Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 1

by P. G. Allison

  Missy Goes to Hong Kong

  P. G. Allison

  Cover Design 2020 by Cormar Covers


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Missy Goes to Hong Kong

  Copyright © 2020 by P. G. Allison

  All rights reserved. ISBN-13: 979-8614023676

  [email protected]

  To be notified when P. G. Allison’s next novel is released, go to: http://eepurl.com/bCtlh5 and sign up for the Missy the Werecat Newsletter. Your email address will never be shared and you may unsubscribe at any time.

  Also by P. G. Allison

  Missy the Werecat

  Missy Goes to West Point

  Missy’s First Mission

  Missy’s Misadventure

  Missy Makes Mayhem

  Missy’s Operation Lily Pad

  Missy’s Operation Demon Lore

  Tracy the Fire Witch

  Missy Goes to Hong Kong

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Chapter Fifty


  From the Author


  Saturday, Feb 29, 2020

  It was Saturday and when Missy climbed out of bed, she could sense her roommate Karen was already awake. With some excitement in her voice, she said, “Happy leap day, Karen!”

  Karen rolled over, looked up and said, “Thanks, Missy. I see you’re in a good mood. Any special reason?”

  “No reason. It’s just good to be here, being all we can be, living the life, loving the moment, experiencing the many millions of little things … you know.” Missy giggled.

  “Okay, so does your non reason have anything to do with where you were all day and all night Thursday?” Karen had again been told by their TAC Officer Captain Bonomo that Missy had been tasked with a special assignment. When she saw Missy had returned on Friday, she’d tried getting her to explain things but, as usual, Missy was keeping secrets.

  Missy said, “Well, if I told you I was over in London helping our government stop that terrorism attack, burned up a few warehouses, tossed down some lightning bolts, got to do things I’d never done before, and even spent the night making mad passionate love to my soulmate Mike … would that explain things?”

  “Yeah, right. It’s okay if you want to keep your secrets,” said Karen, laughing. “I know the Supe’s been having you do lots of crazy stuff ever since you came back from that assignment last summer. I saw all the magazine articles on that. The military’s women in combat experiment. You’re their poster girl now. I’m guessing there will be even more articles, all to convince young women how much the Army loves them.”

  Missy laughed and said, “No, no! It’s to convince young women to love the Army, silly! You know … the worldwide travel, the exciting adventures, the opportunity to play with some really neat toys and … let’s not forget … there’s all those sexy guys we get to hang around with.”

  Karen had gotten up during all this and said, “Oh, it’s definitely all those sexy guys. Yum!” Shaking her head and grinning at Missy, she added, “Not!”

  Missy realized she really was feeling pretty good. She said, “It’s all about fulfilling whatever destiny those Fabulous Fates have determined for each of us women. Mine just happens to be that of a warrior.”

  She was quite pleased with how things were going. She’d talked to Drew the night before and learned he was pleased as well. In addition to what “P” Branch was seeing, the monitoring by Robert’s task force was showing everything seemed under control for now. Even those two witches from Hong Kong had returned home after Sal had rejected their offer.

  Karen chuckled and said, “You no doubt are destined for greatness, Missy. I’ll be happy if I can graduate from West Point and make my mother proud. Oh … and find my soulmate someday. While I don’t envy the warrior stuff in your destiny, I do admit being a little jealous of what you and Mike have.”

  “One day at a time, Karen. I ignored Mike for many months before starting anything with him. You and Marty are off to a good start. Wait and see!”

  Karen nodded but didn’t say anything. She was feeling very grateful those Fates Missy talked about had paired her and Missy together as roommates. But she didn’t want to get all mushy and reveal that. Her life had definitely improved in many ways from having Missy and Missy’s friends become her friends as well.

  Missy sensed what Karen was feeling but kept that awareness to herself. It was enough to know Karen now trusted her and was her friend. She loved being at the academy but was looking forward to spring break plus Robert and Connie’s wedding in two weeks. Yeah, her life was good.


  Shiu-Yuen Chong listened as Wagner Shen and Antony Ying explained about things in New York. There would be no easy way for the Zhu-Gung organization to begin operations in the U.S. No, they even suspected there might be witches they’d have to deal with. Not only was D’Amato’s reaction to their mention of the supernatural very suspicious, but their lawyer had talked to Peter Hui in prison. Like Wagner, he’d sensed the presence of a witch at that Long Island casino. Moreover, he was convinced Richard Hwang’s death there had been because of that.

  “Okay, then. It looks like our coven will need to do things the hard way,” Chong told them. “I’m pretty sure there’s a coven right there in New York and we need to talk to them. They must know who killed Richard and they need to identify that witch for us. We want them to know we’re coming in and taking over. Any witch that gets in our way? They will experience the full wrath of our Zhu-Gung coven!”

  Chapter One

  Monday, Mar 2, 2020

  When Missy finished her last regular class and was leaving Thayer Hall, she spotted Captain Bonomo heading her way. Since she still had Major Khan’s special language course for late
r, after supper, and Captain Bonomo was also taking that class, she at first wondered if the captain might have some update on that.

  “Ms. McCrea, can I see you for a moment?” asked the captain.

  Missy stood at attention, raised her hand in the proper salute and said, “Yes, sir!”

  The captain returned her salute and said, “At ease. Everyone will be hearing about this very soon. Our Superintendent was admitted to the hospital on Friday. They ran tests and determined he had some blockage and so they scheduled him for a double bypass today. I’ve just learned that procedure went well and he’s now in recovery.”

  “Oh, wow! I’m sorry to hear he had to go through that,” exclaimed Missy. “Are you sure he’s going to be okay? I could have …”

  Before she could finish the captain said, “Yeah, I know you could have healed him but by the time any of us learned about this, he was already out of surgery. Our Chief of Staff here is Colonel Dzierzeski and he didn’t tell anyone until just now. He’s temporarily in charge here until the Supe returns. That won’t be for a few weeks, of course.”

  Missy nodded and said, “Okay. But I’ll still pop in on him later tonight. I can push some of my healing energy into him so he makes a speedy recovery.”

  “I’m sure that will be good,” said the captain. “And, I know that you can do that and be right back here in just a few minutes, so you won’t be missed. But your absence last Thursday was noticed. The Supe had me explain to everyone you were away on official business and everything, but now that Colonel Dzierzeski is filling in for him? Well, that’s why I’ve pulled you aside. He wants you to stop by his office this afternoon.”

  Missy frowned and asked, “Sir, am I in trouble?”

  “Not exactly. But when the colonel asked me why you’d needed to leave the academy that day and all I could tell him was that it was classified, he wasn’t happy.”

  Missy nodded and said, “Okay. Understood. I may as well go see him now. Thanks for the head’s up on what he might want to ask me about. And, thanks for covering for me last Thursday.”

  Captain Bonomo smiled and said, “Hey, Lieutenant Colonel Schermerhorn briefed me on what you accomplished over there in London. Good job!” He dismissed her and after they exchanged salutes, he walked away.


  Colonel Dzierzeski had heard about Cadet McCrea being gone for the day on some special assignment approved by the Superintendent. He’d been curious since that wasn’t the first time the general had agreed to her being away like that. He knew she’d been back in classes again on Friday but when he’d called over to check what time she’d signed back in, he’d learned she hadn’t signed in. Nor had she signed out. Then, when he’d checked with her TAC Officer, Captain Bonomo couldn’t say when exactly she’d left or when she’d returned but had obviously known about her not bothering to sign in and out. All he’d say was it was something classified which the Superintendent had agreed to.

  Colonel Dzierzeski’s assignment to West Point had only begun the previous October and so he didn’t know very many of the forty-four hundred cadets there but he’d heard about Cadet Missy McCrea. He knew the Superintendent thought very highly of her and had been proud to have her return to the academy after she’d gone off to serve in Afghanistan with the Special Forces the previous summer. He’d read those magazine articles about her and had reviewed her record at the academy.

  Not only was she a top athlete on their soccer, basketball and softball varsity teams and rated very highly for leadership, but she was in the top ten percent of her class academically. If that wasn’t enough, she also was setting new marksmanship records on the Rifle Team and Combat Weapons Team. But, as impressive as all that was, he didn’t think she deserved any special treatment. Now that he was responsible for running the academy until the general returned, he wanted to make certain she understood that.

  When the sergeant outside his office announced she was there, he told him to send her right in. She walked in, wearing her fatigue uniform, and came to a halt in front of his desk to report.

  Missy saluted, saying, “Cadet McCrea, reporting as ordered, sir!”

  The colonel returned the salute and said, “At ease, Ms. McCrea. Thank you for stopping by. Did Captain Bonomo explain about the Superintendent being in the hospital?” This was the first time he was seeing her up close and she certainly was impressive. Cool, calm, confident and competent. And, her green eyes were amazing.

  “Yes, sir! I understand he’s doing well and should make a full recovery.”

  “That’s what I’m being told,” explained the colonel. “In the meantime, it’s my role here to keep things running smoothly until he returns.” He gestured to the chair nearby and said, “Please sit down.”

  “Yes, sir!” Missy sat and waited.

  “I wanted to see you concerning your recent absence last Thursday. Captain Bonomo explained you were away on some sort of classified matter which he was not able to discuss. I assume that’s true and that the Superintendent knew the details about that, since he approved your absence.

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Was the Superintendent aware you did not sign out or sign back in when you returned?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Can you tell me when you did return, Ms. McCrea? Or, is that classified as well?” He smiled.

  Missy said, “I returned Friday morning when everyone was at breakfast, sir. While that’s not classified, the reason for my arriving at that particular time is classified.”

  The colonel raised his eyebrows at that information. “Really? I can hardly see how that’s possible, Ms. McCrea. And, I confess I’m having difficulty understanding why you were unable to sign out and sign in, as required. Can you explain why you did not follow academy procedures?”

  “My departure, my absence, my return, my not signing out or in and my entire mission are all matters which I cannot discuss, sir. They’re all classified.”

  “Well, can you tell me who classified these matters?” asked the colonel. It was obvious he was getting frustrated. “My security clearance is pretty high and, now that I’m in charge here, I think that gives me a need to know. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Sir, all I can say is you will need to ask the Secretary of Defense about that. Not his office but him personally.” Missy watched as the colonel’s expression went from one of incredulity to one of chagrin.

  “I’m finding that very difficult to believe, Ms. McCrea!” exclaimed the colonel. “You do realize if I learn you have overstated this, the consequences will be severe?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “All right then. Until I am given clearance or receive direct orders from some higher authority, there will be no more classified missions for you, is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “You can go now, Ms. McCrea. You’re dismissed!”

  Missy stood and saluted and, when the colonel returned her salute, she did an about face and marched herself out of his office.


  At their language class, when Missy saw Captain Bonomo again, he asked her how the meeting had gone. She grimaced and said, “Not very well, sir. I’ve been ordered not to go on any more classified missions until he’s been granted the clearance to know what these missions are all about or gets direct orders from some higher authority.”

  Captain Bonomo nodded and said, “I’m not surprised. Hopefully, there won’t be any need for him to approve anything. If there is, though, I’m sure someone in authority will order him to give his approval if they don’t want to clear him. Nothing for you to worry about.”

  “I suppose that’s true, sir. I just wish I didn’t feel so uncomfortable about this. He was not happy when I explained he’d need to go to the Secretary of Defense.”

  “Well, you did the right thing. I can’t think of anyone else he could go to. Next time you’re talking to Drew or Robert, maybe suggest they get word to the Secretary to have someone high up give Colonel Dzierzeski a call an
d tell him you weren’t exaggerating.”

  “Thanks, sir. That’s a good idea and I’ll do that.” Missy left the captain and went over to see Tracy. “Hey, congratulations!”

  Tracy grinned and said, “What for?”

  “Well, I understand you captured the individual title in epee at the NIWFA Championships this weekend and helped Army earn third overall behind Temple and Stevens. I’m guessing Mr. Fargarson is very happy with that, right?” NWIFA was the National Intercollegiate Women's Fencing Association and Mr. Fargarson was Tracy’s coach.

  Several of their fellow cadets chimed in with their congratulations and it was obvious Tracy was proud of her accomplishment. Before there could be much discussion, however, Major Khan called the class to order and everyone settled down.

  General Blake had arranged for this intensive, full immersion language course and twelve cadets plus Captain Bonomo had all enrolled. Khan’s Klass at Kelsey’s Korner, or fondly called KK@KK. Their goal was to become fluent in both Pashto and Farsi by the end of the school year. They typically met four times a week with a makeup class every Sunday night and they’d all made great progress towards their goal.

  When class was over, Missy walked back towards their barracks with Tracy. She explained how her meeting with Colonel Dzierzeski had gone.

  “Well,” said Tracy. “No good deed shall go unpunished! It’s too bad about the Supe, though. I assume that order from the good colonel won’t stop you from blinking over to the hospital tonight to give the Supe some healing energy, right?”

  “No, his order was for no more classified missions,” answered Missy. “My having an out-of-body experience and disappearing for a few minutes to heal the Supe is different. If anyone were to ask, I can truthfully say I never physically left West Point. I’m okay with doing that.”


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