Tag Fight For Me

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Tag Fight For Me Page 9

by Catherine Charles

  She rolls her eyes. “God, you two are so in love.” At her statement, I burst into tears and she quickly pulls the car over.

  “Pres! Oh my god! What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know what it is Liv. Maybe he thinks I’m ugly and doesn’t want this baby anymore. He’s been so distant lately and won't even touch me. And today it felt like he didn’t even want to be at the appointment. He’s spending more time at the field than he has in a long time.”

  “Well for starters, I don’t think he’s cheating on you. He doesn’t have it in him. You two were apart for five years and he never slept with anyone even when he could have.”

  I know she’s right and that I should have never accused him of such a thing, but I allowed my imagination to run wild for a fraction of a second. “We don’t keep secrets from each other, Liv. Something’s going on he’s not telling me about.”

  “So you accused him of cheating? What happened next? He just let you walk away?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. I told him to come find me when he was ready to talk. He called after me, but I never turned around.”

  Liv rests her head against the headrest, closes her eyes and takes a deep calming breath. “Sweetie, I love you, but sometimes you can be, well, stubborn and stupid. You walking away isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “But me staying wasn’t gonna make the words fall out of his mouth any faster either.”

  She clicks her tongue behind her teeth. “Now you’ll never know.” Her snide comment almost pisses me off as much as Robert’s lack of presence. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

  Nothing else is said between us on the ride home. Liv has always had my back, but she’s also called me out when I’ve needed it. I’ve almost talked myself into going home, but as we turn into the drive, I notice Robert’s truck isn’t parked outside and the thought of being home without him tugs at my emotions.

  Before I even get out of the car Jax is bounding through the front door, “Aunty Presley! Baby!”

  “Hey there, buddy. You mind if Cora and I hang out here for a little bit?”

  He beams with such pride as he rubs his little nose against my small bump. “Can I read her a story?”

  “You know what? I think she would really like that.” I giggle at his excitement, a twirl in the air followed by a fist pump and soon he’s run back into the house leaving Liv and me to trail him. I catch the subtle look Trey gives Liv as I enter the house behind her. They say a single look is worth a thousand words, and I quickly know what their story is about, me. I’m almost embarrassed about running to my best friend, embarrassed of my accusations, but not embarrassed enough to go home alone and wait on him.

  “Here!” Jax comes running into the living room with a Lightning McQueen Number and Color book and I sit down next to him on the couch. Jax proudly reads the small cardboard pages to me, pointing to each letter of the alphabet as we sing together and talk about everything that’s red, yellow, blue, green, and orange.

  Liv is in the process of decorating the house for Christmas and I realize that we don’t have a single decoration up, presents bought, or let alone a tree to put gifts under. Jax and I help Liv with the tree while Trey cooks dinner; laughter and merriment fill their home and deepens a depression within me.

  Some where I once heard the phrase, ‘feeling alone in a crowded room,’ and never truly understood what that meant until tonight. Liv and Trey are practically smitten with each other, talking quietly in the kitchen doing dishes together so I gladly accept when Jax ask me to put him to bed.

  I lay down with him to read him a story while he holds Cora, gently rubbing my belly, back and forth. His touch is so soothing and peaceful that it isn’t long before my eyelids grow heavy with exhaustion.

  * * *


  The sound of Robert whispering my name feels almost too good to be true. Unsure if I’m dreaming or not, I strain to follow his voice. My body turns the direction I envision it coming from. I breathe in his cologne and I know he’s here with me, it’s not a figment my unconscious self-created. My eyes pry open the slightest bit as two strong arms lift me from the bed. I snuggle against his body, nuzzling his neck in an attempt to be closer. His arms wrap tightly around my body and as the cold night air hits me, I shiver against him.

  “Thanks Liv.” His chest vibrates, warming me to my core. I never knew an apology could ever feel like this.


  Once again I attempt to open my eyes, but exhaustion seems to have other plans. The leaves crunch below his footsteps as he cuts across the field between our two homes. He doesn’t struggle to carry me, no heavy breathing or unsure footing, I’m safe in his arms, cold, but safe.

  I know the minute he opens our door as I’m hit with an unmistakable warmth and the mixed scents of cinnamon and nutmeg.

  “Presley,” his warm lips are placed on my forehead, “Presley, sweetheart, we need to talk.”

  I give a little nod before he lays me on the couch and I force my eyes open, only to be shocked into silence. A giant Christmas tree stands in the corner next to the fireplace, completely decorated. Three stockings are hung across the mantel along with live evergreen and a rolling fire burning in the fireplace. He senses my disbelief.

  “I wanted what could be our last Christmas in this house to be special. I know it’s not how you would do it, but I tried.”

  “Robert, it’s perfect.” My eyes search his face for any hint of a joke, but he rests his head against the seat cushion. “You have a year and a half left on your contract, why would this be our last?” Slowly he raises his eyes back to mine and for the first time I notice the dark circles that rest under his blue eyes, the deep thought wrinkle that seems to be carved into his brow, and I know my insecurities and whatever he’s been keeping are linked.

  “Trey told me he’s getting pressure to release me. The league wants to revamp the team. Younger and cheaper guys. Seems like Walter’s deal put the team in a bad situation. The White Sox want to pick me up on a seven-year contract.”

  I’m astonished. “But that’s in Chicago.” Trey hasn’t mentioned a move to me, and Coach hasn’t informed me of any talk. I’m always included in the conversation if a previous player is about to be traded, never mind the fact that I’ve essentially been Robert’s acting agent these last few years. Even Liv has kept her mouth shut.

  “I told Trey that I absolutely would not go anywhere until June at the soonest.” I breathe a slight relief at his words. Moving while pregnant isn’t an option for me.

  “Do you want to go through with it?” I hesitantly ask.

  “I don’t know. Kinda. I’ll be in my late twenties when my contract is up with the Rangers and if I don’t take the trade, I’m not guaranteed a team afterward.”

  “You’re still young, Robert.”

  “I know, but I could sign now and I’d be set. No worrying about an injury between now and then. Injured or not I’d get paid. If I mess my arm up tomorrow, no one’s gonna want me when my contract expires, never mind the price tag. There’s no way I would make the same money as a free agent. I would have to take a significant pay cut for sure.”

  I try to grasp the idea of Chicago. I’ve been there plenty of times, it’s a great organization with a fantastic staff, but I never envisioned us ever living in a city that size. “When did you find out?”

  He drops his head between his knees, pulling the hair along his neck. “Thanksgiving.”

  “Is this why you’ve been distant and distracted?”


  Everything makes sense now. Or at least more sense.

  “I was trying to figure out what I wanted and what would be best for our family. We could keep the house here for you and the kids, and I can get an apartment up in Chicago during the season.”

  It’s an absolutely preposterous idea. “Don’t be ridiculous, Robert. I’m not staying here while you’re up there.” I sit up on the couch and try to process every
thing. Robert’s eyes are intensely focused on my every move, studying my tiniest reaction. “I’ll have to see about moving my contracts. We’re definitely keeping the house. And I’m definitely coming with you; I’m not sure how we would make any more babies with you up there and me down here.”

  I offer him a small grin and he breathes out a sigh of relief. “Are you serious?”

  I nod my head, and a giggle bubbles up from me.

  “Presley.” His voice is dark and raspy, my devil sits just on the other side ready to play. “Use your words, Presley.” He rises up onto his knees, forcefully spreading my legs apart, fanning a fire I wasn’t aware was burning, before settling in between them and biting at my throat.

  “Yes,” I manage to whisper out.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I’ll go to Chicago with—”

  His lips collide with mine before I finish my thought, his tongue pushing past my lips, invading my mouth.

  In a rush to make up for the last two weeks, his clothes are off and thrown haphazardly around the living room before I can even shimmy out of my jeans. His patience wears thin, and he grips either side of my jeans and pulls hard on them, sending me sliding off the couch and onto the floor. I giggle in full hysterics as he lets go of them and stands back evaluating the situation.

  “I think they’re stuck, babe.” His eyes dart around the room, no doubt looking for something to help me escape my confines.

  I giggle a little harder and undo the hair tie holding my jeans together.

  He attempts again and this time they easily slide down, thrown to the side followed by my shirt and panties.

  When he reaches for my bra clasp I stop him, “They hurt. Just leave them strapped in.”

  His dark eyes swell as he takes in my fuller breast, gently cupping each one. “God you’re so sexy when you talk like that.”

  I laugh once again until I’m lifted from the ground. My legs wrap around his waist, the head of his cock brushing against my sex as he moves us back to the couch, laying me down he stays nestled between my legs. My center pulsing with each brush his fingers make against my sensitive skin.

  “How is it you are always ready for me, my love?”

  “I guess you just do it for me.” I smile innocently.

  Easily he slides into me as I stretch to take his swollen shaft, draping a leg across the back of the couch so that I can receive each glorious inch until he’s buried to the hilt. As hungry as he was for me, I am as equally hungry for him. I craved this connection. He rocks against me in long, slow, thick, tantalizing strokes. Quickly we were swimming against crashing waves, tossed around in a deep blue sea, taken down by an undertow, gasping for air and reaching for the heavens.

  I had my husband back. After reaching our moment of release, we laid there on the couch, shadows from the flames dancing across the darkened living room, and a tiny sliver of my heart broke. We would have our baby and we would be gone to start a new life in Chicago. “Robert?”

  He hummed his response, followed by a pecking kiss to my shoulder as he pulled me tighter against him.

  “When do you have to tell Trey?”


  “What are we going to tell Jax?”

  “I have no idea.”

  With that, a tear slid down my cheek. I feel as if I owe that little boy my entire life. He and Cora are so perfectly linked and we’re about to tear them apart. I can only hope that they have as much luck as Robert and I had, and one day, we will call Texas home once again.

  Chapter Eleven

  Presley and I are still on the couch from last night. Her head resting peacefully in the crook of my shoulder, legs still intertwined. Occasionally a slight whimper seeps out of her, but I pull her close, giving her the reassurance I’m still here and she’s still safe.

  The events of yesterday still fresh in my mind. Her accusation of me cheating on her plays on repeat this morning. Did she really think I could cheat on her?

  It’s not uncommon in our industry, turning a blind eye to such things. Wives tolerating it because of the paycheck that comes in. As long as the dirty laundry doesn’t turn up in their laundry rooms they continue living as if they have faithful husbands. I know Presley’s had to deal with a fair share of issues with her clients in the past, but the insinuating insult stings nonetheless, no matter how I try to justify it.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  I’d been so lost in my downward spiral I hadn’t noticed she’d woken up. “Good morning, you.” Her green eyes stare up at me as I angle my face down to kiss her lips gently. “Sleep well?”

  “Not really.”

  Well, that explains the twitching.

  She frowns and looks away from me before starting to draw figure eights across my chest, her tell-tale sign something’s bothering her.

  “What’s wrong? Is this about Chicago? I know it’s not really what you want, but I promise P—”

  “It’s not about Chicago. We always knew that your position wasn’t permanent with the Rangers, I guess I just never expected to be leaving so soon after our baby was here. I almost don’t see a point in making up a nursery just to box it up before we get a chance to use it.”

  “Pres, we’ll be back.”

  “That’s not it, Robert.” She shifts her body so that she can look me in the eye, and I notice how red her eyes seems to be, moisture pooling in the corners. I hate to see my angel cry. I kiss her nose right before she buries her head against my chest.

  “Shhh. It’s alright Presley.”

  “No it’s not.” She raises her head and fights to look at me. “I was horrible to you yesterday. Accusing you of cheating and not wanting this baby, I’m so sorry.”

  Tears pour from her eyes, dripping onto my shoulder and running down my side. “Pres.”

  She once again buries her face into my shoulder, allowing me to stroke her hair in comfort.

  “Please don’t say it’s okay Robert, because it’s not. I’m horrible.”

  “Pres, listen to me. Please don’t beat yourself up over this. It’s the industry we’re in. Not all men are liars and cheats, but a good bit are. We both work with them and based on my actions I can see where you might have been concerned. But I promise you, you’ve got one of the good ones, okay?”

  A subtle shake of her head no and her words are mumbled so deep into the couch that I can barely understand her.

  “What was that, my love?” I raise her chin upwards, wiping away her tears with the pads of my thumbs; as much as I hate to see her cry, she is magnificent. Hard as stone, an immovable force to the outside world, but delicate and emotional for me.

  “I said I’ve got the best one.”

  “Hmm, that’s what I thought you said, just wanted to make sure.”

  I kiss her through the sobs. “I love you so much, Robert.”

  “I love you too, Presley. You and our baby girl are the best things to ever happen to me.”

  “I’m so sorry. I should have never accused you.”

  “I’m sorry too. Next time something comes up, I promise to talk to you about it. I won't hold anything back from you ever again.”

  Her lips brush against mine, eager to convey her emotions as her tongue slips into my mouth, filling me, tasting me; hungry for more, my body shifts between her legs. Moisture pooling between her legs, my tip begging to have access to her. She spreads her legs wider and with a single thrust and subtle sigh I’m buried in her. Her body pressed hard against mine as I take my time with her, building her desire.

  I hover over her, admiring her body before pushing back, sitting on my heals to reposition her. One leg draping over the back of the couch while the other drapes over my shoulder, raising her hips up to meet each thrust. Her cries of pleasure fill the room as she grips the armrest above her head. “Oh. My. God!”

  “You like that princess?”

  “Please. Don’t. Stop.”

  Her speech matches my pace as feral growls echo around us.
“I only want you, Pres. It’s always only been you.”

  “I’m. Gonna…”

  “Say it, Presley. Who do I want?”

  “Only. Me.”

  “Good girl.” I raise her hips even higher, hitting further back as she frantically claws the couch before coming undone. Releasing the most intoxicating moan as I spill into her. Her body shakes with every breath, body flush in a delicious red, her legs quiver and her breathing beautifully labored. Spent and sated, my body gives out and I collapse on top of her, her delicate fingers forging their own path in my hair as I bury my head against her neck.

  “It’s only ever been you too.” Her lips pressed against my hair line to seal her confession. “Now up, your daughter is hungry, and I need a bath.”

  With a grunt, I pull out of her and help her off the couch, kissing her nose before she can escape me. “I’ll warm up some chili while you take a bath, but we’re spending the rest of the day on the couch.”

  She moves around the room, picking up our loose clothing from last night and shakes her head. “As tempting as that sounds, we need to finish Christmas shopping.”

  “We still have two weeks till Christmas P. Let’s rest today. I think we need it after yesterday. I hear there’s a Home Alone marathon on today.”

  “Robert, when have you ever known me to procrastinate?”

  I act shocked at her use of the word. “Wait! You mean you know what that word is? I didn’t think it was in your vocabulary.”

  She gives me a ‘shut the hell up’ look before heading into the bedroom, only to pop her head out from around the corner, “Come shopping with me, and I’ll do that thing you like tonight.” Her seductive smiles arouse me as I notice a few toys held in her hand.

  “Pres…you better not be playing with me.”

  “Why would I play with you now, when you can play with me later?” She gives me a wink before disappearing into our bathroom and turning on the faucet. I’m almost tempted to have my way with her now, but I know she’s hungry and my instinct to take care of her needs is stronger than my desire to fill my wants.


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