Victory,” 244, 253; “A Mule in the
Boat,” 302; “May Day,” 301, 306; “Myra
Yard,” 245; “Pantaloon in Black,” 244,
Meets His Family,” 300; “The Night
246, 251; Pylon, 246; “Red Leaves,” 244,
Before Chancellorsville,” 308; “O Russet
251; Requiem for a Nun, 254; “A Rose for
Witch!,” 307; “The Offshore Pirate,”
Emily,” 220, 244–45, 252, 254, 288,
300–01, 312; “On an Ocean Wave,” 313;
312; Sanctuary, 245–46; Sartoris, 246;
“The Popular Girl,” 296, 313;
Soldier’s Pay, 246; The Sound and the Fury,
“Presumption,” 302, 313; “Rags Martin-
245–46, 248–50, 254; “That Evening
Jones and the Pr-nce of W-les,” 301; “The
Sun,” 220, 244, 248–51, 253–54; “That
Rich Boy,” 220, 307–08, 313; “The
Will Be Fine,” 249–50; These 13,
Rubber Check,” 302; “The Sensible
Fitzgerald, Scott F. ( cont’d)
Garcia, Christina: 422
Thing,” 303, 311; “Shaggy’s Morning,”
Garland, Hamlin: 17–18, 136, 138;
308–09; “The Swimmers,” 311; Tales of
Crumbling Idols, 168; Main-Traveled Roads,
the Jazz Age, 295; Taps at Reveille, 296;
199; “Under the Lion’s Paw,” 199
Tender is the Night, 296, 303, 312; “The
Garrison, William Lloyd: 191
Third Casket,” 309; This Side of Paradise,
Gates, Jr., Henry Louis: 73, 325
299, 305, 309; “Three Acts in Music,”
Gellhorn, Martha: 239
309; “The Unspeakable Egg,” 301;
ghost stories (see supernatural fi ction)
“Winter Dreams,” 220, 298, 305–06,
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: 17–18, 105–16,
125, 205–07, 418; “An Honest Woman,”
Fitzgerald, Zelda: 239, 299, 303
111–12, 114; “Dr. Claire’s Place,”
Flaubert, Gustave: 171, 177, 297; “A
113–14; Herald, 193; The Home, Its Work
Simple Heart,” 36
and Infl uence, 193; The Man-Made World;
Flint, Timothy: 14
or, Our Androcentric Culture, 193; “Mrs.
Ford, Ford Madox: 219, 227, 239; Women
Beazley’s Deeds,” 112–14; “Why I Wrote
and Men, 230
‘The Yellow Wallpaper’,” 206; Women
Foucault, Michel: 95–96, 102
and Economics, 155, 193; “The Yellow
Franklin, Benjamin: 79; bagatelles, 3; “The
Wallpaper,” 13, 18, 105, 107–11,
Ephemerae,” 78; “The Speech of Miss
114–16, 206
Polly Baker,” 3; “The Witch Trial at
Glasgow, Ellen: 18, 304, 408, 418; “Dare’s
Mount Holly,” 79
Gift,” 421; “The Past,” 421; “The
Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins: 14, 17, 68, 91,
Shadowy Third,” 421; The Shadowy Third,
106–07, 121, 391–92, 408, 418;
and Other Stories, 304; “Whispering
“Bouncing Bet,” 101; “Brakes and White
Leaves,” 421
Vi’lets,” 101; “Christmas Jenny,” 92,
Glaspell, Susan: “A Jury of Her Peers,”
401–05; “The Elm Tree,” 101; “A
Gatherer of Simples,” 101; A Humble
Glasser, Leah B.: 391–407
Romance and Other Stories, 92; “The Lost
Godey’s Lady’s Book: 26, 189–90
Ghost,” 419; “A Mistaken Charity,”
Goldstein, Rebecca: “The Legacy of Raizel
100–01; “A New England Nun,” 92;
Kaidish,” 459
“Old Woman Magoun,” 92, 101,
Goodrich, Samuel: 52–53
418–19; “A Poetess,” 92, 101; “The
Gothicism: 8, 16, 22–32, 46–47, 50–51,
Revolt of Mother,” 106; “Sister Liddy,”
58, 118, 130, 410, 412–14
92, 100; “A Wayfaring Couple,” 92;
Goyen, William: 256
“The Wind in the Rose-Bush,” 419
Grafton, Sue: 432; “The Parker Shotgun,”
Freud, Sigmund: 172, 181, 333
Freytag, Gustav: 299, 301–03; Technique of
Grand, Sarah: 106
the Drama, 298
Gresset, Jean-Baptiste-Louis: La Chartreuse,
Frost, Robert: “Home Burial,” 48–49
29; Ververt, 29; Vigiliae Mortuorum
Fugitive Slave Law: 191
secundum Chorum Ecclesiae Maguntinae, 29
Furer, Andrew J.: 187–214
Griffi n, Peter: 239
Furman, Andrew: 450–65
Grossinger, Harvey: “The Quarry,” 460
Gaines, Ernest: Bloodline, 221; “The Sky is
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler: “My First
Gray,” 221
and Last Speech in the General Court,”
Gamio, Manuel: Forjando Patria, 258; La
80; Traits of American Humor by Native
Poblacion del Valle de Teotihuacán, 258
Authors, 80
Hall, James: 14, 79, 120
of the Province-House,” 61; Liberty Tree,
Hammett, Dashiell: 425; The Big Knockover,
53; Life of Franklin Pierce, 55; “Little
304; The Maltese Falcon, 304; Red Harvest,
Annie’s Rambles,” 9, 52; The Marble
Faun, 55; “The May-Pole of Merry
Hardy, Thomas: 175; The Trumpet Player, 84
Mount,” 56, 81; “The Minister’s Black
Harlem Renaissance: 316, 471
Veil,” 9, 53, 55, 63–64; Mosses from an
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins: 70, 221;
Old Manse, 54, 62; “Mr. Higginbotham’s
The Slave Mother: A Tale of Ohio, 70, 245
Catastrophe,” 83; “My Kinsman, Major
Harper’s Magazine, 13, 187, 202, 266, 410
Molineaux,” 9, 52, 55, 57–58, 60; “The
Harris, George Washington: 14, 83; “Blown
New Adam and Eve,” 9, 54, 65; “Old
up with Soda,” 84; “Rare Ripe Garden
Esther Dudley,” 415; Our Old Home, 55,
Seed,” 84; “Sicily Burns’s Wedding,” 84;
62; “P’s Correspondence,” 64; “Passages
Sut Lovingood’s Yarns Spun by a “Nat’ral
from a Relinquished Work,” 64; Peter
Born Durn’s Fool, ” 14, 83–84
Parley’s Universal History, on the Basis of
Harris, Joel Chandler: 17; Uncle Remus: His
Geography, 52 ; “The Philosophy of
Songs and Sayings, 70
Composition,” 120; “The Prophetic
Harte, Bret: 15, 17
Pictures,” 64; Provincial Tales, 8, 52, 55,
Hassam, Childe: 393, 397
57, 61; “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” 9, 54,
Hathorne, Daniel: 50
66; “A Rill from the Town-Pump,” 9, 52;
Hathorne, Elizabeth: 52
“Roger Malvin’s Burial,” 9, 52, 55–56,
Hathorne, John: 50
60–61; The Scarlet Letter, 9, 46, 54, 61,
Havazelet, Ehud: 458
63, 92, 149, 414; Seven Tales of My Native
Hawthorne, Julian: 54
Land, 51; “The Seven Vagabonds,” 64;
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: 8–11, 26, 36, 39,
“Sights from a Steeple,” 9, 52; The Snow
; 50–66, 68, 83, 88, 297, 397, 408;
Image, and Other Twice-told Tales, ” 54; The
“Allegories of the Heart,” 9, 54; “The
Story-Teller, 8, 52, 55, 62–64; Tales and
Ambitious Guest,” 63; “The Artist of the
Sketches, 63; Tanglewood Tales, 10, 54, 66;
Beautiful,” 9, 54, 65; Biographical Stories
“The Threefold Destiny,” 63; True Stories
for Children, 53; “The Birth-mark,” 9, 54,
from History and Biography, 53; Twice-Told
65–66; The Blithedale Romance, 54, 193;
Tales, 52–54, 60, 62, 120; “The Wedding
“The Celestial Rail-road,” 9, 66, 83; “The
Knell,” 63; The Whole History of
Custom House,” 54; “The Devil in
Grandfather’s Chair, 10, 53, 55, 61;
Manuscript,” 64; “Dr. Heidegger’s
“Wakefi eld,” 63; “The White Old Maid,”
Experiment,” 65; “Drowne’s Wooden
415; A Wonder-Book for Boys and Girls, 10,
Image,” 64; “Earth’s Holocaust,” 9, 54,
54, 66; “Young Goodman Brown,” 9, 52,
65; “Endicott and the Red Cross,” 56;
55, 57–60, 88, 415
“Ethan Brand,” 63; Famous Old People, 53;
Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody: 60, 62
Fanshawe, 51; “Feathertop,” 55, 83;
Hawthorne, Una: 54
“Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary
Hedges, Elaine: 105
Man,” 64; “The Gentle Boy,” 9, 53,
Hemingway, Ernest: 5, 140–41, 219–20,
55–56, 60–61; The Gentle Boy; a Thrice-
224–41, 278, 296–97, 299, 304–05,
Told Tale, 60; “The Gold Touch,” 10;
309–12, 328–30, 334–35, 432, 454;
Grandfather’s Chair, 53; 55–56; “Graves
Across the River and Into the Trees, 238;
and Goblins,” 415; “The Gray
“After the Storm,” 234, 240; “An African
Champion,” 56, 415; “The Great
Story,” 238; “The Art of the Short Story,”
Carbuncle,” 63; “The Hall of Fantasy,”
238; “The Ash Heel’s Tendon,” 239;
64; The House of Seven Gables, 54; “Legends
“The Battler,” 228, 232; “Big,
Hemingway, Ernest ( cont’d)
“Mr. and Mrs. Elliot,” 229, 312; “My
Two-Hearted River,” 229–30, 311;
Old Man,” 225, 229; “A Natural History
“Black Ass at the Cross Roads,” 239;
of the Dead,” 234; The Nick Adams Stories,
“The Butterfl y and the Tank,” 238; “A
225, 230, 238; “Night Before Battle,”
Canary for One,” 234; “The Capital of
238 ; “Nobody Ever Dies!,” 238; “Now I
the World,” 225, 237; “Cat in the Rain,”
Lay Me,” 232; “Old Man and the
229, 232; “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,”
Bridge,” 225, 237; The Old Man and the
220, 235–36, 241; The Complete Short
Sea, 231, 238; “On the Quai at Smyrna,”
Stories of Ernest Hemingway, 238;
228; “One Reader Writes,” 234, 240;
“Crossroads,” 239; “A Day’s Wait,” 234,
“One Trip Across,” 231, 233, 238; “Out
240; Death in the Afternoon, 120, 146,
of Season,” 225–27, 229, 232; “The
233–34, 239; “The Denunciation,” 238;
Porter,” 239; “The Revolutionist,” 228,
“The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife,”
229; “The Sea Change,” 235, 240;
220, 228, 234; “The End of Something,”
“Shakespeare and Company,” 239; “The
228–29; “The Faithful Bull,” 238; A
Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,”
Farewell to Arms, 143, 225, 228, 233–34,
220, 225, 236–37, 241, 303; “A Simple
296; “Fathers and Sons,” 234; The Fifth
Inquiry,” 240; “The Snows of
Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories,
Kilimanjaro,” 220, 225, 236–37, 241,
225, 237, 241; The Fifth Column and Four
303; “Soldier’s Home,” 220, 229, 241;
Stories of the Spanish Civil War, 225, 238;
“The Strange Country,” 239; “Summer
For Whom the Bell Tolls, 238, 296; “Fifty
People,” 230, 238; The Sun Also Rises,
Grand,” 231, 240–41; “The Gambler, the
225, 230–31, 233, 239; “Ten Indians,”
Nun, and the Radio,” 240; The Garden of
220, 232; “The Three Day Blow,” 229,
Eden, 238; “Get a Seeing-Eyed Dog,”
240; Three Stories and Ten Poems, 225,
238; “Give Us a Prescription, Doctor,”
229; To Have and Have Not, 231, 233,
235; “God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen,”
239; “Today is Friday,” 231; Torrents of
234; “A Good Café on the Place St.-
Spring, 230; “The Tradesman’s Return,”
Michel,” 239–40; “The Good Lion,” 238;
231, 233, 238–39; “A Train Trip,” 239;
“Great News from the Mainland,” 239;
True at First Light, 238; “Two Titles of
Green Hills of Africa, 227, 236; “Hills
Darkness,” 238; “The Undefeated,” 230,
Like White Elephants,” 220, 232–33,
240–41; “Under the Ridge,” 238; “‘ Une
235, 240–41, 303; “Homage to
Génération Perdue’,” 239; “Up in
Switzerland,” 234; “I Guess Everything
Michigan,” 220, 225–26, 228–29, 237;
Reminds You of Something,” 239; “In
“A Very Short Story,” 229; “A Way
Another Country,” 220, 232, 241; In Our
You’ll Never Be,” 220, 234, 241; “Wine
Time, 225, 227–31, 237, 239–40, 245,
of Wyoming,” 234, 240; Winner Take
296–97, 309; “Indian Camp,” 220, 228,
Nothing, 225, 233–34, 237, 310
232, 234, 241, 305; Islands in the Stream,
Henry, O. [William Sydney Porter]: 241,
234, 238; “The Killers,” 232, 240–41,
304; “The Gift of the Magi,” 217; “The
303; “Landscape with Figures,” 239; “The
Ransom of Red Chief,” 217
Last Good Country,” 230, 238; “The
Herr, Michael: 146
Light of the World,” 233–34, 241; “A
Herrmann, John: 265
Man of the World,” 238; Men without
Hillerman, Tony: 432
Women, 225, 231–32, 237; “The
Himes, Chester: 471–72
Mercenaries,” 239, “Miss Stein Instructs,”
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: A Mortal
239; “The Mother of a Queen,” 234, 240;
Antipathy, 96
A Moveable Feast, 225, 239–40, 303;
Holocaust: 455–56, 458–60, 477
Homer: The Odyssey, 96, 380
the Screw,” 120, 417; The Wings of the
Hooper, Johnson Jones: 14, 84; “Hoss
Dove, 417
Allen, of Missouri,” 80; Some Adventures of
Jarrell, Randall: 48–49
Captain Simon Suggs, 14; “The Widow
Jen, Gish: 222, 437, 447, 475; “Bellying
Rugby’s Husband,” 80
Up,” 447; “Eating Crazy,” 447; “House,
Howe, E. W.: 17
se, Home,” 447; “In the American
Howells, William Dean: 15, 68, 89, 125,
Society,” 447, 475; Mona in the Promised
138, 163, 176–77, 310, 329, 451;
Land, 447; “The Small Concerns of
“Editha,” 15; The Great Modern American
Sparrows,” 447; Typical American, 447;
Short Stories: An Anthology, 125
“The Water Faucet Vision,” 447; “Who’s
Hughes, Langston: “Possum, Race, and
Irish,” 222, 447, 475
Face,” 221; “Simple” stories, 221; “Slave
Jewett, Sarah Orne: 14, 17, 68, 91, 96, 121,
on the Block,” 221
130, 391–92, 396–402, 404–05, 418,
Humphrey, William: 256
482, 486; An Autumn Holiday,” 97,
Hurston, Zora Neale: “The Conscience of
100; Country By-Ways, 92, 102; A
the Court,” 221; “The Gilded Bits,” 471;
Country Doctor, 96–97; The Country of
“Spunk,” 471; “Sweat,” 221; “Under the
Pointed Firs, 25, 92, 97–100, 398–400,
Bridge,” 221
402–03, 486; “The Courting of Sister
Hutchinson, Anne: 56
Wisby,” 92, 97–98, 100; Deephaven, 92,
398; “The Flight of Betsey Lane,” 92;
Ibsen, Henrik: 168
“The Foreigner,” 92; “Martha’s Lady,” 92;
Imagism: 219
“Miss Debby’s Neighbors,” 99; “Miss
Impressionism (literary): 144, 282
Tempy’s Watchers,” 92; A New England
Irving, Washington: 3–9, 36, 51, 58, 68,
Nun and Other Stories, 401; “An October
78–81, 88, 136, 408, 410, 412–14,
Ride,” 102; Old Friends and New, 92;
483–84; “The Adventure of the German
“The Only Rose,” 92; “River Driftwood,”
Student,” 7, 412–14; The Alhambra, 7;
102–03; “A White Heron,” 92, 98,
The Devil and Tom Walker,” 7; “Guests
102–03, 396–97, 399–401; A White
from Gibbet Island,” 412; “The Legend
Heron and Other Stories, 92, 398; “A
of Sleepy Hollow,” 3–7, 88, 412–13; The
Winter Drive,” 102
Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, 7;
Jin, Ha: 437, 475
The Life of George Washington, 7; “Rip Van
Josephson, Matthew: 265
Winkle,” 3–7, 9, 58; Salmagundi, 7; The
Joyce, James: 225, 282, 296, 304–05, 310,
Sketch Book, 4, 7, 51, 136, 483–84; “The
334–35, 488, 491, 493; “Araby,” 304,
Spectre Bridegroom,” 412–13; Tales of a
493; “The Dead,” 278, 298, 305, 310,
Traveller, 7, 25, 51; “The Wife,” 7
488; Dubliners, 245, 278, 304, 491, 493;
Finnegan’s Wake, 265; Ulysses, 336
Jacobs, Harriet: 73–74, 191
A Companion to the American Short Story Page 110