The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 70

by D E Boske

  “Hey, your desires are not petty, babe,” replied the Mage.

  “They are in the face of what you’re going through, Darian. I feel so guilty for only thinking of myself.” Tears slid down her cheeks and he gently wiped them away.

  “Babe, I want your belly swollen with my child, I do. Please don’t cry. If you want this, I will grant it, all you need do is ask.” He kissed her passionately, he didn’t care that the demon was right there watching.

  He needed to soothe his consort because her pain was his pain. Their bond had already begun to grow, he could feel it. He didn’t know if she was aware of it, but he was. She was the right one for him, the only one. And he was thankful to Delvishan for coming to him and advising him to release Tynuviel. Since he let go of Ty, his heart mended and allowed him to fall in love with Renlyss and he was happier than he’d ever thought possible. He felt complete.

  For once, the demon did not have anything sarcastic to say. He merely watched Darian and Renlyss and the way they interacted with one another; how they complemented each other. The sight was unnerving for Sigorna because he’d known Darian in a different time. A time when he behaved as a Mage of The Order. Not that he wasn’t now, it was just… different.

  “Darian, I think it wise that you step up security now. With the Dark Mage growing bolder, it will leave you more vulnerable than ever,” advised Sigorna.

  “Kelindril added more Gor Li’ Khan to my detail so I will never be alone,” commented Darian.

  Renlyss saw something flash across the demon’s face at the Mage’s announcement but before she could analyze what it meant, the demon caught her looking and glanced away. She didn’t know what to make of it but maybe Darian would. She would tell him later when they were alone.

  Renlyss knew or at least suspected that Darian trusted the demon to a certain extent but she wasn’t sure that was smart. Darian’s instincts were impeccable but Renlyss began to wonder if the Dark Magic was subverting them too. She honestly had no idea what Dark Magic could and could not affect as elves had never believed in its use.

  Losing him to the Dark Magic terrified her because he’d confessed to her that he had no idea how often it took control. The missing time that he was experiencing began happening more frequently and for longer periods of time. His confession that he was fearful of one day not resurfacing scared her but she would never show it. She couldn’t afford to. He needed her to be strong and so she would be.

  This time, they would stand and face this thing together. She’d been weak before but never again. Her love for him frightened her, forcing her to leave because she was so afraid he’d hurt her. At the time, she didn’t think it possible that he would ever love her but now, she knew how wrong she’d been. One look in his eyes and she could see his love for her radiating outward like a living thing.

  The demon nodded his approval and flashed her a toothy grin. She smiled back and gripped the Mage’s hand warmly, feeling him gently squeeze her hand.

  “How is the search for a ship coming?” asked the Falahari.

  “It looks like we finally have a ship. We’re to go see him in five days. I’ve already gathered most of the supplies we’ll need so we’ll be able to leave fairly quickly.”

  “Five more days? Darian, need I remind you how important this is?” asked the demon


  “I know, but there’s nothing I can do. His crew needs a few days rest since they’ve been out for six months,” said the Mage.

  “Why is the bounty hunter here? I thought you two didn’t get along,” said the Falahari, changing subjects.

  “I’m protecting him. I don’t know how else to do that other than keep him close.”

  “I’m just messing with you. I was here when he dropped by, remember?”

  “You were?” asked Darian. At first, Sigorna thought he was playing around but he saw the Mage’s eyes; he was attempting to remember that day and couldn’t. A chill carved its way down the demon’s spine, as he fought to control himself. He could not appear weak in front of the Mage. That would give the Mage the upper hand and that was something Sigorna could not afford to give up.

  “Yeah, soon after he arrived, you called on me to listen to what he had to say and I went back to find Calipheus. Darian, what’s the last thing that you remember?” asked the demon, looking to Renlyss who grimaced.

  “I… remember… talking to you,” he said, looking at Reny. “The morning I awoke and… I asked if I’d hurt you.”

  “Darian, that was weeks ago,” said Renlyss, trembling.

  “Have you seen me, I don’t know, acting odd or standing lost in thought? Like when Kel woke you?”

  “No, nothing like that,” she replied, looking to the demon. Even though he can’t remember, he’s still him, right? She thought to herself, thinking of all the times they made love. He’d been gentle, loving, and playful; all the things he normally was. How was she supposed to tell? She felt she should be able to see the difference as she was in love with him. How could she not know when he wasn’t present? Because he is present! He’s still here. He needs to learn how to allow both sides to connect so that they communicate. That’s it!

  “Darian, concentrate on the other side of you. The Dark Mage side,” Renlyss commanded.

  “Why would I want to do that?” he scoffed.

  “Because I think I’m on to something,” she responded patiently.

  “What, Reny?” he asked, hopeful.

  “Please, do as I ask. Concentrate on the Dark side of you.”

  He closed his eyes, searching himself for the darkness and didn’t have far to go. “Ok, I’ve got it,” he said, looking to her.

  “Now, see if you can connect both sides of yourself. I think you are present even though you may not remember. If you can connect both parts, you will be present in both,” she explained and saw when Darian understood what she was saying. The smile erupted on his gorgeous face and he threw himself into his task.

  He was quiet for a long time as he struggled to connect both halves but the Dark side was fighting him every step of the way. The Mage could see that it wanted to be in full control and he could not allow that to happen. Renlyss’s insight was invaluable and he would show her just how much he appreciated her later.

  The demon watched everything carefully and was amazed that the elven mage was able to assist Darian. The fact that she figured it out before Darian was a feat of epic proportions. Sigorna was impressed.

  He battled with the Dark Magic portion of his identity, forcing it to submit to his will. The will of the Shangmarrum of The Order. Darian had no idea how long he’d been at it, but he felt exhausted. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up. He opened himself to the Weave, hoping the magic could help him in his task. He heard the soft whispers as the magic spoke to him, instructing him how to link both halves of himself.

  A blinding white light and absolute darkness became evident in Darian’s aura as he continued to listen to the Weave and do as it ordered. Both sides began moving closer to each other until finally, they merged, creating a greyish light that was equally bright and dark. Sweat covered the Mage’s body and consciousness rapidly slipped away from him.

  Darian sat down heavily, sweat dripping into his eyes but with a smile on his handsome face. He gripped Renlyss by the back of the neck and kissed her fiercely.

  “Did that help?” she asked, seeing the sudden change in Darian. His eyes once more sparkled with mischievousness that had been absent for far too long for her taste.

  “More than you know, doll,” he said, wrapping her in his embrace. “Thank you, babe. There has been a desperate struggle within me that has worn me down. I am still in danger but I believe this will help keep it under control for a while. I don’t know what I would do without you, Reny.”

  She hugged him tightly and whispered, “I’m so glad I was able to help you, Darian. I’m glad you finally came to your senses and asked me to be your consort.” She nibbled his ear a
nd felt him immediately respond to her nearness.

  “Where is the demon?” asked Darian, looking around.

  “He left hours ago, Darian,” she said, a bit alarmed.

  “How long have I been at it?” he asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

  “Almost a day and a half,” she said, cringing inwardly when she saw the look that crossed his beautiful face.

  He began to swear in Shivvendari and she shook her head at him.

  “That kind of talk is not going to help the situation,” she said firmly. Even though she did not understand the words he spoke, she had a rough idea of what he said by the way in which he said them.

  His cool gaze met hers and his eyes softened. “You’re right, Ren. I apologize for my lewd comments.”

  “They’re only acceptable in the bedroom,” she said with a wink. He grinned at her and grabbed for her but she danced out of his reach.

  “Bathe, Mage, you’re stinky,” she laughed at the shocked look on his face and watched him go. She shook her head in amazement, who would have thought she’d have such power over him?

  He returned to her once he was clean and took her in his arms. “Mmm, you smell so good, babe,” he rumbled.

  “This is the perfume you bought for me,” she said, giggling as he nuzzled her neck.

  “It makes me want to be inside you right now,” he growled, as he lifted her and brought her to the bed.

  “Reny, I want to give you everything you desire, starting with a child. Right now.”

  “But, Darian…”

  “No more waiting, Reny. It’s time, now,” he said more serious than she’d ever heard him.

  “Darian,” she began, trying to make him see reason but he cut her off.

  “Babe, I want this. I too need a reason to live. A reason to fight through all that is coming. Building a life with you will do that for me,” he explained and he saw tears spring to her eyes. He gently wiped them away and tossed her onto the bed.

  “I need to be in you, babe. Don’t fight me, I need this,” he whispered.

  “You see me fighting your advances, Mage? Has anybody ever done that and lived?” she grinned and he quickly cast a spell to remove their clothing. He wanted her so bad he couldn’t wait.

  He forewent foreplay, which was highly unusual, but in his present state, he didn’t care. He knew he could satisfy her without it. He pulled her to the edge of the bed, flipped her onto her belly, and eased inside her while he remained standing on the floor. She buried her face in her pillow and screamed his name.

  He grinned and once her body was accustomed to his possession, he began to thrust into her harder. His need was great and he couldn’t contain what he was feeling. For the first time, he didn’t fear having a child. He wasn’t afraid of the future. His future was promising and he thanked Delvishan for his blessings.

  “Reny, don’t deny me this,” he grated, as he felt her approaching detonation.

  “I… Darian, are you sure?” she panted, in between moans.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything, babe. I’m gonna’ fill you,” he groaned, as he felt her constrict around him. He yanked her hair, pulling her head back as he spilled into her.

  She curled up against him and kissed his chest. He quickly healed her, then placed her atop him.

  “Make love to me, Ren. Take me again and we will create something beautiful.” His words made her feel warm and woozy. She bent to kiss him and his lips coveted hers as his tongue parted them like silk.

  “Darian…I…” she trailed off as she kissed him again.

  “Tonight, you will command your body to consent to my demands each and every time. Tonight will be magical and full of sexual promise that you know I can deliver. I will have you every way I can think of, filling you with my essence and by morrow’s light, you will have my child growing within you.” He kissed her slowly, exploring her mouth with his tongue and resting his hands on her hips. He reached up to lightly pinch her nipples and it sent a searing pulse of pure hot need through her.

  Raising herself up, she positioned herself carefully above him. She guided him to her and when she felt him against her slick, hot skin, she tossed her head back and moaned. Using her magic, she restrained his arms and legs and grinned wickedly when he tested his bonds. He bucked his hips assisting his entrance and she took it from there. Easing down slowly, she took him little by little until he could go no further. He had a wild look in his eyes that turned her on and the fact that he let her restrain him did things to her.

  “Gods, Reny! You’re so wet,” he whispered, as he bucked his hips, meeting her thrusts.

  “Only for you, Darian. Only yours,” she answered.

  “You’re damn right, you’re only mine,” he growled, breaking her hold long enough to pull her to him and kiss her.

  Renlyss redid his bonds and began to take him at her own pace, which pleased him. She braced herself on his chest, as she took him faster and harder until she was screaming his name as he filled her once more.

  She collapsed onto his chest, breathless and smiling. “I love you, Mage,” she managed to say.

  “I love you too, Ren,” he responded, healing her and placing her on her back. He placed her legs on his shoulders and eased inside her as her body fought to accept him.

  “Relax, babe, don’t fight me,” he groaned as he felt her begin to relax. “I’ll never hurt you, Reny, I hope you know that.”

  “I do,” she said, her eyes tightly shut as she concentrated on relaxing her body so she could take him this way. He used his magic, stroking her lightly and he eased into her halfway. Her eyes flew open and she began breathing hard.

  “Easy, Ren. Let me in, babe,” he coaxed, gently thrusting his hips. He groaned as he slid smoothly into her and she nearly went blind with pleasure. He felt so good and he filled her so completely that she felt overwhelmed.

  He took his time, making love to her so slowly that it drove her mad. She wanted him to move faster but he wouldn’t no matter how much she begged for it.

  “Khan Ni’ Tay!” she demanded, trying to get him to increase his pace.

  “No, Reny. I want to do this my way. Don’t worry, your pleasure will be no less intense,” he promised.

  “I want you hard and fast, Mage,” she gritted.

  “No, I need this, Reny. Let me pleasure you slowly.” He saw how she immediately relented and gave in to him. He looked down at her, hair splayed out on the pillow, eyes closed, nipples puckered, as he moved within her and he nearly lost his shit. He took a deep breath and concentrated on the feel of her and couldn’t imagine being in anyone else. He was so in love with her and he couldn’t wait to make it formal.

  As soon as they made it back to Kiri A’ Nouell, he would have Aganor do the ceremony. He wanted to be bonded to her. He wanted to be one with her. He wanted… He felt her tighten around him, the pleasure so intense that she couldn’t contain it. Once more she fulfilled his every desire and he collapsed onto the bed beside her, relaxed and at ease.

  “What are you smiling about?” she asked, rolling onto her right side.

  “You,” he replied, kissing her nose. “The very idea of you carrying my child makes me so damned turned on,” he admitted.

  “Really? Why’d you fight me for so long, then?” she asked, running her hands over his smooth chest.

  “I was trying to be practical. And I was afraid,” he admitted, which surprised her more than a little.

  “Of?” she prompted.

  “My love for you, Ren. What I felt for Tynuviel is dwarfed by what I feel for you and it scared the shit out of me.” His words were like an arrow to the chest. She just stared at him because she couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  “Darian,” she gasped, clasping her hand to her mouth as tears leaked from her eyes.

  “Hey, I’ll take it back if you want me to,” he said, with his sexy smile.

  “Don’t you dare, Mage,” she said through her tears.

  He hel
d her close as he kissed the top of her head. “Mm, you smell like me and sex. I always want you smelling like me,” he said softly and she giggled.

  He kissed her, his tongue softly exploring her mouth. She felt the love he had for her in that kiss and it made her strong. He was hers, finally hers. She’d never have to live without him again. Everything that came before was inconsequential. Nothing mattered but them and their lives together with Hunter. And now Hunter would have a brother or a sister, just like he wanted.

  “I feel so lucky to have you,” he said softly and she grinned.

  “Ditto, Mage,” she said, kissing him.

  They talked for some time before they both slowly drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha, tired but satisfied.


  In the morning, Darian rose before Renlyss but he’d been expecting to. Her body would slowly begin the process of building their child and she’d need plenty of rest and protection. Whatever she wanted she would have it. He would give her anything or do anything she wanted. All she had to do was ask.

  “That was some night you had, Darian,” commented Kelindril.

  “Mm,” he responded, wetting his hair and washing his face. He used fragrant soap that smelled expensive and the elf guessed it probably was. Everything the Mage bought was expensive. He liked fine things and there was nothing wrong with that, he’d earned it.

  “Are you sure it’s wise for Renlyss to get pregnant now? The Haunted Lands is extremely dangerous and no place for a child or a pregnant woman,” advised the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “I know, Kel. The timing’s not great but when will it be? Something will always get in the way if we allow it. It’s never going to be the perfect time. I’m taking all this very seriously my friend and I will protect them as I do myself.”

  “You’re going to need Renlyss close, Darian. What good is she locked up in your tower?” asked Kelindril, looking baffled.

  “She won’t be in my tower, Kel. They’ll be traveling with me so I can keep them close.”


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