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Broken Page 16

by Ivy Logan

  Michael started laughing. “Those two boys are my children, my beloved children and my oldest friends. I don’t know about the third man. Where are they? Let’s find them and get them here,” said Michael, explaining to Luigi all about his relationship with the children of Jaesdan.


  There were plenty of tears and laughter at the reunion with between Michael and his children. The men, they could no longer be called boys, had almost given up and were headed home. A frantic Nabia had sent them to search for Michael. They had returned to Aberevon despite the dangers, but fortunately, news of his supposed death was secret and so they had kept looking. They found someone else looking for Talia or anyone from her family.

  It was time to confront the stranger. Michael looked at the tall man standing in front of him. He was almost the same height, if not taller. But it was his eyes that drew Michael’s attention. They were filled with pain and sorrow, the exact kind that had dwelt in Michael’s own eyes when Caitlin and Joshua went missing. Before he could say a word, the man spoke.

  “She really wanted us to meet. She thought we would get along. She thought you were dead. King Damien told her he killed you,” he said.

  “You are taking about my Talia,” said Michael, hope springing in his eyes. “Who are you to her?”

  “I am Aiden, Talia’s husband and your son-in-law. I need your help, but first I have some good news for you. Your son…” said Aiden, “Joshua is alive.”

  “I know,” said Michael sorrowfully. “I have seen him. He is Joshua but he is not exactly Joshua, is he? He is a dragon.”

  “No, that’s what I am trying to tell you. He is Joshua, the child you lost, the exact same child. He is with my sister and my daughter, your granddaughter, right now. He is safe. Damien is no more. Joshua, as the dragon, killed him.”

  Michael gave Aiden an incredulous look but only saw sincerity in the young man’s expression. When he’d seen the massive dragon straining against his chains and groaning and hissing, he never imagined he would see his son again. Now this stranger was telling him that his daughter had a husband, she was a mother, and his Joshua was alive. Could it all be true? If it were true, why was the young man here? Why did he look so despondent? Something was dreadfully wrong. “Why haven’t you mentioned news of Talia?”

  Aiden finally looked helplessly, first at Luigi, who shrugged his shoulders, and then at Adil. It was Adil who finally spoke. “Talia is gone, Baba. The spirits came for the dragon but she asked for Joshua back instead. She offered her own life for his. She wanted him to have a childhood. They agreed.”

  Michael’s shoulders slumped. His brave girl. Would happiness never be hers? Aiden spoke up quietly. “The thing is, ever since she has been gone, I have been having dreams of her. She is trapped somewhere and can’t escape. I have been looking for her everywhere but I do not know the first thing about her mother’s world.”

  Beni added solemnly, “Baba, we should go to Jaesdan. Nabia should have news for us. Before she sent me searching for you, she said she was going to call upon Caitlin’s sister for help. She said you might know who I was talking about ”

  “Ava.” Michael breathed the name aloud.

  “You know her?” Beni and Adil said in unison.

  “I do,” said Michael.

  “Let’s leave at once,” said Michael and Aiden together. Each recognized the fervour that burned in the eyes of the other, their mutual love for Talia, which cut across time and their separate lives, binding them together. They would do anything to get her back.


  Help is a luminous thing, especially if it is unexpected.

  Similarly, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. Actions can be regretted at leisure, but at a particular moment in time, we do our best with what we know and understand.



  Nabia was initially startled with Ava’s resemblance to Caitlin, but she soon got over her surprise. As Ava formed a picture of what transpired after Caitlin disappeared, she grew increasingly dismayed. The disjointed pieces of information pouring out from the young woman told her that a great adversity had befallen Caitlin’s family in Aberevon.

  Caitlin was a newborn when she had hidden the truth from Siobhan, confused and frightened. But why had she, Ava, kept silent? At that time, she believed Caitlin would lose her only chance at finding real love if Siobhan knew what the prophecy was about. But could Ava now live with the consequences of her silence? In fear, Caitlin had fled from the man she loved, and now her family lay in tatters.

  There was something else terrifying Ava. According to Nabia, things had started to go drastically wrong in Aberevon. Damien would be king by now. Was it a mere coincidence that tragedy had struck in Aberevon, or did the child she rescued so many years ago have something to do with all of this?

  As Ava was deep in thought, she failed to see the group of men by the door. Michael and Aiden’s eyes were fixed on the woman wearing a simple white tunic with flowing embroidered sleeves and a vertical slit laced at the bodice and a simple patterned cape pinned to her shoulders.

  Aiden was staring at the voluminous blue curls tumbling down her shoulders. They reminded him of Talia.

  Michael was transfixed because, for a moment, he believed Caitlin had returned. Then he met Nabia’s gaze. She silently shook her head, a mixture of pity and understanding illuminating her expression. “Ava,” said Michael. She turned towards him. He had to look away and compose himself. If it weren’t for her hazel eyes, she was a dead ringer for his wife. How was he going to be able to talk to her? But for Talia’s sake, he would have to get over the shock that rocked through his system every time he looked at her face.

  After they told Ava what had happened, the sorceress was desolate. Things were much worse then she had imagined and it was all her fault. Caitlin and Joshua tortured. The boy killed. Caitlin taken. Talia gone.

  “I should have never brought Damien here,” she said, her tone conveying the deep remorse she felt.

  “How could you have known?” Michael consoled her, for he knew how much Caitlin had loved Ava. He felt a comfortable vibe of familiarity in her presence. “You were only trying to save a child. Caitlin and I were also at fault. We knew there was a prophecy hanging over our heads yet we stayed together instead of walking away. Caitlin and I knew that the consequences of us coming together might not be good; still we couldn’t stay away from each other. Talia is facing the consequences of our selfishness. One could say that our love is the cause of all these problems. So, similarly, are you responsible for your action that was in complete good faith?” he asked her. “We don’t want to blame anyone. We only want Talia back. Can you help us? I will do anything to get her back. The Wraith took my wife. They have to return my daughter. They can’t have her too.”

  Michael had absolved her of her actions, but Ava was still devastated and guilt-ridden. Her silence had cost a family their lives and their togetherness. She knew it was time to talk to Siobhan.

  She told the others she would return to Jaesden soon.


  Siobhan’s reaction was unexpected. She took the news of Ava’s dishonesty with a quiet calm. There was neither a display of rage nor hurt.

  “Why are you not upset? You don’t even seem surprised,” said Ava, not able to reconcile herself with Siobhan’s muted response. “Taking Damien to Aberevon was my decision, so everything he did to them, the kidnapping, the imprisonment, the torture and their deaths—”

  “You talk of events that have already happened, matters that cannot be changed. Did you save Damien because you knew of the wickedness he was capable of, or because he was an innocent child?” Siobhan said.

  “The latter, of course,” said a shocked Ava. “He was just a little boy. I never imagined he would ever be capable of so much hate. I am sorry I hid the truth from you.”

  “I know you would never conceal anything unless you had a good reason. I know of no one wiser than you
,” said Siobhan. “Being a queen does not mean just getting my way all the time or chastising those who have gone wrong. It also involves faith and belief. Besides, you have always been an embodiment of benevolence and magnanimity.” Taking Ava’s hand in her own, Siobhan said, “If I don’t trust you, whom do I trust? In the end, it all boils down to this: did I have faith in your judgement or not? You were right. If I had known about the prophecy, I would have had to act upon the information. Didn’t Caitlin deserve one chance at happiness? She couldn’t have known the consequences of her actions.”

  “I deserve to be punished and to be banished to the great beyond like Caitlin,” said Ava, her voice radiating her deep regret.

  “Who will help Michael get his daughter back?” asked Siobhan. “You have a father and a husband desperately looking for someone they love, do you not? Do you want to help them?

  “More than anything in this world.”

  “Then let me show you how,” Siobhan continued. “First, stop blaming yourself, for we can either look to place blame, or we can try to get Talia back,” said Siobhan firmly. Then, in a softer voice, she added, “I think you need to forgive yourself and focus on the present. There is something that can be tried, but neither you nor I can enter the Ether World where Talia is.”

  “Why not?” asked a distraught Ava.

  “We are connected to the Wraith, as they are our ancestors. That is the reason they prophesied Caitlin’s downfall. They had a connection with her as they do with all of us. If they sense your presence, it will be too late and Talia will not be able to escape.” Seeing Ava still adamant about going herself, Siobhan added, “Are you willing to risk Talia’s one chance at freedom and being reunited with her family only so that you can feel good about yourself?”

  “Of course not,” said Ava vehemently. “But if not me, then who? Who will be willing to take such a chance? To face the Wraith?”

  “Talia cannot escape alone. Someone needs to lead her out of there; and it can only be a human. In the unknown, a human can enter undetected. They never do because they do not know the way. This time, Talia’s champions will have you to guide them. The spirits will not perceive them immediately. That small gap may be enough for Talia to make her escape.”

  “Sounds like it may work,” said Ava.

  “Wait. Don’t be so quick to celebrate. This endeavour is very risky and there is a great chance of failure. The catch lies in form of the many traps in the unknown to prevent those who have gone into it from trying to leave. I do not know much about that place but it would suffice to say that if a person got lost in the Ether World, they may not find their way back,” warned Siobhan.


  I had given up hope, but I misjudged Aiden’s love, straight and focussed as an arrow, and my father’s persistence, underlying and the kind to find me even in another world.



  “I’ve spoken to Siobhan, our queen,” said Ava to the attentive bunch of Talia’s well-wishers after returning to Jaesdan. “Talia is in the Ether World with other sorceresses but she does not belong there. Except for Caitlin, the others went there of their own free will and have moved on,” she said. Looking at Aiden, Ava continued. “Her love for you binds her so strongly to this life that she is unable to move on. She is stuck between this world and the next. Her longing for you intensifies her suffering. If she would let go, her suffering would end.”

  “No,” said Michael and Aiden in unison.

  “We have to get her back,” said Aiden.

  “Are you sure?” Ava asked. “This has never been done before. We are not sure it will even work. This whole gambit is fraught with risks.”

  “I have to take a chance. I have nothing to lose. Talia is the only reason I have been holding on for so long,” said Michael.

  “I am her husband. Shouldn’t it be me who goes for her?” asked Aiden.

  “And what of Katie and Joshua? Don’t you think they deserve the love of two people who would do anything for them?” said Michael. “Being brave and being foolhardy are two different things, as Talia’s mother always told her. I don’t doubt your love for my daughter, but it has more value if you are here for her when she returns,” said Michael. “I am her father; I am going and nobody can make me change my mind.”

  “I don’t want to change your mind,” added Luigi, “but I need to go with you.” Before Michael could protest, he added, “I have nothing left here.” Seeing Michael was about to insist that he stay back, Luigi silenced him. “I made a promise to my brother to try to unite your family and to protect all of you. I haven’t done a great job so far.”

  “You have already done so much for our family,” said Michael.

  “Yes, I have,” said Luigi bitterly, deliberately misunderstanding Michael’s words of praise. “I lead Garcia to your wife and son. I watched him bind them and shove them around. I stayed quiet while they were imprisoned and tortured. I lied to my brother and used him to get information on your daughter. I lead King Damien to Talia and you. Yes, you are right, I have done enough. Yet you found it in your heart to forgive me and treat me like a brother. Let me go with you to get our girl. We have been in this to protect her from the beginning. Let me accompany you and finally find absolution. I am begging you as a friend and brother,” said Luigi.

  Once it was decided that Michael and Luigi would travel to the Ether World, Michael took his Jaesdan friends aside. “I must say my goodbyes now in case I don’t make it back.”

  “Don’t say that, Baba,” pleaded Beni.

  “You will find Talia and then return to us. No harm will befall you,” Adil tried to reassure Michael.

  “That is not his plan,” said Nabia suddenly, comprehension dawning on her face.

  “What do you mean?” asked Adil, bewilderment creeping in to his voice. “Are you calling Michael a liar?”

  “Baba thinks we don’t need him anymore. He also believes that when Talia returns, having Aiden, Joshua and Katie in her life will be more than enough for her. He is going to save Talia. But…” Nabia trailed off.

  “But, after that?” asked a curious Luigi. He was beginning to see what Nabia was trying to tell them. He hoped the girl would confirm the truth that he was beginning to suspect too.

  “Baba is also going to look for Caitlin. Since she can never return, he plans to stay back too,” said Nabia her voice sorrowful.

  Everyone exclaimed in shock and turned to look at Michael. He met their gaze unerringly. There was no deceit in his eyes. He wasn’t about to do anything wrong, so he didn’t turn away but met the questions in their eyes head on. Nabia’s incredible ability to get to the heart of the matter amazed him. Now all he had to do was see if his plan would work. Luigi was more than capable of getting Talia back safely.

  “Look after them,” were Michael’s last words to Aiden.

  Ava was the only one who hung back. She knew she had no right to question Michael. All she could do was help reunite him with his lost love. It was time to play her part. She started reciting the incantation to force a gateway for the two men, an opening in the invisible shield, the Veil, between the world of magic and the world of men. On one side was Earth and on the other lay Htrae. The Ether World, or the great unknown, which held Caitlin and Talia in its clutches, lay in between. When the gateway appeared, it sparkled and pulsated. The light beyond it was so bright that none of them could really see what lay beyond.

  Michael and Luigi took one last look at the world they were leaving behind and stepped into the opening. It closed behind them. Hachim shuddered in fear. “Don’t worry,” Ava reassured him. “It remains accessible on the other side.”

  Aiden and the others could not see a thing. Nabia kept glancing at Ava as though the expression on her face would tell him what would transpire on the other side. But Ava’s face was blank. Focus required her to shut down her emotions.

  Would Talia be found? Would they be able to escape the clutches of the Wraith? If
they were caught, would Michael and Luigi also be lost forever? Everyone had the same questions and concerns.

  In the little group, everyone dealt with worry in different ways. Some had blurry eyes with unshed tears; others stared intently at the spot whre the gateway had been, willing it to re-open soon. Aiden paced relentlessly for hours, stopping every few minutes to stare alternately at the Veil and then Ava, who was stoically ignoring him.

  Suddenly there were loud exclamations as the gateway reappeared. Luigi stepped through pulling someone else along, a special someone who hurled herself at Aiden, hugging him so tightly he couldn’t breathe. He returned the hug, holding on as tightly as he could. Talia was sobbing into his shoulder. She didn’t seem happy to have escaped. She looked devastated.

  As Aiden embraced his wife, his relief at her return palpable. He looked at Luigi standing behind her for answers. Where is Michael?

  “What happened in there?” asked Adil of Luigi.

  “They caught up with us just as we were about to escape. Caitlin appeared out of nowhere and opened up a hidden route for us,” said Luigi to his enthralled audience. “But she had to stay back to answer to the Wraith and to prevent them from stopping us.”

  “But as soon as Michael saw Caitlin, he left Talia’s hand and went to her,” added Ava. “We shouldn’t be surprised. Michael never denied his plan. He loved Caitlin more than anything in this world, and she him. He saw a chance to be together and he took it. Michael knows Talia and Aiden will always love Joshua like their own child. Joshua will not be alone. He has a family to love him and care for him, but this was Michael’s last chance to be reunited with Caitlin.”

  “You didn’t stop your father, Talia?” Aiden asked in dismay.

  “I could have but it wouldn’t have been right. My father will never get over the loss of my mother. He has always believed that his place was by her side. When she left, he was desolate. I was the only reason he forced himself to go on. Now that I am safe and sound and have a family of my own, he knows it’s okay for him to be reunited with my mother.”


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