Icarus Was Ridiculous

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Icarus Was Ridiculous Page 5

by Pamela Butchart

  Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, Elcograf S.p.A.

  Papers used by Nosy Crow are made from wood grown in sustainable forests.

  ISBN: 978 1 78800 120 5

  eISBN: 978 1 78800 121 2


  For once in my life I wish my mum would understand just how DANGEROUS it is at my school and not say things to me like, “Stop telling tales” or “Don’t EXAGGERATE, Izzy” or “Are you SURE the police AND the fire brigade had to come?”

  Zach (that’s my friend) says that our school is a

  and I think he’s right because that’s EXACTLY what the fireman said when Gary Petrie got stuck inside the recycling bins again.

  And one time after the whole DEMON DINNER LADIES thing, our friend Maisie actually filled in an application to transfer to another school and we had to stop her from posting it because we wanted her to stay with us and also because Jodi says there is STRENGTH IN NUMBERS (which means it’s better to have four of us and not three of us when all the weird stuff starts happening and we have to save the whole school).

  But one of the WORST things that’s ever happened to us was when it started snowing and it wouldn’t stop.

  Zach says that we should have DEFINITELY STAYED INDOORS when we heard the

  in the playground. And he was right because if we had then Maisie probably wouldn’t have been swept away by the TORNADO.

  And even though all the teachers kept telling us that everything was COMPLETELY FINE we all knew that it was COMPLETELY NOT FINE. And in fact that it was probably the most COMPLETELY OPPOSITE OF FINE that you can get because we knew that there was a BEAST on the way to our school.

  And we had NO IDEA how to stop it!

  Loads of stuff stresses my mum out. Like when she’s making tea and I need to be in the kitchen looking for my swimming goggles. Or when Gran says, “When was the last time you dusted in here?” Or when my dad uses the toilet for almost an hour when Mum has guests coming.

  But the thing that stresses my mum out the MOST is when it starts snowing. And last week as soon as she saw a TINY SPECK of snow she started

  and trying to phone the school and she kept pacing up and down the hall saying, “Come on. Answer. Answer. ANSWER!” And I had to shout that I was TRYING TO SLEEP ACTUALLY because it was 7.23am and I do not have to get up until 7.30am.

  And that’s when someone started BANGING on our front door and Mum shouted, “Izzy! You’ll have to get that. I’m on the phone!”

  So I got up and I was sure that it must be some sort of

  because I didn’t know who would be banging on the door as loud or as MUCH as that at 7.23am except for a police officer or a fire fighter or maybe the Queen. But when I opened the door I saw that it wasn’t any of those people because it was Zach’s mum who lives in the flat below us.

  At first I thought there was maybe something wrong with Zach or his cat or something because Zach’s mum looked PANICKED.

  But then she said, “Do we know yet? DO WE KNOW?!”




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