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Brad Page 6

by Pepper North

  Thorston took Brad to the family room after dinner to watch a video. He had noticed at dinner that Brad was shifting around on his bottom a lot. “Do you need to potty, Bradley,” Thorston asked. He’d changed one diaper for Brad when he had needed to urinate. Using the diaper had taken lots of encouragement to convince Brad that he would be using his diaper from now on when he was home with Thorston.

  Brad turned red and shook his head “no.” His movements stopped for about fifteen minutes and then they began again. Finally, Brad looked at his Daddy and admitted. “My insides still sting from the cleanser. It’s getting worse.”

  “Thank you for telling me, Bradley. Let’s go to your nursery and make you feel better. I have just the thing to help a little boy with this problem,” Thorston answered solemnly.

  “I bet you do,” Brad answered ruefully.

  Chucking, Thorston led him by hand to the nursery and quickly stripped Brad out of his clothes. He helped him back over the enema horsey and tied the restraints to hold him in the correct position. “Just a couple of minutes more and Daddy will make the sting go away,” he promised.

  Brad heard the water running freely and then the rumble as it filled up the enema bag. He heard a splash of something else being added to the water and then his Daddy walked over to him. He heard Thorston hang the enema bag on the stand and stretch out the long hose. His buttocks clenched as Thorston applied the lubricant to his anus dipping his large finger inside to spread the slippery mixture around the inner surfaces.

  “Relax your bottom, Bradley. Daddy doesn’t want to hurt you,” Thorston asked, and he waited for several breaths until he saw the clenched circle of muscles relax slightly. He immediately slid the hose into Brad’s bottom. “Good boy. Just relax. Daddy’s going to help the enema reach the places that are stinging.” Instead of the nozzle, Thorston was using a tube that would slide deep into Brad’s intestines. Slowly and gently, Thorston allowed the flowing water to open the way through Brad’s lower intestines. This helped prevent the pressure from a normal enema and be more comfortable for Brad.

  “Aaaahhh! That feels so much better,” Brad sighed. “I should have told you earlier.”

  “Yes, Bradley. You should have told me earlier, but we’ve both learned something. You’ve learned that all enemas aren’t bad. Some feel very good. I’ve learned that you need two rinses to remove the cleanser from your sensitive bottom. All the enema is inside now, Bradley. Is there any more stinging or have I reached all the areas that were causing problems?” Thorston asked. “Tell me the truth.”

  “Well, crap... It’s still stinging higher in my stomach. Can you do your circle massage and help that part?” Brad asked hopefully.

  “I can definitely help. Just a minute.” Thorston left his side, and Brad heard more splashing. Brad knew he was in for more of the rinse to be inserted. “it won’t take much more to soothe everywhere.” Thorston poured the additional liquid into the enema bag and restarted the flow. He also began to advance the tubing further into Brad’s intestines. He advanced and withdrew the hose when he got to the tricky turn at his colon until it slid smoothly around the curve. Almost immediately, Brad sighed in relief.

  “That’s where it was burning. Oh, that’s the best! It feels so much better,” Brad cheered.

  Thorston advanced the tubing further to make sure that there were no other stinging spots but he could tell that Brad was feeling better. His posture on the enema horsey had relaxed. He was slumped on the supporting platforms rather than standing straight on his forearms and knees. Thorston let the enema run for two more minutes before beginning to withdraw the enema tube. By the time he had the end of the hose at Brad’s anus, the water had all flowed inside. He clamped the hose and released the restraining ties before pulling the last of the tubing from Brad’s bottom and helping him over to the potty chair. This time when he had expelled the enema, Bradley was free from the stinging. He really felt better.

  Bradley gave his Daddy a big hug after he’d been cleaned up and rediapered. “I feel so much better, Daddy. Maybe I won’t fight you so much next time,” he said with a big grin.

  “I should tape record this and play it back for you later,” Thorston laughed. “We both know that you’ll do anything to get out of your next enema. Speaking of enemas, what’s your schedule for the next couple of weeks? I’ll make an appointment with Dr. Richards.”

  The Little rolled his eyes. “I’m off next Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.”

  “Perfect,” nodded Thorston. “Now, I’m concerned about you needing some sleep before you go to work tomorrow afternoon. Let’s go lay down in Daddy’s big bed and get some sleep. Will you stay here with me until you have to go to the hospital?”

  Brad was thrilled to think of spending the night wrapped in his Daddy’s arms. “I’ll need to get my ID and scrubs before I report to work tomorrow,” he hesitated. “If I leave here by 1:00 pm, I can walk to my apartment, take a shower and change, and pick up my ID in time to walk to the hospital. I could drive to work, but I really like the walk.”

  “How about if we sleep in tomorrow? Then, we could walk over to your apartment and pick up your scrubs and ID before coming back here for lunch. You can rest here for a little while before walking to the hospital. I just found you. I’d like to spend as much time with you as possible,” Thorston said smiling at his Little boy.

  “I’d like that, too,” Brad grinned.

  “Come on, Smiley. Let’s get your teeth brushed, so you keep those pearly whites,” Thorston guided Brad to the master bathroom where he handed him a fresh toothbrush. Thorston handed him a fluoride toothpaste and said he’d be right back.

  Brad blushed as he polished his teeth. He heard Thorston emptying the expelled enema from the potty chair and cleaning up the enema bag and hose from Brad’s soothing rinse. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to Thorston taking such intimate care of him. He had to admit to himself that he did feel better. He’d learned his lesson and would ask for another enema if he needed one. That stinging had been awful. “Hey, maybe I could talk Thorston out of using that peppermint soap?” Brad thought to himself. “No, Thorston already had said that the cleanser was endorsed by the Little doctor that everyone recommended.” Brad rubbed his sleepy eyes. It was too much to think this hard after all the new events of the day.

  When Thorston returned and washed his hands before picking up his toothbrush, he found Brad washing his face before bed. “Are you tired Little one?” he asked as Brad yawned widely.

  Brad nodded his head as he dried off his clean face. He raised sleep-filled eyes upward to meet the grey eyes that had fascinated him so much when they’d met. He shivered in reaction to the emotion he saw there.

  Thorston set down his toothbrush and walked over to the sleepy Little scooping him in his arms and carrying him to Thorston’s big bed. He laid him down and pulled the sheet and fluffy comforter over Brad’s relaxed body covering his nude body wrapped in a diaper. Thorston heard a soft rustle of the diaper as Brad shifted onto his stomach. Almost immediately, Thorston heard a soft snore come from his Little. With a silent chuckle and large smile, Thorston went back into the master bathroom to finish getting ready for bed. He stripped off his clothing and took a quick shower. Toweling off, he dropped his clothes and Brad’s firetruck outfit into the hamper. The bright jumble of clothing in the hamper made him stop and smile again, “Even my laundry is happier now that Brad is here.”

  He shook his head marveling at the difference a week had made in his life and headed to bed. Crawling into bed on the other side, he carefully gathered Brad’s sleeping form to his side and kissed his tousled head. “Sleep well, my precious Little. I’m so glad I’ve found you.”

  “Night, Daddy,” came a sleepy response as both fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 13

  Brad blinked his eyes trying to clear the sleepiness from them. He had slept so well. He lifted his head off the warm pillow he’d snuggled into and discovere
d that there was no pillow, just Thorston. He’d discovered that his Daddy slept as he lived. He controlled the mattress—laying in the middle of the king-sized bed. Thorston had been very possessive of Brad while sleeping never letting the Little stray from his side without pulling him back quickly to be in contact with himself. Even when he appeared to be totally asleep, Thorston demanded to be in physical contact with Brad.

  Brad studied his profile. Thorston was one of those men that was dangerously good-looking and polished in an expensive suit, but you could absolutely imagine him as a Viking pillaging a Nordic village. Even in sleep, Thorston appeared totally in control. He didn’t move or make any sounds. He seemed to be relaxed but vigilant at all times. Brad knew he could be ruthless in business but he was learning that Thorston had a very soft, caring side that he disguised from many. Brad was glad he was the Little that had captured Thorston’s attention. Just being near him was arousing.

  Brad decided to explore a little while Thorston was asleep. He studied his handsome face and the upper part of his chest revealed by the drooping covers. Brad ducked his head under the sheet. He began to kiss lightly a trail down Thorston’s body tasting the taut, muscled body of his new Daddy. Reaching his hips, Brad kissed his way over one hip bone and down the chiseled V-shaped lines of his pelvis. Brad enjoyed Thorston’s strong physique. He noticed that his Daddy’s penis had begun to lift the covers making room for Brad to snuggle in closer. He kissed over the trimmed pubic hair to brush Thorston’s thighs urging him to spread his legs with sensation alone. When Thorston responded, Brad settled in between his legs and licked Thorston’s penis from his balls to the tip of his penis. Hearing Thorston groan loudly, Brad continued to nuzzle, nip, and lick Thorston’s responsive organs to tease his Daddy.

  “If you tease me any longer, you are going to have a very red bottom. Get up here so I can kiss you,” Thorston ordered through the covers. He could see Brad’s head shake “no” and suddenly Brad’s mouth made a valiant effort to swallow his penis. “Aaarrrggghhh!” Thorston roared as his eyes rolled back in his head. His Little’s mouth was warm and welcoming. Brad licked circles around the tip of his penis and swirled down the sides and bottom to tantalize.

  His Daddy’s penis was too long to fit in Brad’s mouth even if he allowed it to move down his throat. The width of his organ stretched Brad’s lips to almost a painful point. Brad began to imagine that Thorston was trying to squeeze that monster into his rectum. He was sure he’d feel torn in half, but at least one side would be extremely happy.

  When he was on the verge of a massive orgasm, Thorston grabbed Brad under his arms and pulled him up to him, so they were eye to eye. Those grey eyes that had attracted Brad were storming and intense. Thorston pulled Brad’s shoulders toward him until their lips met in a savage kiss. Thorston caressed Brad’s body raising his arousal level to match Thorston’s. Thorston flipped the couple over so that Brad was laying with his back on the mattress and Thorston was looming over him. “You’re not ready to take my penis, Brad. That will come in the future. Now, let’s enjoy each other’s bodies. Know that we will start working on making sure that you will be able to take all of me in your tight ass starting today,” Thorston growled at Brad. He stripped off Brad’s diaper and began to press his weight on to the smaller man making him feel surrounded and vulnerable. Thorston slid his penis against Brad’s erection as he moved back and forth to stimulate his growing organ and sensitive testicles. Thorston kissed down Brad’s neck sending shivers of delight down his spine. Just as Thorston had reached his breaking point, he guaranteed that his Little would explode simultaneously by wetting one finger in his mouth and brushing that hand down Brad’s body to press on his clenched anus. One stroke into his rectum and Brad’s whole world became an explosion of pleasure, and his body was rocked by orgasmic shudders. When he felt Brad orgasm, Thorston released his almost inhuman control, and he sprayed Brad’s body with more semen than he would have imagined his body contained.

  Thorston flopped onto his back to avoid crushing his Little and pulled him tenderly to his chest. “Next time, I will come buried deep in your bottom, Bradley Murphy. And you will come harder than you ever have,” he promised as the Little tried to catch his breath.

  “I already do, Daddy,” Brad’s breathless answer made Thorston’s heart flutter.

  Thorston wrapped him in a bear hug and swore he’d never let him go. The two fell back to sleep like this - Little on top of his Daddy. Both sprawled together with neither loosening their grip as they dozed through the morning hours.

  Chapter 14

  Finally, the pair had to emerge from the master bedroom to go pick up Brad’s scrubs and ID. They returned to the mansion to have an early lunch before Brad would need to leave for his shift at the hospital. Finishing a delicious meal of cold, boiled shrimp with corn and potatoes, they thanked Mrs. Sanford and exited the kitchen. Brad was amazed at how easily he was getting used to sitting in his high chair and letting his Daddy take care of him. Finally, it was time for Brad to change into his scrubs. They returned to the nursery, and Thorston urged Brad up on the changing table where he took his temperature again to Brad’s dismay. Brad was not used to having the cold thermometer in his rectum for ten minutes. Finally, Thorston removed the thermometer and pronounced him free of fever and ready to go to work. Brad waited for Thorston to release the restraining strap holding him on his side on the changing table. He was not expecting Thorston to spread his buttocks again and begin to press a large cylinder into his rectum.

  Brad squirmed and protested, “I don’t need any medicine, Daddy.”

  “It’s not medicine, Bradley. I need you to wear this dilator for 4 hours today and to add an additional two hours every day until I see you on Saturday. It’s now 2:00, so you can take this out at 6:00 or whenever you take a break after six. Take it home and wash it with soap and water and put it on Thursday at 2:00 but that day you’ll need to wear the dilator until 8 pm. or later. You need to add two more hours on Friday, taking it out at 10 pm. I’m going to trust you to carry through on this, Bradley. It’s important. Bring it with you when we spend time together this weekend. You’ll wear it every day,” Thorston directed.

  Brad tentatively squeezed his buttocks. “Ouch, Daddy. It’s too big. I can’t wear this at work. Why do I have to wear this?”

  Thorston released the strap holding Brad in place and helped him sit up gingerly. “Little boy, you’ll wear it because your Daddy has told you to wear it.” He lifted Brad’s chin for they were looking eye to eye. “This weekend, I will make love to you fully. My penis is too large for your rectum. I will hurt you if you are not prepared. I want you to love being in your Daddy’s arms not straining to accept my penis in your tight bottom.” He watched Brad’s eyes cloud with arousal at the same time his face blushed bright red due to Thorston’s blunt explanation.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I understand now. I’ll wear the dilator. Can I have a goodbye kiss?” he asked grinning at his own embarrassment.

  Thorston pressed a blood pressure raising kiss against Brad’s lips evoking a groan from them both. “Let’s get you dressed in your scrubs, Little boy before your pants don’t fit anymore.”

  “I didn’t eat that much, Daddy,” Brad protested.

  Letting his hand drop to Brad’s rising penis, Thorston pulled lightly on the tip. “I wasn’t suggesting that your tummy was too big.” It was his turn to grin this time as Brad turned red again. Thorston helped Brad climb down from the changing table, and he helped him climb into boxers and his scrubs. Brad kept shifting from one foot to another as he tried to get used to the dilator in his rectum. His boxers felt rough after the smooth, powder-filled diaper that he had been wearing. “Grownup clothes suck,” he thought to himself.

  When it was time to go, Thorston walked with him to the hospital doors. He held his hand and made sure that Brad crossed safely at the crosswalks. “I’m going to miss you, Bradley. Remember, 6:00. When you get off, go straight home, and lock you
r doors before you go to sleep. When you finish your shift on Saturday morning, come to the mansion, and I’ll tuck you in bed. Then, we can spend the rest of your days off together.”

  Brad nodded his agreement and started to walk away, only to run back to Thorston and give him a big hug. “I’m going to miss you, too, Daddy,” he whispered against Thorston’s ear. Then he walked quickly into the hospital where he disappeared quickly into the bustle of the busy halls.

  Chapter 15

  The days flew by for both men. They had a couple of video phone calls at odd hours to check in with each other but their free time was extremely limited. Thorston threw himself into getting caught up with work for the days he’d missed at the bank and then, worked very long hours to clear his schedule for Monday. He did, however, add one appointment to his personal calendar, and that was to call Dr. Richards and schedule an appointment for a complete, new patient check-up for a certain Little. At the same time, Brad was handling some very seriously ill patients in the ICU. The only times he even had a few seconds to think about his Daddy were when he moved fast and felt the dilator shifting in his rectum. He wore it religiously. He did not want anything to interfere with his Daddy’s intent to take him fully.

  Finally, Brad’s Friday shift ended early Saturday, and he was free. He began his normal walk home. This time as he reached the ornate iron gates circling the Burmingham estate, he found a large, muscular man waiting anxiously for him. Brad ran the last few steps in the dawning light of the early morning to fling himself into his Daddy’s arms. He felt Thorston’s arms wrap around him like iron bands that tightened to squeeze him until he squeaked in protest.

  “I didn’t know that you were going to wait for me, Daddy. I thought that you’d come pick me up later after I’d gotten caught up on my sleep,” Brad grinned in delight.


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