
Home > Paranormal > McGyver > Page 10
McGyver Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  “Have you ever cheated on anyone?”

  He’d smell a lie, but she needed to tell him the truth anyway. “Yeah, but I was strung out on blow. I mean, it isn’t an excuse, but it’s the reason. I’d have told him about it the next time we talked, but he found out before I got a chance. Later, I discovered he’d been cheating on me, too, so I didn’t feel as guilty, but I felt like dogshit, at first.”

  “Wolves can smell someone on you even after you shower. Not if you’re just around them, but if you have sex, their scent imprints. Unless you’re going to be away from me for a month, I’ll know.”

  “I won’t, Danny. I’m clean, and I’m me, and I wouldn’t do that to you anyway. You’re my fucking soul mate!” Didn’t he understand?

  “Okay. I believe you, but the wolf mates for life, and I kind of think he’s picked you. I’m aware it’s too soon for me to have told you, but…” He shrugged and blew out a breath. “I hear someone approaching. It’s probably our breakfast.”

  Harmony and Brain came to the cabin at ten-thirty, as planned, and Iris watched in fascination as Brain and Danny hugged. In her experience, the manly-men shook hands and the men with alternate sexualities hugged, but these two were about as manly-man as you could get. They also called each other brother, and she understood that was a biker thing, so maybe the hugging thing was, too. It was quick, with slaps on the back, but it was still a full-on hug.

  And then Harmony was hugging her, and she squeezed her back, appreciating the contact. She’d grown close to Harmony. Sure, they had the horse thing in common, but it was more than that. Harmony always skirted around any questions about her family or childhood, but Iris was willing to bet she’d come from money.

  Not that she could only be friends with people who had, but it felt like Harmony was a bit of a kindred spirit.

  The guys left, and the women decided to walk through the woods back to the main building.

  “How much can you smell?” Iris asked Harmony once they were on their way.

  “Your security guys aren’t far. We’re safe.”

  “Not what I meant.”

  “You and Mac smelled like you connected on a physical and emotional level. I’m assuming that means lots of down and dirty sex.”

  Iris smiled. “Would you believe he made love to me? I mean, sure, there was the down and dirty stuff, too, but he surprised me with the sweet and gentle. And then this morning, after breakfast, he pushed me against a wall and did me from behind, fast and hard. He hasn’t let me blow him yet. Not sure what’s up with that. When I was going to, he stopped me. Both times.”

  “No idea, unless it’s just new and he has some kind of master plan, which wouldn’t surprise me with him at all. Since you’re still learning about the wolf stuff, you should know that him waiting until after breakfast means he wanted to feed the wolf before he…” She sighed. “He has perfect control, so if he’s making sure his wolf is fed before he has sex with you, it probably means his emotions are all over the place and he’s playing it safe.”

  “Thanks for that. He woke up wanting to talk, and I indulged him, but it seemed odd. This is kind of like dating both of them, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, and you need to encourage him to change and let his wolf hang out with you some. Even if you’re just watching television with the wolf’s head in your lap. You can also walk with him in the woods behind his house. You don’t need to do it on any kind of schedule, just a few hours here and there. If you can bond with the wolf in his own form, you’ll recognize him easier when he’s active while Mac’s in human form.”

  “How does that work?”

  “I’m a much newer wolf, and I’m told it’s a little different for me, but it’s like the wolf is always watching for danger, or… not just danger, but anything she feels responsible for. Some conversations, the wolf is just right there, listening. Other times, she’s chilled out, farther down in my psyche, so it’s all me and she’s just watching. Observing. If I need to pull on her strength, she gives it to me. If I need to be able to listen better or see better, she lets me use her ears and eyes.” She slowed. “We’re approaching people, so we need to change the subject. I’m looking forward to the mud bath, the reviews make it sound heavenly.”

  Brain gave McGyver time and space to think while they hiked.

  The wolf wanted to find the man who’d hurt his Blueberry and smash his face in, but the man knew that getting to the crown prince of even a small country wasn’t likely to happen. He considered talking to Aaron Drake about it, but his instincts told him Iris didn’t want anyone to know, and this wasn’t his secret to tell.

  They were a few miles up the mountain when Brain asked, “Should we plan for retaliation from her father, when he finds out?”

  “Yes. It isn’t a sure thing, but we need to be prepared. Our finances are pretty bulletproof, and we aren’t using his health insurance company, so he can’t fuck with us there, either. We’re always going to be at risk at the hotel. No way around that. We should institute a hiring freeze at all businesses unless it’s someone a brother can personally vouch for.”

  “Has she had any martial arts training? Do you want to have her work with Razor? She might enjoy taking classes with the other ol’ladies — you could have them invite her if you don’t think she’ll be open to it. She seems to have bonded with Harmony.”

  “Eventually. Not yet.”

  “What do you think her father will do when he finds out?”

  “Try to set me up. Send me away. I can’t touch his daughter if I’m in prison.”


  McGyver had already considered the possibilities. “He’ll have someone who knows the police chief or the sheriff. He’ll have them set up a meeting, or a golf outing, or whatever. He’ll offer large sums of money, or perhaps figure out what they really want — college funded for a child, or a promise to help the child into a specific school, or some kind of experimental treatment if they have a loved one suffering from an otherwise incurable disease. However he does it, the purpose will be for the department to focus on me, which will of course mean they’re focusing on the club. He’ll also hire top-notch private investigators, aimed to dig up dirt on me and those I care about. He may go so far as some kind of sting. A set-up. Drugs in my car, or someone beat to hell and back who’ll say I did it.”

  “What else?”

  “If we institute a hiring freeze, they can’t install someone at the hotel, laundromats, or restaurant. We haven’t needed to hire anyone new at the gun store or firing range for a while, and Razor’s set up without needing outside help. We might want to consider hiring a few girls at the hotel, women who applied a while back — nothing recent. We can handle being slightly overstaffed for a while, to head off being understaffed later. We’ve always known that’s our biggest exposure risk. If anyone ever gets someone undercover in as an employee there, we’re in trouble.”

  “Right. We need to bring this up at church. I’m not prepared to put a freeze on bringing new prospects in, but everyone needs to be reminded their ass is on the line if they sponsor someone undercover.”

  McGyver stopped walking. They were surrounded by forest. No people within at least a half mile. “Will the club ask me to step away for a while?” He wouldn’t blame them if they did, but it would crush him.

  Brain stopped with him. “I’ll make sure that isn’t an option. I know what she means to you, and I know what we mean to you. We’re family, and she’s yours. We’ll figure this out, Mac.”

  “I need my family, but it feels a little selfish to stay.”

  “I’m looking at this as a reason to double-check everything, make sure we haven’t gotten complacent. Shoring ourselves up legally can never be a bad thing. You’re giving us a fire drill, so we can make sure we’re structurally sound and all emergency exits are in good working order.” Brain climbed the trail again, and McGyver followed.

  “Might not be a bad idea to audit everyone’s phone and laptop again. Last time,
we found serious holes in security, and it’s been five months.”

  “We’ll hold onto the phones put in the bin at church tomorrow and go through them,” Brain agreed. “I’ll talk to Duke about deciding a deadline for ol’ladies to get their phones to us, and for everyone to get their laptop in. It’ll mean the two of us will be putting in serious hours this week, but you’re right — it’s time. Springing it a month early works.” He sighed. “If I was in your shoes, I’d be searching every nook and cranny to try to figure out who took her mom.”

  McGyver rolled his eyes. No one besides Brain and Harmony would’ve even considered this. It was one of the reasons he was so close to them. “I’m being careful. I learned how to hide online from the best.”

  “Found anything?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Aaron’s people are good.”

  “I know. We’re good, too, but we can’t watch her all the damned time.”

  “Let’s you and I plan a trip together late next week after the phone audits are through, so we can do some online exploring from another city. A little brainstorming might help.”

  McGyver blew out a breath, relieved. If there was anything to find, Brain would be able to. And for the databases they needed to get into, even bouncing around the world might not hide their locations, so going out of town to do this particular bit of hacking was wise.

  “Thanks, brother.” He didn’t need to say anything else. Brain would be able to scent how much he appreciated the help.

  The foursome ate dinner together again, and then Brain and Harmony headed out to walk the grounds, while Danny made a straight line for the cabin with Iris. Werewolves enjoyed the cold, Iris didn’t.

  The cabin had a large jetted tub in the main living area, and McGyver fully intended to make use of it, but first, he needed to relieve some pressure, and he thought Iris would enjoy the process.

  The second he had her inside, he lifted her, walked her to the seating area, settled her on her feet, and pressed her forward until she was leaned over the back of the sofa.

  “Wanted to fuck you since you walked into the restaurant. I’m a big fan of leggings. Easy to get down.”

  Iris wore a pretty navy and lavender dress, with matching lavender leggings, and furry navy boots. McGyver lifted the dress, pulled the leggings down, unzipped his jeans, and pressed into her. He didn’t check to see if she was wet first — his nose told him she was ready. Her arousal had jumped into gear when he’d pressed her forward, and then had gone into overdrive when he’d told her what was about to happen.

  They both groaned when he sank into her, and he scented discomfort, but it seemed to fire her lust even more. She was likely sore from the night before — and the morning shower fuck.

  That was okay. This wasn’t going to take long, and he intended to take her ass later.

  Chapter 15

  Iris didn’t know why it worked for her to be bent over something and then wham, bam, thank you ma’am, but it most definitely worked for her.

  It also worked that he picked her up when he finished, carried her around the sofa, sat with her in his lap, and held her while they both recovered. At five foot eight inches tall, no one had carried Iris since she was a small child, but Danny did so easily, despite the fact he’s only six inches taller than her. She leaned into him and soaked in the heated strength of both Danny and his wolf. When she was breathing without gasping for air, she looked up and met his gaze, and once again, his raw beauty hit her in the gut. And his eyes. Sometimes, she almost thought she could see his wolf looking at her. The eyes of the boy had been the same, but now they were in a man’s face, and it made her consider the differences.

  “Should I be calling you McGyver? I mean, you’ve grown up and become your own man, but you’re still my Danny.”

  He held her a little tighter. “Anyone but you, and I’d insist on McGyver at the clubhouse, but I love hearing my name from your lips.” He stroked her arm. “Most people didn’t know my legal name until they heard you using it, but it’s okay. Most of the ol’ladies eventually migrate to the club name. Gen called Duke Keith, at first. Hailey still calls Ghost Dare, though. His name’s Dariel and she shortens it.” He kissed the top of her head. “Whatever feels right, Blueberry. It’s all good.”

  Two fancy coolers sat on the little fake hearth, and she noted a few more candles had been placed in it.

  “What’s in the coolers?”

  “I had a talk with the resort’s wine person, and ordered a few bottles of wine she recommended, and an assortment of berries. I’m assured there will be both strawberries and blueberries, along with others. Did you know grapes are considered a berry?”

  She turned in his arms. “You’re more of a beer guy though, right? How often have you had wine in the past five years?”

  He shrugged. “It isn’t about me, it’s about us. I like wine, and I love berries. If I’d wanted beer, I’d have ordered some for me, and the wine for you. I want this to be a shared experience. I want the wine.”

  “And the candles?”

  “The wolf doesn’t do well with fake shit, but these candles are made with essential oils, and they aren’t perfume-ey. I liked the effect last night, and tonight we’re gonna spend time in that huge bathtub, so I figure it’ll all work together.”

  “Would you be happier with someone who likes beer and barbecue?”

  “It’s always been you, Blueberry.”

  His rough voice stroked her skin like an intimate caress, and she snuggled into him more. “You aren’t just a man. You’re a wolf, too. It seems wrong to expect you to do the wine and berries thing. I’m glad you are, but this has to be about both of us, Danny. I need to get to know you better, so I can learn to fit into your world, too.”

  “Not until you’ve told your father about me. Then, I’ll buy you biker clothes and you’ll ride bitch behind me, and you’ll eat barbecue and cuss and will have the kind of fun I don’t think you’re used to having, but we can’t risk that yet.”

  Any concerns Iris had about Danny enjoying wine and berries went away once they were in the tub with wine glasses, feeding each other, and it was unlike any wine-and-berries experience she’d ever had. Danny had somehow made this cabin his territory, and he was a predator at ease on his own turf. There were kisses, and laughter, and lots of teasing.

  And five bottles of expensive wine later, he dried her off and ordered her to knees-and-shoulders on the bed so he could lube her ass.

  She did as he said, but couldn’t resist being a bit of a brat. “Fuck, you’re bossy.”

  “Not yet. I can be, if you’d like.”

  He stalked to her with a small jar of coconut oil, and the heat in her veins turned to a hunger only Danny could sate. He was the wolf, apex predator, but he didn’t scare her. His eyes, his stance, his body language — her clit throbbed and grew tighter, along with everything else between her legs.

  He teased her first, his lubed finger rubbing all around the outside, getting her nice and slick. Finally, a single finger went in, and she pushed her butt backwards, wanting more. Twenty seconds later, he pressed two fingers in, and she whined because she wanted more.

  But when he went to add a third, she went to hands and knees and looked back. “No. I’m slick enough. No more fingers. I want it to hurt when you go in. Don’t stretch me out first.”

  “There’s something else you need to know about werewolves, Blue. Back to knees and shoulders. I didn’t say you could raise up.”

  Her body obeyed before she realized she was going to. She’d have to think on that later.

  Danny wiped his hands on a towel, tossed it to the side, and settled between her legs. “I can alter the size of my cock. The mass has to stay the same, but I can be long and thin, or short and fat, or anywhere in between.”

  “That explains how you could keep me feeling you so much towards the end last night. It was like I couldn’t get used to your size. I loved it.”

  “I was planning to narrow d
own to get started tonight, but…” He stroked her side, stopped at her hip, and held on. “How much pain do you want?”

  She resisted the urge to make demands to get what she wanted faster. That’d never worked with Danny. “If you can go in your normal size and then maybe get fatter?”

  McGyver was good with that, but, “You’ll say yellow if it’s close to too much, and red if it’s too much. I’ll narrow down and check in with you.”

  The wolf was watching, in the background, and clearly didn’t want him to hurt their Blueberry, but the man wanted to make her scream. Not in true pain. Never in true pain. However, her screams the night before had gone straight to his balls. She truly enjoyed rough sex. His perfect partner in every fucking way.

  He pressed in slowly and she opened for him. Her scent was a mix of pain and pleasure, but under a thick layer of anticipation. He took a breath, weighed his options, and then slammed into her — balls deep in one violent plunge.

  Iris screamed, and he nearly yelped because she was damned tight. He only stayed in for a count of five before he pulled out and did it again.

  And again.

  She pushed back, into him, when he rammed hard into her again, clearly wanting more. His Blueberry would never be submissive, and yet she’d never hesitated to submit to him when the wolf needed. The wolf appreciated her wild sexuality in that moment, and Danny pumped her harder, and harder.

  Her screams filled the room, but he scented her pleasure along with the pain and surprise, and McGyver suddenly wanted to ream her ass. He went in, held, and grew thicker. Her scent was like an aphrodisiac, and his balls throbbed. He went even fatter inside her, and then pulled out and powered back in — though he didn’t slam in this time because the friction would’ve been too much.


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