Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 22

by P. G. Allison

  She circled the outside perimeter and, not surprisingly, noted there were wards around the place. These wouldn’t stop the FBI from rushing in but would provide the witches with an early warning. She returned to where Wagner and Antony were still meeting with their followers. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to find anything obvious which might incriminate any of them. She told Mike the FBI should stay back and merely put everyone at this location under surveillance rather than make any arrests. She didn’t see anyone outside, already watching, so she guessed they all had managed to elude whatever surveillance might have been placed on them.

  When Ed gave Glenn the two addresses, explaining one was where several sex trafficking victims were being held, Glenn said, “Really? You’re getting this from some psychic? Actual addresses?”

  When Ed merely nodded, Glenn asked, “Where’s this psychic of yours, anyway? I thought your division was up in Massachusetts.”

  “Our headquarters is there, at Hanscom Air Force Base,” explained Ed. “But we have people in a dozen different locations, including here in New York.”

  After staring at Ed for a couple moments, Glenn shrugged. “Okay. I’ll send one of my teams over there to see if they find any girls. I’ll tell them to be careful, since this is a rescue mission. If they find the girls, we’ll get social services to help.”

  “Make sure there’s an interpreter along. It’s likely none of these girls can speak any English.”

  “Understood.” Glenn then got on the phone and made several calls. Then, looking at Ed, he said, “I hope this doesn’t end up being a wild goose chase. I don’t need to look any more stupid than I do already, after making all those recent arrests which the D.A. is refusing to do anything with.”

  Thirty minutes later, Glenn’s phone rang and he put it on speaker. The caller reported, “We got a whole bunch of girls here, Glenn. Some of them are barely in their teens. Wherever you got your information, it was accurate this time. Nobody’s talking to us but they’re terrified. Maybe once they understand we’re going to protect them, they’ll tell us how they got here and who are responsible.”

  “That’s great,” exclaimed Glenn. “What about guards? Were you able to arrest anyone?”

  “Yeah, we got a couple of guys. They’re not talking, though. We read them their rights and they merely stared at us. We’re going to read them again down at the police station, trying a few Chinese dialects until they at least acknowledge they can understand us.”

  Glenn said, “Okay, I’ll let social services know. I have them standing by with a couple of interpreters for the girls. Good work tonight.”

  After disconnecting the call, Glenn looked at Ed. “Psychics, huh? This new division you’re with … they always this accurate at finding people?”

  Ed laughed and said, “You have no idea, Glenn. And, about this division? We’re also an anti-terrorist task force since our psychics have been very good at ferreting out some pretty bad stuff. Those arrests you might have heard about right after Christmas? At those football stadiums? You wouldn’t believe how close those calls were. Coulda been lots worse.”


  Wagner and Antony had reacted to their wards being breached right away. Their meeting was abruptly ended and everyone was instructed to scatter. They asked two of their men to check where the girls were being held and report what was happening. Then they made their way back home to their apartment building.

  When the report came, it wasn’t good. A large FBI force had taken control, arresting two of their men and taking all the girls somewhere. No doubt, they’d not be able to do much about that but at least the girls wouldn’t be able to say much. Other than knowing they’d been kidnapped, forced to become prostitutes in China, then shipped to the U.S., they didn’t know anything.

  Wagner said, “They won’t be able to identify anyone here in New York, so we’re okay as far as that goes. But this is a setback. I don’t think we can get more girls to replace them for at least ten days. How many were we supposed to be delivering this weekend?”

  “There are at least a dozen places waiting right now. They’ll just have to wait a little longer,” said Antony. “But, we need to determine how the FBI located these girls. They had to have had an informant.”

  “That is true,” agreed Wagner. “I will visit first thing tomorrow morning to see if I can sense any witches were there, other than our own. Perhaps this coven here in New York is working against us. Or, maybe that West Point witch made herself invisible and managed to get out. She’s supposedly busy at the academy all week with some sort of competition.”

  “Shiu-Yuen Chong will be disappointed. At least our drug shipments are safe. Those deliveries can still be made as scheduled.”

  “It is good we have added our people to those operations. If the FBI or anyone else tries to interfere, they will find more than two guards to deal with. And, our people understand they must fight or die.”


  Mike was elated at learning from Missy’s mindspeak messages about the successful rescue. He knew how important that was to Missy. When Ed called him directly, explaining how Glenn Paxton was taking care of things and thanking him and Missy, he was grateful. “Ed, Missy wants Robert to know he can give Sal D’Amato even more good news. She’s asked me to talk to Alice. The word will be going out to all the Roseanne Fund girls that it was Sal’s help which enabled this.”

  “Oh, that’s interesting!” exclaimed Ed with a chuckle. “Those rumors will practically be going viral. From what I’ve heard, he’s not going to mind being credited for that. Zhu-Gung have to be getting worried.”

  “Well, Missy says she knows they’re going to wonder where the leak came from. Sal might as well take the credit. They’ve been interfering with his business. He has his soldiers standing by, ready for action.”

  “Yeah, and Robert tells me she somehow arranged for others to be ready as well. From South America.”

  Mike said, “Yes. They and Sal’s people can both infiltrate the various crime families now doing business with Zhu-Gung. Once they have solid leads on drug deliveries, combined with all the intel your FBI guys will pass along to Ben Marchitto, they’ll be ready to retaliate. Only, this time, it will be the Zhu-Gung people getting hit. That won’t break the truce. But, it should give Zhu-Gung even more reasons to regret messing with Sal.”

  “I’ve tried to explain some of that to Glenn,” responded Ed. “He’s not really getting what I’ve been telling him. But, after his big success in tonight’s raid, he’s now willing to listen to more of what I have to say. And, like the others, his FBI teams are ready for action.”


  Missy teleported to Bear Mountain, just a few miles south of West Point. Its peak was over twelve hundred feet and once there, she paused to gather energy. Sure, she would be gaining a few pounds when she re-entered her dormant body but it was worth it. She wasn’t getting much sleep and wanted to be able to perform at her best for her Afghan team.

  They wouldn’t lose focus because of her extra curves, thanks to the week of training they’d just finished. No, they were all psyched up now on winning and she’d proven herself. They were counting on her to contribute in all the ways she’d demonstrated she could. They wanted her help in reaching their goal. She was now one of them and not a distraction.

  Upon returning to her room, she was pleased to see both herself and Karen snoring peacefully. Moments later, she re-entered her body and spent some time adjusting to being back. Then, focusing on getting a few hours rest, she allowed herself to fall into a deep sleep state. She wasn’t aware of any snoring. Or … had Karen been awake to hear her … how her own snoring might almost sound like purring.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Saturday, Apr 18, 2020

  The results were in. The world’s premier international squad military skills competition was over for 2020. All fifty teams had completed the two-day course with thirteen day and night events which were individual, squad skill maste
ry and leader focused. The U.K. team had won first place.

  Second place went to one of the West Point teams. And, third place was won by the Afghan team. They were ecstatic. Sure, they’d hoped to win first place. So had every other team. But they had never placed in the top ten before and this year, they had distinguished themselves and brought great honor to their school, their military and their nation. They were exhausted but euphoric at the same time.

  Captain Kamal gave a speech praising West Point for hosting such a wonderful competition and for the way it had supported his team. He gave Fateh Huda full credit for leading his team to such a victorious result. And, he made special mention of Cadet Missy McCrea for all the help she had provided them throughout the week. He said every man on their team had declared their excellent finish would not have been possible without her.

  Major Khan had his entire KK@KK class meet with the Afghans at the awards banquet held that night. They all wanted to practice their Pashto skills and the Afghans were happy to let them do that. It was quite an occasion with a good time had by all.

  After all the goodbyes had been exchanged, Huda pulled Missy aside and said, “I know my captain has thanked you, McCrea. But thanks from all of us are not adequate. I return home where I will graduate and begin my career as an officer. The honor which I have earned here this week, it will do much towards advancing that career. I will not forget what you have done and how you have helped. Who knows? Someday, our paths might cross again. I know you will go far in your Special Forces. I look forward to the future.”

  Missy was moved by his sincerity and said, “I know you will go far as well, Fateh. And … whenever we meet again? Please just call me Missy!” They both laughed. Then she gave him a quick hug, said goodbye and watched as all the Afghans left.

  Tracy came over and said, “That went well. Good job, Missy!” Then, taking a step back, she whispered, “Boobs alert! Yours are definitely bulging today. What’s going on?”

  “They are not,” insisted Missy, shaking her head side-to-side. “After the last thirty hours and thirty miles which I’ve put in, getting my guys to such a lofty pinnacle of success? I’m almost back to normal.”

  “Actually, I was only kidding,” said Tracy. “But, if you’re saying almost, then obviously … you did beef up. So, fess up! What’s going on?”

  Missy grinned and said, “All right. The good news is, Thursday night I was able to locate where Zhu-Gung was hiding a couple dozen poor girls, newly arrived and probably about to be handed out to our less favorite crime families.”

  “Obviously, you stopped that. Was it the FBI?”

  “Yep. Sure was. But, the better news? I had Mike talk to Alice. Sal’s now getting kudos from all the working girls and their Roseanne Fund friends. Had to throw someone under the bus for Zhu-Gung to blame.”

  “Oh, I like that. You’re evil, Missy.” Tracy laughed. “But, at least you really did good for those Afghans. So, maybe you’re not all bad.” She laughed harder.

  “Did you happen to notice where Emily’s team placed? I was so focused on where we placed that, after hearing we were third, I couldn’t concentrate on where everyone else finished.”

  Tracy smiled and said, “They came in thirteenth. And, Emily is quite happy with that since Donald’s team was sixteenth. I heard it was her marksmanship that may have made the difference, too.”

  “Ahh, so good to watch our fledgling lovebirds as they struggle along,” said Missy with a huge grin. “I think you can finally tell all your Quigby girls their job is done.”

  “Not to mention how our other Quigby is doing. Ron has been wooing Nell like crazy and I know she’s now totally his, ready to say yes to any proposal he might be planning to make.”

  “Good,” said Missy. “As long as he lets her continue for two more years here. I know she’s pumped about getting Fort Bragg this summer. Everyone’s talking about the way you got her going with your April Fools joke. And … you say I’m evil?”

  “Actually, she’ll never know this, but I’m pretty sure she has Colonel Schermerhorn to thank for that. Maybe me a little bit as well for asking him to help.”

  “Awww … I was wondering who helped with you getting Fort Rucker,” said Missy. “I knew it wasn’t me. Not that I wouldn’t have helped if I thought you’d have allowed me to. But, you’ve made it pretty clear. We don’t ever want anything to interfere with our being sister witches and best friends. Not to mention you someday marrying my brother.” They’d established boundaries long ago. Neither would influence how the other’s Army career might develop.

  Since the two of them were now practically alone after everyone else’s departure, they decided to head over to Cullum Hall and join their friends. The Sandhurst Competition milestone was now behind them and there was lots to celebrate. After all, it was saying only twenty-six and a wake-up on Tracy’s phone app.


  Clay and Frank watched as Jiang approached. Like the day before, when he was bringing drugs, he had four others along with him. These new guys never said anything and stayed back several paces. But, they were armed with both knives and guns. Rather than being locals like the men Zhu-Gung had hired earlier to make these drops, these were Chinese mercenaries who knew how to fight and were prepared to do that.

  When Frank had asked about the extra guys, Jiang had said, “These men are needed now for more protection. After our latest batch of girls were grabbed, we are worried about more FBI raids.” That, of course, had been in all the papers and was being talked about on the nightly news. “Since we are in this country illegally, we have no intention of surrendering to any arrests. While your Ricardo managed to be released after only two days, it would be different for any of us.”

  Ever since Ricardo’s arrest, when they made the usual rounds, Jiang had been accompanying them; he was now accepted as part of Ricardo’s team. He handed out whatever drugs were needed by Ricardo’s guys, letting Clay handle collection of all payments. Clay also collected from all their loan sharks while Frank collected from all the bookies and pimps. Having more guys along was more protection for Clay and Frank as well, which they appreciated.

  Ricardo had been remaining behind now, sitting behind the counter at the small corner store where he’d been doing business for years. So far things had gone well enough in his operation. Letting Clay, Frank and Jiang handle the deliveries and pickups, bringing him the cash every day, had not been a problem; nobody was skimming anything. He’d had plenty to do just making phone calls. And, the new girls his pimps were handling had increased business on all fronts. They brought in more customers who also wanted to place bets, borrow money and buy drugs. His boss Hands was very happy.

  When Jiang stopped in front of them, Clay asked, “Any word on when more girls are coming?” He knew there was a shipment due in a week or so but wondered if that might have been expedited.

  “No change. It still maybe Tuesday, maybe Wednesday next week,” replied Jiang. “No worry, though. Plenty more girls coming after that.”

  Frank was disappointed since he’d liked a couple of the photos Jiang had shown him. Those girls wouldn’t be coming now. He asked, “Do you have any photos yet of these new girls?”

  “No, sorry. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day.” Jiang was always somewhat iffy about whatever promises he made. Except for the drugs he provided. He always managed to bring whatever they wanted when it came to those. “We go now?”

  Clay said, “Okay. Today will be our biggest day so far.” They were delivering a lot of drugs and were expecting larger payments from everyone else as well, since it was Saturday. He led the way and they all began walking down the street.

  Of course, all good things must come to an end. Before the seven of them had reached their first stop, they found their path blocked by none other than Mendoza. And, he wasn’t alone. He had two men with him who looked tough. The street they were on was mostly deserted, with only an occasional car passing by. The windows which overlooked the street w
ere all closed and had shades pulled down.

  Mendoza looked at Jiang and said, “My friends and I have decided we don’t want you Chinese selling your stuff in our city. Where’s Ricardo? He needs to understand the cost of doing business is going way, way up unless he comes back and buys from me.”

  Clay said, “Ricardo told us your prices are too high. We are very satisfied with Jiang.” He looked around but could only see the two others besides Mendoza. “We don’t want any trouble. But, as you can see …” He nodded in the direction of Jiang’s men. “We are ready to deal with that, if you’re planning on bringing it.”

  Mendoza smiled and said, “Maybe you’re not as ready as you think.”

  Suddenly, there were several silenced gunshots and the four men Jiang had brought all dropped. The two men with Mendoza moved to the side, both brandishing revolvers pointed at Clay, Frank and Jiang. They were not the ones who had shot Jiang’s men, however. Obviously, Mendoza had brought along several others and had planned this ambush.

  “I’ll take whatever drugs you might be carrying,” said Mendoza. “See? This is what I meant about the cost of business going up. You tell Ricardo if he wants all his customers to be happy, he needs to give me a call.”

  “Why you no shoot me too!” exclaimed Jiang. He realized he’d been outmaneuvered. While he’d been prepared to fight off any police or FBI, this was a complete surprise. He had little choice but to hand over the drugs he’d brought. While he was carrying a weapon, as were Clay and Frank, Mendoza’s men had gotten the drop on them.

  “Ahh, yes! Well, someone needs to go back and explain to your Zhu-Gung people how things are going to be now.” Mendoza grinned and accepted the briefcase which Jiang handed him. Then, looking at Clay and Frank, he said, “You tell Ricardo he needs to check with Hands and the other capos in Corallo’s organization. Zhu-Gung is finished here. The cartels have arrived and this is not the only example of what happens when you go against them.”


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