She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2

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She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2 Page 6

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Let me walk you.” Paul rose up.

  I watched him escort her to the door, and after a few moments, I went to the kitchen to put up the stuff I wasn’t going to use for dinner.

  “Oh shit, you scared me.” I jumped when Paul hugged me from behind.

  “My bad.” He leaned against the counter as I cleaned the chicken. “You good?”

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You’ve just been acting like you’re in your head for a little minute now. A lot of times, you don’t even hear me when I talk.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve just been thinking about work.”

  “Like usual.” He exited the kitchen, and after a few minutes, it hit me that the bitch Kiera had alluded to me being a workaholic, as if I neglected my man.

  Leaving the kitchen to follow Paul, I found him in our bedroom. He was in bed with his back against the headboard.

  “What was that supposed to mean?”

  “What was what supposed to mean, Shanece?” His eyes were closed, and he sounded exhausted.

  “Like usual,” I mocked his voice.

  “Just means you love your work, and you’re always thinking about it. And when you’re not thinking about it, it’s because you’re doing it.” He kept his eyes closed as he spoke dryly.

  “Oh, and is that what you told Kiera?”

  “What? No.”

  “Then why did she make that comment about me always being at work, Paul?”

  “Because she was my damn nurse, Shanece, and knows that when she was assisting me, you weren’t around.”

  “So what the fuck did y’all talk about?”

  “How I’m feeling, what my medications are, and what the doctors are saying.” He sighed.

  “I just don’t get why the bitch needed to come all the way to our home to check on you. Couldn’t she call? And how long was she here without my knowledge?”

  “Wait, wait, wait.” Paul opened his eyes and straightened up. “Are you trying to insinuate that I’m fucking the nurse?”

  “I mean, are you?”

  “I’m possibly gonna be dead in less than a year, and you think fucking another woman is on my priority list?”

  “Hey, maybe you wanna achieve a goal or two before something happens.”

  For a while, Paul just stared at me. His facial expression snapped me out of my tirade, and I felt so stupid for the shit I was implying.

  “I’ve had years on top of years to cheat on you, Shanece. So if I didn’t do it while I had my strength, a well paying job, and the ability to leave the house without worrying that I’m gonna throw up or pass out, then it’s highly unlikely I would do it now.”

  “I know, Paul. I guess I just felt weird seeing her here because it was unexpected.”

  “Or maybe you feel guilty for some shit you did, and now you’re projecting it onto me.”

  His comment made my skin heat up and my heart rate increase. Did he know? If he knew, I would kill myself. I would never be the same again. But how would he know? Would Rahim really sabotage my marriage like that?

  “Excuse me? You know damn well I would never cheat!”

  “Some months ago, I probably would’ve agreed, but lately, I really don’t know. You got this new friend, and then you got some random nigga pressing me and ready to fight over you.”

  “Rahim is just a friend of Camarih’s boyfriend and didn’t like what he saw.”

  “Nah.” Paul shook his head. “I’m a man, Shanece, and I know the difference in taking up for a woman simply because you don’t like what you see and taking up for a woman because you got feelings for her.” He pointed as if Rahim was in the room and said, “That muthafucka felt some type of way.”

  “Well if he did, I’m not sure why.”

  Paul tittered and replied, “Okay.”

  “Paul, I swear to you I don’t know why.” I rounded the bed, eager to make him believe me. “I admit he caught me at a bad time one day after we’d argued, and I told him you were being an asshole, but that was it,” I lied. “I was upset with you. I shouldn’t have done that, but it just spilled out, out of anger.”

  “I hope so, Shanece.”

  “No need to hope.” I got down on my knees since his head was dropped. I wanted to look up into his eyes. “I promise.”

  “You know if you ever cheated on me, I would leave you and never speak to you again, right?” Paul used one finger to lift my chin as he stared down into my eyes. The way he spoke was as if he knew, and it scared me.

  I used to always say I never understood why men would cheat, knowing if their woman left it would devastate them. Now here I was, becoming the type of person I used to talk so harshly about.

  “Of course, honey. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” I shook my head for emphasis. Slowly, he leaned down to peck me very softly, before sitting back up. “I love you so much, Paul.”

  “I love you too.” He paused then continued. “And thank you for choosing not to kick it with Camarih and all them.”

  “You were right. I need married friends.”

  “Of course I was right.”

  We chuckled before I rose up, kissing him again.

  “Get some rest while I finish dinner. It’s gonna be so good, you’re going to ask me to be your wife again.”

  “That good?” Paul got into his relaxed position on the bed.

  “That great.”

  “Aight. I’ll be waiting.”

  Smiling, I headed to the kitchen to finish this meal. As long as I stayed far away from Camarih and that crew, my marriage would survive.

  The next afternoon…

  I was walking out of Finish Line, finished buying some slides for my husband, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “Oh, hi, Camarih.” I gave her a quick, closed mouth smile.

  “Hey, did I do something wrong? We haven’t talked since the night of the club, and you’ve been ignoring my texts.”

  “I just think it’d be best if we don’t hang out anymore.”

  “Well I’m not one to beg for friends, but I’d like to know why you feel this way.” She folded her arms. She was wearing a pretty blue dress.

  “Because I’m a married woman, and I think I should have friends that are married too.”

  “Why?” She laughed as if my statement was idiotic. “Because dictator Paul thinks so?”

  “First of all, he is not a dictator. Secondly, I think so too. The things you want to do, married women have no business doing.”

  “Things I want to do?” Her brow raised.

  “Yes, the clubbing and the umm—”

  “And what else? You sound just like your grandpa ass husband, so maybe it is best we don’t be friends. I don’t wanna be around someone who sees me as some club hopping hoe anyways. Good luck with your married friends.”

  “Wait, Camarih!” I called out to her after she’d started walking off. When she turned to me, her dress clung to her stomach for a second, reminding me that she was pregnant. I was such a horrible person. Walking closer to her, I took her hand in mine and said, “I’m sorry. You are definitely not a club-hopping hoe, nor are you a bad influence. Honestly, you’re one of the nicest people I know. So please forgive me for my comments.”

  “Why did you say that?” She frowned.

  “Can we go sit down somewhere?”

  Camarih paused for a couple moments and then nodded.

  We decided on this Mexican food restaurant named Mexicano, since it was right here in the mall. After we were seated fairly quickly and had placed our orders, I was ready to talk. Thankfully, the waiter had brought my cocktail just in time.

  I loved dining out midweek while everyone else was at work. Service was fast and efficient.

  “Well.” Camarih drank some of her iced tea.

  “Okay. What I am about to tell you, I need you to keep a secret, and I also need you to not judge me.”

  Only reason I was telling Camarih was because I trusted her, and I needed to get this out o
f my system. I felt like it was unhealthy keeping it all bottled up. Sure, I should’ve been telling Paul and not my friend, but I couldn’t bear to lose him.

  “What did you do?”

  Seeing the concern in her face made me even more nervous.

  “The night that I met you at the club… when I went to the bathroom, I ran into Rahim.”


  “What? I haven’t said anything yet.”

  “Did you kiss him? Sleep with him?”

  How was it that she and Paul made it seem like what I was doing was so obvious?

  “Why do you think that?”

  “I mean, why else would you be acting all strangely and saying you don’t want to hang out? Plus, you mentioned Rahim.”

  “It could just be that I have started to like him and want to separate myself before anything happens.” I got defensive.

  “True. Well is that what it is?” Camarih stared at me. “Shanece, no, please don’t cry.” She got up to sit next to me before bringing me into a hug.

  “You were right the first time.” I cried into her hair. It smelled nice and was so soft.

  “You kissed?” She spoke very softly, even though the restaurant was fairly empty.


  It got silent, so I lifted my head to peer up into her eyes. I was about three inches taller than Camarih at five feet seven, but right now, she felt taller than me.

  Her eyes were wide, and her lips slightly parted.

  “More? How? Why, Shanece?”

  “I don’t know.” I sat up fully. “I was tipsy.” I shrugged, but when I turned to face her, she shook her head to say ‘no’.

  “You sound like some tired ass nigga.”

  “I know, fuck.” I folded my arms as she caressed my back. “I’m not like this, Camarih. I just saw him, and he apologized for barging into the conversation I was having with Paul, and next thing I knew, we were on the counter of the bathroom… you know.”

  “What did Paul say?”

  “He doesn’t know. He’s been saying weird things though, like if he found out I was unfaithful he would leave me. He’s never even mentioned me cheating on him.”

  “You have to tell him, Shanece.”

  “No. Did you not hear me? Paul will leave if I do. And if he leaves, Camarih…” I began to cry again, so she hugged me tightly.

  “I think you should tell him, but I understand why you won’t. However, you need to stay clear of Rahim, because it’s obvious you can’t control yourself around him.”

  “But why?”

  “You like him.” She pulled away and thumbed my tears. “It’s okay to like other people, but once you realize it, you need to separate yourself. And maybe if Paul wasn’t so mean to you, you wouldn’t even think about liking another man.”

  “Do you like other men?” I whimpered, sniffling.

  “Well, as of right now, I am single.”


  “Tony is just not the type of man I want to end up with. He’s a player, and he makes me too jealous.”

  I giggled, so she cocked her head before squinting her eyes.

  “It’s fine to be a little jealous; that means you love him.”

  “You’re not jealous.”

  “I’m not? Girl, I almost had a heart attack seeing Paul talking to his nurse the other day.”


  “Yes, girl. It’s natural to be a little jealous. If you’re not, that’s kind of a bad thing.”

  “But I want to fight a lot.”

  We laughed together.

  “That, you may have to work on. You don’t want any lawsuits or jail stints.” I chuckled and she followed suit.

  “Well to answer your question, no, I haven’t liked anyone else since I met Tony. But we’re new; you guys aren’t.”

  I nodded just as our food arrived.

  “Well I will definitely stay clear of Rahim, so we can only hang out when he’s not around.”

  “I’m not with Tony anymore, so Rahim will never be around me.”

  “Perfect.” I grinned as we clinked our glasses together.

  Boy was I happy to have Camarih back.

  Tony Wacko

  Just two days later…

  I wasn’t busy for the next few hours, until I was gon’ hit the club tonight and try to make some shit shake with Eitan’s career. I was still pissed the fuck off about Holli’s ass getting arrested, because that was just some extra money lost for a nigga.

  I thought it would be nothing, and I could go pay her bail as a loan, but come to find out, the bitch had almost as many charges as me on her fucking record. So because of that shit, she had to stay locked up until her court date. They did offer me the ability to pay $60,000 to get her out until then, but she wasn’t my bitch, and I didn’t give a fuck enough to blow that type of bread on her stupid ass. So in jail, that ass was gon’ stay.

  I made it to Nala’s crib, the little singer bitch I’d unofficially put on my roster. She had a nice ass voice, and the hook she did for Eitan’s song was damn near perfect. Match that with her looks, and it was a sure-fire win. It helped that her pussy was cool too, but her head game was better. Even then, the shit irritated me like a muthafucka that I had yet to run across a female with a better combo than Camarih.

  I didn’t know what it was about the little bitch, but whatever she did to my ass, it worked. I was two muthafuckin shakes of a lamb’s tail away from pulling out a boom box and singing outside of her bedroom door so she’d take a nigga back.

  And niggas who knew me knew damn well I was never on that type of shit. Usually I was elated when a bitch claimed she was done fucking with me, which was typically always a fucking lie.

  “Hey.” Nala walked out in some skimpy ass dress. I noticed she always wore them shits when about to see me or visit the studio. It was like she had one hundred colors of them cheap ass dresses. But they clung to her thick ass body, so I didn’t mind at all.

  “Who the fuck is that?” I frowned, getting out of the car and staring at the baby in her arms.

  “My son, Nazir.” She smiled, adjusting him on her hip. “Wanna hold him?”

  “Hell nah, I don’t wanna hold his funny looking ass. What the fuck he doing here? You ain’t tell me you had a kid and shit.”

  This was why females pissed me the fuck off.

  “So you don’t like girls with kids?”

  “I don’t give a fuck whether a bitch got a kid or not. I’m just trying to fuck, not mingle with yo’ fucking baby and shit like I’m yo’ nigga. Go put that little muthafucka up.” I felt my forehead wrinkle.

  “Give me a second. I have to put him down for a nap.”

  “Aye!” I called out to the older bitch next door. “You know this baby?”

  “Why yes, of course.” She nodded.

  “Aight. Take this.” I walked over to her with a $5 bill in my hand. “Watch him for twenty minutes for her.”

  “Nah, it’s gonna take more than that, sweetheart.”

  “Nah, it’s not.” I kept my eyes on hers as I looked down into her face. “This is more than e-fucking-nough. Nala, bring yo’ ass.”

  The old woman nodded out of fear, so Nala walked her son over to her ass.

  “Thank you, Tyra.” Nala nodded.

  “Mhm.” Tyra kept eyeing me, but I walked off toward Nala’s place, and she followed me inside.

  “Just twenty minutes?” Nala grinned, rubbing up my shirt once we were inside.

  “Probably less. I got shit to do, and I needed a quick fuck in between.”

  Giggling, Nala led me to her bedroom and immediately dropped down to her knees to top me. I fucked her throat for a little bit and then bent her over the desk before dressing my dick up with a condom. Pushing her robe up, I yanked her panties down just enough, and slid inside of her shit.

  “I fucking love you, Tony.” Nala whimpered as I blew her back out, making her cum twice back to back.

  She was soaking wet, so I went harde
r, hammering her pussy like I had beef with the shit. Seeing her exposed titties in the mirror of the desk brought me to the edge, so I pulled out, removed the condom, and threw Nala down on the bed so I could nut on her stomach. I got a little bit of it in her hair too, on purpose.

  Leaving the room, I found some towels in the cabinet of the hallway, then wet them with some warm water and soap before cleaning my dick. Flushing the condom, I washed my hands, surveying the bathroom to see how clean this hoe was.

  “Fuck you staring at?” I quizzed as I fixed myself once back in the room.

  “Where my towel?”

  “In the damn cabinet where I got mine. This yo’ crib, fuck I look like cleaning you.”

  “Tony, I swear.” She got up.

  “Careful. You got nut all over you.”

  “Fuck you.” She walked out as I chuckled to myself.

  Just as I checked my phone, I heard someone using keys to get in the door. Making sure I had my piece, I tread through the house and opened the door before they could.

  “Who you?” I asked, staring down at him since he was standing on the porch steps.

  “Nigga, who is you?” He frowned up at me. “This my bitch house. Where my son?”

  “Oh.” I laughed. “Watch who the fuck you talking to, bruh. Now uh, I’m thirsty, so I’m gon’ make myself a glass of water, and when I’m done, you can come in and shit. Go get yo’ son from the old bitch next door. I should be done by then.”

  “Nigga, what?” He moved closer, so I did too.

  “You heard what the fuck I said. Now kick rocks ’fore I blow the top off yo’ shit.”

  Mouth twisted up like a muthafucka, homie descended the steps and stormed next door. I retreated back into the house to make my water and saw Nala watching me.

  “I can’t believe you.” She smirked, shaking her head as I downed my drink. I smirked on the low seeing my seeds in them tired ass braids still.

  “Why you ain’t mention you had a nigga?”

  This hoe had been sucking me up frequently, swallowing nut and everything.

  “Aye, I’m back!” Old boy hollered from outside the door.

  “I ain’t done, nigga. Hold the fuck up,” I responded, making Nala giggle.


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