The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 67

by D E Boske

  “It’s a little late for that now. I’ll just wait on the veranda.”

  Renlyss leaned back, taking him deeper and the Mage growled in appreciation. She was tight and slick, her body gripping him like a magical vise, eliciting a moan of approval from his lips. He began to move faster as he felt the culmination of his work approaching quickly. Renlyss arched her back, screaming his name as he stoked her inner fire.

  “I wish we had more time, babe,” his voice was raw and breathy. He quickly cast a spell to clean them up and tugged her dress back down. He was pleased to notice that Nymdal hadn’t been watching closely.

  He nodded to Kelindril who said, “Dalyn’s waiting on the veranda.”

  “Dalyn, thanks for coming by,” said Darian, making it a point to ignore the fact that the respectable elf had walked in on him hilt deep in Reny.

  “Good morning, Darian. I do apologize for the interruption. Kelindril could have asked me to come back later,” said the elf.

  “Not to worry, Dalyn. It’s quite alright. Now, what do you have for me?” asked the Mage with definite interest.

  “Ah yes, take a look at this,” said Dalyn, spreading out an aged map, silently grateful that Darian had brushed off that awkward encounter.

  “What am I looking at?” asked Darian.

  “This is my map of the Haunted Lands. I have sketched this out over my numerous trips and thought you may want to have a look. Now, as you can see, this is the shoreline where we will land. Up over here is the approximate location of the Banshee’s lair. I have never been this far so I cannot speak to what lies in wait for us. Over here,” Dalyn pointed to the upper left portion of the map, “Is where I usually find the plants and herbs that I travel there for.”

  “And how do you manage to book passage? Thelarki said he would take care of this, but as of yet, I have heard no word.”

  “I will take care of it, Darian. The same Captain takes me across and we have an arrangement.”

  “Great, I’m getting restless, Dalyn,” warned the Mage. “How much does he charge you?” inquired Darian.

  “Five gold.”

  “Each way? Or roundtrip?” asked Darian. He needed to know so that he could calculate how much the trip would cost him.

  “Roundtrip. He waits for me on the ship and never accompanies me ashore.”

  “Good to know,” Darian said. “Make contact with him and set up the arrangements.”

  “It would be my pleasure. How many am I to secure passage for?” asked Dalyn.

  “Secure passage for fifty. The rest must await our return here. For I cannot bring them all.”

  “This will be the source of much arguing, I fear,” advised Dalyn.

  “I believe you are correct, but there isn’t much I can do about it,” replied the Mage. “Come see me as soon as you are able to speak with the captain,” said Darian as Dalyn was leaving.

  “Darian, please elaborate on what we were speaking of earlier,” said Renlyss once Dalyn was gone.

  “The Weave instructs me, Reny so there’s nothing to fear.”

  “That makes no sense, Darian,” she sounded confused. “You’ve said more than once that you’re infected with Dark Magic and that you’re dying. You’ve also said that using Dark Magic without training is extremely dangerous. So, is there nothing to worry about or is it dangerous? Because it cannot be both, Mage,” said Renlyss, exasperated.

  “I am infected with Dark Magic and I am dying, Reny. That’s real and as far as I can see, there’s no changing that. However, when I cast, I open myself to the Weave as I’ve always done and it advises me what to do.”

  “So, you don’t really need the Morgannate then?” she asked.

  “I need this book, Reny, if I am to learn Dark Magic. The Weave assists me in spellcasting, but it’s not going to teach me Dark Magic. This is something that I cannot live without. Though I would, if I could. It takes me over faster each time and it’s too strong. I cannot fight it. I am pulled beneath a violent tidal wave of utter despair and dragged to the bottom. Each time it takes over, I feel as though I lose a part of myself that cannot be recovered. I fear there will be a time when the man you love will not resurface. My soul will be set adrift in an ocean of blackness, lost to the sun’s warmth. Delvishan will hide his face from me and pretend he does not know me, stripping me of my rank and accomplishments and bestowing them on my imposter.”

  Renlyss went cold at the Mage’s words, words he should never be speaking out loud. He trusted her with the truth and she would keep his secrets. She vowed to help him in any way that she could and suddenly felt guilty about begging him for a child.

  He has so much to deal with now and I am only adding to it by pestering him for a baby. He’s right, now is not the time. We have plenty of time once we return home. I need to be strong and help him overcome this. Shenna please! Shine your light on me and bless me with strength and courage to help Darian. Together, we can find this book and he will learn what he needs to. Please Shenna! I cannot lose him…

  “I am with you Darian and we will find this book so that you may learn what you must. I will do whatever you need me to. And Darian, you’re right. Now is not the time for a baby. We will have plenty of time once we return home. I love you Mage and I am strong. Lean on me when you’re weak and I will lend you my strength.”

  He pulled her to him, crushing his lips to hers, tongue possessing her mouth and liquefying her insides on contact. They made love until the early afternoon, each of them afraid to let

  the other go. As if it would be the last time they were together.

  Shaz had been quiet and pensive lately. He didn’t like all this waiting around but he had no say in the matter. Kaleika Bay was beautiful. The air was warm and heavy with promise and he often took long walks on the beach. He’d taken to leaving his boots in his room, loving the feel of the white sand between his toes. It was warm, holding the heat of the sun and bleaching the crystals until it hurt to look at them.

  He looked out over the horizon, listening to the waves crash against the rocks farther out in the bay. The water was cool and he walked in the shallows, his breeches pulled up above his knees. He was thinking of the long road that had brought him here. He’d never have witnessed any of this without Kyler and Darian stumbling into his life. He owed them. Had they not rescued him when they did, he would have been tortured and killed. All for something that wasn’t even his fault. So, in a way, it was the Mage’s fault.

  He walked for a time, just listening to the waves and the cries of sea birds. Of a sudden, big, black clouds came rolling in and he could swear he heard chanting in low tones. There was an enormous wall of tumbling rock, blocking any further passage. He looked back from where he’d come and he couldn’t even see the palace any more.

  “Well, shit,” he said, as a sense of creeping dread began to emanate from the surrounding trees. The chanting began to take on a menacing tone and the smell of sulfur was sharp and heavy in the air.

  The bounty hunter crept closer, attempting to see who was responsible and knowing that this was the traitorous Dark Mage that was hiding amongst them. He used the stealth that he’d learned as a bounty hunter and the newfound skills he’d learned from traveling with the elves to edge closer as the chanting hit the climax.

  There was a dark figure, cloaked in shadow and malice, cowl pulled close as a portal lit up and an otherworldly creature stepped through onto this plane. Shaz held his breath and remained perfectly still. If he was discovered, the torture he’d received at the hands of the goblins would seem like a mere inconvenience.

  The Falahari demon stepped fully onto their plane and sniffed the air, and Shaz stiffened. He could clearly see that this was not the demon that accompanied Darian. Though this demon was no shorter than Darian’s, he had markings on his skin. Tattoos? Lashings? Whip marks? Shaz couldn’t be sure, but they scored the demon’s skin, forming a preternatural pattern that was kind of frightening to witness.

  “Have you complet
ed your tasks?” asked the cowled figure. Shaz was unable to tell who it was as magic disguised the speaker’s voice.

  “Yes, everything is in place just as you’ve commanded,” the demon rasped.

  “Good,” said the Dark Mage. “Next, we go after Darian. Strike him down Calipheus! This

  will be your greatest feat. The most important task that you will undertake. Take everything from him and when he has nothing left to take, fling him into the Dark Abyss!” The Dark Mage cackled like a mad man and it chilled the bounty hunter’s blood.

  Shaz began making his way back toward the beach, feeling that his luck had surely run out. A few rocks spilled down and he stepped on a dried twig, and the demon’s head whipped around.

  “What is it?” asked the Mage.

  “Someone is listening,” said the demon, beginning to move.

  Shaz ran as fast as he ever had, knowing full well his life depended on it. The sand slowed him down but he had no choice. He could not enter the trees. He spotted a huge rock erupting up out of the ocean and ran into the water, sinking down behind it hoping it would be good enough cover.

  The bounty hunter heard the demon crashing through the trees in hot pursuit of him. He imagined feeling the earth trembling as the demon stormed onto the beach. Shaz peaked around to see if they knew where he was hiding and how close they were. The Falahari stood sniffing the air but didn’t move for long moments.

  “Where is he? Do you know who it is?” asked the Dark Mage, cowl pulled close.

  “No, the trail dies around here. I do not recognize his scent.”

  “Remember it. Torture this one slowly,” cackled the Dark Mage.

  Shaz ran right to Darian’s door, taking time to ensure no one spotted him. He was stealthy and used all his skill right now. He pounded on the door and Kelindril didn’t look pleased when he opened the door to see him standing there.

  “I need to see Darian right now!” said Shaz, shivering. He was soaked from head to foot, his black hair dripped down his face and his eyes looked haunted. His feet were cut up and he had numerous cuts and abrasions on his body, leaving a bloody trail behind him.

  “What’s happened?” asked Kelindril, showing the bounty hunter in. “Darian is…”

  “What’s going on?” asked Darian, striding from the bedroom. He’d only taken the time to drag on a pair of soft pants and fix his sexed-up hair somewhat.

  “Darian! I saw… I…”

  “Shaz, you’re bleeding. What happened to you? Come, sit and I will heal you.”

  Shaz blanched at the Mage’s words. “I’m bleeding? Then that means I left a trail. They will follow me here! They’ll know who I am!” Shaz was raving like a lunatic and Darian would

  have to calm him down in order to gather needed information.

  “Shaz, sit down,” commanded the Mage and the tone of his voice had the desired effect.

  Shaz folded himself onto the couch with a vacant eyed stare.

  Darian quickly healed him and cast a spell to evaporate the water. Shaz stopped shivering and Kelindril pressed a cup of hot tea into his hand.

  “Tell me what’s happened,” coaxed Darian. He’d never seen Shaz like this and it was a bit unnerving. They didn’t like each other, that was no secret. But here he was seeking Darian’s help. Something obviously happened, he was terrified.

  “I saw the Dark Mage. He called a Falahari demon named… Calipheus. He had tattoos, or markings of some sort all over his body. The Dark Mage asked the demon if he completed his tasks and he said yes. The demon said everything is in place as you’ve commanded. The Dark Mage is coming after you and ordered the demon to strike you down. He commanded the demon to take everything from you and when there was nothing left to take, to fling you into Oblivion.” Shaz looked directly into Darian’s eyes as he spoke.

  Shaz was terrified and his mind was on the verge of breaking. That was an unfortunate side effect of being too close to powerful Dark Magic and a demon to boot.

  “Where were you that you were witness to this?”

  “I’ve been so bored recently so I take long walks on the beach. I was lost in thought today and didn’t realize how far I’d walked. I walked all the way down the beach until I couldn’t go any farther. There’s a huge rock wall and I… looked around and couldn’t see the palace any longer so I… walked farther onto the beach. Big black clouds rolled in and I can remember feeling an overwhelming sense of dread. I heard chanting and the crushing smell of sulfur hung heavy in the air. They were in the trees. I saw the outline of the portal as it opened and I stood very still as the demon stepped onto the plane. He sniffed the air, but didn’t look in my direction, so I stayed to listen. After a while, I had a feeling that my luck had worn out and that’s when I began making my way back, but some rocks shifted and tumbled and I stepped on a dried twig and that caught the demon’s attention. They came after me and I hid in the ocean behind a huge rock not twenty feet from the shore. After they left, I made my way back here, but got caught in the storm.”

  “Shaz, in order to hide your trail, I must have a look inside your mind. I have to walk with you as you make your way back here. Is that alright?” asked Darian in an oddly gentle tone. Kelindril knew there was no love lost between these two and yet, Shaz had come directly to Darian. That was commendable.

  “Do what you need to, Darian. Please, protect me or they’ll kill me for sure.”

  “Not to worry, bounty hunter. I won’t let that happen,” said Darian, delving deep into Shaz’s mind. The bounty hunter arched his back and screamed until he was hoarse, but somehow, he hung on to consciousness.

  As Darian walked through Shaz’s mind, he began casting, erasing his passing as if he’d never been. The storm had done most of the work, but Darian did not become a Mage of The Order by being careless. Afterward, Shaz slipped into a deep slumber as Darian soothed his shredded mind. The Mage covered him with a blanket and looked to Sigorna, who he’d called almost as soon as Shaz had begun talking.

  “What do you make of that, Falahari?” asked Darian, relying on the demon’s point of view.

  “It’s not good, Mage and you know it. The Dark Mage is entrenched within your own group and no one can seem to ferret the bastard out!” Sigorna pounded his fist into his open palm, fully aroused by the bounty hunter’s tale.

  “We’ve got to find out who he is and how he’s managed to elude us for so long,” said Sigorna.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s not like I haven’t been trying, demon,” said Darian sharply.

  “I didn’t say you weren’t, neurotic wizzo,” said Sigorna and Darian laughed.

  “Darian, I have no choice but to step up security. It’s a good thing that so many Gor Li’ Khan have joined forces with us.” Just as he spoke those words, Nym came running.

  “There’s a force of Gor Li’ Khan outside saying they wish to join with you, Darian,” said Nym.

  “Do you know any of them?” asked Darian.

  “I’ll go speak to them,” said Kelindril, taking Nym along with him. Kelindril had been training Nym hard since his promotion but Nym never complained.

  “Kelindril! Please take us to the Mage. We seek refuge from the coming storm that is Thelarki. We have heard of his kindness and generosity and we wish to be a part of it,” said the leader.

  “If you are here under false pretenses, you will bleed,” said Kelindril, voice firm and hard. “We will cut you down before you ever get close to him.”

  “That is not why we are here, though I can understand your caution.”

  “I will take no more than five of you, so choose wisely, Kelendiel,” advised Kelindril.

  “Darian made an offer to me, does this not still stand?” asked Kelendiel.

  “Let us go speak with him and he will tender his decision,” said Kelindril, showing five Gor Li’ Khan into Darian’s chamber.

  Kelindril brought them before the Mage and he saw that Renlyss had joined them. Her face, like Darian’s, betrayed nothing of her true f
eelings. Perfect match indeed, thought Kelindril,

  not for the first time.

  “Darian, Kelendiel would like to speak with you,” informed the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “Of course,” said Darian, showing them to the table. There was fresh lemonade and glasses

  and they saw the stunning female elf take a seat next to Darian.

  This must be the one he spoke of… Renlyss I think her name is, Kelendiel thought.

  “I would like to know if your generous offer still stands, Darian,” began Kelendiel, looking the Mage in the eye.

  “It does,” said Darian. “Who are the others that accompanied you here?”

  “Recruits for you. I spoke to those who I trust and they did the same and well… We are twenty thousand strong. Will you have us?” Kelendiel held his breath, afraid the Mage would surely laugh in his face. He will never accept so many! Kelendiel fought the negative thoughts, forcing them roughly away. He’d need an army to take back Mogan Dar and an army he would have. A force to be reckoned with.

  “Are you serious?” asked Darian, looking at each of the five before him. Renlyss gasped at Kelendiel’s words and clasped her lover’s hand under the table.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to waste your time. Thank you for seeing us, Darian,” said Kelendiel, rising.

  “Kelendiel, my offer stands. You have done me a great service today and I will not forget it.” Darian rose and clasped the elf’s hand in his own and shook it warmly.

  “You… You want our services?” asked Kelendiel, shocked. He hadn’t allowed himself to concentrate on the chance that the Mage would actually want all of them. He’d told himself he’d be forced to work for Thelarki until the day he died because he couldn’t allow himself hope.

  “Indeed, I do,” replied the Mage. “Twenty thousand, you say? Kelendiel, thank you,” said the Mage, sincerely.

  “You’re welcome,” said Kelendiel, smiling. He wanted to drop to the floor and thank Shenna and Delvishan for allowing the Mage to take them all in. He hadn’t honestly believed there was a chance.


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