The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 85

by D E Boske

  Sigorna felt Darian’s retreat and sighed. The Mage replaced the walls around himself and they felt more severe somehow. Almost as if Darian realized how vulnerable he’d allowed himself to be with the demon and was taking steps to prevent it from happening again.

  “You have my word. No harm will come to them,” Sigorna promised. Darian nodded, dropped the shield, and returned to the others.

  Sigorna remained by the Mage’s side, watching everyone, even those he or Darian may deem safe. The Falahari even watched Renlyss because he trusted no one with the Mage’s safety. If Darian died, he’d die too and that was not in Sigorna’s plans.

  They’d been walking a few hours when Sigorna shot Darian a meaningful look, nodding in the direction where he felt the disturbance. Darian nodded back, letting him know he felt it too and concentrated on pinpointing the source. It seemed to be coming from multiple locations and every time Darian was close to tracking it to its origination point, it shifted to another location.

  The young Mage cleared his mind, focusing as The Order taught him, and listened to what the Weave was instructing him to do. He blended a larger portion of Dark Magic into his casting, listening as the Weave urged him on. It was peculiar, but he could feel the Weave’s displeasure when he was off the mark and he could feel approval when he was correct.

  Now, he could feel the Weave’s pleasure. He was moving in the right direction and felt a heightened sense of urgency coming from the Weave. Darian directed the flow, spinning through the complex pattern he saw before him. He could see the Mages as well and looked for any signs that would mark them a Dark Mage but saw nothing so far.

  Darian’s magic raced along the path, spinning, diving, and redirecting when necessary. Anyone who could see the trail of magic was in for a treat. It was spectacular in its glowing complexity and structure. A thing of beauty. However, just as Darian’s magic came close, it bounced back with such force that those closest to the point of impact were thrown off their feet.

  “Takasha!” Exclaimed Kyler, Asa, and Tireniel, standing and brushing themselves off. “What was that?” Kyler asked, but Darian was concentrating so he remained silent for now.

  The young Mage’s grey eyes were intent on all present. He was hunting for the Dark Mage, looking for any reaction to the magical blow back, but whoever it was, remained unknown.

  Sigorna’s gaze swept over them, resting on Betremen for a moment before moving to Raschel, then to each of them in turn. He didn’t feel anything emanating from any of them but at least one of them was responsible. He didn’t understand how they were managing to remain hidden, but they needed to locate this traitor and end him.

  Raschel walked toward Darian and Sigorna, constantly looking behind him, as if he felt someone watching. The Falahari blocked his approach but Raschel didn’t get angry. He understood heightened security; it made sense. The demon protected his friend. He owed everything to Darian and if something happened to him…

  The Dark Mage watched his hated enemy from a safe distance. He couldn’t get close with the demon blocking the way to Darian. The young Mage had been close this time. Way too close. He was getting better at handling Dark Magic and that couldn’t happen. Already, Darian was damn near impossible to beat. His only weakness was not being trained in Dark Magic. Now, if he mastered the Dark Arts, they would have no hope of beating him. He must kill Darian before he found the Morgannate. It was the only option.

  That book could never touch Darian’s hands or all would be lost and the Dark Mage would kill him for allowing this to happen. His Master was not the forgiving sort. Their forces were growing due to hard work and brutal recruitment, but they still didn’t have enough to take on The Order or Kiri A’ Nouell.

  The elves would never go along with the true Shangmarrum’s plans so they must be eliminated. And somehow Darian managed to befriend Morphindinaetlus. Things kept getting better and better.

  The Dark Mage’s army would not be ready for a while, as they were all still learning and some were just embarrassing. Yet here was Darian, unschooled in Dark Magic’s use and he was already better than all of them except for himself and the true Shangmarrum. They’d both been working together for some time and he’d been personally thwarting Delvishan’s chosen as often as he could for as long as he could remember.

  Although Darian was powerful, quick, and brilliant, he’d been unable to detect the Dark Mages in Piri-Tuma. Right now, the enemy was closer than they’d believed possible and Darian had no idea it was him. His eyes shone in dark delight as their plan to eliminate Darian Brade was finally coming to fruition.

  In the morning, they moved cautiously onward. Kelindril and the Gor Li’ Khan remained vigilant, forming a tight perimeter around Darian, Renlyss, and Hunter. It would be increasingly difficult to get to Darian going forward but he would continue to look for opportunities. The next phase was about to begin.


  Kelindril hadn’t rested in days. He refused to do so even when Darian commanded him. The Gor Li’ Khan leader could not take the chance that the Dark Mage may find a way through the Mage’s defenses while he rested. He’d gone longer than this before. He was still sharp and didn’t need to sleep like a lowly Ni’ Kulana.

  He needed to keep the Mage and his growing family safe. What happened in Kiri A’ Nouell would never happen again. Not while he watched over them. There had to be forest elves working with the Dark Mage. He thought about the precision kills and knew the killer or killers would not be easy to find, if they were found at all.

  Takasha! He never imagined Darian’s life to be so Khol Dre’ Ja, to put it mildly, messed up. When they first met, Darian seemed to be in utter control. But the Dark Magic that infected him and the Dark Mage’s pursuit had taken their toll on the powerful Mage.

  Darian had always been cagey and withdrawn but Kelindril had gotten close to him. Closer than most had ever been, except, of course, for Renlyss. Darian was careful not to get too close to others and the Gor Li’ Khan leader could certainly understand why. After the many stories that Darian told him about his past, Kelindril was amazed he was as sane as he was.

  Being raised by The Order had left its mark on the young Mage, changing and molding him into the man he was today. His eyes were cold and hard, his demeanor firm and unapproachable. Those that knew him well, knew when and if they could speak with him. And Renlyss had a way with him that Kelindril had never seen.

  Kelindril had only known Darian for a very short time but he witnessed the Mage’s superior manipulation techniques. He didn’t even have to use them on women. Women did whatever he wanted even if he never asked. Kelindril had witnessed more than one woman not only offer herself to the young Mage, but also comply with all his silent demands.

  They’d been traveling for six days when a fierce wind picked up, followed by the smell of death. The air smelled charged with electricity and the fog darkened considerably.

  “A Dread Lich!” shouted Darian in warning, as he quickly cast shields around himself, Renlyss, and Hunter.

  He was already casting another powerful spell, the tug on the Weave sending Kelindril to his knees. The Dread Lich struck the elf with ferocity not understanding the will of the faerie creature before him. Kelindril rolled, diving backward to land on his feet, yanking his swords free.

  The young Mage tossed Kelindril a vial and the elf poured some on his blade. Darian was chanting, the elf’s sword beginning to glow with a silvery grey light. Kelindril struck the Dread Lich hard, the sword slicing deep. The Lich roared in pain and anger, striking at Kelindril and missing. The elf was just too quick.

  The Mages were chanting, each deep in concentration, as the Weave whispered to Darian, instructing him on what he must do. Darian’s eyes flew open, understanding what the Weave commanded. Silvery grey eyes regarded the other Mages, waiting for the right time to harness their power.

  Darian blended his own magic very carefully, as he interwove the threads of his magic into each Mage’s spell. When the
y were all chanting in climax, Darian gripped the Weave in his firm grasp, tightening all the threads and pulling them to him. The elves were thrown to the ground from the force of his power, the sturdy dwarves went to their knees, the humans were tossed away from the battle, and the Mages kept their feet like nothing untoward had occurred.

  Aganor stared at Darian in wonder. He’d never known such a thing was possible, yet here Darian was, harnessing the power of six other Mages and combining it with his own substantial skill. Aganor couldn’t believe what he felt rolling off Darian but it was undeniable. The young Mage had grown stronger, more powerful than what he’d been in Piri-Tuma.

  How is this possible? I’ve never known any to become stronger after rising to the rank of Mage. Is this Delvishan’s doing? Is it the Dark Magic? Aganor had never known a Mage powerful enough to do what Darian had just done and yet, he made it look easy, which it wasn’t. The last attempt at harnessing had ended with a bloody massacre. The arrogant Mage thought he was the next Shangmarrum and attempted what The Order forbade. The power was too much for him and he exploded, as the magic burned him from within, consuming his life force. Because of the link, the bound Mages suffered the same fate.

  The Order banned harnessing because the casualties were too high. None had been successful since. Until Darian. The other Mages turned to look at Darian with looks of horror, shock, amazement, and anger.

  The combined power was too much for the Dread Lich to endure. It consumed the spirit, swirling like a vortex around it, as it worked its way from the ground up. Wherever the linked magic touched, the Dread Lich came apart, dispersing the Lich like a cankerous vapor.

  “What in the Black Hells is the matter with you? Don’t play games with other’s lives, Darian! What if we all died because of your stupid, foolish, arrogance?” Betremen was the first

  to come after Darian, disregarding his own personal safety.

  Darian faced him with frightening calm, his face an expressionless mask. “I did what I had to do to insure we all walked away from that incident. If you would prefer, next time, I’ll exclude you,” replied Darian in an even tone, which made it more frightening.

  “What you did was extremely dangerous, Darian. Don’t you realize that?”

  “Of course, I do, you dolt! What choice did we have? That was a Dread Lich, powerful in life, but so much more in death. Could you have eliminated the threat all by yourself? The answer is no, you couldn’t have. Don’t forget that I am a Mage of The Order, Shangmarrum by the order of Delvishan. Don’t question me again, worm,” Darian spat venomously.

  Betremen flinched involuntarily and took an unconscious step back. He’d pushed a bit too far and Darian was having none of it. Silvery grey eyes regarded him with malevolence and he didn’t want to feel Darian’s anger. Delvishan chose Darian because he’s always been the best. Why did I question him like that in front of everyone? Idiot! Betremen scolded himself silently.

  He did the only thing he could, grovel, “I’m sorry, Darian. I was shocked, scared even. This journey will not be easy. Let us not fight amongst ourselves,” Betremen began.

  “Yes, Betremen, let’s not fight. You won’t win, I promise,” Darian snapped. “Anyone else have anything to add?” He looked to the others, but they remained wisely silent.

  Nephraete clasped Darian’s hand in her own, feeling his power running unchecked. The sensation made her wet with want and hot images of them making love drifted to her as if from some distant, hazy dream.

  She let go of his hand abruptly, shock registering on her beautiful face. She looked up at him, so damn gorgeous, his silvery grey eyes dancing in amusement and the barest hint of a smile on his very, kissable lips…

  Flashbacks of his lips all over her body, sucking, licking, and kissing so softly as she moaned and squirmed in pleasure. Images of her on top of him taking everything he had, while his warm hands rested on her hips…

  “Takasha!” she exclaimed, stumbling back and nearly falling before Darian’s quick reaction saved her. He grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her back to him, as he whispered in her ear.

  “Little seer, are you okay?” His voice went straight to her core. She heard his voice inside her head and she paid heed.

  “Nephraete, keep this between us or I will be forced to protect myself. You know what this means,” he let the silent threat hang there until she nodded shakily.

  “So, it’s true? You’re not denying it?”

  “There’s no point, Nephraete. No matter how many times I steal your memory, it always seems to surface.”

  “We made love? You were in me…” she drifted off.

  “Yes, little seer. We made love many times. We’re both consenting adults and no harm was done. Only pleasure.” She could feel his grin and smiled up at him.

  “If it makes you feel any better, you came to me and I tried to turn you away. You and Kyler were not together at the time and I was unattached. I gave you great pleasure, so what’s the issue?” he queried.

  “I… I…” she took a deep, cleansing breath and continued. “The issue is that I still want you, Darian. I cannot forget what we shared and I know it’s wrong, but it doesn’t change the way I feel. I know you don’t love me and you never did. I was just convenient, there, and breathing,” her words were tinged with bitterness.

  “That’s not true, little seer. For a while, I contemplated asking you to be my consort.” His words hit her solidly in the chest and she turned ashen.

  “Truly?” she asked, gazing up into his eyes. He looked away briefly before he became undone. He nodded but didn’t speak for a moment.

  “Never underestimate your beauty and allure, Nephraete. Kyler is a lucky elf to have you and I know he knows it.”

  The mention of Kyler changed her entire disposition and Darian relayed what he and Sigorna had spoken of. She seemed slightly relieved but still troubled.

  “Nephraete, please keep this between us. I cannot risk Kyler’s friendship and this would ruin everything, possibly with Reny too. Don’t take that away from me. I love her,” the Mage replied. His tone took her by surprise but she nodded her consent.

  “I hope you know I would never say anything, Darian. For you as much as for myself.” Darian breathed a sigh of relief once she returned to Kyler’s side.

  “She will keep your dirty little secret?” asked Calisha, materializing by the Mage’s side.

  “Aye,” was all Darian said.

  “She loves you both, I hope you know,” added Calisha.

  “I do. I love her too, just not the way she wants me to.”

  “You will not hurt her, Darian,” the steel in Calisha’s voice was evident.

  “I won’t, don’t worry. As much as I need to protect myself, her safety is more important. I just don’t want Kyler to find out.”

  “Maybe he should,” responded Calisha.

  “Are you daft? That would destroy everything.”

  “Are you so sure? I mean, he threw her away like trash. Granted, he wasn’t himself, but he could hardly blame either of you for what happened. It was inevitable, I suppose. Who else would she turn to but her lover’s best friend? And despite how I feel about what transpired between you two, I know you tried to make her see reason before giving in to your wicked appetite.”

  “That I did. I just didn’t try hard enough, I guess, because deep down, I wanted to make love to her. Since the first time I laid eyes on her in Mishkalan… Takasha! That seems a lifetime ago now,” the Mage drifted off.

  “Darian, you are becoming more powerful. The power you pull from the Weave is far stronger than it used to be. How is this possible?”

  “I don’t know, Calisha, but I feel it too,” admitted the young Mage.

  “I thought the power you were born with was all you had,” said Calisha.

  “It is, but I’m also infected with Dark Magic, the other half of the Weave. I have access to both parts of the Weave now, which may have increased my power,” explained the young Mage. />
  Calisha looked thoughtful for long moments before responding. “Yes, that is the most plausible explanation.”

  “You really think we should tell Kyler?” asked the Mage.

  “If that’s what you both want. It would clear the air and you wouldn’t have to be secretive and worry about it anymore. I would think it would be less stressful. The choice is yours to make, but I will never speak a word, Darian. I care for Nephraete. Her safety is my responsibility and I would never do anything to hurt her,” said the Crebellan.

  “I know, Calisha,” Darian nodded.

  “How is Renlyss?” asked the Crebellan, changing topics.

  “She’s well,” said the young Mage with a winning smile.

  “You really love her.” It was a statement, not a question. Calisha could see how Darian looked at the elven mage and was happy he’d finally found someone who could handle him. Nephraete wanted to but couldn’t. He was too strong, hard, and willful for her. He liked things his way and brooked no argument otherwise.

  “I do, Calisha,” he responded, a grin on his handsome face.

  Renlyss walked over and slipped her hand in his. Almost as if she’d been able to hear what they spoke of. Calisha could see the love they had for one another and was glad that Darian wasn’t with Nephraete anymore. He didn’t like the sensations he got when they were together. Even though she seemed to think he was the best thing since air, there was just something that didn’t feel quite right when their energies combined. It had a sinister, dangerous feeling and Calisha had learned long ago not to ignore his senses.

  He didn’t know if it was because of the Dark Magic, that he was a Mage, she was a seer,

  or because he had Dark Magic and she was a seer. Never before had a seer been consort to a Mage of The Order. Maybe there was a deep-seated reason why.

  The company continued through the Haunted Lands, strange noises and an overwhelming sense of foreboding following them. For a time, they remained unmolested, but stayed alert


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