Protected in His Arms: An Elite SEAL Rescue (Texas Elite Seals Book 3)

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Protected in His Arms: An Elite SEAL Rescue (Texas Elite Seals Book 3) Page 23

by Holly Castillo

  “Good. We’ll keep the line open in case there’s something we can do from our end. Phantom’s getting everything ready for Evie, Buzz is in the communications room, and the rest of us are taking turns visiting with Anya and Elena so they aren’t freaked out. They know something is happening, but we haven’t told them any details yet.”

  Santo rubbed his lips together as he thought about the reaction they might receive if he walked in carrying a bloodied, unconscious Evie. “We need to let them know Evie’s been hurt. If not, they’re not going to handle it well when I arrive with her.”

  “Good point,” Stryker said. “I just went to check on them, and they’re already nervous. Anya would probably curse me till she’s blue if we spring such a surprise on her, and I’m sure Elena would do the same to Phantom. I’ll go back and let them know she’s hurt but we have it under control.”

  Santo looked again at Evie’s pale face. His gut clenched. They had to have it under control. Losing Evie wasn’t an option. Knowing he couldn’t lead the enemy to their ranch, he followed Buzz’s advice and took another road heading east towards Falfurrias. The truck behind him begin to trail so significantly after each turn, he knew with only a few more roads he would completely lose them.

  Fifteen minutes later, he couldn’t see them. He whipped the truck down another road and floored it, heading back toward the ranch. He reached over for Evie and placed his fingers on her neck, unaware he held his breath as he felt for her pulse. He let out his air slowly, relieved to feel the movement in her neck, even though it wasn’t as strong as he would have liked.

  “I’ve been able to shake my tail. I’m about ten minutes away from the ranch,” he announced, knowing the men waited for an update from him.

  “I didn’t know you could do that without me navigating for you,” Buzz quipped.

  Santo ignored his buddy’s jab. “Is Phantom ready for Evie?”

  “I am,” Phantom replied. “Anya is also ready to step in and help. She and Elena are worried about her, but we’ve done our best to reassure them everything will be fine. How is she? Is she still out?”

  “Yes. She hasn’t moved or made a sound. I checked her pulse just now. It’s weak, but at least it is strong enough for me to find easily.”

  “That’s a good sign. Are you coming in the side entrance to the ranch?” Snap asked.

  “Yes. I’m still getting a lot of rain. How long has it been hitting the house?”

  “It just picked up for us about fifteen minutes ago. Lots of crazy wind, too. This must be one massive hurricane,” Snap commented.

  “You have no idea, brother. You should have seen the damage I saw in Corpus, and it hadn’t even made landfall yet. This is going to be a big blow to the Texas coast.”

  “Since you’ve been playing chase with the bad guys, Stryker called Haslett and gave him an update.” Buzz kept their dialogue open, something Santo greatly appreciated. When a mission went as bad as his, with first the murder of Francis and now the murder of the entire Mitchell family, it became far too easy to feel all alone in the fight. He had taught Buzz in BUD/s that supporting his team easily classified as the most important role each SEAL held.

  “What did Haslett say?”

  “Not much,” Stryker joined the conversation. “He couldn’t easily talk about the mission since he’s helping coordinate rescue and relief efforts for anyone who stayed behind in Corpus or got trapped and couldn’t get out in enough time. He asked for you to contact him tomorrow afternoon.”

  “How many people decided to brave it out and stay there?” Santo asked.

  “Several thousand. The hurricane changed course so fast, the Texas National Guard simply didn’t have enough time to act on the mandatory evacuations as needed. From what I’ve seen on radar and through various news reports, I don’t know how you got out of there.” The sound of a chair squeaking in the conference room indicated someone had leaned forward towards the phone in the center of the table before Stryker continued. “We’re all just damn grateful you did.”

  “I think it’s only because I took so many different routes. If I had tried to follow the main evacuation routes north, I might have been locked in traffic.” Santo pressed a button on his visor and the nearly invisible gate on the side of the ranch began to slide open. “I’m coming through the gate now. Will someone meet me at the truck to keep Evie from getting drenched?”

  “We already have a plan in place. We’ll sign off so we can be ready as soon as you pull up. See you soon, brother.” Buzz signed off the call.

  “Santo… Where are we?”

  Evie’s voice, raw and hoarse, felt like music to his ears. He looked over at her and ran his fingers down her cheek. “Hey, there, cariña. We’re almost to the ranch. Phantom will get you patched up and feeling like new in no time.”

  Her eyelids still drooped heavily, though she gave him a weak smile. “That word is beautiful. Cariña. What does it mean?”


  Her eyes opened a little more and he felt transfixed by the blue depths. “I’m your sweetheart and your girlfriend? I don’t think it can get any better. Does that make you my cariña as well?”

  He chuckled. “No, I’m your cariño. I’m going to have to teach you some of my favorite Spanish words.”

  “I know the essentials. Una más cerveza, por favor. ¿Dónde está el baño?”

  “Terrific. At least you know how to politely ask for another beer and how to find the bathroom. That should help you successfully navigate a bar scene if you need to.”

  Evie gave him a lop-sided grin. “I actually know a lot more than that, but let’s keep that our little secret. Elena and Anya enjoy talking Spanish in front of me because they think I won’t understand. They once planned an entire surprise birthday party right in front of me because they didn’t think I understood.”

  Santo laughed out loud. “I’m going to have to be careful around you. I never know what you’re going to pull out of your magic toolbox next.”

  “Hmm. So when this bullet is gone, will the pain stop?”

  Her question brought reality crashing back into the forefront of his mind. “Phantom will be able to give you something for the pain. It’s going to hurt to take it out, but Anya is ready to help, too, so you’re going to be well cared for.”

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep. I’m still so tired. I don’t understand.”

  “Your body has been through a terrible trauma. Sleep is the natural way it can work hard to heal. You’re going to sleep a lot over the next day or so.”

  Evie shook her head and tried to sit up straighter in the seat. “No. I can’t. There’s too much to be done.”

  “Keeping you alive is the only thing we need to do right now.”

  “I can’t just lie back and do nothing. I want to help.”

  “If you don’t give yourself a chance to heal, you’ll be of no help to anyone. We’re going to work on this together, Evie. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes. Which scares me. It’s been a long time since I’ve trusted a man.”

  Her quick response made him feel stronger, made him feel capable of tackling any challenge ahead. With her trust and support, they would succeed at the tasks Francis had placed before them. “Then trust that I’m going to make sure we do everything to find answers.”

  “Thank you, Santo.” She hesitated, biting her lip as they approached the house. “Do you… Will you think less of me if you know I’m scared?”

  “You’re one of the bravest women I’ve ever known. Admitting you’re scared only makes me respect you more.”

  Her smile trembled and tears gathered in her eyes. “Good. Because I’m very scared. You won’t leave, will you? You’ll stay with me while Phantom removes the bullet?”

  “You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”

  As soon as he parked he saw several umbrellas coming from the front porch being held by members of his team. There were many reasons they all worked so well together, but moments li
ke this proved they would always have each other’s back and be there to help one another through anything. “Don’t move,” he said quickly to Evie. “I’m going to come around and get you. I don’t want you to even open the door. You’re so weak right now you might fall out.”

  “I’m so weak right now I might not be able to open the door,” she replied with a smile. When he gave her a stern look, she sighed. “Of course. I’ll not move an inch.”

  Reassured, he jumped out of the truck and rounded the hood. Snap met him at Evie’s door, holding the umbrella high over them. “She’s awake!” he exclaimed. “Hey, Evie. It’s good to see you again. I just wish it were under different circumstances.”

  “Hi, Snap. We’ll get through all of this mess in no time and you all can go back to being badass SEALs.”

  “You’re making me wonder if you’re delirious with that kind of talk,” Santo said, unfastening her seatbelt and sliding his arms under her, lifting her securely against his chest.

  “Oh,” she sighed and placed her head against his shoulder. She still held the towel pressed to her chest, and he could feel her recent burst of energy quickly beginning to fade as she relaxed fully in his arms.

  “Stay with me, Evie. We’ve made it this far. Just hang on a little longer so Phantom can tend to you.”

  “I just want a short nap, that’s all.”

  “You’ll get to rest as much as you want once I’ve got you patched up,” Phantom said, appearing at Santo’s side and taking Snap’s spot as they moved closer to the door.

  Stryker approached from the other side, extending the umbrella over Santo and Evie. “It’s good to have you back, Evie. It’s nice having you around. You keep Santo in line, which is more than I can ever do.”

  “Thank you, Stryker. You say very nice things,” she murmured, her head resting heavier on Santo’s shoulder.

  “Stay awake, Evie. Just stay awake,” he said, lifting her in his arms and speaking into her ear. He smiled at her when she blinked hard, trying to keep her eyes open. “That’s it, cariña. Show me those beautiful blue eyes.”

  They stepped into the house and the sound of the rain hitting the vinyl of the umbrella silenced. Elena and Anya stood near the foyer, watching anxiously as he carried her inside. Santo saw they were holding each other’s hands, and their faces lit up with hope when Evie turned her head slightly to look at them.

  “Hey, guys,” Evie said, a slight smile on her face.

  Both women stepped forward, about to embrace her, but froze when they saw the bloody towel clutched to her chest. “Who did this to you, Evie?” Anya’s voice sounded strained. “Everybody loves you. Who hurt you like this?”

  “We’re going to figure that out,” Santo said.

  “I set everything up in your room,” Phantom said to Santo, placing his hands on Elena’s shoulder and gently guiding her away from Evie. “I figured you’d want her in there with you while she recovers.”

  “Thanks, Phantom.”

  “Anya, I’ll probably need your help. Let’s move. The sooner we get that round out of her chest, the sooner she’ll be on the road to recovery.”

  Anya nodded and stepped out of the way so Santo could carry Evie to his room. He gently placed her on the bed lined with towels on top of his pillows and blanket to protect them from the blood. He dreaded what came next.

  “I’m going to give you some shots around the area of the wound to help numb the tissue. I’m also going to give you a shot of morphine so you aren’t hurting as much when we pull it out.” Phantom explained to Evie as he began to wipe the area around her wound with a damp cloth. He hesitated and glanced at Santo, then back down at Evie. “I need to take your bra off so I can get at the wound easier. Okay?”

  “Yes,” she said, though Santo could see the unease in her eyes. He knew it had to be done, but he hated her being uncomfortable at all.

  “I’m going to pull a sheet up to cover you most of the way.” Anya moved around the foot of the bed and pulled the sheet up the moment Phantom cut her bra away.

  “Thank you,” Evie said softly, then winced as Phantom began to administer the numbing shots to her chest.

  Santo moved so she could see him and captured her hand in his. “Just watch me, cariña. It will all be over soon.” He glanced over and saw Phantom give her the morphine shot in her arm. He smiled when he looked back at her. “In fact, you’re probably going to feel really good soon.”

  Chapter 24

  Evie tried to concentrate on watching Santo’s face. She heard Phantom and Anya moving around on her left side. Whatever shots Phantom had given her were beginning to work, because her chest started to feel numb. She also began to feel even more light-headed than before and wondered if he had already given her the morphine shot.

  “Okay, Evie, we’re going to get that round out now. You’re going to feel a lot of pressure, and it might hurt, but only a little. The morphine should make everything much easier.”

  “If I start singing Pink Elephants on Parade we can blame it on the morphine, right?” her words sounded slurred even to her ears.

  Santo chuckled and smoothed her hair away from her face, gently stroking her cheek. “Nope. We’re going to hold you accountable for anything and everything you say and do. You can’t blame the medication.”

  “That’s not fair.” She wanted to give him a pouty face but drew in a sharp breath as she felt a hard tug inside her chest.

  “It’s okay. It’s normal,” Phantom said reassuringly. “You’re very lucky. The round didn’t go very far. It hit your rib and stopped. Once we get it out, you’re going to need to rest for a couple of days, and you’re going to still be sore for at least a week, but it will gradually get better. As far as bullet wounds I’ve seen, this isn’t bad at all.”

  “That’s reassuring,” she mumbled, trying to stay focused on Santo’s handsome face even though she wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. A hard tug took her out of the fog she had been sinking into and made her squeeze Santo’s hand. “Why isn’t it coming out?”

  “The round is lodged in deep, and my grip on it keeps slipping. It’s just in at an odd angle. Don’t worry, Evie. It’s going to be over soon.”

  “Once you get the forceps on the round, hand them to me. I may have better leverage from over here than you do right now. She was moving when he shot her, which explains the odd angle.” Santo looked back at her, his expression motivating her to pay attention. “I’m going to let go of your hand for just a moment, okay? I’m going to pull this out of you and you’ll be able to finally rest. Okay?”

  She licked her lips. They felt dry and cracked. She realized she had started to shiver again. She didn’t know if shock had set in or if she could still be chilled from being in the soaking wet clothes. “I trust you, Santo. I know you won’t hurt me.”

  His lips were suddenly pressed to hers. It was a warm, gentle kiss that demanded nothing and gave everything. She sighed against his lips and felt the shivers let up some. “You’re so strong,” he whispered against her ear when he pulled his lips from hers.

  He released her hand and she felt the pressure in her chest again. It began to build, stronger and stronger and she gasped for air. “It’s almost out, Evie. Stay still for me, cariña. We’re almost done.”

  The pressure built to such an intensity she wanted to scream. Then she felt an odd give in her chest, and the pressure stopped. She still gasped for air, but with the pressure gone, she felt immense relief. She felt the warmth of her tears sliding down the sides of her face and wanted to wipe them away, but Santo had told her not to move. Distantly, she heard them talking.

  “She’s damn lucky the rib didn’t crack. I can’t believe it held up. We just need to patch her up and let her rest. This could have been so much worse. You realize that, don’t you?”

  “She shouldn’t have had to go through this at all. The guy intended to shoot me.”

  “What?” Anya’s shocked voice registered with Evie.

Evie shoved me out of the way and took the bullet with my name on it. I can’t believe she put herself in harm’s way like that.”

  “I couldn’t let you get shot,” Evie murmured, and Santo leaned over her, looking down at her again.

  “You did great, Evie. The bullet is out and Phantom and Anya are just stitching you up now. It’s okay to rest.”

  “I couldn’t let you get shot,” she repeated.

  “I know. You already told me.”

  Evie shook her head slowly, aware she teetered on the edge of consciousness. “No. I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you. You mean too much to me. I think—I’m falling for you, Santo.” She finally gave up the battle and closed her eyes for the sleep her body desperately craved.

  Santo’s heart hammered in his chest. Had he heard her correctly? He couldn’t stop touching her, gently smoothing her hair back from her forehead over and over again. He knew she needed her rest badly, though he wanted to hear her say more. He wanted to know what she meant by her final comment. Could she really be falling for him, or had the medication caused her to say the words?

  Phantom cleared his throat, drawing his attention. He looked up and saw Phantom carefully cleaning his medical supplies as Anya tenderly secured a bandage over Evie’s wound. Her eyes lifted to his and she watched him expectantly.

  “Did you two hear the same thing I did?” Santo asked, wondering if he had imagined Evie’s words.

  Phantom smirked and Anya smiled sympathetically at him. “Yes. I’m not surprised. The way she acts around you, well—Elena and I both knew she had feelings for you. I didn’t know she felt quite so strongly.”

  “The more important question, I think, is how do you feel about her?” Phantom watched him with one eyebrow raised.

  Santo shook his head. “She’ll learn the answer to that before I tell anyone else.” His eyes dropped to the bandage on Evie’s chest, then drifted to Phantom. “Is she going to be okay? You said the wound isn’t as bad as most you’ve seen.”

  “It isn’t. She’s going to be sore, and she needs to rest as much as possible for a couple of days. I trust you’ll see to her care?” Phantom grinned.


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