The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 64

by D E Boske

  “Interesting,” said Sigorna. “What of the traitor? Any sign of him? Any suspects?”

  “I know there’s at least one and they’re among us. They tried to kill Rohn and they somehow called a Dark Wraith.”

  “Why have you not searched their minds, Mage?” asked Sigorna, aghast.

  “I have, but they continue to evade me and I don’t know how,” said Darian, obviously angry.

  “How do we know it’s not you, demon?” asked Renlyss, crossing her arms over her lovely breasts.

  “You have no idea how this bond works, do you? This will be fun when you are finally bound to Darian,” mused the demon. “Do you see this?” he asked, tugging on the chain around her lover’s neck.

  “This controls me. I am bound to him and him to me. I feel him at all times and I must obey him. His magic makes it so.”

  “I cannot rule out any Mage that travels with me either. At least one of them is involved. Kelindril was almost killed by the Dark Wraith and for that, they will pay.”

  “No shit,” the demon looked shocked.

  “I was able to save him,” began Darian, but the demon cut him off.

  “I gathered that from the ‘almost killed’ part of the sentence.”

  Renlyss watched the way they interacted and it seemed like Darian trusted the Falahari,

  at least to a certain extent. She wasn’t sure whether she was relieved or bothered by the display.

  Both were relaxed and had a friendly, teasing rapport between them so she began to relax. She knew Darian would never be so careless around a demon and if he thought they were in any danger he’d never have let her or Hunter near him. Darian chuckled at the demon’s remark.

  “How does the bond work?” asked Renlyss, looking at her lover and the demon smirked. She was completely smitten with the Mage.

  “It’s a lot like a marriage ceremony, babe,” he said, kissing her lips softly, his tongue slowly sweeping inside her mouth and stealing her breath. He broke his normal pattern, but she didn’t mind at all.

  “I will have Aganor perform it for us upon our return. We will be bound together, much like Nephraete and Calisha are. You will be able to feel me always and be able to pinpoint my location when I am close enough. Otherwise, you will know my general direction, which will get stronger the closer you are to me. You will know my moods and I will know yours.” He took her in his arms and held her close. She put her head on his chest, reveling in his warmth. She could hear the steady beating of his heart and almost forgot that they were not alone.

  Sigorna watched them closely and wasn’t surprised by the elf’s affection. He’d never known a woman alive that wasn’t attracted to the Mage, but that wasn’t what held his attention. The Mage’s behavior was unusual. The way he looked at this elf, the way that he held her and the way he kissed her…

  “Oi!” Sigorna exclaimed. “You love her! You fell in love with another woman! Who are

  you, Darian?”

  “I do love her, Falahari. It took me some time to admit this to myself. I finally let go of Ty and that helped, but it was really Renlyss’s persistence that got to me,” he said, kissing her again. She reached down to stroke him and he grinned.

  “Get a room, you two,” said the demon, pretending to be appalled by their behavior. “Geez, it’s no wonder why you’re so good together! You’re both so much alike,” he grinned. “So, when can I expect a grandchild?” asked the demon and Renlyss laughed merrily at that.

  “Maybe once we return home. Now is not the time, demon. The road ahead will be perilous enough without adding a very pregnant consort to the mix,” said Darian, squeezing her ass gently.

  “There will be many broken hearts with you off the market, so to speak,” said the demon.

  “Too bad,” said Renlyss icily. “He’s mine and I don’t share.”

  “Easy, little mama, I didn’t mean nothing by it,” said the Falahari, chuckling.

  Hunter came back in and went to Renlyss. “Hungry,” he said, placing his head on her shoulder when she lifted him up.

  “Excuse me,” she said and went to take care of the boy.

  “Ok, now give me the skinny on the dame and the kid,” said Sigorna.

  “What I’ve told you is true, demon. We found the boy in the town, his whole family dead. He was alone on the bottom floor for days playing in filth. No one would take him in and Reny begged me to bring him along. I objected at first, but she convinced me and now I’m glad she did. He would have died had we not taken him. It kind of reminded me of my childhood and I… couldn’t let him grow up without a family.”

  “When did you grow a heart, Darian? I’ve never known you to be so… so… domesticated,” said Sigorna.

  “I know. It’s strange and I’m not used to it myself, but I’m not sorry, Falahari.”

  “You really love them? Cuz if you’re pretending, you’re damn good at it.”

  “I’m not acting, demon. I really love them. Reny is so beautiful, vivacious and hungry. She keeps me interested and doesn’t put up with my attitude. We are good together, Falahari, so much better than Ty and I ever would have been. And that, my friend, is what scares the shit out of me.”

  “What’s that?” asked Sigorna, thoroughly interested. He never expected Darian to fall for another woman and it was clear to him that the Mage had done just that.

  “The depth of my love for Reny scares the mess out of me. Back in Kiri A’ Nouell, when we first met, I broke off our affair after a couple months because I was beginning to feel the same way about her as I did about Ty and that was not a good thing. I kept denying my feelings because it had never happened before. How could I fall for two women in such a short span of time? I rejected them both and found a reason to leave the forest and travel with Kyler.

  “Reny and I have so much in common and she has a deep understanding of me, how I think, and what I need. She’s asked me twice now for a child, but I’ve told her no because the timing is not right. But if I’m being honest with myself, it’s really because she terrifies me, demon. When I’m with her… I feel… loved, happy, and complete. These emotions and feelings are so foreign to me that I don’t know what to do with them. I’ve never known happiness, Falahari. The Order breeds that out of us. If they even suspect you’re happy, they’ll find a way to ruin it. I keep thinking that something’s gonna happen to kill my joy. Every morning when I wake, I keep expecting to find myself alone and that it had all been a glorious dream and then I feel her snuggled against me and I…”

  “Da!” cried Hunter, running into the Mage and Darian laughed and hoisted the boy up onto his shoulders.

  “Da’s tall!” Hunter told the demon in a wondrous voice and the demon chuckled.

  “He is at that, rug rat,” replied the Falahari, amazed at Darian’s reaction to the tot. He had

  to admit, for a human ankle biter, he was kinda’ cute.

  “Does he know the truth?” asked Sigorna.

  “Yes, I told him, but will elaborate once he’s a bit older.”

  Renlyss went to Darian and hugged him and he slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. She looked up at him and he brushed his lips on hers as fire raced through her veins at his touch.

  “Do you love mama?” asked Hunter, patting Darian’s head with his tiny hand.

  “I love her very much, Hunter,” Darian replied.

  “Can we be a famiwy?” he asked and the Mage smiled at the way he pronounced his words.

  “We sure can, buddy. There’s nothing I want more.”

  “Can I have a brother or sister?” he asked innocently.

  “Did your mama put you up to this?” he asked, looking at Reny, who shook her head no.

  “Uh-uh,” said Hunter, shaking his head no. “So, can I?” he asked again.

  “Not now, Hunter. Maybe once we return home,” replied the Mage. Sigorna saw the disappointment on Renlyss’s face and how she tried to hide it from Darian.

  “Home? Where?” asked Hunter,
as he touched the Mage’s face.

  “Kiri A’ Nouell, buddy. We live in the elven forest.”

  “I like twees,” he said absently, as he continued to play with the Mage’s hair.

  “You’re gonna’ love it, then,” said Darian, tossing the boy into the air and quickly casting

  a spell to suspend him for a moment and Hunter giggled.

  “Where’s Hunter?” asked Darian, looking around as if he didn’t know where the boy was and Hunter began laughing.

  “Have you seen Hunter, babe?” he asked Reny, who shook her head no, as she laughed at the spectacle.

  “Falahari, have you seen Hunter?” the Mage’s behavior was infectious and the demon laughed, as he shook his head.

  “Da, I’m up here,” called the boy and Darian looked up and gasped.

  “How’d you get up there? You come down this instant!” the Mage said, pretending to be angry.

  “No!” yelled Hunter, laughing.

  Darian waggled his fingers as he delivered the words to his spell and the boy dropped right into the Mage’s waiting arms. Darian began tickling the boy and Hunter laughed and wriggled in the Mage’s grasp.

  If Sigorna had not personally witnessed it, he’d never have believed it was possible. Darian was completely enamored by the human child and Sigorna couldn’t blame him. The Mage would make a good father for the boy and his other children. Delvishan had chosen well and the

  Dark Mage better be wary.

  “You seem surprised,” Renlyss whispered and the demon met her eyes.

  “If you’d known him before like I do, you would be too. I’ve never seen him so happy, Renlyss. Never. I’ve never seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you. And the boy…” Sigorna trailed off.

  “I was so afraid of being hurt by him, but not anymore,” she admitted.

  “He’s not gonna’ hurt you, doll. He really loves you. Both of you,” amended the demon. “But if you ever hurt him again, I will hunt you down and you will wish for death long before you receive it. You weren’t there. You didn’t see how messed up he was without you. Don’t do that to him again.” The demon’s words shocked Renlyss, but it was his sincerity that rocked her to her core.

  “I won’t. I love him so much that it scares me. Why do you care anyway?”

  “Because the Mage must remain level headed and if he’s mooning over a piece of ass, it will distract him and that could get us all killed.”

  “So, your interests are purely selfish then?” Renlyss queried. Something in the demon’s stance was bizarre and she needed clarification.

  “Of course, doll. I’m a demon. My motives are always selfish. Why else would I care?”

  “Because maybe you care about Darian, Falahari. After all, by your own admission, you have known each other for a long time. You are bound to him and him to you, isn’t that what you said? As I also recall, you said that not all demons are evil, right?”

  “I wasn’t implying that I wasn’t,” the demon’s voice raised the hair on Renlyss’s arms and she had to fight not to retch.

  “I am Falahari, doll. I’m as bad as they come.”

  “You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself,” Renlyss said and he chuckled.

  “Do you have any idea who the Dark Mage is that’s among us?” she asked hopefully.

  “I wish I did. I’d rip him apart and… No, I’d fling him into Oblivion… Yes! Oblivion would be a fine punishment indeed,” Sigorna said, getting aroused at the thought. Renlyss couldn’t help but look at the demon and that was a sight she would never forget. He winked at her and she shuddered, which amused him.

  “Demon, she’s mine,” warned Darian, voice hard and cold.

  “Ah! She’s too delicate for me anyway, Mage. She could never handle my monster co…”

  “Whoa! Lady and child present, Falahari!” Darian said, covering Hunter’s ears.

  “You were so much more fun when you were single,” joked the demon and the Mage laughed.

  “Anyway, I was gonna’ say my monster comedy. What did you think I was talking about?”

  Renlyss burst out laughing and Darian grinned at Sigorna.

  “Of a sudden, I have a strong feeling of déjà vu. You have a very dirty mind, Mage,” said the Falahari and Renlyss laughed harder.

  “You have a beautiful smile, doll,” the demon told Renlyss. “And you’re absolutely stunning; a perfect accompaniment to Darian.”

  “Thank you,” she said, glancing at her lover.

  “Darian, Kryndale and Tryndil are here to see you,” said Kelindril and when the Mage looked up, the Gor Li’ Khan shrugged his shoulders, indicating he had no idea what they wanted.

  “Thanks, Kel,” he said, going back to playing with Hunter.

  “Thank you for seeing us,” began Kryndale.

  “Of course. What can I do for you?” asked Darian, handing the boy to Renlyss, so he could speak with them.

  “We want to join you, Darian. We’ve already spoken at length to Kyler and although he’s not happy to lose us, he understands why we want to remain together,” announced Kryndale.

  “What prompted this?” asked Darian, looking at them, his face betraying nothing of his thoughts.

  “Since we first met, we’ve felt drawn to you and it only gets stronger the longer we travel

  together. We believe the Gor Li’ Khan are safe in your care for you respect our skill and do not use it carelessly. We submit to you, do you accept?”

  “I hope you know that it is not that easy, Kryndale. I have a list of requirements that you must follow without question. And I demand that each of you give yourselves to me that I may search your minds.”

  “I submit now,” said Kryndale, bowing his head.

  “Very well,” replied the Mage, as he led the Gor Li’ Khan to a sturdy chair. “Get comfortable, this will hurt,” said Darian and the elf felt the Mage’s magic slice into his brain, but he didn’t cry out.


  Darian swam through the assassin’s thoughts, searching for anything out of the ordinary. He didn’t believe the elves were part of the conspiracy but refused to take the chance that he was wrong. Just because they seemed sincere, didn’t mean they were.

  Many of the memories he witnessed supported Bryndyl’s experiences and it made Darian sick to his stomach. He halted as he saw Nephraete in the leader’s vivid memories. He witnessed how much Kryndale loved her and what her loss had cost him. He didn’t want to cause him more pain, but the Mage had to be thorough.

  Tryndil watched Kryndale carefully. He was obviously in a great deal of pain but remained still and let Darian work. The Mage was deep in concentration, his face betraying nothing. Tryndil was anxious to get this over with. He understood the Mage’s caution and had no issues with letting Darian scour his thoughts. Pain was an old friend and one he was on intimate terms with.

  The Mage seemed happy and content and the Gor Li’ Khan thought that the child would be good for him. When they entered, Darian had been down on his knees, tickling Hunter and the sight made them all smile.

  The boy was in need of a family and the fact that the Mage offered to take a human child in had warred with their practicality. Tryndil knew it was going to be risky with the boy traveling along but couldn’t argue with Darian’s decision. There was no way the elf could have left the child to die hungry and alone in a town that refused to acknowledge his existence.

  Not for the first time, he thought about his long journey and not just the physical one, but the emotional one too. He had a feeling that Darian would push them harder than ever before, but he looked forward to it. It wasn’t that he hadn’t liked working for Kyler, he did, but he felt that working for Darian would be far more rewarding and it would put their talents to the ultimate test. Something Tryndil eagerly and secretly desired.

  When Darian finished with Kryndale, he looked to Brandiel who removed him from the chair and eased him down on the couch where he stretched out and quickly succumbed to exhaust
ion. Tryndil took his place on the chair and Darian began without speaking. The pain was mind numbing, but Tryndil accepted it as a rite of passage. He wanted this more than anything

  and he was fully prepared to accept the agony.

  Darian saw Tryllia’s departure and Tryndil’s attempt to forget and he felt guilty for giving in to his base needs. Darian recalled the way she screamed his name as he plunged inside her eager body, her taught muscles straining to accept him. She’d been eager to please him, her hunger for him a living thing. He silently reprimanded himself for getting distracted and returned to his work.

  The Mage witnessed the forming of Kryndale’s current team and the hushed whispers surrounding the breakup of him and Kelindril. Tryndil had been quick to lay the rumors to rest, admonishing them for gossiping like a bunch of girls and the Mage smiled. He believed Tryndil would be a great addition to his posse and wanted to see him added immediately. He’d need to discuss the details with Kel but didn’t foresee any problems arising.

  Once Darian was done with Tryndil, Nym stepped forward, helping the elf to his feet. Malchyr took the seat vacated by Tryndil and the Mage’s deft touch soon had Malchyr writhing in agony. The elf forced himself to remain calm and not show weakness, but it wasn’t easy.

  “Enough!” ordered Kelindril, once Malchyr was finished. “You are weak, Darian. You cannot keep this up,” the elf said softly, for the Mage’s ears alone. Darian didn’t argue, he only nodded his acceptance.

  “Clear everyone out that does not need to be here,” Darian ordered and Kelindril was quick to respond, ushering everyone that he didn’t want there out the door and into the hallway.

  Darian got undressed and collapsed on the bed, Ru Nay’ Sha quickly taking him over. Renlyss climbed in after him, snuggling up to him and kissing his chest. Even in his dazed state, he drew her close, holding her against him.

  Brandiel kept Hunter with him so Darian would be undisturbed. Darkness surrounded Darian, drawing him deep into her embrace. His dreams were dark and full of blood and shadows. He tossed and turned, moaning in his sleep. Kelindril and Nymdal watched over him, eyeing him carefully.


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