care of before tonight. I will pick you up before the celebration begins.” He kissed her and climbed out of bed and dressed.

  She watched him hungrily, her eyes feasting on his naked form. Darian was exquisite and

  he knew it. But he didn’t act like he was better than her. He was actually very sweet and romantic.

  She couldn’t believe he bought her a dress! She couldn’t wait to see it.

  Darian went in search of Raschel. He’d been neglecting his teaching and it was time to set that right. Kelindril and Nymdal followed closely on his heels. The Master was in his room and was a bit surprised to see Darian there.

  “Raschel, I’m sorry I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately. I wanted to continue your lessons.”

  “Of course, Darian. Please, come in,” said the Master. Darian commanded the Gor Li’ Khan

  to wait outside. Kelindril frowned in irritation, but Darian brooked no argument.

  “This is Order business,” explained the Mage. Kelindril relented grudgingly. He didn’t like it no matter how much Darian claimed they were safe.

  “Have you been practicing?” inquired the Mage.

  “Yes. Several hours a day, but I fear I am not getting anywhere. I don’t know what else I can do, Darian.”

�Tomorrow, you will ask Aganor for his help. I will help you where I can, but increasingly, my duties take me elsewhere.”

  “I understand, Darian. Thank you for all you’ve done. I would be dead without you.”

  Darian motioned for Raschel to stand opposite him and struck without warning. The Mage commanded the magic so easily and he launched it at the Master. Raschel barely got a shield up in time. The magic bounced harmlessly off and Darian caught it in his waiting hand. Raschel quietly admired his friend. He couldn’t allow himself the distraction, but Darian was agile, fast, intelligent, and powerful. He understood why he terrified The Order. They should be terrified of him. The Order feared change and Darian was change.

  The Mage continued to push him hard, much harder than he ever had before. Raschel could barely keep up and Darian scowled in annoyance.

  “Raschel, you’re not trying hard enough! Are you taking this seriously?” Darian growled as he forced a blue wall of power toward Raschel.

  “I’ve never been more serious, Darian. I’m doing the best I can!”

  “You were more powerful when you did not know who you were,” the Mage ground out, forcing his will and pushing the magic closer to Raschel. Darian was holding back for the Master’s sake. Otherwise, his magic would have consumed the Master by now.

  Darian cancelled the spell abruptly and Raschel fell to the floor and grunted. Darian was thoughtful and paced back and forth, tapping his forefinger on his upper lip.

  “What is it, Darian?” asked Raschel, weak from the effort of holding the Mage back.

  “Why would you have been more powerful?” Darian mumbled to himself. “You were not

  yet a Mage and yet, you were casting magic as if you were. Now that I have peeled off the layers and laid you bare; you can no longer cast these spells. Why would that be?” He continued to talk to himself as he worked his way through the puzzle. His eyes snapped to Raschel and he came at him fast. Raschel shrank away from his friend, but there was nowhere to go. Darian held out his hand for Raschel and pulled him up.

  “I think we have both of us been deceived. I need to have a look inside you, my friend,” said Darian gently. He waited until Raschel gave his consent.

  Darian waited until the Master was sitting comfortably and began slowly. He wasn’t trying to hurt him. He needed to get to the bottom of this puzzle and quickly. He didn’t like where his thoughts were leading him. He wanted to be right as much as he wanted to be wrong. He gently probed Raschel’s brain, pushing aside layer after layer of thought and feeling. He was gentle and the sensation was erotic.

  Just as quickly as those sensations came, they were gone again. Darian swept them aside and went deeper. The Mage felt that aggressiveness was not the way to go about it this time. What he was looking for had managed to elude him and Aganor the first time around and it would not elude him again. Though in truth, he didn’t believe Aganor would have known it even if he’d seen it. For he was certain now that he was correct in his guess.

  The morning sun turned to afternoon and still Darian probed Raschel’s brain. The powerful Mage’s magic lulled the Master, arousing him as his eyes glazed over. Darian paid it no mind and probed ever deeper.

  He was careful not to miss anything this time. What he was looking for was well hidden, but he was crafty. He would find it.

  The late afternoon sun waned as Darian found what he’d been looking for. He latched on, the force dragging Raschel out of his trance-like state. Raschel gasped in pain as the Mage began pulling something from him, its black, vapor-like fingers winding around Darian’s arm.

  “Shh,” Darian soothed Raschel, as he continued to pull and separate the Master from the wicked magic. Raschel’s eyes locked on Darian and he saw how the magic burrowed into his friend. It wound tightly around his arm and oozed upwards, dissolving into the Mage’s body. The Master saw Darian’s eyes turn black as the Mage threw his head back, almost in orgasmic adulation.

  When Darian finished, he commanded Raschel to stand. Raschel felt different, more powerful than he’d ever felt before. Though he was not even close to Darian’s skill level, he had surpassed where he’d been only hours before.

  “Darian?” the question was clear in his tone. He had no idea what was happening.

  “Raschel, you are a Mage of The Order. The Dark Mage hid this from you and from The Order so that he could pervert you and use you for his dark purpose.”

  “What? I have no memory of this!” said the former Master.

  “I’m not surprised. He played a dangerous game with your mind. He could have driven

  you insane with all his meddling. How do you feel?”

  “Powerful, Darian. I can feel the difference in myself. I no longer feel like I am being held

  back. I am coming with you when you go to the Haunted Lands. You will never leave me behind


  Darian nodded, “Can you feel your staff?” asked the Mage.

  “No, I…” Raschel began, but Darian cut him off. He knew he could finally help him.

  “Reach out with your magic, Raschel. I can feel your strength. Call your staff to you,” Darian commanded.

  Raschel closed his eyes and concentrated on his staff. This was a difficult task considering before today, he had not even known that he possessed one. Several long moments passed as Raschel threw himself into the task at hand.

  Instinctively, he held out his right arm, palm open and suddenly, a staff appeared in his fingers. The newly crowned Mage gripped it tightly, stunned into silence.

  It was nothing like the Staff of Power, yet no less beautiful. The staff was silver and decorated with symbols of power. Atop the staff was a large, red stone. The polished ruby gleamed in the waning afternoon sunlight.

  Darian thought the ruby was a perfect fit for Raschel. The red stone was known among Mages for protection against magical attacks to the mind. It was also known for helping a Mage to retain a positive mindset and banish negative energies during battle.

  “How does it feel to have a powerful talisman in your grip?” asked Darian.

  “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever known,” Raschel responded.

  Darian laughed and clapped his friend on the back. It seemed like old times to Raschel and for a long moment, he was lost in the past.


  “You okay?” asked Darian, as he watched Raschel’s far away, glazed look.

  Raschel cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Yeah, just remembering something.”

  “Mhmm,” said Darian. “Raschel, have you gotten laid yet?”

  “No. I… No,” he said, looking down at his feet.

  “Raschel, tonight’s your lucky night. The celebration will go long into the night and will last for a couple nights as the elves prepare to send us off in grand fashion. You will have no problem attracting a lover. Of that, I am certain,” Darian chuckled.

  “That’s easy for you to say, Darian. You’ve never had a hard time getting anyone in your bed,” Raschel said in mock desperation.

  Darian laughed heartily at that, “No Raschel, I have not. I will leave you now to get ready. I’ll meet you downstairs later.” With that, he was gone.

  Darian made his way back to his chamber, but before he arrived, he ran right into Torgyn Ro. Literally. The bard was running full out down the walkway, looking behind him frantically and had not seen the Mage approaching from around the corner. He turned the corner and ran right into a solid wall of muscle named Darian Brade. Darian barely registered the collision, but

  Torgyn Ro fell backward landing hard on his ass.

  He looked up from his prone position into the silvery grey eyes of the Mage who appeared amused. At least he’s not angry, he thought.

  “Who’d you piss off now?” asked the amused Mage.

  “Darian! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you,” stammered the bard.

  “Obviously,” said Darian, still amused. “What are you running from?”

  “Not what, who. Mordinian.”
r />   “Why? I thought you two were friends,” said the Mage.

  “No, why would you think that?” asked Torgyn Ro.

  “Because you travel together. If you don’t like him, why’d you stay with him for so long?” reasoned the Mage.

  “The only reason I travel with him is because I’ve learned many new spells and I’m growing at an alarming rate. I didn’t want to give that up,” admitted the bard sheepishly.

  “Seriously?” asked a surprised Darian.

  “Yes, but it matters not, as most likely, I will be dead in less than two minutes.”

  Mordinian came running toward the fallen bard, dagger drawn, and did not see Darian until it was too late. Darian stood in front of Torgyn Ro, blocking the thief’s path. He wasn’t entirely sure why he’d done it. He still didn’t really like Torgyn Ro, but he utterly despised the thief. The bard could not hide his shock at his savior. A most unlikely one at that.

  “What do you want with the Bard, thief?” said the Mage coldly.

  “It’s none of your concern, Mage. Move please, this is between him and me and has nothing to do with you,” stated Mordinian.

  “I beg to differ, thief. What you do has everything to do with me,” warned the Mage. Mordinian stayed quiet, but crossed his arms over his chest.

  While the Mage and the thief were otherwise engaged, Torgyn Ro quietly stood and began trying to sneak away. Mordinian grabbed him by the arm without even turning to look at him and yanked him back so that they were face to face. The blade appeared so fast in the thief’s hand that the bard barely registered the movement, breaking Torgyn’s concentration. He had no chance unless Darian stepped in on his behalf, however unlikely.

  Darian seriously considered letting the thief kill the bard. He didn’t like either one, but Torgyn apparently didn’t like Mordinian either. It was a tough call to make and Darian almost waited too long to be of help. At the last second, Darian reached out with his magic and froze the thief in place.

  “You will tell me why he wants you dead,” ordered Darian, to which the Bard merely nodded. He saw no way out of this.

  “I walked in on him in my room and he was snooping around for something. I don’t have any idea what he was looking for. The only things I have that are of any value are my instruments. I startled him because I’ve been practicing a new spell called Mask Footsteps and he never heard me coming. He prides himself in his skill level and that no one has ever taken him by surprise before.”


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