Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8)

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Missy Goes to Hong Kong (Missy the Werecat Book 8) Page 24

by P. G. Allison

  On the good side, she had regained her proper energy balance and the few pounds she’d gained for the Sandhurst Competition had now completely melted away.


  Monday, Apr 20, 2020

  The Superintendent was back. He’d been cleared to return to limited duty for twenty hours per week. The general had been going stir crazy for the past few weeks and was very glad to finally be at his desk, in his office, and meeting with his people. He’d been keeping up to date with things, of course, but having face-to-face meetings were different.

  After dismissing most members of his staff, he looked at Colonel Dzierzeski, whom he’d asked to remain. “I just want to say thanks, colonel. You filling in for me the way you did was exemplary. I am planning to retire when my tour here is up the end of this year, as you know. You’ve made it possible for me to finish out my career on a high note.”

  “Glad I’ve been able to help, sir. You have some pretty big shoes to fill and I know I wasn’t able to …”

  “Nonsense. Look, you even managed to deal with Cadet Missy McCrea without pissing off the Defense Secretary.” The general chuckled. “What did you think of her?”

  The colonel smiled and said, “She is quite an asset to the academy. I can appreciate why you were so pleased about her return here last fall. I only wish there wasn’t so much about her role in the Army which I couldn’t be told about. Those Special Forces guys are getting her again this summer, of course.”

  “Well, that’s because General Blake still considers her one of his soldiers. He wanted her to return here after last summer’s successful campaign in Afghanistan. He’s the reason we’re teaching that Pashto and Farsi class.”

  “I spoke to Sergeant Town about that,” said the colonel, nodding. “He says there was also concern about her recuperation after being wounded so badly. Her recovery, both physical and psychological, has certainly been demonstrated by everything she’s accomplished here since her return.”

  The Supe smiled and said, “And, that’s only the stuff you know about, colonel. Yeah, the week with that Sandhurst team from Afghanistan proved that. Not to mention her athletic and academic achievements. The general has even given her those secret missions I can’t talk about. He and the Defense Secretary are more than satisfied.”


  The Secretary of Defense was discussing Missy with Drew Martinson and Charles Winword from the CIA that same morning. He said, “I’m going to ask Congress to approve a Supernatural Operations Division, just as you’re suggesting Charles. Only, we’ll call it the Special Operations Division for the public. Robert’s team will support them and some of those on his team will move to this new SOD group. After watching how Missy and her friend Tracy handled things in Germany, it’s clear we will want more actions like that in the future. And, our country needs them.”

  “Until recently, we didn’t think getting supernaturals to support the government was feasible,” said Drew. “Hence, our monitoring them with that non-interference policy which previous administrations insisted on. But, not only are some of the witches setting aside the fears they’ve harbored for centuries and agreeing to work with us, but now we’ve seen it’s possible for werewolves to do that as well.”

  Charles said, “I admit it was quite a shock when I heard Missy took over the New England werewolf pack. Who could ever have dreamed anything like that might happen? But, she did. And, from what Linda Rayburn is saying, Missy has quite a way with the wolves. Recruiting some of them to join our SOD group might now be possible.”

  The Defense Secretary said, “Exactly. And, supporting operations around the world which our supernaturals are capable of will require a huge support team. Those computer expert girls … Lisa and Marie? Look what they’ve done with that Missy virus. In order to provide the manpower, expertise and funding resources to continue such operations requires a lot more than what we can justify if it’s merely for one of the FBI’s subdivisions. I mean, calling Robert’s team a Psychic Division was so we didn’t have to keep it hidden from the public. We need to hide most aspects concerning this new SOD group but will still need Congress to be in the loop. They’ll need to fund it and, for that, they’ll not only want awareness of its operations but will want some level of approval authority as well.”

  “Yes, you’ve already been using that special team of yours, holding special meetings and so forth, to do that,” said Charles. “You have quite a few Senators and Congressman on that. Nolan Miller has been compromised, of course, and we need to deal with that issue but Missy has vetted everyone else. What’s the latest on that WIJO woman Nolan is sleeping with? Ayleen Malik, right?”

  Drew said, “Oh, she’s now moved in with him, for all practical purposes. Based on the surveillance reports Robert’s team is providing, he’s proposed marriage to her several times now. But, she insists on keeping their relationship a secret.”

  “Since he’s Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, we probably still need to keep Nolan on my team,” said the Defense Secretary. “But, we need to manage this relationship he has with WIJO’s spy. Any ideas?”

  “Well, it might be time to have Abu Habib and the rest of the WIJO folks here in the U.S. get sent back home.” Charles had not voiced this thought before. “The Intel ever since Missy confronted Mullah Ahmed Kahtar suggests the leadership is not looking to provoke our demons. At least, not for a while. Let’s try kicking their spies out.”

  “If we do that, Ayleen’s role will be exposed. And, so will Nolan’s. Do we really want that?” asked the Defense Secretary.

  “Exactly my point,” Charles replied. “Keeping him on your team is problematic.”

  “What if Ayleen can be turned?” asked Drew. “Have we examined her background to see why she’s doing this? It wouldn’t be any surprise to discover she’s been duped. If so, and if she actually has any feelings for Nolan …”

  “That’s an excellent idea!” said the Defense Secretary. “I like it. Turn a liability into an asset. Charles, your organization has been doing that for decades, right?”

  “True,” agreed Charles. “If she switches her loyalty to the U.S. … and to Nolan. Well, that could work. Let me do more research on her and see how she was radicalized. Depending on what we find out, we can then consider how we convince her to play for our side.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020

  When Wagner and Antony were once again escorted into Sal D'Amato’s office they had Barnabas Ho with them. Like during their meeting two months earlier, Sal had Ben Marchitto there along with his two bodyguards Billy Martin and Donny Delgato. Plus, he’d invited Rico Bellone, his head of security. If the witches could bring along someone new, Sal figured he could do that as well.

  Before he’d agreed to another meeting with these Zhu-Gung people, he’d contacted Robert Ulrey. Yeah, he was worried. Evil witches, right? Robert had then arranged for Missy to call him direct. He told Sal she might want to actually be there, only not in plain sight. He said he’d let her explain. And, only she could advise when she might be available.

  When Missy had called, Sal told her about Robert’s offer for her to attend the meeting, saying how Robert had been rather cryptic. Missy laughed and said, “That’s ‘cuz I’ll be invisible, Sal. Just like when I prevented that guy from raping Sandy, remember?”

  Yeah, Sal remembered all right. Missy promised she’d interfere if the witches tried anything. He could trust her, right? To his own amazement, he realized he truly did. Then, she advised him on when to have the meeting, promising she’d “be there”. She told him she’d even tug on his left earlobe once there. Then, she giggled and hung up.

  Sure enough, as Sal watched the three witches entering his office, he felt a distinct tug on his ear, just as she’d promised. Rather than being freaked out by that, he actually found it reassuring. Go figure!

  Missy had arranged with Tracy to keep Karen busy so she could lay in her bed, undisturbed during this meeting
. Tracy had assured her that would be no problem. Then, once Missy separated from her body, she teleported to Sal’s office. She was very curious to learn what this meeting might be all about.

  Lisa and Marie had confirmed all the Zhu-Gung devices she’d infected were now providing the team with excellent information, after being translated of course. However, there hadn’t been anything about this meeting with Sal. Everyone on Robert’s team was waiting to see what the inevitable retaliation might be.

  After introductions were made and everyone had been seated, Missy sensed the new witch Barnabas Ho was a water witch. She had seen him back at the apartment building where the other Zhu-Gung members were living and had known he was a witch. But his role had not seemed very significant and she’d learned he was not one of the coven’s members but was merely a witch they had working for them. Now, she understood. Since Peter Hui was in federal prison, they needed another water witch to determine when Sal or Ben might be lying to them. Interesting!

  Wagner started by saying, “Mr. D’Amato, my colleagues and I wanted this meeting so we could make our position very clear. You see … we believe you were helping the cartels from South America who recently attacked our people.”

  Sal smiled and said, “I doubt you have any proof of that, Mr. Shen. If you’re having problems with the cartels, you need to deal with them. Not me.”

  “Ahh, well. We will deal with them. But, since we don’t think they were acting alone, we are confronting all the parties who might be aligned against us. We were prepared to deal with the FBI. We were not expecting the cartels would obtain support from your organization. Or, from Ray Morelli’s organization. Or, from the coven of witches here in New York.”

  Sal looked around the room and smiled broadly. Then, in an incredulous voice, he asked, “Coven of witches? Really?”

  Antony said, “Oh, you act surprised that we mention witches, Mr. D’Amato. We asked you during our last visit whether you believed in the supernatural. We think it’s obvious that you do.”

  What was rather telling was how only Rico Bellone seemed shocked at the mention of witches. Sal’s protest was insincere while Ben, along with the two bodyguards, didn’t seem taken aback all that much.

  “You are insulting Mr. D’Amato,” said Ben, nonetheless. “We agreed to this meeting because it’s been obvious the Zhu-Gung organization wants to compete against us. After the recent setbacks in your operations, which we did hear about, we thought you were here to negotiate something. If that’s …”

  Wagner interrupted with, “No, we’re here to warn Mr. D’Amato what will happen should our operations experience any further setbacks. Antony, go ahead and play the videos. Since they show Mr. D’Amato’s son and his daughter, we know he’ll be very interested.”

  Antony then brought out a tablet which he turned on. After a minute during which everyone watched as he got the video ready to play, he finally said, “These were taken yesterday, Mr. D’Amato. We know you have bodyguards protecting your children.” He clicked a button and the video began playing. He turned it so Sal could watch.

  Once Sal’s countenance revealed the murderous rage which he was experiencing, Wagner announced, “We will always know where they are. And, we will always be able to influence things that happen around them. Or, that happen to them. Accidents, of course. Similar to the way your casinos were plagued with accidents earlier this year.”

  “You dare come here and threaten me,” yelled Sal. He was getting the message. And he was furious.

  “No, no. We are warning you, Mr. D’Amato. We will not have any future interference.” Wagner stared at Sal for a moment. Then he looked around at the others there. Finally, looking back at Sal again, he said, “Is that crystal clear, Mr. D’Amato?”

  Sal struggled to regain his composure. Then he said, “What’s crystal clear, Mr. Shen, is your organization has been interfering with my organization. First, by your own admission, you were responsible for several attacks on behalf of Ray Morelli. Ray has since rejected you and your arrangement with him. He has taken ownership for his mistakes. Restitution was made. By him. Not by you. Then, you have been infiltrating organizations run by the other families and competing with me. And, now you dare threaten my children?”

  Wagner nodded and let Sal rant. Then he said, “We offered you the opportunity for an arrangement similar to the one Morelli rejected. Had you accepted, we would not be competing against you but instead, we would be working with you. As I explained at our first meeting, there are consequences for adverse actions against Zhu-Gung.”

  “You claim Mr. D’Amato’s organization has taken actions against you,” said Ben. “But you have no proof of that.”

  “Ahh, well … that is why our colleague Barnabas Ho is here,” said Antony. “We brought him with us because he has a very special ability. He is able to determine when someone is not speaking the truth. And, we think you and Mr. D’Amato have been less than truthful.”

  “Is that so?” asked Sal in a demanding voice. “What truth are you looking for here?” He raised both hands, palms facing upwards.

  Wagner smiled and asked, “Are you working with the coven of witches here in New York?” He wanted to know if a confrontation with Angelina Dangelmeyer was needed.

  “No. I am not,” said Sal in a very exasperated voice.

  Barnabas had not spoken up until this point. Now, he shrugged and said, “He is speaking the truth.”

  Wagner was somewhat surprised but then asked a follow up question. “Are you working with any witch?”

  Before Barnabas could sense anything about what Sal’s response might have been, Missy decided to intervene. She applied pressure to Barnabas’s neck near his carotid artery and began cutting off the flow of blood to his brain. The way Barnabas suddenly reacted to that, exhibiting obvious distress before eventually passing out, caught everyone else by surprise.

  Sal grinned and said, “Gee! It doesn’t seem as though your colleague Mr. Ho liked that last question of yours very much. For the record, however, let me answer it. No. No, I’m not working with any witch. Now, perhaps you should attend to your man. And, get the hell out of here.”

  He stood up and gestured for them to leave. “As for consequences … anyone goes near either of my children, causing any problems or accidents, there won’t be anywhere on this earth you can go where I won’t find you. Hong Kong? My organization is ready to deal with your Zhu-Gung organization. And, I promise you. The consequences will be very dire. No matter how many witches might get in the way.”

  Wagner and Antony stood. This had not gone the way they had planned. And, they had no idea why Barnabas was now slumped there, passed out. A quick check showed he was alive and breathing normally. They had little choice but to each grab ahold and attempt to lift him under his shoulders. When it was obvious they were struggling, Billy and Donny stepped forward.

  “Let us give you guys a hand,” said Billy. Then, the four of them carted Barnabas outside and placed him in the back seat of Wagner’s car. Wagner and Antony climbed inside and, without another word, they drove off.

  Sal, Ben and Rico had followed outside and watched the car leave. Once it had cleared past the entrance gate, Rico said, “What the fuck was all that? And, what’s with all the crazy talk about witches, anyway?”

  Ben laughed and said, “It looked like one of them may have had an accident. Perhaps that will give them pause before they dare making any more threats.”

  “I want to double the security on my son and my daughter, Rico. I don’t take threats like that lightly. Those bastards might still try something and, while they weren’t able to get us to admit to anything, we actually have given them plenty of reason to come after us.”

  Sal returned to his office and Ben came with him. He dismissed the others. He had barely taken a seat when his phone rang. It was Missy. He wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or not. “Hello. Where are you?”

  Missy chuckled and said, “Back at West Point. You can put thi
s on speaker so Ben can listen, if you want.”

  Sal did that and then asked, “Did you have something to do with Barnabas Ho suddenly passing out?”

  “Of course! He’ll wake up in a little while and be okay. But, I didn’t want him saying anything about your answer to that last question. He would have known you were not truthful and, it’s more fun if we keep them guessing, right?”

  Sal looked at Ben and shook his head. “That was one way to end the meeting. What about my son and my daughter? Are they in any danger?”

  “I don’t think Zhu-Gung have any reason to harm either of them since it won’t help them much. However, I already have a protection ward around Sandy. I placed that shortly after rescuing her and have been keeping it there ever since. It’s the same as the ward I have on all my family members, Sal. I will now go and put a similar ward on your son.”

  “Tell me more about these protection wards,” said Sal. “I guess those are some kind of witch things, right?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what they are. You remember when Paul Morelli tried to grab Alice Mathews? Protection wards make it difficult for anyone wishing to harm someone to actually do that. And, if you recall, people showed up and stopped Paul right away, even before the police arrived and arrested him. They were there because they knew the protection ward had been breeched.”

  “Okay, Missy. I appreciate you doing that. I’ll admit I still don’t understand it. And, I get that it’s not a guarantee. But, hopefully, like you said, these Zhu-Gung people have little to gain by harming my children.”

  “I think they were fishing, trying to learn how much help you gave the cartels and whether you had other witches helping you. Robert’s team is now monitoring all their email and phone messages and will hear about whatever plans they make next. As an example, we already know about a shipment of drugs coming in tonight. And, there are more girls arriving as well. The FBI will be dealing with both of those situations and I doubt Zhu-Gung will blame you.”


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