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Married to the Alien Admiral of the Fleet

Page 14

by Alma Nilsson

  “Then you have nothing to worry about. There are only a few more months left of the forget-me-not anyway, and then you will be able to put everything into perspective and you’ll see this will all be fine.”

  “How is that going to be? I mean, when I remember everything. Will it be a rush of memories coming back to me?”

  “No, it will be very gradual. If you have any issues, like severe headaches, then see Doctor Rea and let me know.”

  Jane thanked John, and then they ended the RVM. She looked at the blank screen, then closed it and picked up the hairpin from Juio’s she’d left on her desk after the reception. She turned it over in her hand and said, “Ironically, I meet you just before the forget-me-not is administered, then I’m wide open for an Alliance man to fill this space in my life. Maybe this is the work of the gods?”

  After leaving the Capital Planet, the Kzi and the flagship fleet were sent on a purely diplomatic mission on the edge of the galaxy. It would take them ten days to get there. Jane didn’t have too much to do as everything was in good order as they had just left space dock. However, the senior officers were busy with the diplomats onboard preparing.

  Jane passed Jei a few times in the corridors, but he didn’t even acknowledge her as he passed, busy working. She had expected nothing more. However, her heart always leapt when she saw him.

  Three days into their journey, she returned to her quarters and was surprised to see a black wooden box on her desk, a bottle of French champagne and a handwritten note.


  I have a new puzzle jug should we play tonight with this human drink?


  Jane knew enough about Alliance culture to know that she needed to reply with a handwritten note herself. However, handwriting had never been very popular on Earth so she could barely write in a straight line. Jane took out the stationary from her desk that she had never used before and the old-fashioned pen. She looked at the paper and decided it was best that she wrote the least amount of words as possible as she didn’t want Jei to think she was a complete heathen by her terrible handwriting. Alliance people believed one’s handwriting was an indication of how blessed they were by the gods. It took Jane a few minutes to write the one word,


  Then she summoned a squire and he would deliver it directly to Jei. She sighed thinking how strange Alliance culture was. Written messages were seen as heavenly, and whatever that squire had been doing he would now have to drop everything to do her bidding because this was a written message. Jane considered this to be one of the oddest things about their culture.

  Jane then opened the black box. It was from Juio’s. Inside was an exquisite silver necklace with three tiers of different length chains, and at the end of each chain was an intricately carved Alliance flower called a ‘vil.’ She took the heavy necklace out of the box and held it up to herself, then commanded the computer in the room for the full-length mirror to appear.

  As she looked at her reflection, she said, “Oh, this won’t do at all.” Then she put down the necklace and opened her wardrobe. She had only two boring Alliance day dresses with her. One in navy and one in black. She took out the black one and took off her uniform. She also changed her bra and underwear to a black lace pair, just in case things went very well later. Then, she put on the dress, Alliance thigh-high stockings, and then the new necklace and looked at her reflection. “I don’t know if I am losing my mind, or I’ve just been here too long, but I think I look good.” She returned to her desk again and found the hairpin and added that to her hair. Then she said, “Computer, capture image and send to Captain Kara.”

  “Sent to Captain Kara onboard the Zuin,” the male computer voice replied.

  Jane smiled, not knowing what Kara was going to think. But she was pleased when she got an immediate reply.

  Jane, I had to look twice to see if that was really you. I would ask if you are settling into life on the Kzi well, but the whole Empire saw that little make out session with you and the old man, and there you were giving your little darlings in House Human trouble. I was waiting for you to come to me for UCs so we could talk about it. Tir said the fines must have been extraordinarily high because you are both geriatrics!

  Jane messaged back,

  Yes, it was robbery, but you can guess who paid the fine. I will tell you more later. He’s coming over now.

  Kara replied,

  Just so you know, he keeps his slave artist in his quarters. I don’t know if that means he is incredibly boring or likes threesomes or whatever, I just wanted to mention it. But I suspect you know already as you’re onboard. Who knows? Maybe this is old news and you’ve been having threesomes for weeks now?

  Jane was annoyed by this comment. Of course, she knew very well that Jei kept a slave artist in his quarters, but most of the time, she tried not to think about it. Whenever Jane passed Vran in the corridors, she always reminded herself, It’s her job just like this is my job. He uses her for sex, and she’s paid for it. He chooses to spend time with me without paying and for a possible future together. It is different. But it was difficult to get her heart to listen to the cold logic of her mind. And sometimes her heart wanted to just smack Vran and pull her hair when she passed with her semi-clad perfumed body. The last thing Jane wanted was Kara reminding her of this fact as if she didn’t know.

  I think he is into orgies. I will let you know.

  Jane smiled. She knew that reply would make Kara a little jealous. Jane herself had never, as far as she could remember, ever been with more than one sexual partner at one time, but she was becoming more open to it the longer she stayed in the Alliance, and the more she was surrounded by this sexual freedom. She didn’t think she would want to share Jei with many people at once, but then again, if she searched her soul, she did have some fantasies with multiple men. She blushed, even just thinking about it.

  Jane wanted a drink to calm herself a little before Jei came over, but she didn’t want to ruin her palate before drinking the champagne. It had been awhile since she had had any champagne, and this was not the cheap stuff either. It was nice and from an excellent vineyard. Jane assumed that Jei had bought it from the Earth Store in the Capital City. She smiled, imagining that Frank must be making a fortune now from all the Alliance men wanting to charm human women by buying Earth products that were out of the human women’s price range.

  While she waited, she opened her Alliance social media account and checked Jei’s account for any new purchases of known jewelry. And sure enough, there was a new piece there. It was breathtaking, of course. A large silver necklace with small clear teardrops falling beautifully from the top. She thought to herself, Don’t jump to conclusions. But she knew from supervising so many young women marrying Alliance men that this was a sign that the men were definitely thinking about marriage. Then she checked if anything else was new on his page, and that was all so she could relax. For a minute, she was both horrified and excited that he might have posted new nude portraits of himself. And when she didn’t find any new ones, she couldn’t decide if she was relieved or disappointed. But she couldn’t help herself from looking at the nudes from his youth, she reckoned he must have been about 30 years old when they were taken. She wondered how his body had changed or hadn’t changed since then. Even with his uniform on, he seemed to be in top physical shape, and everything about him was huge. That was also obvious by the images. She was so aroused looking at them, thinking about his large ridged penis. Calm down hussy, she chided herself. But her body refused to listen to her mind and was already making plans to just jump on him and start riding him like a rodeo star.

  Jane poked around a bit more on his social media account and then suddenly, as if her wish had been heard and come true, new nudes of Jei appeared. She almost hesitated to open the album of five new nude images of him. Jane smiled devilishly and said to herself, “Forget my palate, I need a drink for this,” she opened a bottle of red wine and poured herself some in a ceramic cup and then sa
t back down at her desk to look at the nude images.

  She wondered if he was in his quarters and had uploaded them just then and if he could see she was looking at them now? She drank some of her wine and decided that she didn’t care. Jane looked at the first image and was surprised to see that this one was not on the bridge of the Kzi. Most of nudes men posted were taken at their stations on starships, as ridiculous as that was. Jane had commented before, ‘How could you ever imagine them working in the nude?’ But as Kara had pointed out, ‘Alliance women don’t know as they are forbidden to be on ships so maybe that is what they think or like to think when they are alone on the Alliance planets.’ Jane was trying to figure out where the first image was taken and decided it must be from his Capital City home. Then she looked back at his body. Older yes, but sexy as all the stars in the galaxy and she would take him. All of him in every way she could. His penis was not erect in the image, but it was still closer to the size of her forearm than her wrist. She could feel her vagina become wet at the thought of him thrusting into her with it. She took a sip of wine and then when to the next picture. He was sitting, naked at his desk in his quarters she assumed. Jane smiled and wondered if Alliance women really liked these kinds of pictures. She of course, liked the first one where he was posing looking sexy, but the ones where the men were working in the nude, she found strange. The next three pictures were the same and then the final picture was of him on the bridge of the Kzi in the nude, standing in a stance that she knew well. And it made her want to reach between her legs and pleasure herself right then. She checked the time. He would be here any minute so she thought it would be a bad idea to do that now. What if he came before I finished? she questioned herself, but her vagina was almost throbbing after looking at the nude images of him.

  Jane did something then she never thought she would do, “Computer, where is Admiral Jei?”

  “Admiral Jei is in the conference room,” the male computer’s voice answered.

  Jane thought for a minute and then decided he was probably still in a meeting. She closed her computer and then went to her bed. She put her hand inside her black lace underwear and began caressing her vulva with vertical strokes, but then said to herself, “I don’t have time for this.” So, she began rubbing her clitoris in circular motions trying to bring herself to orgasm as quickly as possible. She closed her eyes and thought of the new nude pictures Jei had posted of himself. Of him standing on the bridge and then a fantasy of him having sex with her on the bridge. Then she changed the fantasy again, of him having sex with her in front of the bridge crew on the bridge. Of all of them playing with her, stripping her down, marveling over her curves and the hair under her arms and between her legs and then pinning her over a chair and all having sex with her. Jei being the instigator of it all. Ordering the men to do all kinds of things to her while he watched and then took her himself. Jane came so hard with this fantasy she thought she would have to change her underwear again.

  When she came to her senses, she went into the bathroom to wash her hands. She looked in the mirror and said, “You naughty woman.” And then asked herself seriously, thinking of what John had told her, “Are these your natural instincts then? To be taken in public sexually by a group of men?” She looked at her reflection, looking for who she really was, wondering if this was who she really was or if this was just the forget-me-not playing games with her and the over-sexualized Alliance culture influencing her.

  Jei wanted to finish this meeting. He had finally made some time to meet Jane, but the Ambassador was going on and on. They still had eight days left of travel and Jei decided all of this could wait. He wanted to see his Jane now. He stood up and the rest of the men followed suit, a bit surprised, “The gods will show us the way. Thank you, Ambassador, we will resume this meeting tomorrow. I have another meeting I must attend.”

  Everyone one stood and bowed as Jei left. He walked directly to Jane’s quarters. He started to become nervous like a young man again wondering if she liked the necklace and the human drink. Tir had told him about it, and Tir was not the brightest man, so sometimes he could get things completely backward. Jei honestly hoped this was not one of those times.

  Jei stopped in front of her door and took a deep breath then chimed.

  Jane answered, and she looked so beautiful; he couldn’t help himself. He took her in his arms and just kissed her right there in the corridor for anyone passing to see. She was wearing an Alliance dress and the jewelry he had given her. There was no more apparent sign a woman could give to a man that she was interested in his advances. And she smelled of a woman who wanted to be touched and it encouraged him.

  Jane had been surprised to answer the door and be immediately pounced on like a ball of yarn, but she wasn’t complaining. His cool mouth set her body on fire. It took her a few seconds to realize that they were still half in the corridor when she noticed crew members passing and pretending to not look at them. “Come in,” she said breathlessly, drawing him in.

  They kissed for a while longer, and then Jei pulled away, “I’ve been thinking about you.”

  “As I have you,” she replied, looking up into his grey eyes. He looked like he wanted to eat her, and she definitely wanted to be eaten. She tried to pull him in for another long kiss, but he made it chaste.

  “We do have things to discuss,” he said gently.

  Jane pulled away from his arms then and walked over to her desk with the champagne, “Thank you for this. How did you know?”

  “I heard that human women prefer it to wine or zota,” Jei was watching Jane’s face expression to decide if this was true or if Tir had misunderstood.

  She smiled, this was the second time she had heard that and assumed it must be Tir spreading this rumor as Kara loved champagne over all else, “It depends. Unfortunately, I don’t think it would work very well in your puzzle jug. It might be best to just drink it in cups, that is if you wouldn’t be too disappointed?”

  “That works out well as I forgot to even bring the puzzle jug with me. I was so looking forward to seeing you.”

  Jane took out two black ceramic cups and began to open the champagne and pour. She was relieved to not have to play with the puzzle jug, she was terrible at trying to figure out which hole to drink from, and she didn’t think it was very much fun.

  Jei made a toast, “To the first human woman to truly integrate into the Alliance military.”

  “And in doing so, I’ve learned frightening truths both about myself and the Alliance,” she replied in all seriousness.

  “But you’ve done it with more grace than any of us could have imagined.”

  She smiled in acknowledgement and they both drank some champagne. Jane closed her eyes and almost cried it tasted like home, Earth and humanity.

  “I’ve never had champagne before, it’s nice in a bubbly and refreshing kind of way.”

  Jane opened her eyes at the sound of his voice and reminded herself, But I have this here and I want him too. She steadied her mind and asked, “Have you had much food or drink that was human-made before?”

  “No, just the midday meal at Leld the other day,” he admitted. “I’ve never had a reason to try anything made by humans until now.”

  The way he said that last sentence struck Jane that he meant it as a double meaning, and suddenly she began trying to recall the exact protocol for courting. But she had forgotten to look it up. She wondered if she would recognize the phrase when he said it. If he said it, she reminded herself. “I would be more than happy to introduce you to some things,” Jane said in what she hoped was a seductive way.

  “You can introduce them to me now,” he said casually. “I’m curious about a few human women’s customs.”


  “Yes, I hear human women like to wear undergarments. I’ve seen your prayer candles in the officers’ shrine and often wondered about what they look like.”

  “Do you think about those candles a lot?”

  “Every now a
nd then,” he admitted. “It’s a gentle reminder that we have a woman onboard.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “It’s neither. It’s a fact and a new fact.”

  She nodded, gazed into his grey eyes and wondered, Are we going to have sex or not? What’s going on? I thought we were getting somewhere, but now I feel like I’m teaching a cultural class on women’s undergarments in the Alliance in accordance with the gods.

  Jei enjoyed the sultry look she was giving him. He knew she had not had a slave artist visit her quarters since she arrived. She must be desperate for sex, he thought. He had heard that some of the human women didn’t like to pay for sex, and he assumed she must be one of them, that she wanted to torture herself like this. “Please put in an order for whatever you think I should try from Earth, and I will try it for you,” he instructed her, not realizing that that would be very expensive for her to pay for the cost of transportation.

  “Sure,” she replied, having no intention of doing that whatsoever. She would just offer herself again and again. An image of her lifting up her skirt and spreading her labia flitted through her mind then, and she imagined herself saying, ‘Try this then.’ But then she shooed that thought away.

  Jei took Jane’s free hand and squeezed it, “I mean it, put a request in for whatever you want.”

  “What kind of things would you like to try, do you think?” I think my natural lubrication would taste fantastic with this champagne, she thought of suggesting and smiled to herself.

  Jei ran his hand up her arm, covered by her dress, wishing he could feel more of her soft skin, “I’d love to become more accustomed to some of human women’s nocturnal rituals.”


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