The Secret Diary of Detective Vampire

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The Secret Diary of Detective Vampire Page 1

by J. J. Jones

  The Secret Diary Of

  The Detective Vampire

  An Interracial Paranormal Vampire Romance BWWM By..



  Detective Jack Van Pierre is no ordinary detective. He is no ordinary vampire either.

  One thing is for sure, he is intent on delivering justice in his own special way. He is a vampire that only preys on the blood of criminals and he has been cleaning up New York for the past 10 years.

  However, the time has now come to move on before his secret is uncovered but there is a minor complication. A human female. Her name is Olivia.

  The Detective Vampire faces a very hard decision. Does he play it safe and leave before anyone gets hurt? Or does he risk exposing his true identity in the chase of that thing that humans call “love”?

  Copyright Notice

  JJ Jones

  The Secret Diary Of Detective Vampire © 2014, JJ Jones


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.














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  My name is Jack Van Pierre.

  Detective Jack Van Pierre actually, and that is how most people view me.

  But what people don't know is that I am also a Vampire and yet I am responsible for the safety of millions of humans everyday in New York.

  I have lived with this secret for over a hundred years now. It has been so long I have actually lost count. I spent the majority of that time traveling across America with my brother just trying to find another human to feed upon. It was a terrible existence and one I am not proud of.

  In 2001, I decided to make a change. I decided that the only humans I would ever feed upon would be the bad ones. The criminals. Murderers, rapists, terrorists would all be on my list and I vowed never to harm an innocent human being again.

  So I joined the police force. Not because I needed the money but because I needed easy access to criminals and I wanted to feel like I was actually doing some good. Ever since then I have been ridding America of their scum one by one and keeping myself fed in the process.

  I guess this is a win-win situation for all involved and, in an ideal world, the President would be honoring me for this. However, in the real world it is very different. You see, my secret can never be revealed since it is illegal to be a Vampire. The death penalty would await me if found guilty and it would not matter what good I had done previously. Well, they call it the “death penalty” but really they would just ship me off to a government lab and run all sorts of tests on me. Therefore, I have to keep myself to myself whilst hiding in plain sight.

  This has worked for me for the past ten years and it will continue that way until I have to move on in order not to arouse suspicion about the fact I have not aged since becoming detective. No one has said anything yet but inventions like Facebook and Instagram are a pain in the ass for Vampires these days. It will not be long before some photo of me from years back pops up online with me looking exactly the same. Hence, why most vampires steer clear of social networks, they are more trouble then they are worth.

  I really should have moved on a few years back but there is one particular person who makes me hang around. As far as I know, Vampires can not experience love but I do wonder what it is I feel for this certain girl. It is something that has been on my thoughts for some time now...

  I am snapped out of my trance as I hear a rustling in the bushes next to my car. It is probably a raccoon of some sort. I am tempted to jump out and grab it as raccoons can make tasty treats however I need to remain focused. I have my eyes on a bigger prize right now.

  His name is James “J-Dog” Jones. Caucasian male, 25 years old and weighs 83kg. I have his file right in front of me and I have been reading over it again and again. James was just exonerated of murder. A double murder actually. Turns out, he was seeing a girl for a bit, she dumped him, he could not let go, she got with another guy and in a jealous rage he went around and shot them both at point-blank range. He was definitely our guy, I heard his thoughts after all. Only problem was that the evidence we had was shaky but we did have an eyewitness. However, the week before the case our eyewitness turns up dead. Suicide apparently, although I think different.

  James got off on a technicality and is now free to roam the streets just like everyone else. Except we all know he is going to commit more crimes and more people will be hurt or injured by him. All because the legal system has it's loopholes that good lawyers can exploit. It makes me sick.

  Well, I am not going to let that happen. Tonight, I will be feasting on his blood and leaving him for dead. Then he can not harm anyone else. I try and do this once a week, if I go too long without a good meal I grow weak. The good thing is that New York seems to have a never ending supply of criminals who want to die.

  I hear the rustling in the bushes a second time and I realize I was drifting off with my thoughts again. I have a habit of doing that, especially when I am hungry. I look up at the tall brown-stoned apartment block from my car window.

  It is time to get going, my meal awaits.


  I approach the building from the South side, it has more shadows to keep me concealed from anyone that might be hanging around. The last thing I need is to be seen by anyone other than my target. I slip into the side door of the apartment building, and quickly make my way up to James’ apartment. Just as I reach the third floor, I hear a door open and close.

  It’s James.

  He walks out of his apartment carrying a bag of trash. I smile to myself knowing that this couldn’t be playing better into my hands. He is yet to notice I am there. Quickly I turn down the opposite direction from the stairs and pretend to be searching for my keys at a nearby door.

  James lumbers his way down the hall and begins to walk down the stairs. I wait for a few moments to ensure that he’s gone all the way down the stairs. I wouldn’t put it past James to dump his garbage somewhere along the way to the dumpster out of laziness. Finally I hear him reach the first floor and open the main door.

  Quietly I slip back down the hall to his apartment – 3B. I
try the handle to see just how stupid James really is. Of course, it’s unlocked. My day just keeps getting better. I look up and down the hall one last time to make sure I am completely alone. Without making a sound, I make my way into his apartment and start to look for a place to hide. Most fiction books about vampires would have you believe that a Vampire is not allowed to enter the home of someone when he is not invited in. I can not say I have ever had that problem but I bet our new friend James wishes it were true.

  Immediately, the stench of his apartment hits my nose. A foul mixture of body odor, microwaved food, alcohol and cigarettes hits my senses. Normally I am not bothered by human smells, unless it is blood, but James’ apartment had reached a whole new level of disgusting. It should be no surprise really, he is a disgusting human being after all.

  There is a faint glow of light from the family room where he has the television blaring some worthless show. As I continue to search for my hiding place, I can hear bits and pieces of the dialogue, telling me it is like a cop show or something. Ironic, isn’t it?

  I decide that there is no reason to hide, since the final outcome will be the same regardless. I sit down in the kitchen at the table and wait patiently. The kitchen is just as disgusting as the rest of the house. It is apparent that most of the appliances have never really been used. The sink is full of dishes, and the odor that drifts from their direction almost makes me want to vomit.

  Closing my eyes, I try not to think about the room around me or the environment that I am currently sitting in. Instead, I think about James and how tonight I will fill my needs and the city of New York will lose a terrible man. Nothing about what I am going to do makes me feel guilty. James doesn’t deserve to live, but the justice system has failed. I step in to finish where the justice system could not. The world will be a better place without James to ruin things and commit more crimes.

  My mouth starts to salivate with the idea that I will be feasting soon. Feasting on real human blood, too. Since the majority of my meals are animals, when I do get to feast on humans, I feel a stronger sense of fulfillment. Drinking human blood is what I was made to do. This is the equivalent of someone like yourself anticipating a fine Steak dinner.

  I hear the front door open and close, telling me that James has come back. His breathing is heavy, probably from climbing the stairs. His breathing annoys me. I hear rustling in the front area, and can feel the anticipation of my meal building inside me. I force myself to remain still and wait for James to come into the kitchen.

  James plops himself in front of the television and grabs a bag of chips that had been sitting on the couch. Now, I am beginning to feel annoyed. I have a nice view of him from where I am sitting, but he has yet to notice that I am in his apartment. For a few moments, I watch him eat and stare at the television in front of him. He is such a pig. With every mouthful of chips, crumbs fall all over him.

  Finally, I can no longer stand to wait for him to see me. I stand and move swiftly in behind him. Your ass is mine James.

  “What the …” James turns to see me standing behind him, but I don’t give him the chance to finish his thought.

  With all my strength I push him to the floor, which surprises him. Putting my hand over his mouth, I whisper, “You don’t deserve to live, James.” His eyes widen as I use his name. “Do you know why?”

  With the fear of God in his eyes, James shakes his head back and forth.

  “Oh come on, James, let’s not play games,” I say laughing. “There’s no need for lying and acting innocent here. I know who you are, and I know why you are sitting in this piece of shit apartment instead of a prison cell.”

  James starts to struggle frantically underneath me, but I keep him pinned to the floor with ease. I let a smile cross my lips as I watch him try to get free.

  “Tonight you are going to get what you deserve. You will die a slow and painful death, because you deserve that after what you have done. My face is the last you will ever see, and the fear you feel right now is the last feeling you will ever feel.”

  Without waiting for even a second longer, I plunge my teeth into his neck and drink. The smooth rich taste of human blood flows into my mouth like new life. I can feel my body rejuvenating even with the first few mouthfuls. For such a disgusting human being he sure does taste good. Everything about this moment is blissful.

  James struggles for a few seconds before his body becomes limp from lack of blood. After a few minutes I can tell that he has passed out. I finish my meal without a moments hesitation and stand wiping the remaining blood from my mouth onto a handkerchief from my pocket. Feeling completely satisfied, I look down at James’ body knowing that he is still alive, but barely. He will not survive the night, and by the time we see each other again, James will be in a body bag.

  I walked over to the window and opened it for two reasons.

  The first is that the humid New York summer air will change the rate decomposition once James dies. This is a nice little trick I learned to throw off the police when they come to do their investigation. Any outside air will cause the body to decompose at a different rate than normal. Because of this, the police and coroner will have a hard time determining exactly when James died. I always feel like I have a little extra of an alibi by doing this. They will probably determine the time of death was sometime 12 hours ago.

  Walking through the apartment one last time, I check to make sure I haven’t left any incriminating evidence behind, including fingerprints. Most of the time, I wear gloves to ensure I don’t leave any fingerprints behind, but every once in awhile I am lazy and clean them up afterward Today I wore gloves, so there should not be any. Regardless, I walk around the apartment to make sure nothing even indicates that another person had been there – aside from the dead body of course.

  The second reason I opened the window is to exit James’ apartment. I also have learned to never enter and exit the same way. Another trick I’ve learned through out my years of bringing justice. I jump out onto his balcony and slowly make my way down the fire escape. I try to be as quiet as possible, knowing that when police investigate the murder, they will talk to neighbors about seeing or hearing anything unusual.

  Finally hitting the ground, I walk quickly back to my car after determining the street and parking area were deserted. It didn’t take long to get in my car and drive away leaving James to die.

  Just a day in the life, or rather, a day in the existence of Jack Van Pierre.


  “Humans, typical humans.”


  Finally, I make it home.

  My apartment is a nice little place in a good neighborhood, nothing like James’. I enjoy living where I do. I scouted the place for some time before choosing to live there. I needed somewhere secluded without nosy neighbors, but at the same time I wanted a nice place to live too. Not that I ever worry about my own safety, but a quiet neighborhood is the best neighborhood. That way all the attention is elsewhere.

  Even though it is extremely late, probably two or three in the morning, I sit on the couch and relax. Although I have a bed in my apartment, it’s only for appearances. Vampires don’t need to sleep as I am sure you know. In fact, I spend more time away from my apartment at night than probably during the day. Even though I work at the precinct full-time, I still feel like my night life is more consuming than my day life.

  But it seems to be the early morning hours that are the hardest for me to fill. If I went to the precinct this early on a consistent basis, it would start to raise questions and suspicions about me, but I have nothing else to do with my time. I watch movies, because I feel like they can at least teach me something about real human life. I can watch them and learn more about the human condition and why humans act the way they do. I find humans fascinating yet they think of themselves as boring. It is quite ironic since most humans find vampires like myself fascinating but I think of us as boring.

  Movies are where I’ve learned about this human idea of
love. It seems quite foreign to me, as I don’t think I can ever feel emotions like that. But instead, by watching movies, I can see and understand how humans act when they are in love. It’s an odd thing, but I suppose humans would find vampire traditions and ideals odd, too. I obviously used to be human and vulnerable to catching this “love” thing but I have been Vampire for so long now that I simply do not understand it anymore. When you have existed for over 100 years you tend to forget about many things.

  Most of my free time, I read. I have hundreds of books from all different genres and times in history. Having lived as long as I have, I have plenty of first editions of some of the more popular classical novels. My library would probably leave most book collectors very envious. I find it a pity everything is going digital these days with these humans going crazy for devices such as Kindles.

  After my earlier meal, I am feeling extremely satisfied. Although animal blood sustains me, it is human blood that gives me the strength and energy to make it through the weeks. Fortunately, I don’t need to drink human blood everyday in order to maintain my strength. I used to think it was necessary, back when I was traveling with my brother. But since then I have learned that a good meal, once a week is enough to keep me going until I can find a new target. Then through out the week, animal blood fills in the gaps.


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