The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 76

by D E Boske

  Tynuviel looked disheveled. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to prove that her spirit was with him, but dared not with the ward in place. He could have touched her with his magic, stroked her face like he’d wanted to for so long. But he no longer wanted that. He was in love with Renlyss and totally devoted to her.

  Delvishan warned to be wary of forest elves. Could it be Tynuviel? Not intentionally, but through the ward? He didn’t know but he knew that he could take no chances with his safety. For it wasn’t just him anymore. Now he had Renlyss, Hunter, and an unborn child to protect. And he would protect them fiercely. He severed the connection more forcefully than necessary but didn’t regret it.

  “Darian, are you alright?” asked Reny sleepily, cuddling up to him and kissing his back.

  “Mmm, I am now,” he whispered, kissing her. He made love to her as the moon completed its ascent to the heavens.

  Startled realization dawned and he almost threw her off him. She was a forest elf. Could she be the one he was looking for? He told himself how idiotically paranoid he was being, but he couldn’t silence that small voice within.

  Renlyss was closer than anyone had ever been to him and in the perfect position to render him helpless. He watched her carefully as she rocked atop him, eyes closed. He could break her magical hold at any time and he was ready to if needed. Several spells lay at his immediate disposal and the thought of turning them on the woman he loved sickened him.

  She sensed the change in him and opened her eyes, “Darian, are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” she asked, looking almost broken.

  “No, don’t stop, babe.” His warm hands massaged her firm breasts until her nipples were hard and aching.

  “What’s wrong, Darian? You cannot lie to me; I know you better than you think.” And in

  that moment, she knew what the Mage feared. She gasped, bringing her hands to her lovely face

  to cover her mouth in pained shock.

  “Takasha! You think I’m the one that betrayed you? Darian, I would never! I love you!” She leaned forward to capture his lips and pressed herself as close to him as she could. His arms circled around her, pulling her close as his tongue plundered her mouth. His hands went to her waist, caressing softly and she began to move again.

  “Darian, you know me. I have our child growing within me. Why should I betray you?” she asked, rather directly, stopping her hypnotic motion.

  “Whoever it is, is close to me, Renlyss. At least one forest elf is working with the Dark Mage and has intimate details that no one else should know. I want to believe that it isn’t you, babe. With all my heart, I want to know that it’s not you,” said Darian, sitting up and putting her beneath him. With one smooth thrust, he was deep inside her and she was clutching his back, her nails digging deep furrows in his skin.

  He was a bit rough with her but she liked it. He wanted it his way tonight and she gave him everything he desired. She fulfilled his needs in ways no one else had ever done and he was amazed that he hadn’t fallen for her sooner. He’d been in love with Tynuviel then and all he saw was her. Letting her go was the hardest thing he’d ever done but when he did, everything he felt for this tiny elf beneath him flooded his very being. If she was working against him, he’d kill her painfully for making him fall in love with her. She owned him.

  He’d been a bit brusque with Tynuviel. He hadn’t meant to be but she’d told him too many times that she never wanted to see him again and he finally accepted it. There was no going back for them. Nor did he want to. He was finally happy and Renlyss completed him. He felt whole with her by his side.

  He felt her orgasm take over her body and he worked to please her. Then he put her on her knees and speared into her, grabbing her hair and tugging hard enough to make her moan aloud.

  “What you do to me,” he groaned, moving painfully slow, drawing out the pleasure for them both. She cried his name and he knew, knew it wasn’t her. She would never betray him. She begged him to go faster but he refused, going at his own pace.

  “Darian please!” she begged, but his magic restrained her now and there was no breaking his hold. He moved within her, rotating his hips as he plunged inside her and she met him thrust for aching thrust. He felt her tighten around him, and he followed her lead, spilling into her, then collapsed onto the bed.

  Renlyss curled against him, laying her head on his chest. She kissed his hot skin and licked

  his nipples, enjoying his moans of pleasure.

  “If you don’t stop, Ren, I’m going to make love to you again. I’m half way there as it is.”

  He took her hand and brought it down to his growing affection and she giggled.

  “What if I want you to?” She flirted with him and received the desired reaction.

  Darian raised an eyebrow and Renlyss smiled, her heart full of love for this Mage. He was so different from the first time they met. She marveled at the changes in him and was amazed that she was the cause of such change.

  Kelindril, Nym, Alystriel, Floran, and Tampra guarded the Mage this night. Brandiel and a few others watched over Hunter. The tot was close to Brandiel and trusted him, as a child trusts an adult and it affected Brandiel deeply. The boy was an innocent and Brandiel treasured his time with him. Brandiel had taken charge of Hunter’s training and he was doing nicely for such a small one. The elf marveled at how well the boy was adjusting to everything that had happened to him. Brandiel couldn’t get over the small human’s resiliency. Hunter’s attachment to the powerful Mage seemed a bit bizarre at first. But Darian was a strong leader, so it was only natural that Hunter would latch on to him since his father was an asshole of epic proportions.

  The next morning, Kelindril roused Darian quietly so as not to wake Renlyss. Darian climbed out of bed, washed and dressed, then went out to meet the assembled Gor Li’ Khan.

  “My consort is resting, so I urge you to keep your words quiet.”

  “Of course, thank you for seeing us, Darian,” said the obvious leader.

  “What can I do for you?” the Mage asked, pouring hot coffee for them both and handing a cup to the leader.

  “Thank you,” said the elf, adding cream and sugar to the hot liquid. “My name is Trystyl and I have worked for Thelarki for a long time. I come to you now to pledge myself and those loyal to the Gor Li’ Khan code of conduct, to you Darian. We are sickened by the atrocities that we have committed under Thelarki and desire change.”

  “Well met, Trystyl. I am honored that you sought me out. How many strong are you?”

  Trystyl stood straight, looking directly into the Mage’s eyes as he spoke. “One hundred thousand.”

  Darian hid his shock and said, “I welcome you all. We will speak of my terms over breakfast and I charge you to convey my message to the rest. Bring only those directly under you to my table. Unfortunately, I don’t have room to seat you all or I would,” said the Mage.

  Trystyl smiled, nodded and called, “Larys, Bondryn, Wandryl. And Queryl.” All four stepped forward immediately, each shaking the Mage’s hand in greeting.

  “Da!” cried Hunter running to Darian’s side. The powerful Mage picked the boy up and sat him on his knee, and fixed a plate so he could eat.

  Hunter sat happily on the Mage’s lap and ate heartily. Darian ate and rubbed Hunter’s

  back and the Gor Li’ Khan just watched, awestruck. The boy finished eating and wiped his small hands on the linen napkin Darian handed him and nuzzled into the Mage. Darian wrapped an arm around the boy, holding him close, and kissing the top of his head.

  “This is Hunter, my son, and you will protect him and Renlyss, my consort, as you do me. This I command you. Now, for my terms. Whatever you see or hear shall not be disseminated, but protected on pain of death. I take my privacy very seriously and will brook no argument on this. I value your input and request that should you have an opinion on something, or any concerns, speak up. I do not get angry if you speak your mind. In fact, I require it.

of you has a unique viewpoint and I value that insight and I know you will put it to good use. I will never ask you to violate your honor or betray your beliefs. I will never ask you to kill an innocent for I have many enemies that are real.

  “Once you are in my employ, there is no going back. This will be the last appointment that you will hold. I cannot allow you to leave due to the sensitivity of what you will see and hear while working for me. Are these terms acceptable?”

  “Aye!” they said in unison.

  “Already, you have proven yourself worthy. I never saw Thelarki show as much love and concern for his children as you have shown for your son. It’s obvious that you love him and he adores you.”

  “I do,” Darian replied, hugging Hunter close.

  They spoke for a bit while they ate and drank their fill. Hunter was still on Darian’s lap and would not move even when Brandiel offered to take him outside to play. Hunter didn’t get as much time with Darian as he wanted, so he was taking advantage of the fact that the Mage wasn’t making him leave.

  “Good morning,” said Renlyss, seeming to appear at the Mage’s side. They all stood, welcoming her to the table and Nym made sure she received a fresh plate of food. Darian stood, taking her in his left arm, as Hunter occupied his right. He kissed her, running his hand down her back to cup her lovely ass.

  “Morning, doll,” he responded. “This is my consort, Renlyss,” introduced Darian. They all greeted her and introduced themselves.

  “Thank you for offering your services to Darian. You will be well cared for. Though he doesn’t like to admit it, he has a big heart,” she said, looking into the Mage’s silvery grey eyes. His eyes held her captive and she couldn’t look away. He captured her lips, kissing her deeply and the Gor Li’ Khan averted their eyes respectfully.

  “It’s our honor and pleasure, Renlyss,” said Trystyl.

  “Let’s see if you still feel that way in about a month or so,” said the Mage, not quite joking.

  “There has been quite the commotion concerning you these last few days. Can you elab-

  orate? What’s happened?” asked Trystyl.

  Darian studied those assembled for a long time and did not speak. He was unsure how much he should tell them.

  “I will disclose nothing until you’re officially part of the team. Once that is complete, I will bring you up to speed. Fair enough?” Darian asked, almost daring them to object.

  “That seems reasonable,” responded Trystyl, eyes intent on the powerful Mage. Trystyl was not weak and didn’t know enough about Darian to be able to read his facial expressions but was wise not to step over the line of acceptability.

  “Tell me, what exactly, are you looking to get out of this relationship?” asked Renlyss, looking to Trystyl. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before he could form words. The question had taken him completely by surprise. The Mage’s consort was as intelligent as she was beautiful. And she was simply stunning with the sun shining off her warm caramel colored hair.

  “Redemption, Renlyss. I want to be able to lay my head on my pillow at night and rest peacefully, knowing I have not compromised my morals or those of the Gor Li’ Khan. I have not been able to do this in two and a half centuries, at least,” Trystyl said softly.

  “May you all find what it is you seek,” she responded, her voice soft and alluring. “But know this,” she continued, voice turning cold and hard.

  “If any of you have come with malice in your hearts, then the only thing you will find is death. For Darian is not the only one who will exact vengeance upon you should your hearts be false.”

  Now Trystyl took his measure of this captivating beauty. She was no mere elf; she was an elven mage! That explained much. She would be a compliment to Darian for they were both strong, and not only in magic. They both had a commanding presence that demanded immediate attention and could not be ignored.

  Darian continued to speak softly with Hunter as his consort took control of the room and everyone in it. He didn’t even look up from his interaction with the child, which told them all that he supported her words. This was important and they would be fools to dismiss her.

  “We understand, Renlyss. But have no fear, for we are each of us sincere. We are loathe to work for someone who is abusive and quick to anger,” responded Trystyl.

  “Make no mistake, I can be quick to anger, too,” advised Darian.

  “With good reason, I presume,” said Trystyl. “Thelarki is just a petulant child and doesn’t need a reason, Darian.”

  “I’m cognizant of Thelarki’s treatment of the Gor Li’ Khan and I find it abhorrent. You will never suffer such manipulation by me,” said the Mage, his attention still on Hunter.

  “I’ll take him, Darian,” said Renlyss.

  “It’s okay, babe. I got him for now,” he said softly, lovingly and she smiled at her men.

  “Please, have something to eat, Reny,” said the Mage, as Nym held the chair for her.

  “Thank you, Nym,” she said, looking up at the elf. She could see that Nym had changed since his return home. He was more confident, sexy, and…

  “Ooh!” Renlyss grabbed the table as she was about to sit and that had Darian’s undivided attention.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” The Mage looked worried and the Gor Li’ Khan looked concerned.

  “I’m fine,” she said reassuringly. “Just got really dizzy all of a sudden,” she responded.

  The Gor Li’ Khan were wise to keep silent. Darian’s regular guards stood with faces that looked as if carved from stone. Their visage giving nothing away.

  “Mama, you okay?” Hunter asked, tugging on Renlyss’s sleeve.

  “I’m okay, Pey Lo’ Ahn,” said Renlyss, touching the boy’s cheek. The boy was now terrified that everyone would die and leave him alone. Left alone for days when the plague consumed his entire family, no amount of reassurance was enough. His bottom lip trembled and Reny scooped him away from Darian and the boy slipped his arms around her neck and cried.

  She spoke softly to him in common and elvish, rocking him as she did so. Finally, he calmed down but it took a long time and much patience on Renlyss’s part, but she didn’t mind.

  “Darian, I know I speak for us all when I say that we are ready and willing to submit to you,” said Trystyl. “Whatever you need from us will be given immediately.”

  “Thank you, Trystyl. I welcome you all. Kelindril is in charge, so he will be responsible for your training and will schedule you when he feels you are ready to assume responsibility,” advised Darian.

  “Understood. Thank you for the opportunity to serve,” said Trystyl and meant it.

  “Again, you may feel differently in a month or so,” said the Mage, without a trace of humor.

  Trystyl looked to Kelindril but the Gor Li’ Khan leader remained expressionless. Trystyl never had the opportunity to work with Kelindril but he was very familiar with the deadly elf’s work. Kelindril had a reputation among the Gor Li’ Khan that was hard to live up to and there wasn’t a Gor Li’ Khan alive that hadn’t heard of Kelindril Killiri Da’ Vaslyn.

  Kelindril ordered Trystyl and his immediate reports to follow Nym and returned to Darian’s side.

  “You know any of them?” asked the Mage, curiously.

  “Not really, no. I have not worked with any of them before, but I know of this group of

  elves. Not all of them of course, but Trystyl and his direct reports are known to me. They are as hard working and loyal as any Gor Li’ Khan and can be trusted to do the worst jobs you can assign. They’re good elves, Darian, and I respect them,” said Kelindril.

  “That’s high praise coming from you,” joked Darian and Kelindril laughed.

  “I guess it is.”

  “We need to find out why we’re being delayed. We’ve got to get off these shores, Kel. I can feel the darkness inside of me growing faster than I ever thought possible. And I don’t know it’s limits. I need to find that book and learn its damnable s
ecrets or perish painfully amid a cloud of failure and defeat.”

  “You won’t fail, Darian. We will see to it. I will take a small contingent and go to the human towns. They know me there and will be forthcoming, I do not doubt.” Kelindril’s eyes glittered dangerously as he spoke and Darian knew he was looking forward to some confrontation.

  “I will accompany you, Kel. I’ve got to get to the bottom of this and I’d rather we went together,” said the Mage and Kelindril nodded his consent.

  Kelindril took a large force of Gor Li’ Khan, probably more for intimidation’s sake than for safety, and surrounded Darian as they exited the castle.

  “Darian! Where are you off to with such a large force of my elves?” bellowed Thelarki, and Darian frowned in disapproval.

  “Am I a prisoner, or a guest, dear king?” asked Darian ingratiatingly.

  “A guest, of course!” Thelarki responded with a false smile. “But you must understand, the feeble-minded townsfolk may take it as a personal offense to see such a large force of Gor Li’ Khan moving through their perimeter.” Darian looked to Kelindril, who signaled the elves to go dark and they blended into their surroundings and disappeared, leaving only six visible.

  “Would you look at that? Problem solved,” said Darian, continuing without looking back.

  Kelindril chuckled softly, as he fell into step beside the powerful Mage. He knew Thelarki would not dare to move openly against Darian, but the king of lies specialized in subterfuge.

  “Watch your back with that one, Darian. He’s more dangerous than he seems,” warned Kelindril.

  “Yes, I suppose he is at that,” responded the Mage. “Careful! Someone’s casting a spell,” hissed Darian, immediately cloaking them in a shield.

  Sparks flew as arrows bounced off the protective shield and Kelindril signaled Brandiel to take a detachment and locate the attacker.

  Brandiel split off from the rest, twenty others falling in behind him and disappearing from their field of vision. Brandiel saw the line of fire and followed it, hoping it would lead to the assailant. Sparks continued to fly as arrows hit the shield surrounding the Mage of The Order in their midst. Darian concentrated as he spun a Dark Spell of Following. He was attempting to follow the arrows back to their origin and thereby pinpoint the exact location of the Khav Li’ Ohk.


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