The Avenger- Thomas Bennet and a Father's Lament

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The Avenger- Thomas Bennet and a Father's Lament Page 42

by Don Jacobson

  The Bennet Wardrobe: Origins (a Bennet Wardrobe novella)

  The Keeper: Mary Bennet’s Extraordinary Journey (a Bennet Wardrobe novel)

  Henry Fitzwilliam’s War (a Bennet Wardrobe novella)

  The Exile: Kitty Bennet and the Belle Époque (a Bennet Wardrobe novel)

  Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess (a Bennet Wardrobe novella)

  The Exile: The Countess Visits Longbourn

  Lessers and Betters (a Pride & Prejudice Variation)

  (Lessers and Betters is composed of the paired novellas Of Fortunes Reversal and The Maid and The Footman)

  All books are also available in audiobook format.

  End Notes

  * * *


  [ii] Gustav Mahler, Second Symphony The Resurrection, choral text, 4th Mvt.

  [iii] The Special Operations Executive (SOE-British) and the Office of Strategic Services (OSS-American) were the Allies primary intelligence and dark forces in World War II. Today we know them as MI6/6 and the CIA. The Milice was a Vichy French paramilitary force formed in 1943 to fight the French Resistance.

  [iv] The Walther PP was introduced in 1929. See accessed 11/11/17.

  [v] accessed 5/5/18.

  [vi] Please recall that the Universe created by the Bennet Wardrobe accepts the truth of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter stories. Dark wizards could split off portions of their soul in the moment of murdering another. accessed 5/5/18.

  [vii] The Persephone was the Eleventh Earl of Matlock’s steam yacht. Please see Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess. The Dowager Countess gifted the vessel to her eldest son, Michael, after the old Earl’s death in 1930.

  [viii] accessed 5/10/18.

  [ix] For more about SOE training camps in WWII, see Accessed 5/10/18.

  [x] References here to mammalian ova. Zona pellucida is often referred to as the jelly membrane.

  [xi] The verb “grok” (to understand) was coined by the great speculative fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in his 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land. Note that while our characters are momentarily in 1945, the realm of the mind in the Wardrobe’s Universe transcends time. Thus, it is appropriate for the alpha mind, Eileen to grok the outside world.

  [xii] Perhaps the wraith of Henry Fitzwilliam was referring to his wife’s sister Jane’s several times great grandchild.

  [xiii] Graeme Edge, lyric from Higher and Higher. First track on the album To our children’s children’s children (1969), Threshold Records. Lyric in full: “Blasting, billowing, bursting forth with the power of ten billion butterfly sneezes.

  [xiv] “Wet” is the term adopted by espionage “firms” to describe assignments where the target was to be killed.


  [xvi] First Lord of the Admiralty through October 4, 1945, A.V. Alexander, was the civilian in charge of the Royal Navy and had served under both Churchill and Atlee.,_1st_Earl_Alexander_of_Hillsborough

  [xvii] Beaufort Scale. A Force 11 storm is one step short of a hurricane with winds of between 64 and 72 mph.

  [xviii] Order of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. This award would indicate that, prior to his capture in Tunisia, North Africa, Schiller had been awarded three previous levels of the Iron Cross during World War II recognizing his ongoing valor.,_decorations,_and_medals_of_Nazi_Germany

  [xix] The Lysander was an aircraft used by the SOE throughout the war to insert and extract agents in occupied France. Its ability to land and takeoff from short improvised airstrips make it the appropriate aircraft for M to employ when dispatching Schiller to Deauville.

  [xx] Steward.

  [xxi] “Your father’s sword, my lord.” Note formal construction.

  [xxii] Earldom

  [xxiii] General D.D. Eisenhower’s logistical maven, Clay later rose to the rank of full general and CinCUS-Europe and Military Governor of occupied Germany. He is best-known for his ordering of the Berlin Airlift—1948-49.


  [xxv] The preceding paragraphs have been borrowed from my earlier non-Wardrobe work, The Maid and The Footman, Ch. XXVII where Mr. Reynolds is speaking to Henry Wilson.

  [xxvi] See Don Jacobson, The Maid and The Footman, Ch. XVIII.

  [xxvii] HMS Salveda was a Royal Navy salvage vessel launched in 1943. In this story, the vessel was clearing the waters of the English Channel of the debris of six years of warfare which daily saw ships, boats, and aircraft sinking below the surface of the Channel.

  [xxviii] SS honor dagger

  [xxix] Justin Hayward, lyric, Nights in White Satin, Sony/ATV Music L.L.C., TRO, Inc. 1967.

  [xxx] Please see Epilogue Two, The Exile: Kitty Bennet and the Belle Époque.

  [xxxi] Please refer to Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess

  [xxxii] Robert Burns, To A Mouse, stanza 7, lines 3-7. accessed on 3/18/18.

  [xxxiii] A modification of the paraphrase of Helmuth von Moltke (Kein Operationsplan reicht mit einiger Sicherheit über das erste Zusammentreffen mit der feindlichen Hauptmacht hinaus.) found in The Swordbearers : Studies in Supreme Command in the First World War (1963) by Correlli Barnett, p. 35

  [xxxiv] Please see Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess.

  [xxxv] Please see The Keeper: Mary Bennet’s Extraordinary Journey, Chapter X (2017).

  [xxxvi] Anne DeBourgh Fitzwilliam died from complications of childbirth on June 11, 1814. Mary Bennet had been residing in the manor house after being a party to Anne and Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam’s wedding in April 1812. Please see Chapter XXX of The Keeper.

  [xxxvii] Please see Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess, Ch. IV.

  [xxxviii] Here Mrs. Bennet refers to Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, who was deceived by her lover Grigory Potemkin, governor of the Crimea, with a portable village that would be erected prior to her passage along the Dnieper River and then disassembled to be re-erected further down the channel. See accessed 3/20/18.

  [xxxix] I know this is anachronistic, but Ray Bradbury’s 1962 I Sing the Body Electric (Twilight Zone, 1962) and reimagined as The Electric Grandmother (NBC Television, Peacock Project, 1982) fits perfectly for how I saw the lamb’s wool throw delivering comfort to Kitty Bennet when she was at her most vulnerable.

  [xl] From the filming of, perhaps, The Young Mr. Pitt (1942). See accessed 3/31/18.

  [xli] The Battle of Cape St. Vincent (February 1797) is considered to be one of six fleet actions (the others being the Glorious First of June—1794, Howe; Camperdown—1797, Duncan; The Ni
le—1798, Nelson; Copenhagen—1801, Parker/Nelson/Graves; and Trafalgar—1805, Nelson) across the 25-year long war that confirmed British naval supremacy and enforced the Blockade against Napoleon’s Continental System.

  [xlii] See Fernand Braudel who argued that the regularities of social life altered almost imperceptibly except over vast stretches of time: centuries or even millennia.

  [xliii] Please see Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess, Ch. XII.

  [xliv] Not an unusual situation in human construction. See the ruins of Troy discovered by von Schliemann in the 1870s where he found over one dozen distinct cities built atop the ruins of the previous town.

  [xlv] T. M. Bennet, MA, unpublished mss, 1803, Wren Library, Trinity College, Cambridge University.

  [xlvi] A leading French intellectual of the Napoleonic era.

  [xlvii] Graham Edge, Late Lament lyrics © T.R.O. Music from Days of Future Past, The Moody Blues, Deram Records, London, 1967.

  [xlviii] “Areas with older housing stock generally have good quality loamy top soil in their gardens. Loams are a mixture of clay, sand, silt and organic matter and are likely to be soils that have been worked for many years already to improve their structure.” accessed 3/30/18.

  [xlix] accessed 4/6/18.

  [l] 9:50 PM on 8/1/47.

  [li] Likely the late winter of 1812 prior to Mary Bennet’s departure to Hunsford Parsonage to accompany the betrothed Maria Lucas (to Lt. Rochet) as she visited her sister.

  [lii] Van Morrison, Brown Eyed Girl lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, 1967.

  [liii] Please see Samuel Madden, Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (1733). Time travel literature was thin on the ground until the latter part of the 19th Century. Mr. Bennet clearly was unaware of Louis-Sébastian Mercier’s L'An 2440, rêve s'il en fut jamais (literally, "The Year 2440: A Dream If Ever There Was One") (1770). While there were English translations, Mr. Bennet preferred reading foreign literature in its native tongue. His bias against the French likely prevented him from reading Mercier’s work. See

  [liv] Self-hypnosis. Please see Judith M. Davis, MD Emotional Comfort: The Gift of Your Inner Guide, Wilder Press, 2005.

  [lv] Redemptive love. See D. Jacobson blog post The Fifth Love: That Which Redeems, Austen, March 17, 2018.

  [lvi] John Milton (1608-1674). Paradise Lost, Book 10.

  [lvii] See Lizzy Bennet Meets the Countess, Ch. XII.

  [lviii] The wine-dark sea is a traditional English translation of οἶνοψ πόντος (oinops pontos), an epithet in Homer of uncertain meaning.

  [lix]An inversion of the original. In my opinion, the best single line in the movie Jerry Maguire (1996) when Renee Zellweger allows Tom Cruise back into her life.

  [lx] Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, July 3, 1776 (p. 3) in which he suggests the way succeeding generations will celebrate the Declaration of Independence.

  [lxi] I am a fan of the mind-candy television franchise, The Bachelor/Bachelorette.

  [lxii] Synchotikí agape is the “love which forgives” and was originally articulated in a freestanding manner by the Christian theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr. I have determined that this “love” fits into Lewis’ matrix established in the late 1950s and entitled The Four Loves. My own formulation adds a Fifth Love—Exagoras Agapis—the love which redeems and makes us seek to become the best versions of ourselves.

  [lxiii] The Temple of Ma’at figures prominently in the formularies produced during the New Kingdom (after 1500 BCE). The scrolls, now referred to as The Book of The Dead, joined the mummy in the sarcophagus to be read to and by Anubis and Ma’at.

  [lxiv] Nigel Nicolson (1917-2004), a writer, publisher, and politician, was the younger son of the diarist and author Harold Nicolson (Benjamin Constant, The Congress of Vienna) and author and gardener Vita Sackville-West (The Edwardians amongst many).

  [lxv] Please see Chapter IX of The Keeper: Mary Bennet’s Extraordinary Journey. See also Chapter XXIII.


  [lxvii] Chemise is used in the French sense. In this case, translated as “striped shirt.”

  [lxviii] Winston S. Churchill (1874-1964) was the member for Woodford from 1945 to his retirement in 1964.

  [lxix] R.A. “Rab” Butler (1902-1982) served in many high offices in Conservative governments beginning in 1938 and ending in 1965 These included Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Secretary. Brendan Bracken (1901-1958) served in the Cabinet in WWII, was considered one of Churchill’s closest political allies and, if possible, friends, and founded the modern version of The Financial Times.

  [lxx] Charles Richard John Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of Marlborough, known as “Sunny” and his first wife, Consuelo, formerly Vanderbilt, one of The Buccaneers (see Edith Wharton).

  [lxxi] Churchill’s science advisor.,_1st_Viscount_Cherwell

  [lxxii] See 1983 August 28, New York Times, Modern Britain’s Chief Architect by Godfrey Hodgson, (Book Review of “Attlee” by Kenneth Harris), Quote Page BR8, Column 1, New York.

  [lxxiii] John “Jock” Colville served as Churchill’s Parliamentary Private Secretary from 1940-45 and 1951-55.

  [lxxiv] Sir Samuel Hoare, one of Neville Chamberlain’s chief lieutenants and an arch-appeaser.

  [lxxv] Sergeants and corporals

  [lxxvi] The Swabian Gau was one of six in Bavaria and was a Nazi Party administrative district from 1926 to 1945. After 1933 Gauen became the formal political subdivisions of the nation.

  [lxxvii] Richard W. Leopold, PhD (1912-2006) was one of the pre-eminent historians of American Foreign Policy of his age. During World War II, he was an officer in the U.S. Navy, attached to Admiral Samuel Eliot Morrison’s (historian of WWII) staff. He devised a system to catalog and organize reports charting American naval operations from 1941 to 1945. This would have made him a logical candidate for the project of reassembling the SS files. He was the author’s academic advisor at Northwestern University 1973-75.

  [lxxviii] Marion Miller, PhD, of the University of Illinois-Chicago, once related a story to me about a letter from a young Savoyard princess whose hand had been pledged to Jerome Napoleon, a particularly nasty specimen. Dr. Miller quoted the letter from the Princess to this Napoleonic brother. T’was all right and appropriate…quite polite…expressing anticipation of their nuptials. However, Miller noted that a closer examination of the original document showed the ink to have run in some spots and the paper was stained in others as if dampened by a sudden cloudburst. The markings were later determined to be the remnants of the Princess’ tears. The young woman apparently wept uncontrollably as she wrote the diplomatically correct missive.

  [lxxix] The Wansee Memorandum (1942) was the work product of an all-government conference chaired by SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich. It is considered the document which outlined the elements of the Nazi’s Final Solution.

  [lxxx] 8” x 10” page size.

  [lxxxi] SS officer training school, active 1934-45.

  [lxxxii] Ian Fleming worked at the highest levels of British Naval Intelligence during WWII. Afterwards (and before he became an author), he became the Foreign Manager of the Kemsley Newspaper Group which included The Sunday Times.

  [lxxxiii] Pour une morale de l’ambigüité (The Ethics of Ambiguity) by Simone de Beauvoir was originally published in 1947.

sp; [lxxxiv] For 1940s makeup tips and historical information see and

  [lxxxv] Readers of my earlier work, The Maid and The Footman, may recall that I tasked the younger son of an ancestor of Downton Abbey’s Earl of Grantham to marry into the Cecil family and establish the law firm of Crawley and Trant [see John Mortimer’s The Rumpole Stories where Philida Trant (the Portia of our Chambers) rises from a young associate to Queen’s Counsel (QC, a silk)]. Edward Crawley is a member of that distinguished legal family, however working at Wilson and Hunters.

  [lxxxvi] James Kier Hardy was a trade unionist and the first leader of the Labour Party. He first entered Parliament in 1892.


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