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Rivals Page 10

by Sam Michaels

  ‘I can assure you, Mr Maynard, unlike Hitler, I have no intentions of expansion outside of the borough.’

  ‘Hitler? Is he on your patch?’

  ‘No, Adolf Hitler. I know Chamberlain says there won’t be another war but I’m not so sure. Why else would Britain be rearming the forces?’

  ‘I don’t get involved in politics, Miss Garrett, and as a woman, neither should you.’

  ‘I like to know what’s going on. If there is another Great War, it will affect us all.’

  ‘Yes, but it’ll be out of our control. It’ll never happen. You should be concentrating on what’s going on under your nose or someone will jump up and bite you on the ar— backside.’

  ‘I’m well aware, thank you, and talking of which, did you know that Mickey the Matchstick planned on working with the Portland Pounders and taking over all of South London?’

  ‘Yes, it was no secret. The Pounders were gonna take him out on my behalf but you got to him first. You did us all a favour, really.’

  ‘The Pounders know about me?’

  ‘Miss Garrett, everyone knows about you. You’re a woman – it’s going to cause a lot of talk.’

  ‘What are they saying?’

  ‘Most think you won’t cut it. Meself, I wasn’t sure but now I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, I believe you can hold your own. You’ve got guts and to do what you’re doing, you’re going to need them.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Georgina answered. David Maynard was a revered gangster and having his stamp of approval really meant something within the criminal underworld of London.

  ‘I like you, Miss Garrett, and I admire your grit. But a word of advice – watch your back. There’s a few who think the Wilcox business is up for grabs. I wouldn’t like to see it change hands again. It looks very attractive from where I’m standing.’

  Again, Georgina could feel herself blushing but kept her composure. ‘I appreciate the warning.’

  ‘I’ve always done business with the Wilcox family and I see no reason why that should change. The Pounders bring in a lot of contraband from the Liverpool ports, which is good profit for me. Your lot normally get my dregs. My blokes usually deal with yours as I don’t like to lower myself. I tend to think of the Wilcox men as the bottom feeders. But you, Miss Garrett, you’ve brought a bit of class to the operation. I’ll be dealing with you directly in future.’

  Georgina was pleased with this new arrangement. Her men hadn’t yet gained her trust. This way, she had more control. ‘Fine. Now that the communication channels are clear, I’d like to get back to the office. If you could arrange for a taxicab.’

  ‘My man will drive you. He will ensure you get back safely. And, Miss Garrett, I suggest you find yourself some protection… other than Knuckles.’

  Minutes later, Georgina was feeling very smug in the back seat of David Maynard’s very flash car, though she could have kicked herself for bringing up politics. She didn’t really know what all the fuss was about the man. So much for him being a terrifying villain. Huh, she thought, he’s a big pussycat and she sensed she’d had him wrapped round her little finger.


  The evening scouting for prostitutes to work at the Wilcox brothels had been successful, though Varvara was still laughing to herself about what Miss Garrett had said. ‘Make sure they want to work and are not forced to.’ What woman in her right mind would want to be a whore? But she understood what her boss had meant.

  Now, on Friday morning, as she sat on the other side of Miss Garrett’s desk and updated her on progress, she was hurt to see the doily wasn’t on view.

  ‘Right, fill me in,’ Georgina said.

  Varvara looked at her and hoped the woman wouldn’t see the desire she had in her eyes. ‘Jenny is twenty-two, no drug or alcohol problems, no children and no education. She is grateful to be off the streets. Hettie is young, just seventeen, but we took her from a man who was not happy to be letting her go. It was good for Knuckles – he likes to beat people.’

  ‘Can we be expecting any unwanted visits from her pimp?’

  ‘No, we won’t be seeing him again and Hettie is pleased to be working in these conditions.’

  ‘Fine, and is Dina now at Livingstone Road?’ Miss Garrett asked.

  ‘Yes. There is just one more space to fill but Kathy is hoping her friend will join them there tomorrow.’

  ‘You’ve done good work, Varvara. I shall expect to see diaries full of clients from Monday. Knuckles will get word to your customers that we’re back open for business. And by the way, I shall have a telephone line installed at Livingstone Road. Dina can call here if she encounters any problems.’

  ‘Thank you, Miss Garrett,’ Varvara replied and as she scraped her seat back, she gazed longingly at her boss and asked, ‘Is there anything else?’

  Before Miss Garrett could answer, they heard a kerfuffle outside and Knuckles shouting. ‘You can’t go in there,’ he yelled, but then Varvara flinched as the office door flew open.

  A man staggered through, and to her horror, she saw he was manically waving a gun in the air.

  ‘You fucking bitch,’ he spat as he stomped towards Georgina.

  Varvara didn’t know if he was mad or drunk, but he was unsteady on his feet, and lurched sideways towards her. She should have jumped out of his way and run for cover, but instead she hunched her head down and charged at him. She ran into him with enough force to knock him off his feet but the momentum carried her forward and she landed on the floor on top of the now winded and dazed man. In a blind panic, she looked for the gun. Thankfully, his hand was empty. He groaned, and then she saw Miss Garrett standing over them and pointing the gun at the man’s head.

  Varvara pushed herself off him and to her feet, then went to stand in a safer position behind her boss. Both women looked down at the man who now realised he had a pistol to his head and was holding his hands up.

  ‘Who the fuck are you?’ Miss Garrett asked.

  ‘That’s Willy West,’ Knuckles said from the other side of the room. ‘I tried to stop him but he whacked me over the head.’

  Varvara noticed a small amount of blood just above Knuckles’ ear, but she was surprised that Willy had managed to get past him. Knuckles was a huge man and, in comparison, there wasn’t much to Willy.

  ‘You owe me money from a poker game, Willy. A hundred pounds. Is that why you’re here? Trying to wipe your slate clean by getting rid of me?’

  ‘Yeah, that’s right,’ Willy slurred.

  ‘Get up,’ Miss Garrett told him. ‘Benjamin, give up your chair for the man.’

  Mr Harel had taken cover under his desk, and ashen-faced, he edged along the wall towards the door, clutching his briefcase to him.

  ‘Sit down,’ Georgina told Willy. ‘Knuckles, tie him up.’

  Willy West didn’t protest and now looked as terrified as Mr Harel.

  Varvara watched in awe at Miss Garrett’s composure. She didn’t shake with fear or show any sign of nerves. She kept the gun aimed at Willy, and Knuckles began to wind rope around him and the chair.

  ‘Varvara, take this,’ she ordered, ‘hold your finger on the trigger and don’t take your eyes off him.’

  Varvara gulped hard as, with a trembling hand, she took the gun from Miss Garrett. Her palm felt sweaty and her heart raced. She barely blinked, keeping her focus firmly on Willy. Moments later, Miss Garrett was by her side again. Varvara watched with confusion as she saw the woman point another gun at Knuckles.

  ‘You big, fat, fucking snake,’ she hissed at him.

  Knuckles spun around then held himself rigid when he saw the hand pistol.

  ‘Do you think I’m stupid, Knuckles?’

  ‘What? Why are you pointing that thing at me?’

  ‘You’re in it together. But someone else is pulling your strings.’

  ‘Honest, Miss Garrett, I don’t know what you’re on about,’ Knuckles pleaded.

  ‘Varvara, bring my chair over and tie him to it.’
/>   Varvara stumbled as she dashed to fetch the chair and reprimanded herself. She’d have to hold it together if she wanted to impress Miss Garrett. She grabbed some rope and Miss Garrett ordered Knuckles to sit down. As she secured him to the chair, she took great pleasure in seeing fear in his eyes.

  Georgina sat on the edge of her desk, just a foot away from Knuckles. She placed her pistol to one side but kept it close, then she leaned towards him. ‘Now, are you going to tell me what’s going on or am I going to have to beat it out of you?’

  ‘I don’t know nothing. Willy barged in and I couldn’t stop him.’

  ‘You and I both know that’s a load of bollocks. I’m going to give you one more opportunity to tell me the truth,’ Georgina pressed.

  ‘It is the truth, I swear.’

  ‘What about you, Willy? Do you want to save yourself from a pasting and tell me who you’re working for?’

  ‘You was right the first time, Miss Garrett. I just wanted to clear me slate. A hundred quid is a lot of money and I’m skint.’

  ‘I see, have it your way,’ Georgina said with a shrug, then picked up the gun, turned it around and, with the butt, she swiped Willy hard across the head.

  Varvara winced. She was sure she heard his skull crack. Georgina had knocked Willy out and his head lolloped to one side.

  ‘Whoops, too hard. I can’t get him to talk if he’s unconscious. Now, what about you, Knuckles? Anything you’d like to say?’

  ‘Please, Miss Garrett. I ain’t been disloyal to you.’

  Georgina rolled her eyes and pulled her arm back ready to hit him but Varvara quickly interrupted.

  ‘Please, allow me,’ she said.

  ‘Fine,’ Georgina answered, somewhat bemused.

  Varvara clenched her jaw as she pistol-whipped Knuckles’ face with Willy’s gun. Knuckles hardly moved though Varvara knew she must have hurt him.

  ‘You dirty, fucking slag. I’ll have you for this,’ he said, and then spat out a rotten tooth.

  Georgina moved her face to inches away from his. ‘Now, now, Knuckles. That’s no way to talk to a lady,’ she whispered. ‘And for the record, you won’t be touching Varvara for this. Unless you want to lose the few teeth you have left, I suggest you start talking.’

  ‘And what if I tell you what you wanna hear? What happens then?’

  ‘You’ll be saving yourself from a whole lot of pain.’

  ‘But then what? You’ll kill me anyway.’

  ‘Who said anything about killing you?’

  ‘I know how it works. You can’t let me walk ’cos you know I can talk.’

  ‘I’m not Mickey or Billy. That might have been how they did things, but that’s not my way. I’ll make sure you live because I want you to talk. I want you to tell every fucker out there they can’t try and get one over on me, not without consequences.’

  ‘What consequences? See, I knew it… you ain’t gonna let me get off with this.’

  ‘Knuckles, I promise I’m not going to kill you, though I might, if you don’t cough up. You’re worth nothing to me unless you talk.’

  ‘Please, Miss Garrett, can I hit him again?’ Varvara asked.

  ‘Yes, I suppose so,’ Georgina answered, then quickly added, ‘Oh, I forgot to tell you, Varvara. I met a young lady who told me Knuckles has the tiniest dick she’s ever seen. We could take a look. You could cut it off. Have it stuffed and keep it on your windowsill to give you a laugh.’

  Knuckles looked horrified. ‘All right, all right… I’ll tell you everything, but please, just leave me bits out of this.’

  Georgina exchanged a quick smile with Varvara, then told Knuckles, ‘Start talking then.’

  ‘It’s Bruce. He heard you’re gonna shut down his operations. He’s got wind that you ain’t happy about his loans to the mothers. It’s his livelihood, so he got Willy pissed and convinced him it’d be a good idea to get rid of you. Willy was desperate. He’s already up to his neck in debt and knew he couldn’t repay Johnny. Bruce told him his debt would be written off and he’d sack Johnny then Willy could have Johnny’s job. Bruce is a sly fucker. He thought he’d take over here.’

  ‘And how much was you paid to allow Willy access?’

  Knuckles hung his head.

  ‘How much?’ Georgina shouted.

  ‘Nothing. He didn’t pay me nothing.’

  ‘So why did you go against me if you weren’t paid to?’

  ‘I… erm… I didn’t think you’d manage here. There ain’t never been a woman in charge so I thought Bruce would be me next guv’nor. I’m sorry, Miss Garrett, I went along with what he told me to do ’cos I thought he’d soon be running everything.’

  ‘Mr Harel, do you have any scissors in your desk drawer?’ Georgina asked.

  Benjamin was holding his briefcase up against his chest and seemed startled when Georgina spoke to him. ‘Er, yes, err, top drawer,’ he answered.

  Georgina indicated to Varvara to fetch them. ‘Hold him,’ she told her next.

  Knuckles began to violently shake his head as Varvara attempted to keep him still.

  ‘Wait, please, Miss Garrett, what are you gonna do to me? I’ve told you everything… please,’ he begged.

  ‘You have indeed, Knuckles. I did consider removing your tongue but I’d like you to take a message to Bruce, so instead, you can give him your ears. Tell him if I ever hear of his name again, I’ll kill him.’ Then she looked over Knuckles’ shoulder and said to Varvara, ‘Both ears please and try not to make too much mess.’

  ‘No,’ Knuckles screamed and as he struggled, Varvara accidentally stabbed his cheek. ‘Stay still, Knuckles, you’re making it worse,’ she said as his blood flicked across her blouse.

  ‘Erm, err, Miss Garrett. Can I interrupt?’ Benjamin asked nervously from near the door.

  ‘Go ahead,’ Georgina answered.

  Knuckles stopped flaying his head and Varvara stood poised with the scissors in hand.

  ‘I… I’m not sure that this is the best course of action.’

  ‘Oh. What do you think would be best?’ Georgina asked.

  ‘Well, erm, firstly, Johnny Dymond should deal with Willy. The man owes the business money so we want to make sure it’s repaid. Anyway, judging by the state of him, I doubt he’ll remember much about this incident once he’s sobered up. As for Knuckles…’

  ‘Yes, go on,’ Georgina urged.

  ‘Sorry, I was just gathering my thoughts. As for Knuckles and Bruce, I think it would be prudent for Knuckles to bring Bruce to you. Bruce thinks he can take over here, so he needs a firm reminder of who is running this company.’

  Varvara tightened her grip on the scissors and waited for Miss Garrett’s reaction. She hoped she’d still be permitted to cut off Knuckles’ ears.

  ‘If you can be trusted to bring Bruce to me, you’re temporarily pardoned.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, you can trust me. I give you my word.’

  Varvara’s shoulders slumped with disappointment. She wouldn’t be relieving Knuckles of his ears today.

  ‘Your word means nothing to me. You bring Bruce here, tomorrow morning. If you don’t, it’ll be more than your fucking ears that I’ll have cut off!’

  Knuckles was relieved of his gun and then untied and instructed to take Willy away. She thought Miss Garrett was mad to have let them both go – Billy Wilcox would have killed them, that’s for sure. She hoped her boss’s methods didn’t end up backfiring on them all.

  Georgina straightened her desk and Varvara went to fetch some soapy water to clean up the spilt blood. When she came back into the office with a bucket, Miss Garrett was telling Mr Harel to take the rest of the day off. The man was grateful and couldn’t leave fast enough.

  The door closed and Varvara began to wipe up the mess.

  ‘Thank you for today, Varvara. That was very brave of you, to run at a man with a gun. It was me he wanted though, so why did you risk your life?’

  Varvara kept her head down and scrubbed the floor. She did
n’t want Miss Garrett to see her face, sure that the woman would read the truth. She’d risked her life for Georgina because she was in love with her and she’d readily risk it over and over again if she had to. ‘It was instinct, I didn’t have time to think,’ she lied.

  ‘You’ve proven yourself loyal to me and an asset to the business. I won’t forget this, Varvara.’

  ‘Thank you, Miss Garrett.’

  Once she’d finished cleaning, as Varvara poured away the dirty water, the reality of what had happened struck her – Miss Garrett could have been killed today! The thought stabbed her heart like a knife. Georgina was tough but she was vulnerable. Varvara had no doubt that there’d be more men like Bruce ready to finish off Miss Garrett, but first, they’d have to get past Varvara. She’d protect her love, at any cost.


  That evening, Georgina had never been so pleased to be at home and sat on the sofa with her feet tucked under her.

  ‘That was one hell of a week,’ she said to Dulcie.

  ‘I’m sure things will settle down.’

  ‘I hope so. It’s made me realise that David Maynard was right. I need some proper protection around me. Norman had Hefty and Billy had Knuckles. I’ll have to find myself a man.’

  ‘You’ve got Lash.’

  ‘Yes, but he’s going to be my husband, not my bodyguard.’ Georgina laughed.

  ‘What about that Johnny Dymond? You seem to get on all right with him.’

  ‘I did consider it but he does such a good job with the gambling and loans, I’m reluctant to pull him off it.’

  They heard a tap on the front door and Dulcie said, ‘That’ll be Oppo. Let him in, love.’

  Georgina opened the door to her very good friend. She’d grown up with Oppo always being around. ‘Hello, I’m glad you’re here,’ she told him as he walked behind her with his permanent limp and followed her into the front room.

  ‘Hello, missus,’ Oppo greeted Dulcie in the way he’d addressed her since they’d first met when he’d been ten years old. ‘I’ve got some pot-herbs here for you. If you don’t want the veg, I’m sure Mary next door will appreciate it. So, Georgina, why are you so pleased to see me then? You must want something,’ he said with a cheeky grin.


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