Cripps, Etheline, 131, 366–7
Cripps, Roy, 366
Cummings, Dr, 248
Cunningham Code, The (RH; unfinished novel), 134
Curtis, Dr Montague, 147, 249, 258, 280
Cust, Robert Henry, 194
Daily Express, 176, 179, 213, 239
Daily Herald, 184, 221
Davies, Peter, 368
Davison, Emily, 52
Dawson, Bertrand Edward, Viscount Dawson of Penn, 337, 340
Dennett, Mary Ware: The Sex Side of Life, 223
Dickens, Charles: Our Mutual Friend, 201
Dickie (maid), 144, 147
Diehl, Edwin Otley (RH’s maternal grandfather), 8
Diehl, Mrs Edwin Otley (RH’s maternal grandmother): relations with RH, 6, 8–10, 16, 18, 27, 30, 47; death, 50
Diehl, William (RH’s uncle), 31
Doubleday (US publisher), 144, 169, 171
Douglas, James: attacks The Well of Loneliness, 175, 176–9, 183, 189, 196, 205, 207, 213–14, 368; attacks D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow, 202;
Douglas, James-contd lampooned in The Sink of Solitude, 219–20; commends RG’s The Master of the House, 246
Dowling, Dr, 238
Dowson, Sir Oscar, 368
Drake, May, 121
Dreiser, Theodore, 228
Dresser, Marcia van, 242
Duncan, Isadora, 55
Dywell, Mr (hairdresser), 139
Ede, James Chuter, 368–9
Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon), 311, 315
Edge, Gladys, 197
Edward VII, King (formerly Prince of Wales), 33, 37, 39, 50
Edward VIII, King (later Duke of Windsor), 297
Egan, Beresford, 220, 234, 239
Elgar, Sir Edward, 18, 28, 55–6
Ellard, George, 176
Ellis, Henry Havelock: writes preface to The Well of Loneliness, 158–60, 168–70, 173, 219; and suppression of The Well of Loneliness, 179, 184, 195, 197; and RH s finances, 213; lampooned, 219–220; and dramatization of The Well of Loneliness, 139; Eonism and Other Supplementary Studies, 175; Studies in the Psychology of Sex,, 155
Eisner, Anne, 174, 198
Emblem Hurlstone (RH; unfinished novel), 274, 280, 308
Emmanuel, Mother, 119
English Club, 138
Enthoven, Gabrielle, 111, 121–2, 130, 137, 159, 167, 240, 242
Ernst, Morris, 222, 224–8, 240
Evans, Charles, 168
Evans, (Dame) Edith, 305
Evans, Violet, 244
Exeter, 329–30
Faber, Geoffrey, 191, 195
Farmer, Elizabeth, 6
Farmer, Mary Ratcliffe, 24
Farrar, Gwen, 130
Fascism, 185, 297, 301, 311, 320
Fassett, Dorothea, 230, 235, 237
Femina Vie Heureuse prize, 145, 147–8
Ferber, Edna, 228
Ferris, Rock, 373
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 228
Flament, Albert de, 293
Flanner, Janet (Genet), 214, 239
Florence, Italy: RH visits with Una, 124, 315–18, 320; RH stays in with Una and Evguenia, 303, 308–12; Una returns to after war, 369–71
Floud, Sir Francis, 189–91
Flower, Newman: RH lunches with, 130; and RH’s The Unlit Lamp, 135; patronizes Mrs Leonard, 136; and RH’s Adam’s Breed, 141, 145; and RH’s Well of Loneliness, 167–8
Food see Adam’s Breed
Ford, Ford Madox, 28, 122; Ladies Whose Bright Eyes, 120
Forebears and Infancy (RH; autobiography), 4, 310
Forge, The (RH; earlier Chains; novel), 126–7, 129–30, 131, 135
Forgotten Island, The (RH; poetry), 61
Forster, E.M., 185–7, 195, 201; Maurice, 186–7
Fox-Pitt, Edith, Lady (née Douglas), 108
Fox-Pitt, Sir John Lane, 99, 105–12, 118, 158, 178, 219
Franchetti, Mimi, 147, 184
Friede, Donald, 213, 220, 221, 223–4; see also Covici-Friede (US publishers)
Fry, Penrose, 242.
Fuller, Dr, 291, 293, 296, 308, 318–19, 313
Fulton, Eustace, 204, 211–12
Gallimard (French publishers), 224, 246
Galsworthy. John. 148, 194
Garbo, Greta, 159
Garnett, Edward, 196
Garry (maid), 61
Garvin, James Louis, 144, 172–3
Garvin, Viola (née Taylor; then Woods; Una Troubridge’s sister), 68, 71, 144–5, 173, 303, 322, 367
Gautier, Theophile: Madeleine de Maupin, 226
Geddes, Father, 345
General Strike (1926), 140
Gentry (publicity manager of Cassell), 147–8
George Vl, King, 301
Gerrard, Teddie, 130–1, 136, 167, 366
Gielgud, (Sir) John, 253–4
Glendening, Dr Logan, 228
Goddard, Theodore, 62, 66, 145, 170, 209, 235–7, 249
Goeben (German cruiser), 72–3
Goodner, Carol, 255
Goodrich, Nurse, 334
Gordon, Taylor, 148
Goudeket, Maurice, 261, 284
Gower, Lucy, 305
Granville-Barker, Harley, 193
Grasse, France, 291–3
Grassman, Father Thomas, 252
Great War (1914–18): outbreak, 60; life in, 65–6; ends, 101; in RH’s fiction, 159–60, 162, 250–1
Greenbaum, Eddie, 223
Gregory, Mrs (Chelsea landlady), 93
Greig, John Thomson, 197
Grimston (house), Datchet, 98–9
Gurney, Violet (Ernest Troubridge’s sister), 101
Hague, Father, 136
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Abyssinia, 301
Hailsham, Douglas McGarel Hogg, 1st Viscount, 191
Haire, Norman, 197
Haldane, J.B.S., 194
Hales, Winifred, 243
Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of, 311
Hall, Radclyffe (Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall; ‘John’): relations with mother, 4, 7–10, 12, 17, 27, 31, 42, 116, 151–4, 172, 287; autobiography, 4, 310; temper, 4, 8, 42, 47, 79, 115, 131, 293, 316, 322; birth, 6–7; childhood, 7–19; dyslexia, 9, 12–13, 17–18, 62; trust fund, 9, 19; self-centredness, 10, 19, 138; schooling, 12–13, 17; Visetti makes indecent advances to as child, 16–17, 269; interest in animals and pets, 18, 51–2, 119, 143–4, 253, 258, 330–1; music and composing, 18; early sexual feelings and affairs, 19–24, 26–32; inheritance from father, 24–5, 27; allowance to mother, 27, 66, 154; appearance, dress and style, 28, 67, 112, 118, 120, 125, 129, 178, 224, 280; country and sporting interests, 28, 30, 43, 51; cars and motoring, 30, 53, 61, 118, 129, 146, 249; poetry, 30–2, 40–3, 48–9, 52, 55, 57, 61; tours USA, 30; meets Mabel Batten, 33–5, 40–1; relations with Mabel Batten, 41–4, 47–53, 55–9, 65, 74–9; given nickname John, 42; belief in reincarnation, 48, 59, 132–3; converts to Catholicism, 48, 54; affair with Phoebe Hoare, 55–8, 61, 67, 74; glandular fever, 55; mumps, 60; in Great War, 60–1, 249; and Mabel’s injury in motor accident, 61–2, 66; short stories, 62, 63–5, 67, 250, 258; treatment of servants and help, 66, 115, 131–2, 139, 146, 233, 243, 249; meets Una Troubridge, 67, 73; relations with Una Troubridge, 74–8, 85, 92–4, 98–9, 102–4, 112, 115, 125, 131–2, 135, 140, 142, 161, 306–8; and Mabels death, 79–81, 85–6; spiritualist sessions and psychic interests, 86, 88–94, 95–7, 99–101, 109, 118; makes will, 93, 314, 319, 332, 345, 377; measles, 93; reads paper to Society for Psychic Research, 99–100, 105; buys and occupies Chip Chase (house), 101, 115–16; Ernest Troubridge denounces, 102; and Una’s stay in Bowden House for psychoanalysis, 103; wins immorality slander case, 106–12; lesbianism made public, 111–12; sleeps alone, 115–16; novel-writing, 116–18, 121, 123–4, 126, 130–6, 138–41, 144, 159, 234, 236, 238, 243, 245, 274, 280; smoking, 118, 120, 178, 303, 315, 321–2, 341; keeps, breeds and shows dogs, 119, 131, 169, 172, 230, 253–4; political views, 119–20, 140, 242; adopts masculine ways, 120, 125; reading, 120, 129–
30, 158, 247; restlessness, 120; leaves Chip Chase, 121; and lesbian social life, 121–2, 125, 130–1, 147, 159, 241; and Italian Fascism, 124, 285, 297, 301, 311, 320; Italian holidays with Una, 124, 308; in Holland Street house, 134, 136, 169; literary reputation and success, 135–6, 147–8, 175; lectures to English Club, 138; in General Strike, 140; class consciousness, 144; on lesbian identity and inversion, 146, 155–6, 158–60, 171; wins literary prizes, 147–8, 159; Buchel portrait of, 159, 370; Compton Mackenzie satirizes, 171; and Visetti’s death and funeral, 172; and suppression of The Well of Loneliness, 178–81, 184–7, 191–4, 198–203, 207–11; sells Holland Street house, 187–209, 213; protests in court against Biron’s comments, 210–11; literary earnings, 213–14; loses appeal against Well of Loneliness verdict, 214–19; caricatured in The Sink of Solitude, 219–20, 234; protests at suppression, 221–2; and clearing of The Well of Loneliness in USA, 229; and dramatization of The Well of Loneliness, 230, 234–5, 239–40; French holiday, 230, 233–6; health problems, 237, 243, 247, 257–8, 297, 311, 318, 321–6, 328, 338–44; sympathetic wounds, 238; life and conflicts in Rye, 241–7, 251–8, 280; financial losses, 242, 249; and Una’s hysterectomy and convalescence, 248–9; complains of Father Bonaventura, 252; lectures on novel writing, 254; infatuation with Evguenia Souline, 262–7, 274, 276–80, 283, 289, 302, 304, 305–6, 308, 310, 319, 321, 337–8, 341–2; letters to Evguenia, 264–70, 348, 376–7; financial gifts to Evguenia, 267, 271, 279, 317, 319; and Evguenia’s visits to England, 272–3, 287–8, 307, 309, 323; relations with Evguenia and Una, 274–5, 280–8, 289–96, 298, 307, 309, 312–15; and Evguenia’s illness, 291–2; wrecks Evguenia’s Paris flat, 293; in Italy with Evguenia, 296–8, 301–2, 309, 316; injured in fall, 306–8; depressions, 311–12, 322, 331, 339, 342; and Evguenia’s naturalization difficulties, 312, 314–15; humiliates Una, 314; growth on lip removed, 315; Evguenia seeks freedom from, 316–17, 319, 321; Evguenia visits in Florence (Christmas 1938), 317–18; at outbreak of World War II, 325–6; at Lynton during war, 326, 328–30; responsibility for Evguenia in war, 331–4, 386–7; Una dominates during war, 332–4, 338–41; eye problems, 334–5, 337; colostomy operation, 344–5; will changed in Una’s favour, 346–7, 356; decline and death, 347–9; dying injunction to Evguenia, 347; funeral and obituaries, 353; Una constructs posthumous image, 353–5, 358–9; mother challenges will, 360; portrait as child, 360, 363; Una’s memoir of, 360–1; Una destroys papers, 369
Hancock Jack and Molly, 330, 344, 370
Harcourt Brace (US publishers), 286, 288
Harper, Dr, 344
Harraden, Beatrice, 148
Harris, Austin, 40, 43
Harris, Cara (née Batten; Mabel’s daughter; ‘Rognons de la Fleche’): born, 36; moves to London, 38; painting, 39; affair with Romer, 40; relations with mother, 43, 74; and mother’s relations with RH, 47; and father’s death, 50; and Clarkes, 51; children, 56, 58–9; and mother’s death and will, 79–80; takes mother’s diaries, 85; and RH’s psychic pursuit of Mabel, 97–8, 100–1; Una refuses to send photographs of mother to, 367
Harris, Frank, 171
Harris, Honey (Cara’s daughter), 79, 100
Harris, Karen (Cara’s daughter), 59
Harris, Peter (Cara’s son), 97
Hartley, Dr, 247
Hartley, Leslie Poles, 173
Harty, Sir Hamilton, 28
Hastie, Mr (RH’s solicitor), 101
Hastings, Sir Patrick, 237
Hatch, George Cliffe (Mabel Batten’s father), 36
Hatch, George (Mabel Batten’s brother), 58
Hatch, Minnie, 36
Hatch, Nelly, 58
Hathaway, Dr, 102
Hatten, Marjorie, 342
Healy, Justice (USA), 224
Heath, Audrey: as RH’s literary agent, 121; and RH’s The Unlit Lamp, 126, 135; and RH’s The Forge, 127; Una reads manuscripts for, 140; and RH’s Adam’s Breed, 141–2; and RH’s Well of Loneliness, 168–72, 178, 187, 209; ends RH’s contract with Blanche Knopf, 189; in Rye with RH, 219; and RH’s renouncing England, 220; and dramatization of The Well of Loneliness, 230, 235–7, 239; relations with RH deteriorate, 236–7, 747; and RH’s The Master of the House, 245–6; sends flowers to Una in hospital, 248; and RH’s The Sixth Beatitude, 286, 288; decline, 367
Hedley, Prescott, 247
Heinemann, William (publisher), 65, 121, 126, 168, 286
Hemingway, Ernest, 228
Herbert, (Sir) A.P., 197
Hermes Press, 219
‘Hicklin Rule’ (1868), 202
Highfield (house), Malvem Wells, Worcestershire, 30, 51
Hill, Leopold (bookseller), 188–9, 191–3, 198, 203–4
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 199
Hitler, Adolf, 297, 301, 311, 315, 320–1, 324, 329
Hoare, Oliver, 55–6, 58, 60, 112, 160
Hoare, Phoebe, 55–8, 60–1, 67, 74, 98, 112
Holland Street, London: RH buys and occupies, 134, 136–7, 169; RH sells, 187, 209, 213
Hollander, Georges, 277
Holroyd-Reece, Jehanne, 234, 366
Holroyd-Reece, John: publishes RH’s The Well of Loneliness in Paris, 188, 214, 222; and prosecution of The Well of Loneliness, 239; on Riviera, 234; criticizes dramatization of The Well of Loneliness, 239; on d’Annunzio’s fantasy, 285; attempts to secure visa for Evguenia, 329; declines to help Evguenia in money disputes with Una, 355–6; and Una’s allowance to Mrs Visetti, 360; Una lodges with, 366
Hope, Laura (Ernest Troubridge’s sister), 70–1, 101
Horn, Judith, 289
Horsford, Dr, 360, 363
Housman, Laurence, 196
Howard, Wren, 187–8
Hume-Williams, S ir Ellis, 107, 110–11
Humely, Mr (spiritualist), 91
Hunt, Violet, 28–30, 41, 120, 122, 135, 144–5, 147, 159
Hutchinson, Vere, 121, 135, 137
Inskip, SirThomas, 180, 191, 215–18
Irons, Evelyn, 159, 167, 250
Irwin, Margaret, 135
Isaacs, Rufus Daniel (Lord Chief Justice; later 1st Marquess of Reading), 107, 109–11
Jacob, Naomi (‘Micki’), 258, 266, 284–5, 348
James, Henry, 28
James Tait Black Prize, 159
Jameson, Storm, 195–6
Johnson, J. Rosamund, 148
Joll, Cecil, 344–5
Jones, Llewellyn, 227
Joynson-Hicks, Sir William (later 1st Viscount Brentford; ‘Jix’): supports suppression of The Well of Loneliness, 179–81, 183, 185, 189–92, 200, 204–5, 214–15, 117–18, 237
Judge, Mr (solicitor), 356
Kaye-Smith, Sheila, 148, 195, 201, 244, 246, 248
Keppel, Mrs George (Alice), 58
Kershaw, Wilette, 230, 234–7, 239–40
Kipling, Rudyard, 215–16, 218
Kirkby-Lunn, Louise, 39, 50
Kitchener, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl, 87
Knopf, Alfred (US publisher), 169
Knopf, Blanche, 169–71, 187–9
Knott, Nurse, 7–8, 10–12, 17
Koopman, John, 39
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von: Psychopathia Sexualis, 164
Ladye see Batten, Mabel Veronica
Lafargue De-Avilla, Fabienne, 137, 144, 147, 367
Lafayette (photographer), 130
Lakin, Mrs (motorist), 61–2, 66
Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of York
(later of Canterbury), 194
Lapiccirella, Dr, 321
Lawrence, D.H.: The Rainbow, 202
Le Gallienne, Eva, 147
Leonard, Gladys: RH consults as medium, 88–93, 95, 97–9, 102–3, 109, 118, 136, 140, 169, 173, 182, 219, 242, 276, 287, 323; My Life in Two Worlds, 242
Levy, Rabbi Felix H., 228
Lewis, Sir George, 102, 108, 111–12
Lifar, Sergei, 276
Llanberis, 85
Llandudno, 62
Lodge, Sir Oliver, 86–9, 96–7, 100, 118
Lodge, Raymond, 86–8
> Logan, F.H., 368
London Play Company, 230, 235–6
Lovat Dickson, Horatio, 357, 362
Lowther, Toupie (‘Brother’): tennis playing, 33, 40; at Herstmonceux Castle, 52; with ambulance unit in Great War, 66, 75, 159–60, 162; RHs friendship with, 111, 120 130, 144, 147; Una on, 111, 119; teaches RH to drive, 118; in London lesbian scene, 121; fancy dress ball, 122; RH reads The Forge to, 127; and Romaine Brooks’s portrait of Una, 137; affair with Fabienne Lafargue De-Avilla, 137, 144, 147; depicted in The Well of Loneliness, 159–60, 162; and suppression of The Well of Loneliness, 198, 211; breach with RH, 242; death, 367
Lucas, E.V., 135
Lugsch, Miss (of Chicago), 246, 258
Lumbroso, Signor (Florence neighbour), 311
Lusitania (ship), 65
Lygon, Mrs (tenant of White Cottage), 76
Lynton, Devon, 326, 328–31, 340–1, 370
Lyons, Alfred, 196
Lytton, Edith, Countess of, 38
Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, 1st Earl of (‘Owen Meredith’), 37–8
McAdoo (New York magistrate), 221
Macaulay, (Dame) Rose, 196
McCarthy, (Sir) Desmond, 205
MacDonald, Ramsay, 242
McDonnell, Miss (cook), 146–7
McEwan, Miss (housemaid), 240
Mclnerney, Justice (USA), 224
Mackenzie, (Sir) Compton: Extraordinary
Women, 171, 219
Maclean, Miss (housekeeper), 118, 140, 147
Macquister, Frederick, 112, 203
McSweeney, Joy, 250
Makaroff, Evguenia see Souline, Evguenia
Makaroff, Vladimir (Evguenia’s husband), 365, 370, 376–7
Makedon, Xenia, 374
Malvern Wells, Worcestershire, 30, 51, 57, 60–2, 65, 75–8, 314
Manners, Dr, 343
Manners, Lord Cecil, 79
Maria (maid), 319
Marjoribanks, Mrs George, 79
Marlow-on-Thames, 10, 11
Martin, Easthrope, 43
Mary (parlourmaid), 243
Massola, May, 369
Master of the House, The (RH; earlier The Carpenter’s Son; novel), 234, 236, 238–9, 243, 245–6, 274
May, Dr, 102
Mayo, Richard Southwell Bourke, 6th Earl of, 36, 38
Melville, J.B., 198, 208, 212, 217
Merano, Italy, 296–7
Meredith, Owen see Lytton, 1st Earl of Merrill, George, 187
Meyer, Adolf de, 52
Meyer, Olga de, 52
Michael West (RH; autobiographical novel), 4, 65, 76
The Trials of Radclyffe Hall Page 47