The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3) Page 51

by T. G. Ayer

  Maya cleared her throat. "Nik has the power to transport himself from place to place."

  "What? Like a teleporting power or something."

  "Exactly like that," answered Maya.

  "Oh." Ria sank onto the bed as if her legs refused to hold her weight any longer.

  "Are you okay?" Maya asked, stepping toward her.

  Ria laughed and glanced up at Maya, "A guy just saved my ass from my violent husband and he did it by teleporting me between two rooms. Sure I'm okay. Why wouldn’t I be? Happens everyday, right?" She ended on a sharp, high note that made Maya wonder if she was about to freak out. Nik, Joss and Maya remained standing, unsure of what Ria was going to do.

  "Don't worry guys. I'm not going to get hysterical."

  "You're okay with it?"

  "How could I not be? Nik saved me from Viren," she stared at Maya as if Maya were nuts to even ask.

  Maya and Joss sighed in relief.

  "I think it's time we all got some sleep," said Maya. "Who knows what tomorrow will bring."

  "You girls will manage here with just the one bed?"

  "Yup, we've had years of training," said Joss

  "Training?" asked Nik, confused.

  "It's an exclusive thing, invite only. It's called sleepovers." Joss arched and eyebrow.

  Maya and Ria cracked up while Joss tried hard to keep a straight face.

  "Very funny," said Nik, laughing. "Right. I'm headed to get some sleep. First thing in the morning, we head out."

  Maya saluted but Nik had already disappeared.

  The next morning the girls rose early, with Maya and Joss dressing in the same clothing from the day before. They handed the Burqa to Ria who made a face. "Not looking forward to being closed up inside of this thing."

  "At least you will be safe."

  "Point taken," said Ria. Then she studied the two girls. "So where are you two headed? Come to think of it you never said what you were doing here at all. And without your parents."

  "We're off to see a temple this morning. And we came early to see the Mumbai sights. My parents are arriving soon."

  Ria nodded, evidently satisfied by Maya's explanation.

  "Do I come to see the temple or stay and wait for you parents?"

  Maya shared a glance with Ria and in that moment made the decision. "You will have to come with us. What if we left you alone and Viren barges inside the room. Without Nik to beam you out Viren will take you with him."

  Ria stared as Maya spoke, clearly she hadn't thought of the possibility. Then she cleared her throat. "I'm coming with you." She drew the black garment over the overly long top of her salwar kameez. Soon she was hidden within the safety of black fabric.

  "Right, let's get Nik and get out of here." Maya knocked on the wall between the two rooms and Nik appeared beside her.

  "Ready to go?"

  "Yes. And Ria has to come with us."

  Nik gave her a short nod. "I agree. We can't leave her alone. And Joss may not be enough protection even if we left her with Ria."

  "I can protect her," Joss insisted, although the flicker of doubt in her eye confirmed she still had a healthy respect for Viren's penchant for violence.

  "Not if he comes with his cousins and uncles. Then who knows what will happen to you," said Ria her face serious and worried.

  "Right, seems we are all going. And maybe we should split up. Joss and Ria, you take a taxi to the temple, I'll transport Maya there. So all they will see is two women off to see a temple."

  Joss stood up and headed to the closet. Maya glanced back at her curious. Joss returned with the second Burqa. She dusted it out and said, "Let's get dressed and get out of here."

  They waited only until Joss was dressed. "Right you and Ria leave the room and head to the lobby. Go straight outside and request a public taxi. That way the hotel won't know where you are going. Only tell the driver once you get inside the taxi and close the door. Make sure the hotel staff don't hear you. We will meet you at the hotel."

  Joss nodded and took Ria's hand. They left the room and Maya's stomach tightened as she watched them go. What if something happened to them? And now they had Ria involved. Just her knowledge of Nik's powers could be dangerous.

  Chapter 39

  Maya stopped worrying about Joss and Ria long enough for Nik to transport her to the temple.

  They stood to one side as a group of people walked thorough the buildings front entrance. The girls were all dressed in matching outfits made of red and gold silk, their faces made up, eyes lined thickly with Kohl. Their hair was bedecked with flowers and jewels. At the head of the procession a man played on the drums, a steady beat that was quite entrancing. The girls passed, the bells on their ankles jingling as they stepped elegantly forward, heel to toe, heel to toe. The troupe disappeared into the darkness and soon the sound of music and bells drifted to them.

  The sun beat down on them and Maya felt a drop of perspiration glide down her neck and down her spine. The smell of the street engulfed them, sweat from the crowds, incense and frankincense from the temple and a stench that screamed the lack of adequate toilets. Maya wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

  She would never pretend to understand this country.

  Nik nudged Maya as a taxi drew up. The black sedan grunted to a stop and Joss and Ria got out, keeping a sedate pace. They were still dressed in their Burqas, their faces hidden from view. A few people threw them some odd looks but the girls pretended not to see.

  They stopped in front of Nik and Maya, Joss asking, "Where's the ladies?"

  Maya shrugged, "Probably at the back of the temple. Sorry, no idea." She couldn't see any signs announcing the existent of toilets and hoped the girls would be able to find it fast.

  Joss shook her head, but Maya couldn't tel if it was annoyance with her or just frustration. Joss held onto Ria and the girls headed for the far end of the temple structure and disappeared into the throng of bodies. Maya paced until they returned five minutes later with flowers in their hair.

  Joss grinned and gave the white flowers a little toss. "Aren't they cute?" she asked with a grin.

  Maya smiled and shook her head, feeling like a parent watching a child achieve a milestone. "Right, let's get inside. Too many people here right now."

  "Too many people can be a good thing," Joss said hurrying behind her.

  "Not for what we want to do."

  "Right. I hadn't thought of that."

  They kept their shoes on as they walked into the temple, intending to remain a good distance from the area relegated to prayer and obeisance. As soon as they entered the building they moved to the right beyond the ropes guiding the worshipers toward the statues seated in various alcoves along the far wall.

  Their eyes adjusted too slowly to the darkness. They were jostled by the crowd as they made their way further into the temple, keeping to the right of the crowd who were gathered before the main deities in the large hall. Numerous stone pillars dotted the large space disappearing into the densely dark pyramid type roof.

  Maya shuddered as she stared up into the darkness, imaging all the things that could be living in there. Snakes, rats, bats. Bats. Maya brushed her hair with her hand and pulled it over her shoulder to the side. She cringed at the thought of having a bat struggling within the strands of her hair, caught and unable to fly off. Do bats have claws? She tried to recall the anatomy of the bat, taught by her biology teacher the previous year but nothing came to her mind.

  A finger was jabbed into her back and Maya spun around, immediately on the defensive.

  "Maya, keep moving. What the heck are you staring at?" Joss hissed the question in her ear.

  Maya glared at her and pointed to the dark recesses of the roof. "What do you think is up there?"

  "What? You're afraid of whatever could be living up in the temple roof?" Joss laughed so loud she had to immediately cover her mouth with her hand. Then she spoke slowly and calmly. "Maya, whatever lived up in that roof cannot harm you. Unless
the bats breathe fire and the rats poop fire pellets and even then you could probably incinerate them all with a flick of a hand."

  Maya would have laughed if Ria hadn't spoked. "What do you mean Maya can incinerate them?"

  Joss grabbed Ria's arm and pulled her along. "Nothing, just trying to stop Maya from being a scaredy cat. How far will the girl go in life if she imagines bats in every shadow?" Joss snorted then threw Maya a warning glare over Ria's shoulder.

  As they reached Nik, Maya stiffened. He'd stopped at the edge of the large hall beside an entrance leading to an unlit passage. He wasn't alone. Joss and Ria slowed down so Maya could catch up. Joss gave Maya a questioning glance. "Archana?" she asked.

  Maya nodded. "Yes. I didn't know she was meeting us here." Her voice was tight, and suspicious.

  "From Nik's face it seemed he didn't know either," said Joss tilting her head at Nik. Maya had to agree. He didn't look particularly welcoming either but Maya couldn't be sure if he didn't want to be around the Apsara or if he felt uncomfortable with Maya seeing them together. Whatever the case was Maya didn't like the situation.

  "Wait here," she said to Joss and Ria. Then she walked ahead and stopped in front of Nik and Archana. She turned slightly to Archana, who smiled at her, her expression clear and unassuming. Maya returned the smile as pleasantly as possible, her eyes taking in the deep red and gold formfitting churidar. The blouse fitted the shape of the Apsara's body, leaving little to the imagination from shoulders to bust to hips. The top flared out at the hips and filled out into a rich skirt, the hem ending in a gold panel at mid calf. The pants hugged her calves and ankles in the same sexy figure-hugging way.

  Maya tried to bury the tendrils of jealousy that rose within her, if only to ensure the Apsara did not see her reaction. "It's lovely to see you, Archana. I didn't know you were joining us."

  "I'm sorry. I know I came unannounced, but Mr. Thakkur wanted me to check on the bow so I came. I was hoping I could leave with you."

  "I'm not sure. Will it be that easy to get away from him? And what about the spell that binds you? How do we break it?"

  Archana's smiled disappeared and Maya almost felt bad for her. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it through very well. All I could think of was a way to leave him." She fell into silence for a moment then brightened. "I could still leave with you and hide out until we find someone to break the spell."

  "Where would we hide you that he won't find you? Can't he just summon you and you will have to go to him?"

  "I'm an Apsara, not a genie." Arcana smiled condescendingly, and Maya tried not to flush. She'd seen the flicker of cold in the Apsaras eyes and was now more sure than ever that Archana couldn't be trusted. She had to force herself to pay attention to what she was saying. "I am able to go where I please, only the binding spell allows him to find me wherever I am. But, there are places I can hide. One of the heavenly realms should do."

  "So you are asking us to take you one of the heavenly realms?" asked Nik. Maya noticed he'd kept his tone even and unaffected but she could tell something was up from the cool detachment in his eyes.

  Archana nodded and tilted her head to look up at him, giving him the full effect of her heavily-lashed light brown almond shaped eyes and her full pink lips. No doubt she thought she had him because most men would fall at her feet when faced to such beauty.

  But not Nik.

  His expression remained unchanged as he looked at the Apsara and Maya was pleased to see the small frown that appeared on Archana's perfect brow. Now she knew she didn't have Nik in the palm of her hands. The girl's jaw tightened and Maya knew they had to keep a close eye on her.

  "Let me see what I can do. But remember, I can't promise anything. And you have to be prepared for an answer you may not like." Nik's voice remained even, and emotionless.

  Maya frowned, "You mean there is a chance they could refuse to help her?" She was entire without heart, The Apsara may genuinely need help.

  Nik nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. The gods don't just allow anyone asylum. There has to be a good reason to give someone a place in the heavenly realms. In the end, it is up to the gods."

  "I see," Maya said. She could see Archana watching her, an odd expression on her face. Maya knew that challenging Nik in front of her would make the girl think that Maya was on her side. Exactly what Maya wanted. "I have to say I don't think that's particularly fair."

  "I'm not sure what you mean," Nik's brow creased as he played along.

  "If they say no, then what do we do? Just desert her when she needs help?"

  "I'm not sure. We'll think of something, Maya. Don't worry." Nik curled his hand around her waist and pulled her to him, his intent to comfort her clear to the the watching Apsara. Her eyes went to Nik's hand at Maya's waist and face whitened, her jaw tightening almost imperceptibly. "Now, let's get moving. We need to get the bow out of here as soon as possible."

  Maya nodded, turning to the silent Apsara. "Do you know where they are keeping it?"

  Archana tilted her head and smiled but the expression was flat and lifeless, like her eyes. "I'll show you the way. Follow me." She turned on her heel, the soles of her shoes tapping lightly on the stone floor as the darkness swallowed her up.

  Maya glanced back at Joss and found she was already hurrying toward them. "Come. We have to follow her."

  "What are we doing here?" asked Ria. Her question was soft but Maya knew she wanted an answer. One that Maya didn't want to give.

  "We're here to pick up an artifact for a friend of Maya's father," said Joss as they walked deeper into the tunnel. The walls were dark rock, smoothed and well cared for. Here and there, cracks had formed in the neatly planed rock and Maya's gaze drifted to the ceiling. More gigantic rocks. She shuddered as she looked away from the overhanging rocks. How were they staying up there? Surely gravity would pull them down at some point. And knowing her luck now would probably be the time for it to come crashing down.

  Ria's voice brought her back to the conversation. "What exactly is it that you are getting for him?"

  "It's a bow. Some kind of ancient artifact."

  "And he couldn't pick it up himself?"

  "Nope. He couldn't get a passport in time." Maya grinned as she stared straight ahead. Joss was good.

  But Ria wasn't giving up that easily. "Surely he could have gotten a bunch of adults to come get it for him."

  Maya grinned at Ria over her shoulder. "Well, not everyone can boast the fact they have the ability teleport. It's a handy skill."

  "I have to agree with that." A shadow passed over her face, he lips forming a tight line. "How can I ever thank him for saving me?"

  "I think he already knows how grateful you are," Maya said softly.

  They followed the Apsara deeper and deeper into the temple, turning left at varying intervals. Maya tried to recall the shaped and size of the temple and knew that there was something odd about how far they'd walked. She was about to call out to Nik when she noticed they were traveling on a slight downward slope. That made sense. They were going beneath the temple structure and their path kept to the edge of the temples walls.

  For the umpteenth time, Maya wondered if they were doing the right thing following the Apsara. But right now it was too late to think about that as they followed Archana into the darkness.

  Chapter 40

  About eight left turns later Maya's ears began to pop and the ground leveled out quite suddenly. The walls and floor remained unchanged, still tons and tons of grey stone bearing down on them. When Archana took the next left, Maya hurried to follow her. The corridor turned out to be a recessed doorway, the door itself was made of solid rock.

  They paused in front of it and stared, perplexed.

  "How are we supposed to get past this?" Maya asked staring at the door that rose ten feet into the air.

  "I'm not sure," Archana responded although she didn't seem in the least disappointed. "The door was open when I was last here. I did saw where the bow was kept, though."
r />   "What exactly is this place?" asked Maya, her voice echoing around her.

  "These subterranean rooms were built beneath the temple centuries ago." Although Archana kept her voice low it still echoed around them as well. "They were used to house the priests and of course the valuable contributions of the people. It used to be considered some of the safest places to store gold and other valuables."

  Nik bent to look for a lock but there didn't seem to be one.

  "Wouldn't people just break in? It seems fairly easy to get inside," asked Joss, glancing up and down the corridors.

  "It is easy when there are no gates and no guard dogs. But in ancient times the people feared their gods. And nobody would ever dare to steal from a temple. That would bring down the wrath of all the gods upon the thief. And few people would dare to take such a risk."

  Nik straightened abruptly and looked at Maya. "I'll have to go inside and see what we are up against."

  Maya nodded and Nik disintegrated. Just when he was gone for what she thought was too long, he slowly materialized in front of them. "Right. I found the bow. I can take Maya inside to fetch it."

  "What about us?" Joss asked. Maya could tell she didn't want to be left alone with Archana. Apparently she wasn't the only one who didn't trust the stunning Apsara.

  Maya glanced at Nik and saw he'd already made his decision. He held out a hand to Joss and as she took it Maya noticed the hard look on Archana's face. Whatever her goal was she dislike being thwarted. Too bad, thought Maya. Nik blinked back for Ria and then a few seconds later for Maya. As he took her hand he glanced at Archana. "See you on the inside?" The Apsara raised her eyebrows a fraction. She hadn't expected that Nik would know she could teleport too. But even Maya had suspected that as a heavenly creature she would have the ability to teleport.

  If Rakshasa's could then so could Apsaras.

  She merely nodded and disappeared as Nik and Maya blinked out. They reappeared at the same time on the inside of the room, blinking against the thick, black darkness. Instinctively, Maya brought her fire to her palm, creating a spinning ball of red and orange flames to her hand.


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