Dirty Deeds (Irresistible Book 3)

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Dirty Deeds (Irresistible Book 3) Page 16

by Stella Rhys

  But that was the case, and I was starting to learn that sometimes, the unpredictable parts of life could in fact work in your way.

  “Well, you know what I say?” Evie asked, putting a smirk on my lips as I heard the sound of her rolling her chair over to mine. “I say you deserve it,” she declared, throwing her arms over my shoulders. “And so do I.”

  “What do you mean?” I snorted.

  “I mean the application for or new liquor license got magically pushed through today,” she said as I gasped like it was Christmas morning. “And since I’m pretty sure it was your eight-pack-havin’ boyfriend who helped us out with that, I’m gonna tell you now to fuck him extra good tonight. As a thank you from us both.”

  “Oh. My God, Evie,” I wrinkled my nose as she burst out laughing.

  “Sorry. For that, I’ll finish closing on my own,” she said, grabbing my purse off the hook and tossing it onto my lap. “Now go shop with your man. He’s been waiting long enough for you.”

  The store Emmett chose was the boutique two doors from Blue Harbor. I thought it was funny at first because I assumed he’d chosen the place out of convenience. Considering it was right next to his restaurant, I figured it was the only women’s store he knew.

  But when I walked in, I realized it was more to do with it being fucking beautiful inside.

  Holy crap, I thought as I stood by the door and took in the bright room filled with dresses that looked plucked from the runway. They hung illuminated from glass shelves that were flanked on each end by white pillars holding gorgeous floral arrangements that swept the floors.

  And if that weren’t all charming enough, we were soon approached by a pixie-haired salesgirl who introduced herself as Rose before handing over two glasses of champagne.

  “None for me, thank you,” Emmett said graciously before frowning down at his ringing phone. “But I’m sure my girlfriend wouldn’t mind taking my share.”

  Both the salesgirl and I lifted our eyebrows at that one.

  My girlfriend. I’d heard the g word from Evie and Hannah all day, but hearing it from Emmett’s mouth was an entirely different story. It had me feeling as bubbly as my drink as I watched Emmett excuse himself to take his call.

  “So,” Rose grinned as we perused the racks of dresses. “I take it you’re the lucky one who stole him away from us?”

  My eyebrows went up yet again.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Oh, the shop girls and I – we go to Blue Harbor for drinks after our shifts. We usually see Emmett there with his friends most nights, but not so much the past few weeks,” she said, plucking a pink dress off the rack and squinting as she held it to my front. “Is it because he’s been staying home with you?” she asked with a little smirk.

  “Oh.” My lashes fluttered. “Actually… maybe,” I said as I eyed Emmett across the room. I’d never considered the fact that he may have changed his habits or ever canceled plans for me, but from what Rose was saying, that may very well have been the case.

  “Well then whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.” She draped the pink dress over her arm and plucked another off the rack. “Because that man’s definitely never liked a girl enough to stay home for her – or go shopping with her for that matter.”

  I let myself smile. “And you know this because?”

  “Because tracking that man’s relationship status is just a thing we do in this town every summer,” Rose laughed almost sheepishly. Then she wiggled her eyebrows at me. “At least it was until now.”

  “Huh. I see,” I murmured, grinning into my flute of champagne as I took a drink.

  I tried not to let her words sway me too much, but as I sipped and shopped on, I couldn’t help but feel like I was walking on a cloud. I’d already been on a high with Emmett these days, but now Rose had me feeling like I’d landed East Hampton’s most eligible bachelor. I didn’t even care that he wound up spending such an unexpectedly long time on the phone. For starters, the call sounded important and honestly, it didn’t matter since I heard him come over to the dressing room the second he hung up.

  “Baby. Did you find anything you like?” he asked.

  I grinned at him calling me “baby” in public. Definitely a first. I wasn’t even fully dressed, but I didn’t care. We’d spent all of ten minutes apart but I already missed his face, so once I slipped into some strappy heels, I swung open the door.

  “Whoa.” Emmett’s eyebrows ascended at the pinkish-gold dress stretched over my body, zipped only a third of the way in the back. “That’s...” Emmett nodded as he simply stood there for a second. He looked almost lost as he dragged a hand across his jaw, staring unblinkingly at me. “Yeah. That’s the one,” he finally said, ripping his gaze off my front to look at me. “Right?”

  I giggled at his ridiculously adorable reaction.

  “I think so. I just need to make sure it fits. Will you zip the back for me?” I asked, gathering my hair and turning around.

  I smirked at Emmett through the reflection of the mirror, watching him drift into the fitting room and lock his heavy stare on my backside.

  “It’s actually painful how fucking beautiful you are,” he muttered, cupping my waist and running his hands down the curve of my hips before sucking in a deep breath to focus on my zipper.

  “Why does it look like zipping me up takes every ounce of your strength?” I teased.

  “Because that’s exactly what it does when all I ever want is you naked.”

  Oh. My eyes fluttered. Well then, I thought, biting back a little grin as Emmett finally started helping me with my dress. Holding my hair off my neck, I watched him through the mirror. His eyebrows were pulled tight by the sexiest frown I’d ever seen in my life, and his head was tilted just so, his eyes drifting up my naked back as he slowly zipped me up.

  When he was done, he stepped back so that we could both gaze at my reflection.

  “I love it,” I murmured. And I meant it, despite the fact that the dress felt entirely too tight on me. But since it was my size, and since it zipped easily on me, I had a feeling the sensation was mostly to do with the fact that Emmett looked ready to rip the thing off my body.

  I wasn’t remotely surprised when he broke the silence by asking if I needed him to unzip me.

  A slow smile spread my lips as I peered over my shoulder.

  “Sure,” I said warily, half-expecting Emmett to yank the dress off my body as soon as he touched me.

  But instead, Emmett simply tipped my chin up, closing his mouth over mine and kissing me sweetly as he pulled the zipper down on my dress. I let my eyes fall shut as he teased me, his tongue flicking so softly, so leisurely against mine that when he finally gave me a full lick, I felt an instant rush of wetness. As if sensing it, Emmett kissed me harder, crushing his lips against mine and greedily tasting every corner of my mouth.

  Silly me, I thought when I heard him kick the door shut.

  I’d really thought that Emmett would kiss me and leave it at that. I’d somehow forgotten that we were both physically incapable of keeping our hands off of each other, no matter where the hell we were. Honestly, it was a mystery that I’d ever gone twelve years without seeing this man, because now I needed him and his body like I needed water and air.

  “Emmett…” I whispered, pulling away from his kiss when I felt a gust of cold air hit the backs of my legs. It took a moment for me to realize that he’d gathered up my long skirt, holding it scrunched in his hands. I held my breath for the moment he lifted it to find that I wasn’t wearing panties.

  Bracing myself with my hands on the mirror, I gazed into the reflection, just waiting for him to notice. When I caught Emmett’s eyebrow cock up, I bit my lip.

  “Christ,” he muttered, taking a moment to gather himself. “Is this becoming a habit?” he asked, his voice thick with lust as he reached between my thighs and parted my pussy.

  “I took them off,” I explained, breathing out hard as he dipped his fingers into my wetness. “I di
dn’t want panty lines.”


  He wasn’t listening anymore. That much was evident as he tilted his head, watching himself as he pumped his fingers slowly inside me. My fingers curled on the cold mirror, my stomach tightening as I imagined the salesgirl knocking at any second.

  “You’re so wet you’re dripping down your thighs,” Emmett murmured, so aroused he sounded angry.

  “Well, what do you want me to do about it?” I sassed, my heart thumping when his stare flickered up at me.

  “I want to watch you sink that pussy down to the base of my cock. That’s what I want you to do,” he muttered, his hot gaze pinned to my reflection as he withdrew his slick fingers to palm me from behind, his middle finger playing with my clit. “But since I don’t have a condom, I’ll settle for watching you while I make you come in this dress.”

  With that promise, he pushed deeper inside me, his other hand fondling my breast. My eyelids grew heavy as he buried his mouth into the curve of my neck, still eyeing me through the mirror as he sucked on my skin.

  “You’re soaked,” he said, squeezing my tits mercilessly as he slid a third finger inside me. My eyes rolled back. God, it felt good. Way too good. It made me crave his cock so desperately he could feel it. “Fuck, baby, don’t clench so tight around me,” he growled, a groan at the edge of his lips. “You’re making my dick so fucking hard.”

  “Let me feel it,” I breathed, swallowing a moan when he pressed his clothed cock to my bare pussy. My mouth hung open as I gripped the edges of the mirror and watched his reflection. His teeth were gnashed and his jaw was tight as he grasped my hips, thrusting against me, pressing every inch of his hard-on tight against my sex.

  “I want it inside,” I whispered as his groan poured out.

  “Don’t say that to me right now.”

  “I mean it,” I breathed, catching his eye in the mirror. “I’m on the pill, and I’m clean, so if you are…”

  Emmett stared at me, temptation thick in his gaze.

  Every second after that was a delirious blur. I heard his breath shorten as his belt jangled. I caught the glint of blue in the mirror as he locked his stare on me. But the moment I felt his bare tip nudge my folds, my head dizzied. The second I felt his cock push inside me, I was done for.

  “Aly,” Emmett groaned, holding me up as my legs buckled. “Holy fuck.”

  I was right there with him, unable to suppress my sounds of pleasure. I was in awe of how good it felt to have absolutely nothing between us. His cock felt almost painfully hot inside me. I could feel its every throb, its every ridge as Emmett rocked his hips, fucking me like we were home. He held nothing back, fisting my waist and letting his belt buckle jangle as he pumped inside me, each stroke deeper than the last.

  “Yes, baby. Ride my cock,” Emmett rasped, his voice tinged with awe as I moved my hips to meet him halfway. “That’s right,” he breathed, releasing my hips to rake his fingers through his hair. I watched his eyes glaze over, his jaw going slack as he took in the view of my pussy sliding up and down his shaft. “You’re getting my dick so wet with your juices, baby,” he whispered, pleasure rising from the bottom of his throat as I took more and more of him inside me, letting his thickness stretch me perfectly tight around him.

  The second I dropped all the way down to his thick root, he growled my name like no one could hear.

  And while that definitely wasn’t the case, I couldn’t care anymore.

  I was beside myself. In pure ecstasy. I didn’t even know when or how Emmett spun me around and lifted me in his strong arms. All I knew was that I was clean off the ground, my legs bouncing in the air as he gripped me under my thighs and fucked me against the wall.

  I knew he could feel when I was close because he pulled away from our kiss to watch me, murmuring filthy encouragement till I bucked against his chest.

  “Do it, baby,” Emmett panted. “Come all over my cock. Let me feel it.”

  That was all I needed to hear to fall apart in his arms, trembling against his chest and soaking in the way he groaned through every second of my orgasm. I knew what it meant. I knew he was holding out for me to finish, ready to explode the second I was done.

  And when I was, he did.

  Our eyes blazed into each other as Emmett pumped the heat of his pleasure inside me, aftershocks rippling through our bodies. Our stares refused to break as we caught our breaths, and even after we’d both come down from our incredible heights.

  We didn’t say a word as he helped me the rest of the way out of my dress, but despite the utter silence, the air was thick, filled to the brim with words unsaid. I could feel it and I knew Emmett could because before he left the dressing room, he looked at me with a crooked little grin I’d never seen before. It made heat rush to my cheeks and as I closed the door, I went ahead and let the strange truth hit me.

  It was hard to admit, and I didn’t fully trust myself doing it. But I also couldn’t deny it.

  I was falling.

  Fast and hard – and of all people, for Emmett Hoult.



  Once upon a time, mornings were a breeze for me. I had a whole system for it. I’d set three alarms at fifteen-minute intervals, the last of which was the “real” time I needed to be up. Once the last one sounded, I’d open my eyes, swing my legs out of bed, and sit up for five to ten seconds before dragging my feet to the bathroom. In there, the first thing I did was splash cold water onto my face.

  And from there, it was a breeze.

  A painful, exhausting, bleary-eyed breeze. But still. I was used to it. I didn’t totally mind it. I pretty much could never wait to get to work anyway, because there was always something I was eager to fix or get done. In short, mornings for me were on autopilot.


  At least they were till I started sleeping with Emmett.

  It was damned near impossible to leave him in the morning, especially since it required wiggling out of his embrace, which was basically like waking up to a daily morning torture.

  On the particularly rough mornings, Emmett would stir and manage a few adorably sleepy words of protest – usually “stay with me” or “five more minutes,” the latter of which always included a groggy little grin. Because the first and only time I stayed five more minutes, it wound up being twenty. And when I gasped myself awake and tried to wiggle out of his arms, he locked them tight around me, keeping me trapped in his embrace for another ten seconds while he buried sleepy kisses in my hair.


  Leaving bed after that was the actual worst, and I wound up spending the first few hours at work pouting over how much I missed him.

  “That’s a good problem, ya ding-dong.”

  Those were Evie’s wise words to me that morning. The exact words, actually, were that’s a good problem, ya lucky fuckin’ ding-dong, but that didn’t stop me from mentally replaying them today as I lifted Emmett’s gorgeous arms off my body and crawled quietly out of bed.

  “Morning,” I whispered to Ozzy.

  As usual, he watched me from his corner, stretching lazily and waiting for me to pass by him on my way to the bathroom. Once I did, he got up, his tail wagging as he sniffed a polite hello around my legs. He’d see me out of the room, but within my first two steps into the hallway, I’d hear him hop up onto Emmett’s bed and get comfy in the spot I’d just left.

  It was no different this morning and it made me smirk. As Emmett predicted, Ozzy was getting used to me and in some way, it made leaving Emmett a little easier. At least I knew someone was happy about the situation.

  Thanks to my longer-than-usual shower, I didn’t get downstairs till about half past five. I still had to pack up my bag but that only took about five minutes, and that was fine since Emmett and I had stocked up at the grocery store last night, which meant we had more than enough options for on-the-go breakfasts.

  I was already planning on a banana and vanilla Greek yogurt, but once I got into the kitchen, I fr

  Holy what.

  A stunned smile drifted onto my lips as I stood and stared at my surprise view this morning: Emmett shirtless, wearing just sweats and a backwards cap on his head as he toiled over the stove.

  Oh… my frickin’ word.

  On the cutting board next to him, I could see some leftover mise en place that was so perfectly chopped that I wanted to ask when the heck he’d learned to cook. But I kept my mouth shut because priority went to soaking all this in – especially when he started tossing the contents of his sauté pan. It prompted his bicep to flex, and it made all those muscled lines in his back move in a way that had me damned near drooling on the floor. I honestly could’ve stood there watching till noon, but there was still that whole getting to work thing to remember, so I made myself snap out of it.

  “Good morning?” I finally said, the biggest grin on my face when Emmett tossed his cooking rag over his naked shoulder and turned around.

  Good God. This man. This view. It was even cuter to me that he still looked sleepy as hell while doing all this for me.

  “’Morning,” he said, lowering the heat on the stove before he grabbed a mug he’d pre-set next to the coffee maker, filling it up before coming to me. As he wrapped my hands around the mug, he kissed me. “Hey.”

  “Hey yourself,” I murmured. I could almost feel the awe glimmering in my eyes as I gazed up at him. “I can’t believe you’re up this early.”

  “I wanted you to have a nice breakfast before work,” he said simply, nodding for me to take a seat at the counter. “I cleaned up the stuff on the dining room table and put it in your folder, which should save you a couple minutes, right?”

  I stared at him in a daze.

  “Uh-huh,” I replied while wondering what the hell I’d done to deserve this man. I cocked my head curiously as I watched him put the finishing touches on whatever he was cooking in the pan. Another sprinkle of salt, a dash of pepper, and suddenly, there was a gorgeous thick-cut bacon and sweet corn hash on the plate before me.


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