Hop Stuff

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by Shaw Hart

  Hop Stuff

  Hoppily Ever After

  Shaw Hart


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

  Also by Shaw Hart


  When we were twelve years old, Clover Pendleton and I made a pact. If we were both single by the time we turned twenty-five, then we would marry each other. When she first brought up the pact, I had agreed right away. I was already hopelessly in love with her, and I was sure that she was the only girl for me. I had been positive that we would be married as soon as we turned eighteen, but a little backup plan would never hurt. We were best friends and everything was perfect between us.

  * * *

  Then homecoming night happened, and I lost her. It was a misunderstanding, but she's refused to talk to me or have anything to do with me for the last seven years. That stops now.

  * * *

  She's about to turn twenty-five, and I'm going to collect on our pact. Clover was always meant to be mine, and now I'm going to prove it to her.

  * * *

  *Warning: This Easter romance has it all. A sexy alpha who only has eyes for his girl? Check. A stubborn heroine who makes her man work for it? Double-check. A happily ever after? Do you even have to ask?



  * * *

  I wave as Mrs. Minter and her daughter head out the front door. I rub my forehead, trying to ease the drumming behind my eyes, as soon as the door closes behind them. I’m tired and I’ve been dreaming about heading home and relaxing on my couch all day. Those two were the last ones in the library, and I groan as I think about the last of the work that I have to get done today before I can go home. Luckily, I just need to finish reshelving some books before I can curl up on the couch with some Chinese takeout and whatever I can find on Netflix.

  I grab my cart with all of the returned books and walk quickly to the right section. I’m determined to finish this quickly and I pick up my pace as I turn down the aisle, pushing my cart toward the back of the row, to the last shelf. The carpet smells musty back here, and I scrunch my nose up, trying to ward off the sneeze that I can feel coming from the dust, as I find the right place and slide the book back in its place. I push the cart back down the aisle, my stomach growling as I mentally envision the menu at Panda Palace and try to figure out what to order on my way home. I’m so distracted by my thoughts, drooling over thoughts of almond chicken and fried rice, that I don’t see the guy in time.

  “Ummph!” He says as the cart rams right into his stomach.

  “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I say, already moving around to try to help him.

  Then I realize just exactly who I ran into, and I don't feel quite so bad. The apology dies on my lips and I straighten, heading back to my side of the cart.

  “Oh, it’s you.”

  “Nice to see you too, Clove,” Tanner says, wincing as his hand rubs the spot on his flat stomach.

  "We're closed. I'm afraid you're going to have to leave," I say, giving him my fakest smile and pointing him back toward the front door. I can’t believe that I didn’t hear him walk in. From now on, I’m locking the door right at closing time.

  “I came to see you. We need to talk.”

  “I haven’t had anything to say to you in years, and that hasn't changed. So, like I said, you need to leave. Now, get out."

  I push my curly brown hair back behind my ears, gripping the handle on my cart so tight that my knuckles turn white. I try to push past him, but I don't even manage to get two steps before he's caught the cart and stopped me. His fingers dig into the edge of the cart and he stares me down.

  “You promised,” he says seriously, his green eyes flicking over my face with an almost desperate twinge in their depths. It’s like he’s been starved for the sight and now that I’m finally in front of him, he doesn’t know where to look first.

  “I promised you what?”

  “The pact, Clover. It’s almost your birthday. Your twenty-fifth birthday,” He emphasizes the twenty-fifth part, giving me a look and I work hard to keep my face blank, like I haven’t got a clue what he could be referring to, as I watch him.

  I do though. I know exactly what he’s talking about. Honestly, I’m just surprised that he remembered, although I probably shouldn’t be.

  Tanner Blackwood and I used to be best friends. Our moms had been BFFs since they were in diapers, and they used to get together for playdates all of the time. When we were younger, we had made a pact. If we were both single by the time we turned twenty-five, then we would marry each other.

  The damn thing had been my brilliant idea too. I had been head over heels in love with Tanner back then. When he agreed to it, I thought that he had felt the same as me. I admit I had been planning our wedding in my head ever since that day.

  Then homecoming night our senior year happened and everything changed.

  Tanner and I went from spending every free second together to not talking. Well, he tried to speak to me, but I wouldn't let him. He had broken my heart, and I just wanted to get the hell out of this small town. I had made it through the rest of senior year without him and then left for college.

  We had always agreed to go to the University of Mississippi together, but I had changed that after what happened. Imagine my surprise when I showed up for orientation at Mississippi State University, and Tanner was there. My mom finally fessed up and admitted that she had told Tanner and his mom of my change of plans. Suddenly, my plan to get away from him, and the painful memories was crushed. Luckily, the campus at MSU was huge, and over the four years that I was there, I got really good at avoiding him.

  I had planned on moving further north after graduation, putting even more distance between me and Tanner the traitor, but then my dad had a stroke, and I knew that I needed to come home and be here for my mom. So, I moved back home with her and found a job at the tiny library in town. Living with my mom again got old really fast and a couple of months ago, I found a tiny apartment close to work and moved in right away.

  Being a librarian is pretty easy, or maybe just being a librarian in Aberdeen, MS is easy. I love being around all of the books, and I don't have to spend that much time talking to people, so it's kind of the perfect job for me.

  The only thing that could have made it better is if Tanner Blackwood wasn't here. He moved back right after I did, which was strange because last I heard, he had some fancy, high paying job up in Starkville, not too far from MSU’s campus, working for a video game company. I still haven’t figured out why he gave that up to move back here. There isn’t much work for a video game developer around here. None, to be honest, but my mom says that he started his own company and does pretty much everything from home.

  There isn’t much of anything in Aberdeen. It’s your typical small southern town where everyone knows everyone. Pretty easy to do with a population of less than five thousand. You can walk anywhere in town since the main street is only three blocks. The library is at the north end of town. My apartment isn't too far, and my mom's place is only about a block to the east.

  "Clover," Tanner says again, and I look up into his eyes, glaring at him.

  “I’m busy. Here, let me walk you out.”

  He sighs but takes his hand off the cart. I lead him back to the front doors, holding one open for him. He rubs against me as he passes, and I stifle a moan at the contact. His eyes darken as he pauses, staring down at me.

  “I’m not letting this go. We’re going to talk about this.”

  “Have a grea
t day, asshole,” I hiss back before I slam the door closed in his face.

  I give him a smug smirk as I flip the lock and spin on my heel.



  * * *

  I watch her walk away, her mahogany curls bouncing with each angry step. Even with her pissed off at me, she's still the sexiest girl that I've ever seen. My dick swells as I remember the way her sinful body felt brushing against mine or the way her deep brown eyes had shot fire at me, and I take a deep breath, trying to get my body under control before I turn and head back to my car.

  I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with Clover Pendleton since the day she was born. We were born a week apart and grew up with each other. Our mothers have always been close, and they were thrilled when they both got pregnant at the same time. I grew up hearing our moms talk about how great it would be if we fell in love and got married. Well, I was one hundred percent on board with that.

  I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t the center of my world. When she first came to me with the marriage pact, I had said yes so fast that I think I scared her. I was sure that she was the only girl for me, and I had been positive that we would be married as soon as we turned eighteen, so the pact was just a backup — just another way to ensure that we would end up together. I was convinced that she was meant for me.

  I’ve been following Clover around for as long as I can remember. We used to chase each other around her backyard when we were kids. Then I trailed after her all through school, making sure that no other guy came close to her. She's gorgeous, so that in itself was an almost impossible feat.

  Even when she was ignoring me, I was still chasing after her. I followed her to Mississippi State and took a job in Starkville so that I could remain close to her. As soon as I found out that she was moving back to Aberdeen, I had put in my two weeks’ notice and moved back here too. I'd follow Clover anywhere, but I don't think she sees that yet. For me, she is home, my home.

  I develop video games for a living, and after I left Starkville, I started my own company and designed my first game. That was six months ago, and it's already rocketed to become one of the most popular video games in the last decade.

  I've always been better with code and computers than people. Clover is the same way, only with books. I never know what to say to other people, and I hate making small talk, but I've never had that problem with my girl. She's the only person that I've met that I could sit in silence with for hours and never feel a moment of awkwardness. That was one of the things that made me fall for her in the first place.

  I finished developing my latest video game this morning, and I sent it off to my company for testing and marketing to be done. I should probably start work on my next game, but with Clover's birthday coming in a few days, I know that I won't be able to concentrate on anything else until she’s got my ring on her finger and we’ve said our vows.

  I've been trying to get Clover to talk to me, to let me explain what she heard on homecoming night since… well, since homecoming night. She's stubborn though, and I know my words hurt her. I hate that I caused her pain, that she pulled away from me. I've missed her all these years, even being able to see her every day hasn't been enough to take the edge off. I need to talk to her, to hear what she's thinking, to laugh with her, and even argue with her.

  I’ve let Clover get away with ignoring me all these years because I knew that if I pushed her, she would just retreat even more. She's always been able to hold a mean grudge, and I know that I need to convince her somehow that us being together is her idea.

  I've spent the last seven years being friendly to her, always seeking her out and saying hi whenever I see her. I've been trying to show her that I'm still here for her, that I'm still me, in a non threatening way. I was hoping that she would forgive me and see that I was still the guy that she knew from when we were younger, but that hasn't happened. I’ve become desperate as time went by and now, I can’t see any other way. I'm going to hold her to our marriage pact. I'm not going to let anything come in the way of Clover and me getting our happily ever after.

  Seeking her out and trying to apologize and talk to her for the last seven years hasn’t worked out so now it’s time for Plan B.

  Clover can hold a grudge, but she's also honest and keeps her promises. She won't be able to let herself back out of our deal. As long as she’s single when she turns twenty-five, she’ll be mine.

  Now, to just make sure that she doesn’t try to use any loopholes. Should be simple enough. All I have to do is make sure that she stays single for the next four days.



  * * *

  Seeing Tanner always throws me off, and last night was no exception. I could barely enjoy my Chinese I was so distracted.

  I think it's because I can't decide how I feel about him. Part of me is still so angry and hurt by what he said on homecoming night, but the anger seems to have faded some over the years, leaving just the hurt. Hurt and sadness. I miss what we had. I miss my best friend, and I hate that I didn't get the future that I had planned out for us in my head.

  So, yeah, my heart hurts every time I see his dumb, perfect face, but it causes aches in other places too. Someone who breaks girls’ hearts shouldn’t be allowed to be so handsome. I mean, seriously, how is that fair?

  Over six feet of sculpted ripped man with wavy blonde hair, crisp green eyes that remind me of the forest we used to go hiking in, and a jawline that looks like it could cut me. I tell myself that’s the only reason I haven’t decked him already. I don’t care about hurting his face. I just don’t want to hurt my hand on one of his cheekbones.

  How did a video game guy even get so jacked? Aren’t they all supposed to be pale nerds with glasses and a terrible sense of style? Leave it to Tanner to buck that stereotype.

  Girls went crazy over him when we were in school, and even though we weren't speaking in college, I still heard people talking about him, and on the rare occasion that I saw him across the quad, flirting with him. He never gave them any of his attention though, and I think that was the only thing that stopped my heart from breaking completely.

  I’ve never wanted anyone besides him. Not that anyone else has ever asked me out or shown an interest in me, but even if they had, they still wouldn’t have been able to take Tanner’s spot in my heart.

  I'm back at the library this morning, getting ready to open the doors. This is my favorite time of day though, and I want to savor the quiet for just a few more minutes.

  I take a seat at my desk, leaning my head back and staring up at the stained-glass ceiling above me. I take a deep breath, trying to push all thoughts of Tanner from my head before I start my workday. I’ve just about succeeded when there’s a knock on the front door.

  I jerk upright in my seat and look through the glass, sighing when I see Tanner standing there. I glare at him as I stomp over to the front door and point at the hours listed on the glass. I tap the watch on my wrist and give him a hard look before I spin around.

  He knocks again, and I ball my hands into fists, trying not to scream as I spin around to face him again.

  I unlock the door, jerking it open and glaring up at him.

  "What!?" I yell, and he smiles down at me like I'm adorable.

  “I told you we’d talk. I’m here to do that,” he says, holding up a box of donuts from Sugar and Spice, the bakery in town.

  “Chocolate sprinkles?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  “Of course,” he says, like that was obvious.

  I reach my hand out, trying to swipe it from him so I can lock him out again but he knows me too well and he tucks the box into his side so that I can’t grab it from him. I bite my lip, but I didn’t have enough time to make breakfast this morning and my stomach is growling for a donut. I debate quickly but then my mouth waters and my stomach wins out.

  “We open in five minutes. We can talk but you only have that long.”

  “Deal,” he says, st
epping through the front door and passing me the box. I glare at his back as I turn and close the front door.

  I lead him over to my desk, taking a seat as I flip the lid of the box open and pick up the chocolate donut with the rainbow sprinkles. I bite in, moaning as the sugar hits my taste buds. I look up at Tanner as he hovers above me and notice the look of hunger on his face.

  “I’m not sharing,” I warn him.

  “What?” He asks, shaking his head like he’s coming out of a fog.

  “I’m not sharing,” I repeat, pointing to the donut box.

  “They’re all for you, Clove.”

  I take another bite, ignoring the way my heart beats faster in my chest at the way he says my nickname. No one has ever called me anything but Clover. Well, no one but Tanner. I lean back in my chair, watching him as he clears his throat and shifts on his feet.

  “We need to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “Our marriage.”

  “We’re not getting married,” I state firmly.

  “We made a pact. Are you going back on your word now?”

  “You have to be joking.”

  "I'm not. I'm dead serious. We made a pact, and I'm going to hold you to it."

  "I don't have time for this right now. I have to plan the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and decorate everything, go get supplies and keep up with everything around here. I don't have time to argue with you about some pact that we made when we were dumb kids."

  “Let me help you then. We can talk while we work.”


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