Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 10

by P. G. Allison

  “Really?” exclaimed Ben. “I thought you told me you never worried about her getting kidnapped when she was with him.”

  Sal smirked and said, “They’re there to keep an eye on her. I’m not worried about any kidnapping.”

  “Oh! Riiiight! Now I get it.” Ben enjoyed seeing Sal like this. “Keeping an eye on her. Her and her boyfriend. Of course!” He grinned and left the room.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mar 18, 2020

  Late in the day, Missy’s patience and persistence in spying so often on Kahtar was again rewarded. She was there when someone named Talib called him from Germany on his secure satellite phone link to brief him on the latest news concerning Candace and Oliver’s visit over there.

  Although satellite phones can disclose exact GPS locations in an insecure manner and can be traced, they were still considered secure by WIJO since the calls were encrypted. Unfortunately for them in this instance, Missy was right there and able to hear and understand everything. The conversation was in Pashto. She even heard her name mentioned.

  After exchanging greetings, Kahtar asked, “What news do you have today about the American visitors, my friend?”

  “As expected, they have spent all day at the U.S. Embassy. The girl gave more speeches there denouncing WIJO and hoping this movement she started yesterday in Munich will continue, even after she leaves. Justice for Johan and Justine. These American infidels love to stir things up with their slogans.”

  “Do you know what they plan next?” asked Kahtar.

  “Unfortunately, no. They did not say anything about that and all I know is their military guards will still be with them for several days, wherever they go.”

  Kahtar grunted. “Her uncle will not allow them to travel anywhere otherwise. And, of course, that demon Bessom has proven what he can do. But, the girl attends college and this trip sounds like only something she’s doing while her school is on vacation this week.”

  “It is good you are keeping track of her like that. Once she is gone, we are ready here to continue our bombings. The new members of my group are complaining however. They are very anxious to take action and are not happy they must wait.”

  Kahtar said, “Talib, remind them we are anxious as well but have been interfered with many times by these demons the U.S. is using against us. Oliver Bessom is a huge threat and so is Missy McCrea. Since West Point cadets are also on vacation this week, it’s very possible McCrea is with them along with who knows what other demons. Tell everyone in your group to do as they’re told. For now? We shall continue to wait and see.”

  Missy gave all this to Mike, of course, and knew the task force would be acting on it right away. Not only would they be able to locate where in Germany this Talib had called from, they now even had his name. She stayed with Kahtar to listen to each of his calls after that but didn’t really learn anything more. When he finally retired for the evening, she returned to the office at Camp Eggars. She had been in her spirit form for almost forty hours and was ready to be human once again.

  She teleported into her and Mike’s bedroom and found it empty. After Shifting, she paused to check herself out in the mirror. Thankfully, she appeared to be pretty much the same and hadn’t changed noticeably. She studied her reflection while placing her hands under her breasts. Were her breasts bigger or smaller? Were her nipples swollen? Nope. She glanced at her rear but that also seemed okay.

  From past instances, whenever her energy balance shifted during prolonged periods of her drawing and existing on energy taken from her surroundings, her body mass would increase or decrease in those places first. Whew. She was pleased she was now managing her energy balance so well. She got dressed and went out to find Mike and the others.

  Mike had alerted everyone she was back and was relieved when Missy finally walked into their office. He never took for granted any of the supernatural things Missy could do. Thus, seeing her safely there again allowed that aching tension he always felt while she was in her spirit form to drain away. He knew she needed physical contact with him and he went over and pulled her close.

  Missy greeted the others there and then slipped into Mike’s embrace and hugged him. Then she asked, “Any news yet on tracing that call from Talib?”

  Les said, “We have the team at Hanscom on speakerphone. Dale? What’s the latest over there?”

  ‘Welcome back, Missy,” answered Dale. “Lisa and her satellite phone geeks are reporting that call came from Leipzig. They should have an exact address within the hour. We hope to identify Talib’s full name after that if he is associated with the address in any way.”

  While Marie was the software genius, her partner Lisa had specialized in all the latest computer hardware technology, including phones. Since joining Robert’s team, she had gained access to all the other government agency resources in this and had established excellent contacts within each of them.

  “Hey, that’s great! Have you notified our Germany team about this yet?”

  “Yes, Colonel Schermerhorn has been on the phone with Linda and Captain Bonomo. They’ll all be going to Leipzig in the morning to check things out.”

  Marsha knew Missy and Mike probably needed some alone time. She said, “Mike? You haven’t really slept much and now that Missy is back, maybe the next few hours would be a good time for you both to retire. Why don’t you check back in the morning? I’m sure the team will have everything sorted by then.”

  Missy looked at Mike and knew it was true. He really hadn’t gotten much sleep, in spite of her having given him a couple opportunities for doing so. While she didn’t need any rest due to her energy balance, she would be able to sleep if she let herself. Besides, making love with Mike would be very beneficial for them both. She said, “Okay. Good idea. I’m taking my sleepy soulmate and we’ll return when breakfast is served. I will definitely be hungry then, so I hope that’s okay!”

  Everyone bade them good night and she and Mike went back to their bedroom.

  “Thanks, Missy,” said Mike. “Now that you’re here, I do feel tired. And greatly relieved, I don’t mind admitting. Are you really okay?”

  “Yep, sure am! More than okay, knowing we may have located those terrorists in Germany. Now, let’s forget about all that for a while and let me recharge your batteries.” She pushed some of her energy into him.

  Mike laughed and said, “I don’t have any batteries. But, getting a recharge from you will definitely be good.” He went over and pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He knew he’d sleep well that night. They both would, after they made love.


  Thursday, Mar 19, 2020

  When Missy woke up, she was feeling rather excited about everything. Life was good. Mike was sleeping peacefully and she extricated herself from underneath his warm body without waking him; he needed his sleep. Things were progressing well and they were meeting all the goals General Blake had set for them. In addition, their Germany team should now have some solid Intel to work with and some progress over there might soon be made as well.

  After showering and getting dressed, she left Mike still sleeping and went out to join the other team members. And, of course, to get herself some breakfast. It had been two days since she’d last eaten real food and she always enjoyed a good meal. Hearty breakfasts were a special favorite.

  After she’d said hello to everyone and filled a couple plates with various items, she sat down at a separate table. Marsha came over and sat with her. Missy asked, “Any news?” and then took a couple of bites. The eggs were delicious and there were crispy bacon and hash brown potatoes as well. “MmmMmm! So good!”

  “Yes, Linda’s team is heading to Leipzig and has an exact address, both for where Talib lives and for the liquor store he manages,” explained Marsha. “She’ll be updating Robert’s team with whatever they learn and we’ll be kept in the loop here as well. You and Mike can relax today … maybe just hang around to see what develops.”

  “Good. This hasn’t been m
uch of a vacation for Mike. I know he’ll appreciate my hanging with him.” Missy nibbled on a flakey croissant. After washing that down with some orange juice, she asked, “How are Major Grimes and all the Team Twenty-Two guys doing?”

  “They’ve been busy checking out some of the locations which turned up in the latest Intel, thanks to what you’ve done here and Robert’s team. The Afghan military have been even busier, stopping some WIJO attacks in Kabul and other local areas, again thanks to some of that Intel. They’ve learned they can count on whatever we give them and take action accordingly.”

  They continued to chat and then Missy sensed Mike was waking up. She began sending him mental messages. Come join me at breakfast … we’re going to wait for things to develop over in Germany … I’m betting Tracy will play an active role in whatever they’re doing.

  Mike appeared not long after that. He was glad Missy was there and he could spend time with her. They relaxed with Les and Marsha, listening to updates from Robert’s team throughout the day. They learned how, after visiting the liquor store where Tracy overheard Talib talking in Pashto, Tracy and Amanda then had gone out to a warehouse. They were certain this was the WIJO group responsible for the Munich bombing.

  Later, it was announced some arrests were made at that warehouse, the German anti-terrorist authorities were brought in and plenty of evidence was discovered. Explosives and bombing devices were at the warehouse. However, there was a van with some terrorists on the loose, thought to be heading out to another target.

  Eventually, Linda’s entire team went looking for the van in a helicopter, using Oliver’s ability to find it. And, find it they did. They stopped it near Frankfurt before it reached the nightclub the terrorists wanted to bomb. Again, the German anti-terrorist authorities took the active role in that, after being informed where the van was.

  While it had seemed like the entire WIJO group would be arrested, Talib and a couple of his guys managed to escape to a safe house somewhere, eluding the German authorities. Lieutenant Colonel Schermerhorm explained he’d arranged for the helicopter to stay assigned to Linda and, since Oliver would be able to sense wherever Talib had gone, things would probably be wrapped up the following day.

  Les asked, “Will our team be letting the German authorities make those final arrests?”

  Lieutenant Colonel Schermerhorm said, “Actually, we’re discussing how to handle this. We know our team can find and then apprehend these guys, no problem. And, the authorities have clear evidence Talib was the leader of this group so they’ll all get convicted. Again, no problem. But we wonder if there might be a way to send a message to the WIJO leaders before we involve the German authorities.”

  Dale Hewson said, “My vote is to turn these terrorists over to Amanda’s werewolf pack. We can have Missy confront Kahtar and have him watch a live video feed. You know … have Oliver provide some narration while Talib and his guys get eaten alive by wolves. Make a statement of our own.” He was actually exaggerating, but only just a little. If Kahtar were to watch a spectacle like that, with the persons he believed were demons somehow controlling a pack of wild animals? Yes, that might send a message all right!

  “While having the wolves from Amanda’s pack actually kill those men would be extreme,” said Missy, “confronting Kahtar with a phone so he can see the live feed would be easy enough. Maybe just threaten to have the wolves eat them but then, demonstrating how we demons can control things, we stop things before anyone gets eaten?” She laughed. “Then, we turn them over to the German authorities.”

  “Oh, I’m liking the sound of that,” said Dale. “Can you really bring a phone in to wherever Kahtar might be? You can’t teleport with physical objects, can you?”

  “No, but I can use his phone. Believe it or not, it’s an iPhone. Or, I can use his computer and log into some website Marie sets up for this. I think I like that better since the screen on his computer is larger and the experience will then be much more dramatic.”

  They continued discussing possible plans and scenarios but opted to wait until morning before making any final decisions. However, Marie would prepare an appropriate website they could use, ready for anything they wanted to stream live to Kahtar.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Friday, Mar 20, 2020

  Missy enjoyed another night sleeping with Mike, during which he managed to satisfy how much her physical needs had been particularly … well … needy. This was due to it being the Spring Equinox, one of the eight times in the year’s cycle when her supernatural energy and libido would peak and be much greater than during the normal ebb and flow she experienced at other times.

  There was no need for them to be early, which was good, since they slept late after all their prolonged lovemaking. When they did join the others after leisurely eating a big breakfast, they found Robert’s team was again on the line and briefing the latest news from Germany. The search for Talib’s safe house was progressing well. The helicopter with Oliver and Linda had already landed near where Oliver was sensing the three terrorists were located. Oliver then switched to one of the vehicles which Captain Bonomo and Candy’s security force were using. These had been able to follow along since the area was still near Leipzig.

  Not long after that, Oliver led them to a farmhouse. After a successful assault, Linda’s team were all back in the helicopter, with their three captives on board. They then headed down to Regensburg, home to Amanda’s former pack, for the next phase of the plan.

  Mike asked, “How long will it take them to get where they’re going?”

  “The flight will take over an hour,” answered Dale. “Then, it will take several minutes more for everyone to get ready for our little show.”

  Missy said it was time for her to teleport to Kahtar’s place and make sure he was alone. If he wasn’t, she would deal with whoever might be there, as appropriate. Mike would signal her once it was time for the show with hellhounds to begin.

  When Missy got Mike’s signal, she Shifted to her human form, grabbed the white tunic she’d selected from Kahtar’s bedroom closet, slipped that on, and went out to the living room where Kahtar was watching the news on TV. She made his television set disintegrate into thousands of little pieces, getting his attention immediately, and in Pashto said, “Mullah Ahmed Kahtar! Although we have not met before, I think you probably know who I am.”

  After getting over his initial shock at her dramatic entrance into the room, he tried to jump up from his chair but found there was a strange force pushing against his chest, preventing him from doing that. He recognized her, of course. Since she’d spoken in Pashto, he did as well, saying, “Missy McCrea. One of the demons from the United States which I have heard so much about. Are you here to murder me?”

  Continuing in Pashto, she said, “No, no! Far from it, this visit. But, if I need to make any return visits, that very well might happen. No, I’m here today because I want to show you what is happening to your terrorist cell in Germany.” She knew where he had placed his phone as well as his laptop computer, which was over on a desk in his office. She used her telekinesis ability to bring both items floating into the room. She set them down on a table which she then made slide across the room so it was in front of Kahtar.

  Kahtar said, “I learned today that many of those holy followers of Allah have been illegally arrested by the German authorities. Am I correct that you and Oliver Bessom are somehow responsible for this?”

  Missy had booted up the laptop and was now logging into Marie’s website. She let Mike know and then waited a few moments. Then she said, “I will let you speak directly to Oliver … I’m dialing his phone number right now. He only speaks English but … here he is!” After putting the phone on speakerphone, she put it down on the table and turned the laptop so Kahtar could see its screen. Switching to English, she said, “Oliver? Do we have a good connection? I’m here with Mullah Ahmed Kahtar.”

  On the screen, Oliver Bessom and Candace Axtell could be seen. They were standing be
hind three men who were kneeling. The men on their knees wore handcuffs and blindfolds. It was obvious they were helpless. Oliver removed the blindfolds and Kahtar was very surprised to recognize Talib Mansoor. He did not recognize the others but assumed they were two of Talib’s men.

  In English, Oliver said, “Hi, Missy! I’m glad you’re available since you can translate for me. We have Talib, Musa and Tabish with us but they have not understood any of my questions. I’m putting you on speakerphone.” He waved with the hand in which he was holding his phone, then handed that to Candy. “My questions are concerning the terrorist group he’s been leading over here. We think these are the last three not yet arrested for that WIJO bombing in Munich but we want to be certain.”

  Missy first translated what Oliver had said to Kahtar and then she continued in Pashto, saying, “Talib? Have my friends Oliver and Candace explained to you about our hellhounds yet? We like to use them when we want to get the truth.”

  Linda was filming this while Tracy, John and Captain Bonomo remained out of sight from her camera. When Missy stopped speaking in Pashto, Linda waited for a few moments. None of their captives seemed willing to say anything so she gave Tracy the signal to begin.

  Linda shifted the camera’s view so it was focused on all the fireballs which suddenly appeared along the edge of the clearing at the tree line. Then, from beneath what now looked like a wall of flames, animals began appearing. More and more wolves came racing forward, rushing right at the three men kneeling in the midst of the clearing. The screams of terror from the men were drowned out by all the howling which these wolves were doing.

  Talib, Tabish and Musa tried to stand, wanting to get away, but since their legs had been tied together and to one another, their mad scrambling only resulted in them all sprawling on the ground instead. The animals seemed to ignore Oliver and Candace while snarling, snapping their fangs, and surrounding the three captives. Just when it appeared their throats would be ripped out, Oliver said something to the beasts and at the last moment they stilled and quieted down. It was obvious he was somehow controlling them.


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