The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3) Page 28

by T. G. Ayer

  She reached the cell door and stopped in her tracks. No guards meant no keys to open the thick wooden doors.

  A shuffling sounded inside the room and Varuni came to the little barred opening. “Maya. You’re safe.” She smiled, relief brightening her eyes. “Come, get me out of here.”

  “I can’t. There aren’t any keys.” Maya scanned the wall beside the cell and stared down the corridor of cells hoping to see a convenient hook with a jumble of keys. She’d almost incinerated a demon king but she was now unable to open a damned door.

  Maya blinked.

  That was it. She grinned and said, “Step away from the door and stay back until I tell you to move.”

  Varuni frowned, then nodded and hurried to the far wall, watching in silence.

  Maya quickly drew a practiced ball of Fire and flung it at the door. All the flame did was sputter out leaving a dark scorched circle in the wood. She frown and tried again, this time training a stream of flames at the door, steadily holding it in place until the wood slowly caught alight. Soon the entire door burst into flames, burning merrily, the wood cracking and falling onto itself.

  At last, Maya was able to kick the middle of the door in, providing Varuni a large enough opening to escape the cell.

  The goddess grinned as she left the place of her imprisonment, and threw her arms around Maya. "Thank you, Maya. You saved me.”

  “Not yet. Not until we are out of the palace.”

  “Fine, let’s get going.”

  Maya led the way, remembering the sketch Nik had made her memorize. The entrance to a spacious fountained courtyard, one floor up from the dungeon, toward the back of the palace. They moved fast but all that greeted them was silence.

  “The place is deserted. What happened?”

  “I’m not sure. I killed the sorcerer. And I injured Kas quite badly. There were some guards near the throne room. But now they all seem to be gone.”

  “They probably left.”

  “Left to go where?”

  “Back to Naraka? Or to wherever Kas is hiding out. You did not kill him so he will be somewhere licking his wounds. I do not think he would have expected you to be as powerful as you are. I had no doubt you would defeat him.”

  “Yeah, he certainly had no idea I had so much Fire power. Balraj seemed to have been quite mistaken in his assumption his little potion would enable Kas to take my power.” Maya said as she hurried to a door along the hall they’d entered. She opened it and sighed with relief. The fountained garden.

  “It seems your power makes you immune to potions and magic.” Varuni said, following Maya into the garden.

  "Potions and magic, except for the Amrita you mean?" Maya raised an eyebrow, keeping her gaze on the expanse of lush greenery ahead.

  "The Amrita is pure. It is neither a potion nor is it magic." Varuni's tone was so solemn Maya threw a quick glance at her face.

  "Okay," Maya said slowly, as they hurried to the far wall where. This wasn't the time to interrogate Varuni on what she meant about the power of the Amrita. Maya was just happy the Elixir had worked to make her healthy.

  Maya patted her chest for the stone, a hysterical giggle bubbling up at the incongruity of keeping poisons and magical stones so close to her heart. “What are you looking for?”

  “A weird stone Nik gave me.”

  Varuni laid a hand on Maya’s forearm. “Wait. You do not need it. I can take you outside the wall now.”

  “Oh” Maya blinked then stared at Varuni, nodding her head. “Do you think the wards no longer work since Kas is gone?”

  Varuni nodded and held onto Maya, and they both disintegrated, shimmering into nothingness only to appear just as quickly on the other side of the palace wall.

  To find Nik pacing, wearing away the grass beneath his boots. Chayya sat cross-legged under a nearby tree, a worried expression darkening her beautiful face. They both looked up in shock as Maya and Varuni appeared.

  “Oh, dear god, Maya. I was so worried.” Nik hurried to her, enveloping her within his warm arms. He thrust her back, staring at her face. “Are you okay? What happened? Did you kill Narakasura?”

  “Nikhil, give the girl a moment to breathe,” said Chayya softly as she pushed Nik and Maya apart. She smiled at Maya. “I knew you would get the job done.”

  “Thanks but I’ll be happy only when I get back home.” Maya's lips twisted sadly. The memory of Joss and all she’d sacrificed stabbed Maya’s heart and brought a moist sheen to her eyes.

  “Right, let’s get back to Patala, report to Yama, and then we can get you home.” Nik threw an arm around Maya giving her an encouraging glance. “Ready?”

  She nodded and he transported them back to the waiting room outside Yama’s hall in Patala.

  Chapter 59

  Maya stood in Yama’s chamber, slightly off balance after being awakened by Chayya in a fevered rush. She’d been sent straight to her room to rest. After having her wounds looked at, a welcome soak in the pool and a belly full of food, Maya had fallen asleep almost immediately when her head touched the silk pillow.

  Now, she placed one palm against her throbbing abdomen, thankful it looked like it was healing fast. Kas’s stab wound in her side seemed undetectable too. She breathed and tried to pay close attention.

  Could they not have found a better time to drag her out of her bed?

  Nik came to her. “Sorry to have to wake you but Yama will speak to you now.”

  Maya nodded. Of course. Everything in Patala revolved around Yama, considering he was a god and all.

  “Are you okay?” Nik bent to her.

  And though Maya’s instinctive response would have been to bite out an accusation, a sense of sadness and tiredness underlined his voice, and Maya understood.

  Because the very same emotions were reflected in her own heart. In the end all she said was, "I’m feeling much better thanks. I’m just pissed off Kas got away. I guess I’ll settle for having him banished from Swargaloka forever, though." Maya still saw the shock and surprise on Kas’s face as she’d blown him into another dimension. Literally.

  “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.” Nik nodded, his eyes on his father. “Trust me when I say Kas will get what’s coming to him.”

  Maya walked to stand before the dais as Yama sat on his throne. Chandragupta began to scratch away at a page in his great book, his attention seemingly diverted from her presence before Yama. Nik moved with her, reminding Maya she’d forgotten both Nik and Chayya were still dutifully by her side. She reveled a little in their show of support and made a mental note to thank them. For now, she paid attention to the god of death. The god who owed her a boon.

  "Maya, you have fulfilled your end of the bargain. You have retrieved the goddess Varuni and saved the gods from dying." As he spoke Yama began to glow, encircled by a soft light. "You have restored our power and our longevity and for that we are most grateful."

  "Thank you, my lord. I am grateful for all the help I was given to complete my task," Maya responded, realizing then her anger with Nik for losing Joss had made her feel ungrateful to him for his aid. She turned to look at him and Nik smiled.

  "It is good you are humble. To acknowledge the help of others in one's own success is a great act, Maya. In honor of your bravery and willingness to aid the gods to fight this demon king, I believe it is suitable at this time to grant a boon.”

  "Ria?" asked Maya hopefully.

  "Yes, Maya. When you return to your home you will find your friend alive, well and healthy."

  "Will she remember what I did?"

  "I am not sure, Maya," Yama said, shaking his head. "That I cannot promise. I will do what I can to wipe her memory. Perhaps it is safest that way for her and for you."

  Maya nodded. "Thank you, my lord." She hesitated, and made a small half-turn to leave when Yama’s voice stopped her in her tracks.

  "Maya, the boon you asked for showed an immense amount of selflessness. I have been around a very long time. Few people have th
e depth of selflessness and self-sacrifice as you do to use your boon for someone else. Because of that, I will grant you two more." Yama walked toward Maya and held his closed fist out to her. She opened her palm wondering what he had for her and hoping at the same time it wasn’t something deadly. He dropped two stones of frankincense in her palm. "One for each of your boons. Burn it and I will come to you and grant your wish."

  "Thank you my lord," said Maya. She smiled her gratitude as she felt the weight of the frankincense in her hand.

  "It is time for you to return home now Maya. Time for you to continue on your path as the Hand of Kali. Things may not always be easy but remember there are those around you willing to help you along your path. You are an asset to us, Maya Rao. Don’t ever forget you are more important than you know."

  Yama gave her a nod and a smile and walked back to his throne.

  Have I been dismissed?

  "Come, we should leave," said Nik.

  Maya nodded and was ready to depart with Nik. But anything else she was about to think froze in her mind as she caught sight of Joss’s body lying on a flower strewn table before Yama.

  Maya’s heart twisted. "What the hell are they doing?" She said through clenched teeth. To Maya it looked like they were preparing for a funeral. Nobody placed flowers around living people. Ever. Well, maybe when they were being married but other than that? Nope. Didn’t happen. Maya choked down a sob as she stared at Joss’s serenely peaceful face. She had to remind herself she’d done as she’d promised. She’d finished it. And Joss’s death wouldn’t be in vain.

  “Is it a funeral?” Maya almost choked on the words.

  Nik nodded, his eyes dark and sad. When he moved to throw his arm around her she shrugged him off. “No.” She shook with fury and anger and grief. Everything she’d done had been for Joss in the end. Maya was so angry she clenched her fists hard. And found that the palm of one hand was already occupied.

  She opened it and stared at the two pieces of frankincense.

  When she looked up at Nik she knew immediately he’d figured out what she wanted to do. Nik shot a look at Chayya whose expression revealed such understanding and emotion that Maya was ready to burst into tears in that instant.

  “Are you sure?” He watched her, his eyes penetrating right to her soul. “You must be certain.”

  “Yes. I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” Nik nodded almost to himself and walked toward Yama. Every step he took thudded as Maya's heart knocked against her breastbone.

  Chapter 60

  Maya dared to take another look at the pair of shiny pieces of incense. When she looked up again Nik was with Yama, speaking fervently into his father's ear.

  A moment later Nik finished his discussion with his father and moved off the dais toward Maya. He drew close, and curled an arm around Maya’s shoulders.

  Behind her, Maya crossed the fingers of her unoccupied hand. Every bit of luck would help. "Well here goes nothing.”

  Nik opened his mouth then promptly shut it when Yama rose from his throne. "Maya Rao, is it true this human girl gave her life for you?”

  “Yes it is, my lord.”

  “Is it true you will do anything to grant her life back to her?”

  “I would do anything.” Her hand gripped the two pieces of frankincense and Maya didn’t even think about it. The words flowed instinctively from her lips. “My lord I offer one of my boons in exchange for the return of Joss’s life.”

  Yama stared at Maya until she could no longer stand still. Her feet itched to move and only when she knew she couldn't bear it for one more second did Yama finally end his scrutiny. “Lord Chandragupta, please find this child’s life thread and give me the details."

  Although Maya had seen the book move before the whole process was still incredibly fascinating. Chandragupta opened the tome and laid it flat, then moved slightly away. The gigantic pages began to flip over so fast they emitted a gusty breeze not unlike a strong electric fan. Chandragupta remained motionless and expressionless while he waited.

  At last, the book fell open and silence reigned in Yama’s throne room. Yama and his assistant conferred, speaking in the dulcet tones of the ancient Sanskrit language. After some intense discussion, the god of the underworld, Yama, Lord of Death and Justice, left the dais and moved toward the supine, unmoving corpse.

  "My son has informed me of the lengths this human girl has gone to help you, Maya, in retrieving the goddess Varuni from Narakasura’s clutches. I am further certain of this given the important fact, pointed out by my son, that it was not the girl’s time to die. This is confirmed by Lord Chandragupta. I have also taken into consideration the trials of this child’s life, the difficulties she has faced and the sins she has committed within her short life."

  Maya bristled. What sins was he talking about? Joss had led a difficult, empty life with parents who, though they were physically around, were emotionally absent. She’d had to fend for herself most of her life anyway. And as for sins, who knew what Yama considered to be a sin. Not that Maya had any intention of clarifying that right now. Her heart thumped as she waited for Yama to speak.

  "Your boon is an easy one to grant. I give life back to this child as she has earned this privilege. Let us hope she uses the time given back to her wisely." Yama moved to stand beside the table where Joss’s body lay. He held both hands out toward Joss and Maya shivered.

  Behind Yama, two sets of hands rose and encircled the god; bringing six palms forward to place blessings upon Joss.

  Just like in all the pictures and statues. Imagine that.

  A strange light began to glow, covering the god's hands and Joss’s abdomen. The glow swirled and gleamed, an almost tangible viscous substance and yet it wasn't even there. Soon the light enveloped Joss although it remained brightest around her injury.

  Maya waited, afraid to breathe as she watched Yama at work. It seemed strange he hadn’t revived her with a simple click of his godly fingers, but who was she to question his methods. With both Nik and Chayya at either side of her, Maya knew she could get through this. She had to.

  For Joss.

  At last, Yama breathed deeply and stepped away from Joss. "It is done. She will awaken in a few moments. Be sure to enlighten her of the great responsibility she has to not waste this life I have given to her," said Yama, giving Maya a sharp nod as four guards came forward to carry Joss away.

  They left Yama’s hall and walked mostly in silence back toward Nik's quarters and the rooms they’d been given. As they reached Joss’s room Chayya touched Maya’s hand.

  "You did very well Maya Rao," said Chayya, placing her hands together and giving her a deep bow.

  Maya returned the greeting, "I could never have done it without you, Mother Chayya."

  "Oh, Maya you know there is no need for formalities with us. I will watch over you always. And even when I can’t be around one of my shadow girls will always be nearby. Just call for me and I will come to aid you," she said. Chayya hesitated, then leaned forward and gave Maya a tight hug. Maya hugged her back, surprised and touched by the display of affection.

  "Namaste, Maya. Farewell until we meet again," said Chayya and then she slowly disintegrated into a twist of shadow and light until she was gone.

  Maya stared at the spot Chayya had just occupied, thinking back on everything the goddess had done for her from the day she first met her in the hallway back at school when she’d been fighting the Amber-demon. So many things would have been impossible without the help of the goddess.

  "Maya." Nik’s voice penetrated her fog and she glanced over her shoulder at him. He’d waited so patiently, and even now that he’d disturbed her reverie he did it with such gentleness and kindness it made Maya want to cry. "Shall we go in? Are you ready?"

  Maya nodded, and Nik opened the door. Joss sat up in bed, swathed in silken sheets and a bright orange bedspread woven with patterns of peacocks and dancing girls.

  "Hey guys, where have you been s
o long? I’ve been waiting for like forever already," said Joss, pale but cheerful.

  "You’ve been hurt, you idiot. You needed rest more than you need visitors."

  "Well I can’t help it if I get bored. There isn’t really anyone to talk to here," Joss pouted. But her expression didn’t last long as a huge grin took over her face again. "So tell me, what did I miss? The last I remembered was Priya stabbing me. That traitorous b-"

  Maya cut her friend off before she could complete the profanity. She didn't want to disturb Nik's sensibilities but she needn’t have worried. One look at his face revealed an appreciative grin as he smiled at Joss. "Yes, you missed the interesting punishment Kas had in store for poor Priya."

  "Poor Priya?" Maya scoffed. "As far as I am concerned she got exactly what she deserved. What made her think the demon king would trust her in the first place?" Maya’s mind returned to Priya's tortured face as she burned within Kas’s fiery column.

  Maya quickly relayed the events to her speechless friend. When she came to the part where Joss had died, the blonde girl couldn't have gotten any paler. "What did you say?" Joss asked, her voice a mere whisper.

  "Yama gave you your life back. He said you must make sure to live a life worthy of his decision to return your life to you. But Nik here was smart. I think it all came down to the fact it wasn’t your time to go."

  "Oh, okay," Joss replied softly, her forehead scrunched.

  "What’s wrong?" Maya suspected Joss's expression meant she was worried, almost afraid.

  "So does this mean I am in debt to the god of the dead?"

  "No Joss, he has cleared the debt. For helping Maya successfully retrieve the goddess Varuni," answered Nik as he smiled at her.

  "Okay, phew. That’s good. I don’t think I could have slept in peace knowing I owed the big cheese of the underworld big time." Joss grinned. "So what now? Can we go home?"

  Maya never thought she would hear Joss ask about home with such happiness, but she suspected her friend technically wasn’t referring to her own home.


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