The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 46

by D E Boske


  “Did I stutter, big guy?”

  “Darian, what happened?”

  “The village’s dead were raised and ordered to attack us. I know you understand the implications of this. If the Dark Mages are practicing necromancy again, the adverse effects could be phenomenal and not in a good way.”

  “What’s the story with this Mage? Do you trust him? How long have you known him?” asked Sigorna, eyeing Darian.

  “I think you already know that I don’t trust any of them. I’ve known Thimkur for a long

  time, but how much do I really know any of them? However, Thimkur showed me his memories

  in which he vowed to protect me. Trétorna was there too, though” Darian added, watching for the demon’s reaction. Sigorna studied Darian and looked back at Thimkur, who pretended not to notice.

  A chill raced up Thimkur’s spine at the demon’s gaze. Clearly, they were talking about him, the Mage knew. He’d give almost anything to know what they spoke of. The demon looked back to Darian and Thimkur had to wonder how Darian could suffer the Falahari’s gaze. He’d rather be scalded with hot oil than suffer the demonic gaze again. And yet, the would be Shangmarrum seemed at ease with the big demon by his side.

  “Do you wonder what he thinks we’re talking about?” asked Sigorna, laughing softly.

  “I’m sure he probably thinks I’m losing my mind and I’m sure he questions how I can stand to be in your presence,” Darian admitted.

  “How can you, Darian? Stand my presence, I mean?” queried the demon thoughtfully.

  “After what I’ve been subjected to in Piri-Tuma, this is nothing,” stated Darian simply. The demon nodded and glanced at Thimkur again. He just wanted to make him uneasy and it appeared it was working. Thimkur could not maintain eye contact and this amused Sigorna.

  “I have to be more vigilant than normal,” explained Darian and the demon chuckled.

  “Which means you probably won’t rest. Don’t be dumb, Darian. Now more than ever, you

  need to ensure that you’re getting enough rest and eating properly. And I mean food, Mage, not that sweet cream you lick from the elf’s…”

  “Got it!” said the Mage, cutting the demon off and Sigorna laughed heartily.

  “Why do you always cut me off, Darian? I know it’s not cuz you’re embarrassed by the content or the language. I’ve heard the way you talk to women when you’re inside them. And you’re far dirtier than anything I’ve said. What gives?”

  “You know how I like my privacy, demon. What happens in my bedroom, stays in my bedroom,” said the Mage, a smile touching his lips.

  “Mhmm, unless it spills out into the foyer, the sitting area, the couch, the eating area… I’m sure you have plenty of privacy when you’re plugging that babe with the Gor Li’ Khan ever watchful.” Darian shrugged his indifference and Sigorna laughed again. He knew Darian better than he previously thought. Darian didn’t care if he was caught in a compromising situation, so why was he cutting the demon off?

  “Or is it because there are others present?” asked the demon, looking directly at Thimkur this time. Thimkur got caught looking and he froze, unsure of what to do. He was listening to everything they said, as they weren’t trying to be quiet, but Darian never bothered to look his way.

  “That will be all, Falahari. Apprise me when there is news,” instructed the young Mage and Sigorna had his answer. Whether Darian realized that he’d given away valuable information or not was another matter entirely.

  “Watch your back with that one, Darian,” warned the older Mage once the demon’s form disappeared into the Void.

  “Not to worry, Thimkur, I am ever watchful with that one,” Darian advised.

  “You seem awfully chummy. Not sure that’s wise with an Oblivion demon. You’re our Shangmarrum now, Darian, and we need you to lead,” said Thimkur boldly, but to his surprise, the young Mage sighed.

  “And you think I’m not leading? I never wanted this position, Thimkur. It was forced on me, but I am doing the best I can,” said Darian tiredly. He was so exhausted. All the healing he’d been doing in such a short amount of time was really taking a toll on him.

  “I am here for you whenever you need me, Darian. I can help relieve the burden if you’d only let me. Trust in Delvishan and trust me, I only want to help.”

  “So you say, Thimkur. But as you already know, I don’t trust any of you. There’s no point in denying the obvious,” the young Mage said when Thimkur looked injured at his words.

  “What can I do to prove myself to you?”

  “I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, Thimkur. Distrust is in my nature. The Order bred it into me and now… Now there’s no going back.”

  “What’s going on with you and the elven mage?” asked Thimkur, switching tactics. He saw Darian’s face light up immediately and how he smiled when Thimkur mentioned her.

  “I have no idea, Thimkur.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you making her your consort or are you just having fun?”

  “I’m not sure how to answer that one either,” said Darian truthfully. At first, Thimkur thought the young Mage was being obtuse, but Darian honestly looked troubled.

  “Talk to me, Darian,” urged the older Mage.

  “I don’t know what I’m feeling, nor how to express it. When Tynuviel told me she never wanted to see me again… I… I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think I’d ever fall in love again. I didn’t want to feel what I was feeling and I still don’t, Thimkur. The Order doesn’t prepare us for this shit and I’m…”

  “I understand, Darian, I was in love too. A long time ago, I was in love with a human woman, the woman you saw. I ache with her loss. It’s been three centuries since she passed, but I cannot move past it.”

  “Renlyss walked out on me. Twice. I’ve never given a woman a second chance. Never

  needed to. No one has ever done that to me before and I find that I… cannot get enough of her.

  The way she makes love to me is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.” At the young Mage’s words, Thimkur stared open mouthed at him, unable to believe him. But Darian was serious. More serious than Thimkur had seen him in a while.

  “I’ve had a lot of sex, Thimkur, but not like this. Everything pales in comparison to what she does to me and I have a desperate need to be with her,” Darian explained.

  “Then, what’s the problem? If you want to be with her, then be with her. The answer is blatantly obvious.”

  “What if she leaves me again? When she left me before, I hated her and wanted to hurt her the way she hurt me, but then she started flirting with me and turning me on and I wanted her again. I’m so messed up right now that I have no idea what I’m actually feeling, Thimkur. She tells me she loves me and is hurt when I do not return the sentiment, but in all honesty, I don’t want to love her or anyone else.”

  “That’s normal, Darian, but you must feel something for her. It’s obvious she hurt you deeply and you are just trying to protect yourself. What about the boy?” Darian smiled at the mention of Hunter and it was so uncharacteristic that it made Thimkur pause.

  “I think she’s good for you, Darian. She’s strong like you and gods know you need someone strong! She’s also a mage, so she has an understanding of the Weave, though she does not share our intimate connection. Can I be honest with you?” asked the older Mage.

  “Of course.”

  “I think you may be falling in love with her, if you are not already in love and fighting it. Don’t fight it, Darian. You deserve happiness and fulfillment.”

  “Those are two things I can never have as long as the Dark Mage is alive. He promised to strip me of anything that matters to me and so far, he’s done an amazing job. I can’t let innocents get hurt or killed because of me,” said Darian softly.

  “What about the boy?”

  “They were going to let him die, Thimkur. I couldn’t let that happen and now… Now I have
a family waiting for me,” said Darian wistfully.


  Darian did not feel better after having talked with Thimkur. There were things that he preferred to keep to himself. He didn’t know exactly why he’d told Thimkur the things he’d said, but now they were said and he couldn’t take them back.

  He opened the door and stepped out onto the porch, much to Kelindril’s relief. He didn’t speak, he just wordlessly moved on to the next house. Entering the darkened room, he used his magic to lighten up the space and wished he hadn’t.

  The woman upon the coverlet was pale and lifeless. Her body had given up its fight for life so he silently wrapped up the carcass and moved it onto the porch.

  Reny, I’m ok. The dead… there is a Dark Mage among us who is practicing necromancy.

  How is this possible, Darian? How… That means...

  Yes, babe. There’s no telling who it is. It’s someone that’s been with us the whole time. I have no way of knowing who it is so we must be vigilant. I am unable to sense them even with the Dark Magic.

  Darian, I hope you know that it is not me.

  The thought was chilling. Darian hadn’t even considered her until she claimed her innocence. He thought carefully back through the events, trying desperately to come to a conclusion. He hoped Reny was telling the truth. Though she wasn’t with him when Aslyn was murdered, she had access to his room. She claimed that she was visiting her mother.

  Darian didn’t want to be feeling what he was feeling and the notion that Renlyss had betrayed him was more painful than he ever would have believed.

  He quickly cast a spell around Kelindril and himself. “Kel, when Reny went to see her mother, did you have her followed?”

  “Of course,” he said, knowing the Mage had a reason why he was asking. “Darian, she’s not the one who betrayed you. She honestly loves you. They stayed with her the whole time and listened in on every conversation. They spoke of you and her mistake in leaving. Her mother encouraged her to return home and beg your forgiveness.”

  “Thanks, my friend,” Darian said, as he clapped the elf on the back. Renlyss had told him

  much the same thing but hearing it from the Gor Li’ Khan was comforting. Darian preferred not

  to concentrate on why it was so comforting.

  Kelindril could see the relief wash over the Mage and suspected Darian’s feelings for Renlyss ran deeper than even he wanted to admit. He wondered how the Mage was going to balance raising a child, chasing down a traitor, finding the Morgannate, rooting out the Dark Mage, and becoming the Shangmarrum. He was going to be very busy in the coming months.

  Darian, you know it’s not me, right? Renlyss was desperate for his acknowledgement, the panic evident in her voice.

  Yes, babe, I know it’s not you. He felt her relief flood him and smiled, wishing he was with her now. He missed her, the ache of her absence eating him alive. He wanted to bury his face in her hair, kiss her, then immerse himself between her legs. He was aroused just thinking about it and he had to get himself under control.

  Darian moved on to the next house and the next, healing those within. A few more died before he could save them, but overall, he’d saved more than half the village. The people gave him gifts of food, clothing, and anything else they had that was valuable. He was touched and didn’t refuse them. He took what they offered and made his way back to the home he shared with Reny, secure in the knowledge that he’d left gold in each house he’d visited.

  Darian opened the door and Renlyss threw herself into his arms, hugging him and kissing him hard on his lips. She felt him through their clothes and she rubbed herself against him, eliciting a low growl of approval from the Mage. Hunter was asleep on the floor, an overstuffed pillow cradling his tiny body and a smile touched Darian’s lips, but his lover was insistent and demanded his attention.

  “Is this going somewhere, Darian? Or am I to remain your plaything?” she asked afterward, grasping his right nipple between her teeth and gently tugging as her tongue lapped at the hardening skin. His body responded to her and she giggled as she felt his fingers between her thighs.

  “Reny, right now, in this moment, I am happy and do not long for anyone else. Is this not

  enough for you?” He took a risk as she had a firm grasp on his nipple, but he believed she would

  not hurt him.

  “For now, it is enough, Darian. But do not think it shall always be so,” she replied as her fingers danced over his silky soft skin and her thumb rubbed over the head where moisture had gathered. His deep intake of breath told her he wanted more so she replaced her thumb with her tongue and he took control as he made love to her once more.

  It was dark and quiet, the Mage was deep in Ru Nay’ Sha and Brandiel, Nymdal, and Kelindril stood watch over them. The other Gor Li’ Khan lay scattered about the room finding rest when and where they could. A dog was barking incessantly, the volume growing and coming nearer. The animal snarled and growled, its nails clicking on the ground. Kelindril went to the

  window and peered out in an attempt to identify the source of the dog’s distress.

  All Kelindril saw were swirling red eyes as the night exploded into chaos. Darian was up, out of the bed, and dressed in under a minute. He called on the Falahari and began encasing Hunter and Renlyss in protective magic. He dragged on his Shryvven for protection and was ready as the door burst open, shattering on impact.

  The being that stood in the doorway was immense, blocking out the moonlight and darkening the room sufficiently. It was too large to fit through the open portal and carved its way in to get to the Mage. The Gor Li’ Khan surrounded Darian, though they knew he was prepared.

  Darian called on the Staff of Power and commanded it to full height. The rest of the company came barreling into the room and the Mages began casting in earnest. Darian looked at each of them, quickly trying to decipher which one was responsible for conjuring this demon.

  A Kryllnaw was a powerful Medial demon, ranking in power under the Greater Falahari. Sigorna roared and attacked, black nails ripping into the Kryllnaw and leaving a bloody trail of gore. The Kryllnaw howled in agony and brought its sword to bear. Sigorna was ready and conjured his own double-bladed sword. It was black and edged in the fires of Oblivion. The grip was in the middle of the sword, a large, white diamond on either side, and when Sigorna’s hand closed around it, Hellfire raged to life inside the gemstones.

  Sigorna twirled the blade back and forth from hand to hand, waiting for the Kryllnaw to make a move. The Falahari towered over the Medial demon, but the Kryllnaw would not back down. The Falahari moved blindingly fast and the Medial demon was not able to follow his movements. Sigorna struck without mercy, blade slicing deep into the throat of the Kryllnaw, but before it dissolved, it struck with its razor-sharp claws, catching Betremen’s abdomen and ripping him open. He crumpled to the floor and Aganor ran to check on him, as blood pooled around the Mage.

  Darian ran to Betremen’s side and drew on the Orb of Healing. His voice was pure and strong and everyone in the room felt the raw power that he held in his grasp. Kelindril’s gaze captured everyone and singled them out. He knew the traitor was in the room with them right now. He could feel the residue of evil and he called on his innate abilities and disappeared from view.

  Kelindril approached Aganor and sniffed the air around Darian’s mentor, but he neither felt nor smelled anything out of the ordinary. He moved through them one by one and took his time, not feeling discouraged when he found nothing. There must be some trail, some detail that he’d overlooked somehow. Kelindril examined Betremen closely, he was the only one to have escaped his notice so far.

  Betremen lay in a broken, bloodied heap on the floor, his entrails spilling out on the

  wooden boards. The blood that pooled around him did not bode well, but Darian did not give up.

  He threw himself into the Orb and gave everything he had to save a Mage that could very well be the Dark Mage he was searching for.
br />   For Darian’s sake, Kelindril hoped Betremen was innocent. He couldn’t be sure of anything. If Betremen was indeed at the heart of this, why would the Kryllnaw lash out at its master? The demon had to do as the Mage commanded. Did the one responsible order the demon to take out Betremen? Or did Betremen order the demon to attack to dissuade suspicion?

  Kelindril knew the guilt that Darian suffered from when he thought Raschel had died during the Test of Power. What would it do to him to know that a loyal Mage had died because of him? These were troubling questions of which he had no answers to.

  Darian sang in earnest; he couldn’t let Betremen die. Not now. Not after everything they’d been through to get here. He blocked out everything else just as The Order had taught him and concentrated only on the broken figure before him. He didn’t know how long he sang, but the edges around his vision began to blacken and burn.

  Lorin stayed close to the Mage in case he needed anything. The other Mages looked lost and seemed as if they couldn’t follow what Darian was doing. The elf witnessed the blood returning to the broken body and the entrails receding. It was a grisly sight and a few, Shaz included, had left, their retching loud in the deep night.

  Alvos ushered everyone out, saying that Darian would need rest when he was done. Kyler refused to leave the Mage’s side and Alvos did not fight him. Lorin stayed in case Darian needed him and Sigorna stood over him protectively and wouldn’t budge. Calisha had taken Nephraete back to her room after the battle and remained with her.

  Alvos believed that those in the room were not the traitor. He could see the love and affection in their eyes and the worry over Darian’s health. Sigorna looked worried because he was bound to Darian and if the Mage died, so would he, Alvos knew. He didn’t think the Falahari capable of feeling anything real for anyone. The Mage was deep in thought, trying to discern what had happened and witnessed Kelindril’s materialization.

  “Have you found anything?” Alvos asked the elf, quickly casting a shield around them so they could speak freely.


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