Complete Sin Box Set

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Complete Sin Box Set Page 101

by Georgia Cates

“Two minutes wasn’t enough time to say much of anything.”

  “Try to understand my position. I couldn’t risk your friend convincing you that marrying me is a mistake.”

  “It wouldn’t matter if she successfully convinced me or not. What’s done between us is done, and it can’t be taken back. I’m yours, Kieran.”

  I love hearing her say that she’s mine. “Yes, you are.” I pull her into my arms and press a kiss to her lips. “Would you like to shower before bed?”

  “I would love a shower.”

  I thought so. She didn’t seem to be much of a fan of postcoital body fluids. But it’s something that she’ll need to get used to. There’s going to be a lot of that swapped between us.

  “Is it okay if I join you? I could use a shower myself.”

  She nibbles her bottom lip and nods. “Mmm-hmm.”

  “Would you like Nan to change the sheets while we bathe?”

  Westlyn’s cute little nose scrunches. “I hate for her to have to do that, but I don’t want to sleep on bloodstained sheets tonight.”

  “She won’t mind.” I kiss the top of her head. “Go start the shower and I’ll be there after I call Nan.”

  Westlyn is massaging a thick white lather into her hair when I enter the shower. “I was planning to do that for you.”

  “Do what?”

  “Shampoo your hair.”

  “You want to wash my hair?”

  “Aye. I’ve never done it before. And I’d like to do that for you.” Seems like something special you’d do for your wife.

  “Okay, if you want.” She turns so that she’s facing away from me. “Have at it.”

  I squeeze additional shampoo into my palm and massage it into her hair, creating a huge ball of white lather. I don’t have much in the fingernail department since I keep them trimmed short, but I use what I have to scratch her scalp. “Does that feel good?”

  “Hmm… mmm.”

  “I love your hair. The color. How long it is. The way you wear it. How soft it feels compared to mine.”

  “Yours is very different from mine.” She turns around and reaches for the top of my head. “Aye, that is some thick, coarse hair you have there, sir. I don’t think you’ll ever go bald.”

  “Yours is like silk. Very feminine.”

  “I was surprised when I saw your mother’s fair hair and eyes.”

  Most people are. We’re total opposites, but I think my eyes are shaped like hers. “Wait until you see my sister. She looks like Daenerys Targaryen.”

  “Her hair is lighter than your mother’s?”

  Hair so blond, it’s almost white. “Yes. And her eyes are an even paler blue.”

  “Why haven’t I met your sister?”

  I’m ashamed of Shaw’s behavior right now. No Hendry should be acting the way she is. “Shaw is pissed off at the world right now. She’s lashing out like a child.”

  “How old is she?”


  “Eighteen is a child. And for the record, I’d probably have done the same if I’d been told five years ago that I was going to be handed over to another brotherhood to marry a man I’d never met. Perhaps you shouldn’t be so hard on her?”

  It’s true. I’ve been stern with her, probably more so than I needed to be, but it’s because I don’t want Westlyn to think poorly of her. “I’ve forbidden Shaw from having contact with you until she pulls herself together. I don’t want you to meet her while she’s behaving badly. She’s a sweet lass. Just young and strong-willed.”

  “I don’t dislike strong-willed. I’m a little bit that way myself.”

  “Yes, you are. You and Shaw are a lot alike in that way. You’re alike in a lot of ways, actually.”

  “I look forward to meeting her.”

  “I hope that she accepts her fate soon. I’m sure Thane will expect us to deliver her into Mitch’s care as soon as the final agreement is made. It’ll complicate things if Jamie or Mitch refuses to marry her because of her behavior.” And I don’t like complications.

  “Jamie loves Ellison. He isn’t going to marry Shaw. And I don’t think you really want your sister to be married to a man who loves another woman. Mitch is unattached. She should marry him.”

  Mitch is the second son of the leader. “His position is more ideal than your brother’s.”

  “Jamie will never have a chance at being leader. He knows that and doesn’t care. He would much rather be a doctor. Mitch will one day be second-in-command. He would be the better choice if you want Shaw to be married to someone who takes leadership seriously.”

  “We’d prefer that.”

  “My father was second-in-command. It isn’t a bad place to be.”

  “You know what else isn’t a bad place to be?”

  “Tell me.”

  “In this shower with you.” I wrap my arms around Westlyn from behind and glide my hands over her wet skin to palm her breasts and kiss the side of her neck. “Your hair isn’t the only thing I’m fond of.”

  She leans against me, pressing her wet back against my front, and covers my hands with hers. “What else are you fond of?”

  “I have a deep appreciation for these.” I move my hand from one breast to cup her between her legs, gliding my middle finger into the center of her split and finding that hardened nub. “And I love this.”

  The pace of her breathing increases when I push my finger back and forth, flicking her clit.

  “You are so good at that.”

  “Come for me again.” Tonight is all about Westlyn and her pleasure. Laying the groundwork for the intimate relationship I want to have with her from this night forward. Turning my intended into a willing, wanting, always-ready-for-sex vixen.

  I introduce another finger and change to a twitchy, side-to-side motion. “Is that good?”

  Her hips buck against my hand. “Oh God.”

  “I take that as a yes.”

  “Yes, fuck, yes.” More bucking. Squirming. Writhing. “I’m coming.”


  No fucking way. No fucking way a brother is brave enough to enter my quarters without permission. No fucking way a brother is standing at the entrance to my bathroom while I’m in the shower with Westlyn. Standing there like some kind of dumb fucker while I rub her off.

  I cover Westlyn’s mouth with my free hand and smother her moans. We twist and I shield her naked body with mine so she can’t be seen by this dumb asshole. “Get the fuck out of here. Now!”

  “My apologies, boss. You didn’t answer your phone.” The man’s voice is trembling.

  “Because I’m in the fucking shower.” With my mate.

  “Your father sent for you. Says it’s an emergency.”

  My father knows I’m with Westlyn. Claiming her. Sealing our bond. Locking in our future with The Fellowship. He knows how pivotal this moment is. He wouldn’t have sent for me unless it’s urgent. Again.

  “Where is my father?”

  “The conference room.”

  “Tell him that I’ll be right there.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Westlyn turns in my arms, and I grasp the sides of her face. “We’ll pick up with this when I return.”

  “I don’t know what has happened, but I assume it’s not good. If you have to go out… to solve a problem, please be careful.”

  Her plea sounds like that of a true mate. “I’m always careful, doll.” I place a quick kiss against her mouth and step out of the shower, not even taking time to dry off before putting the same clothes back on.

  I’m adjusting my tie when I enter the conference room. A leader can never be seen appearing less than professional.

  “I was beginning to wonder if you were going to be able to stop fucking your new mate long enough to join us,” Maddock says. “I bet it was difficult to tear yourself away from that pussy.”

  My brother always likes to see how far he can push me. I give him plenty of leeway, but that’s over when it comes to Westlyn. “Because you�
�re my brother, I’m going to allow you that one transgression against my mate. But heed my warning: never say my mate’s name and the word pussy in the same sentence again, or you’ll be sorry.”

  “Damn. My brother is ready to defend the honor of a woman? Her pussy must be pure magic.” He grins. “I didn’t say her name.”

  I warned him, and yet he’s continuing to push me where Westlyn is concerned. I can’t let that go.

  I charge across the room and grab Maddock around the throat, pulling him from his chair, and shoving him against the wall. “I told you to not address my mate in that manner.”

  “Shite, Kieran. Maddock was just fucking around,” Calder says. “You’re choking him.”

  “I’m not fucking around with you.” There’s a growl to my voice. “Not when it comes to her.”

  “Calm the fuck down,” Calder says. He places his hand on my shoulder. “He was kidding.”

  I release my hold on Maddock’s throat and shove him toward his seat. “Do not disrespect my mate again, even in jest.”

  My brother reaches for the front of his throat. “You’re out of your fucking mind over that woman.”

  “Kieran is taking his role as her mate seriously, just as he should. That makes me very proud.”

  I straighten my suit, and then Maddock and I join our father and other brothers at the table. I immediately know something bad has gone down when I see the expression on my father’s face. “We have another fucking problem.”

  “Another?” Carson says.

  “Your brother and I had to handle a situation this morning involving several Order members.”

  “And golden boy has ensured that they’ll no longer be a problem?”

  My brothers are jealous of the dependency our father has on my skills. It’s true. I am a huge asset to our brotherhood, but they don’t understand the burden that goes along with it. They only see the glory and praise. Never the pain and suffering.

  “Kieran fixed that problem and now twelve hours later, we have another. Two dead Order women were dumped on our own doorstep thirty minutes ago. The women were nineteen and twenty-one years old. Sisters. Their father is devastated and demanding blood. Fellowship blood.”

  I feel inclined to defend Westlyn’s brotherhood. “Of course, their father deserves justice, but not against The Fellowship. They didn’t do this. They don’t attack women.”

  “Agreed. Harming women is the MO of The Order.” I’m relieved to hear my father say that.

  “Are you saying that brothers from The Order killed two of their own women to frame The Fellowship?” Maddock’s voice is raw and hoarse. Perhaps I choked him a little too hard.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “They hate The Fellowship badly enough to do something that despicable?” Carson is the youngest and hasn’t been around brotherhood issues as much. He sometimes fails to understand all the evil that goes along with it.


  “How do we prove it?”

  “The four men who brought the dead sisters to our doorstep are dumb fucks. They didn’t even cover their faces. I have them on video.” My father holds up a remote, and a video begins playing on the large flat-screen. “I don’t know who they are, but one is marked.” He zooms in on the neck of one of the men. “There… behind his ear. He wears the symbol of The Order.”

  “Someone will know who they are.”

  “I think it’s time we hold another meeting with our new people, all of them, to demonstrate what happens when someone commits treason. I’m going to put out the word that we are having a party tomorrow night. Every member of The Order must be in attendance. When it’s over, everyone is going to have a full understanding of the way things are going to be from now on. They won’t dare to cross us again.”

  “There are many Order members working inside the compound. I’m concerned one of them might try to harm Westlyn. I think it’s wise to keep her by my side until this is handled.”

  “I know it goes against our plan, and you’re not going to like it, but I think Westlyn needs to return to The Fellowship until we tend to our affairs within The Order.”

  No fucking way. “She is my mate. Mine to protect. She will stay by my side.” No other way makes sense. “I did not claim her only to return her to The Fellowship.”

  “Westlyn is yours to protect, and that’s exactly what you’ll be doing by sending her back to her people for safekeeping until this problem is rectified.” My father hesitates. “You’ll be apart for no more than a few days.”

  “I’ll appear weak in their eyes if I send her back for the purpose of protection.”

  “No, son. They’ll see you for the strong leader you are. The leader who does what is necessary to protect your mate even when that means admitting that the safest place for her may be somewhere other than next to you.” That’s not how this feels. “This would be a different situation if we were dealing with The Syndicate. We’d have security we trusted, but this is The Order and your mate is Fellowship. She’s hated. And she may not be safe here until we use our iron fist to take control of this brotherhood.”

  “What if The Fellowship won’t let me have Westlyn back? What then?”

  “That isn’t going to happen. You’ve had her.”

  Damn right, I’ve had her. And I’m not done having her.

  “It’s possible you’ve already sealed your bond. They won’t refuse to return your claimed mate to you.”

  “I won’t give her up. If I have to perch on top of Thane’s house and snipe every Fellowship brother down, I will.”

  “I trust that it won’t come down to that.”

  Westlyn Breckenridge is mine.

  I will go to fucking war with The Order, The Fellowship, or whoever for her if I must.

  Chapter 12

  Westlyn Breckenridge

  I stand in the closet and look through the pieces of lingerie hanging there. Another ivory silk gown. A black one. A red. A floral. Some of it is downright naughty. And I’m excited about wearing it… but after I’ve had more time with Kieran. I’m not brave enough to go there just yet.

  I’m slipping into the black silk gown, no panties, when there’s a knock at the door. “Who is it?”

  “Kieran’s sister.”

  He told me that she isn’t supposed to have contact with me until her behavior changes. I somehow think showing up at the door while Kieran is gone isn’t a good indicator that has happened.

  I put on the gown’s matching robe. “Hurry up and let me in.”

  I open the door and a streak of white-blond hair darts into Kieran’s suite. Shaw Hendry is the complete opposite of Kieran in every way. Tiny. Fair. Delicate. She’s easily one of the most unique beauties I’ve ever seen. “Are you Westlyn Breckenridge? From The Fellowship?”

  “I am.”

  “Thank God I was able to get to you while the council is meeting. I’m Shaw, and it’s lovely to meet you. I’m sorry to ambush you this way, but my brother is being a total asshole about introducing us.”

  This isn’t what Kieran ordered. His sister is blatantly going against his orders, and I’m afraid that’s going to cause a problem. “It’s nice to meet you too, but I don’t want Kieran to be angry because you’re here.”

  “Oh, fuck Kieran.” I think I recall saying something very similar not so long ago. “I’m here because I need to talk to you.”

  She crosses her arms. “In case you don’t know, I’m the other half of the marriage treaty. I’m being forced to marry a Breckenridge.”

  “Kieran told me, and he says that you aren’t happy about it.”

  “Fuck no, I’m not happy. I’m mad as hell. Aren’t you?”

  “I was.”

  She looks bewildered by my answer. “How can you not still be pissed off?”

  “Our circumstances are different. I had no prospects for a husband from within my brotherhood. I never had the intention to marry a Fellowship man. Of course, I wasn’t happy about being
kidnapped and threatened and told who I was going to marry, but it turns out that I think Kieran and I are compatible.”

  “I’ve been raising hell for a week, but I don’t think I’m going to get out of marrying Jamie or Mitch.”

  I hope she doesn’t prefer Jamie over Mitch. “You won’t marry my brother. Jamie is already in love with someone. He will not give her up even for the good of the brotherhood.”

  “Then that leaves me with Mitch. I need to know everything about him. Good or bad, I want to hear it all. Because I’m losing my mind thinking about marrying a man whom I’ve never met.”

  Kieran says that Shaw has been irrational, but I see only a scared girl. “Mitch is kind and considerate and respectful. He’s slow to anger, but once he gets there, you better look out because he’s a beast. He may be the second-born son, but he is strong and loyal and dutiful to the brotherhood.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Just turned twenty-four.”

  “Is he hideous-looking? Please don’t lie or sugarcoat it.”

  I can’t control my laughter. “No. Mitch is a handsome man. Tall, muscular, fit. Dark hair. Deep brown eyes, but not nearly as dark as Kieran’s. Mitch’s are a rich shade of brown, like warm chocolate. All of the Fellowship women think he’s very good-looking. They’d all love to be claimed by him, but he’s never found one to interest him.”

  “He’s not gay?”

  “No. Mitch is definitely not gay.”

  “I don’t think I’d mind him being gay. At least then he wouldn’t want to have sex with me.” She frowns and shakes her head. “I just can’t imagine doing it for the first time, or any time, with a man I don’t know.”

  “It sounds crazy, and I don’t know how to explain it, but being intimate with Kieran doesn’t feel like being with a stranger.”

  “I don’t understand how that’s possible. He is a stranger. You’ve just met.”

  “We have this crazy, intense sexual chemistry. It’s out of this world. I guess it fuels the relationship.” I’m not sure what will happen between us after it plateaus.

  “Don’t be fooled by my brother. He can be sweet when he wants to be, but he’s an asshole when it comes to women.” She doesn’t know the half of it. “They fall all over him like he’s some kind of king, and he doesn’t care whose heart he breaks as long as he gets what he wants.”


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