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The Shadows of Blackbriar Academy

Page 14

by Olivia Ash

  Her gaze flits between my men and back to me.

  A pinch instantly forms in the center of my forehead, and I’m instantly happy the expression is hidden by my mask. I wonder what she wants to say that she has to pull me away to say it. “Sure.”

  She steps off to the side, moving a few paces over near an empty table. I know better than to refuse to follow her. As soon as we are out of earshot of my men, she faces me. Her eyes take in the details of my hair, mask, and then my dress.

  She seems to scrutinize every detail of my appearance, and I don’t like it one bit. It’s intrusive versus the complimentary way my men looked at me. Their gazes were at least appreciative of my appearance. Whereas, my aunt’s seems… demeaning. I wonder why she bought the dress if she doesn’t approve of how it looks? Then again, I may be looking at this all wrong. It’s difficult to read my aunt. Even Savannah couldn’t read her fully, but even she said she wasn’t sure what that meant.

  “You favor your mother. Did you know that?”

  Her question strikes me as odd. I don’t know whether to take that as a good or bad thing. Her voice seems emotionless… big surprise there. And with everything I’ve observed up to now, it’s hard to know her intentions. In any case, I decide to just take it as a fact she intended to share with me. “No, I didn’t know that.”

  “You have your father’s eyes, of course.”

  I give an awkward half-smile. She confuses me by her words not coinciding with her actions. But maybe this is her attempt at opening up to me? She did buy this gorgeous dress. I’m sure it costs ten times more than anything I’ve ever worn. “Thank you for the dress, Aunt Patricia.”

  She levels her brown eyes on me as the corners of her lips pull into a grin. “You are very welcome. I did not want you to miss out on something like this. Especially since you have missed out on so much in your life.”

  Wow. I do believe that smile is purely genuine. Huh… I hope this is a glimpse into that softer interior she keeps guarded so well, but with how little she shows of it, I can’t be sure.

  She’s an enigma, for sure.

  However, I feel in my gut there was more behind the gesture that she wanted to convey, but she doesn’t say anything else. Perhaps she didn’t feel like this was the place or time. Although I still feel a little awkward, I can at least give her credit for trying. Maybe that impenetrable wall is being chipped away, little by little. “I appreciate that.”

  She nods. “Think nothing of it. Enjoy yourself for the evening. You have earned it.”

  I smile. “I will.”

  “Go on, now.” She shoos me away with an elegant wave of her hand.

  I nod and turn around, heading back toward my men. All the while I’m making my way back to them, I consider the fact that perhaps I’ve been mistaken in assuming there was something wrong between us. We have two different personality types, there are going to be bumps in the road as we try to reconnect. I shouldn’t let that discourage me. The dress appears to be lavishly expensive. Her gift is a contradiction to the way she acts around me most of the time. Once or twice I’ve seen her let her guard down, and she did so again tonight, but they are outnumbered by the amount of times she seems less than loving toward me. When she hides behind her wall, I almost feel like she dislikes me with the way she responds to me.

  My aunt is guarded and distant. Her demeanor tonight further proved it, but it also gave me a deeper glimpse into who she is. She did something generous for me without question and without being asked. I saw a little more of that fracturing wall chip away.

  Milo was right, we just needed to give it a little more time.

  Jesse steps forward, distracting me from my thoughts with the way he moves toward me. I smile. He holds out his warm hand toward me. “Time to dance, my goddess.”

  I chuckle and take his arm.

  He leads me through the trees, into a small meadow-like scene, bordered by old farmhouse fencing sections. Haybales and scarecrows stand guard among more Jack-o-lanterns. The fog is less dense here, and more of my fellow students are coupled up, dancing away to a slower, more gothic-like tune. It’s eerie, beautiful, and magical all at the same time.

  Simply enchanting.

  Jesse spins me once in front of him, then settles his right hand on my left hip. He pulls me close, placing my right hand on his right shoulder as he presses his body against mine, making my magic zing. He smiles happily and I’m mesmerized.

  “Bout time I get a little bit of worshiping in, don’t ya think?” he winks.

  “Careful, my head may explode from over-inflation.”

  He shrugs. “Can’t have that now, can we?” His voice is deep, low, and makes my toes curl in the heels I’m wearing. Pressure builds between my legs and I bite the corner of my lower lip.

  “No. We can’t. The cleanup would be horrendous.”

  “Though your pretty bits would fit with the décor.”

  I smack him and laugh. My belly bounces against his hard abs and it’s a thought that brings delicious images to my mind. My fingers trail the valleys between his muscles as he rides me through climax over and over again.

  I shake my head to clear the image from my mind and bring me back to reality.

  He chuckles, and I get the distinct impression he knew exactly what I was thinking. He brings his mouth to my ear and furthers the dirty thoughts crossing my mind. “Imagine the things that are running through my mind right now.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?” I’m playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse right now, and I don’t care who sees.

  “I want to take you to your room, remove that dress with my teeth, and let my fingers roam over every inch of your body until you beg for me to stop.”


  My knees nearly give out on me because of the image that plays through my mind with his little prompt. Need pulls at my navel as pressure builds even more between my legs. A sigh whispers from my mouth of giving into what it would feel like to have my legs wrapped around him and my fingers tangled in his hair.

  “Look at that.” He pulls away to look at me then gets close again. “Let me warn you though…” he whispers in my ear again. “The real thing will blow all those images out of the water.”

  “You’re horrible,” I mutter, but there’s no conviction in the words. They barely come out as it is.

  He chuckles. “How about more sobering topics?”

  I nervously tap his shoulder with my fingers, in time with the music. “I think that would be best for now.”

  He shrugs. “Okay, well… I’ve learned some interesting things about shadow wolves.”

  “And?” My heart jumps a beat. This is what I need to know.

  “They are largely tribal in nature and shift into ethereal forms, leaving their physical bodies behind which are guarded by other trusted tribe members.”

  “Interesting. So, the ones we killed, do they die physically?”

  “In a way, yes.”

  “In what way?”

  “I haven’t learned that part, yet. But it’s not good from what I gather.”

  “I would imagine not.”

  “They’re the magical essence of their souls. They can take and give physical damage, as we’ve figured out already.”

  “The hard way.” My eyes blur out of focus as that fight quickly replays through my mind. I shake the images from my mind. I don’t want to let something like that memory tarnish the one I’m making tonight.

  “You know?” He dips me back and slowly pulls me back up. “I’d make a great shadow wolf.”

  I quirk an eyebrow, even though I’m not sure it can be seen with the mask on. “Why?”

  “Reasons.” He winks. “But that’s all I could find. Nothing on Jackson Cane. No one in my house has even heard of him.”

  I nod. “That’s okay, we’ll keep digging. I’m grateful for your efforts.”

  He chuckles. “You still don’t get it, do you?”

  I cock my head to the side and level my eyes
on his steely blue ones. “Get what?”

  He shakes his head. “Oh, you sexy vixen, you. You’ll certainly undo me in ways you’ll never understand.”

  I chuckle. “That sounds horrible.”

  “Quite the contrary. I’m looking forward to it.” A delightful glint flashes in his eyes.

  We share in a laugh as he spins me in circles along the dance floor. I feel light on my feet being pressed into him. My magic pulses through me in delicious ways. The sensation is so common that it feels strange when I don’t experience it, which happens only when my men aren’t around me.

  Before long, the song is over, and he walks me back toward our group.

  “She’s quite light on her feet.” Jesse takes his place next to Milo. “Well, what are you waiting for? I’ve warmed her up for you and everything.”

  I laugh. “It’s okay. We don’t have to dance if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to.” Milo snaps his head toward me.

  “Oh. Well,” I hold out my hand to him, “should we teach the others how it’s done?”

  He can’t take his eyes off me, and he hesitates before he takes my hand and tucks it into the crook of his arm. My magic chills me, causing goosebumps to raise over the surface of my exposed skin, and I delight in the feel of it all as we arrive on the dance floor.

  Milo is more gentlemanly than Jesse by a long shot. He keeps a solid two inches at least between us, and he gently rests his hand on my hip. He’s so formal and proper. I wonder if I’m not corrupting him—or maybe it’s Jesse and Soren corrupting me and that’s rubbing off on my interactions with Milo—by wanting to kiss him every time I see him. Of course, his eyes never leave some part of me. If they do, it’s a quick glance away, and his eyes are back on me.

  “You’re looking pretty dashing tonight. You clean up well.”

  He smiles, eyes never wavering from mine. “And words can’t compare to your beauty. They all seem too simple and fall short of what stands before me now.”

  Be still my heart.

  Milo just took my breath away.

  I smile and step in closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. “Never change, Milo.”

  I feel a peck on the side of my head as we sway from side-to-side, not really dancing, but that doesn’t bother me. I can feel the drumming of his heartbeats, and his chest rises and falls in fluid motion. I find solace and comfort in the feel of his arms around me.

  For the most part, we’re content to be like this. No talking. Just simply being.

  Before long, much to my dismay, our song is over. We slowly make our way back to the others. Gideon is there now. And it’s the first time he’s seen me tonight. He forces himself to look away with a quick turn of his head, but it’s not for very long. I can tell it’s difficult for him. He can’t compliment me. Not here, in front of everyone. I know when he has a chance to get me alone, he’s going to do far more than just say how beautiful I am.

  “Headmaster Storm.” I incline my head toward him and smile in greeting.

  He clears his throat. “Miss Blackwood.”

  “Good to see you.”

  He nods. “Always a pleasure. If you don’t mind, I must continue on my rounds.”

  He starts to walk away and winks. I giggle to myself. “Until next time.”

  I watch him walk off until he blends in with the moving shadowy forms of masquerade revelers, and I settle my gaze on Soren. His amber eyes focus on me, and light dances in them with all the things he wants to say but he refrains. He’s not open with his feelings. Especially in front of others. But I can see emotion in the way he looks at me. I smile reassuringly.

  He steps closer, and I angle my head to look him in the eyes. “Wanna dance too?”

  He leans forward, lowering his mouth to my ear. “I don’t dance.”

  I fake a pout. “Meanie.”

  “Put that lip away. I mean it.”

  “Or what?” I’m teasing him, goading him, daring him even.

  He growls as his hands rest on my hips and give a good squeeze. “Don’t make me spank you.”

  “Oh. Promise?” I giggle as he pulls away and shakes his head.

  “Dammit, woman.”

  “Suit yourself.” I shrug and take a stance next to him.

  He slips an arm along the small of my back, fingers pressing into my side, urging me closer to him. He leans in close, and says, “I’ve missed you.”

  I bite the corner of my lower lip as the words he said carries so much more meaning than he’s speaking. I meet his gaze as warmth pools between my legs and through my veins. I push down the delicious images in my mind and chuckle. “You’re the insatiable one.”

  “Stay with me tonight.” His voice makes me want to moan with the delightful tingles that rush through me. The desire hidden within them is toe-curling.

  I slip an arm around his waist. Meeting his gaze, I wink. “I’ll think about it.”

  But really, he should know it’s going to happen. I need the release, and I haven’t spent much time with him recently. He should be shown just how much I’ve missed him too.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Training with Soren this evening was… pleasantly delightful. I think of all the delicious ways he sent me into climax last night, and again tonight. If I could, I’d spend the entire day wrapped up in him, between his sheets.

  Sad to say, that’s not going to happen.

  I work a towel through my hair, breathing in the woodsy scent of the shampoo. Once I finish, I pull out a pair of pajamas.

  A knock raps at the door and I stare at it with my eyebrows knitted together. It’s unusual for someone to visit my room at this time of night, especially when most students are already in their beds and asleep.

  I put my money on Jesse, showing up at my door late at night is something I imagine him doing.

  Still, I approach the door and open it, wearing nothing but a towel to cover my body.

  I look wide eyed at Milo as he takes in my towel-wrapped form, and I think I’m pushing him to implode. He seems to recover slightly, standing a bit taller and adding an air of confidence in his posture. His lips quirk at the corners and his eyes once again take in my mostly naked body.

  His darkened eyes reach mine as I smile knowingly at him.

  “Hey, Milo.”

  “I think I’ve found something.”

  I open the door wider and gesture for him to come in. He steps inside and immediately goes to my desk. I close the door and head over as well, wondering what’s so important that he needs to see me at this late hour.

  Though, if I’m being totally honest, I don’t mind one bit. I barely get to see him, and this is Milo. My sexy nerd.

  He places a sheet of thin, black cloth on the surface of my desk and pulls out the note we found at the facility in Arizona. It’s the one that still pisses me off to this day, but I know we will find my father and bring him to safety. I hold onto that hope, especially during times when it seems like I will never see him again.

  Milo uses a piece of white chalk to draw a transmutation circle onto the cloth. As he fills in spaces with various runes, I realize that this particular transmutation circle is intended for the revelation of something. The ansuz rune, which looks like a crooked “F” is prominent throughout the circle. It invokes insight and truth. I also catch a glimpse of kenaz, which looks like a simple arrow pointing to the left, and that one draws on the power of revealing things.

  From there, he lays the letter in the center. Instantly, the runes spark and bleed into the cloth, changing it from its original ink-black color to a milky, greyish color. The note gleams with magic and pops out in a 3-D fashion.

  I lean in close, drawn in by the magic happening.

  “Do you remember when we learned in rune class that they can be used to decode and to unlock things?” Milo’s voice reaches my ears, and I vaguely feel myself nod.

  “It took me a little longer than I thought it would, but I was messing around with a project of mi
ne and stumbled across this. Your father left you a clue in the letter he sent you before as well. Anyway, I believe the same principle applies here.”

  “You did all this?” I’m in awe at just how smart and resourceful Milo is. It really shouldn’t surprise me. Yet, he manages to keep doing it.

  He nods. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” I wrap my arms around him. “Thanks so much.”

  He pulls away and points to the display of magic. “Watch.”

  The letters scramble and spread. Some disappear while others appear until a new message appears.

  I gasp.

  “How did he do this?” I look at Milo.

  He runs a hand through his hair as he shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  I watch as the message becomes clearer and the glow of magic disappears.

  I pick up the letter, holding it in my hand as the words barely register.

  Little Bird, I have no time to explain. Order is after me. I have to stay ahead of them. If they catch me, they will discover my link to the meteorite and to you. Stay safe. I will come to you when I can. I love and miss you dearly.

  “This doesn’t make sense. I feel like there should be more, but there’s not. If my father had time to leave this, did he plan his escape?” I tap my finger on my lip. “One thing is for sure… the Order is behind everything.” I hand the letter over to Milo.

  He takes it and his eyes rapidly shift over the words. He nods and huffs out a contemplative sigh. “What do you think is really going on?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I do think it’s going to be a late night.

  “Going to tell the others?” His words follow me as I move to the bed and grab my clothes and rush into the bathroom.

  Before I close the door, I say, “Yup.”

  I toss the towel to the floor and quickly slip on the clothes and exit the bathroom as fast as I can. I walk up to him and press my mouth to his. “Thank you. For everything.”

  He clears his throat and shoves his glasses up his nose. “Anything for you.”

  “Let’s go.” I wait for him to gather the letter and cloth and then we head out the door.


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