South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 7

by Kacey Hamford


  It was a whole different experience watching Heather on the beach, she had a constant smile on her face and her light brown, wavy hair blew in the warm breeze. She stood in the sea and her feet sunk into the wet sand. She giggled and wiggled her toes and the sea washed up over her ankles.

  “Come and stand next to me,” she called out, looking over her shoulder at me.

  “No, thanks,” I said, waving my hand at her.

  “Please?” She pouted and I couldn’t resist that look. I found myself walking into the freezing cold sea and standing next to her.

  “Fuck, it’s freezing,” I complained hopping from one foot to the other.

  “Your body will adjust to it, stop complaining. Now, stand in the sea and let your feet sink into the sand, when the waves come up over your feet you’ll feel like you’re moving.” I done as she said just to humour her, I really didn’t see how the sea covering my feet would feel like I was moving. She placed her hand in mine as the waves edged closer and closer to us.

  “Ready?” She asked, looking at me with a huge smile on her face. I nodded and edged my body closer to hers, I wanted to claim her lips. She had never looked sexier to me, the smile and light in her eyes did things to my body. As I leaned towards her the sea came up over my feet and my head dizzied and I did in fact feel like I was moving, so much in fact I fell onto my ass right in the sea. Heather let out a yelp as I must have splashed her and as she looked down at me she burst out laughing, holding onto her expanding tummy. I looked up and saw another wave heading for us, I scrambled to my feet quickly and ran across the beach. Heather walked towards me slowly, her hips swaying and the smile on her face was my undoing, I ploughed towards her and crushed my lips to hers. After a couple of seconds, she pulled away, slightly.

  “You taste salty, like the sea,” she giggled, our lips still touching as she spoke.

  “Hmm and I wonder why that is?” I chuckled. “Come on.” I pulled at her hands ready to get back to the truck.

  “Can we go for a little walk first?” she asked.

  “Sugar, I’m soaking wet and I’m sure I’ve got sand all around my balls.” I said as I adjusted myself in my wet jeans.

  “Take your jeans off, your boxers will dry in the sun as we walk.”

  “There’s just one problem with that.” She looked at me eyebrows raised, waiting for me to continue. “I’m not wearing any boxers.”

  “What are you wearing then? Briefs?” she asked, looking confused as she knew I only wore boxers.

  “Nothing on under here, sugar.”

  “Oh,” she said, her eyes widening in surprise. “Let’s get back then so you can get into some dry clothes.” I nodded and we walked hand in hand back to the truck, I held her door open for her as she climbed in. She reached behind her and grabbed one of the baby towels and began drying her feet so she could slip her sandals back on. I opened my door and began undoing my jeans.

  “Oh my God, what are you doing?” she shrieked.

  “Taking off my wet jeans, I can’t drive home in these.” I explained and I began pushing them down, she threw the towel at me and I manage to catch it before it landed on the sandy ground.

  “At least cover yourself up so you won’t be done with indecent exposure.” I chuckled as she blushed and looked away. I covered my cock with the small towel and I lowered my jeans and jumped into the truck. I pulled the towel away to dry my feet so I could get my boots on. She glanced at me and her head quickly snapped back around as she saw that I was exposed.

  “Ohmygod,” she said it like it was one word. “This isn’t how I thought I’d see your cock for the first time.” I smirked at her.

  “Oh really? So you’ve thought about seeing my cock, have you?”

  “What?” she squeaked, looking back at me but keeping her eyes fixed on mine. “Yes, no! Umm…”

  I chuckled throwing my head back against the headrest on the seat. “It’s ok, sugar. Let’s get home.” Once I had my boots on, I placed the towel over my semi erect cock, it wasn’t that I was turned on, it was just how Heather made me feel, constantly. She breathed a sigh of relief and her shoulders softened once I was covered up again. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, laying it high on my thigh, I expected her to pull it away but she left it there, torturing me all the way home.


  WE WALKED into the clubhouse together, I was eager to talk to Uno about my money and what I thought was my house and Blade needed a shower and some clean clothes before he started unloading the truck. I walked in ahead of Blade and the bar area was full of bikers and the sweet buns. They all stopped to look at us and then a chorus of laughter broke out as everyone saw that Blade was trying to hide his manhood under a tiny blue towel.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” Itch asked as he got up and walked towards us.

  “We went to the beach and he fell in the sea.” I told him.

  “You.” Itch pointed at Blade. “On the beach and in the sea? That I would have paid to see.” Itch laughed.

  “Heather wanted to go to the beach while we were in Cornwall. I gotta keep my woman happy.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “I bet she’s keeping you happy in plenty of ways.” Itch winked at Blade and they high fived each other. I turned to scowl at Blade and he had already began to walk away. I looked around for Uno and I couldn’t see him.

  “Where’s Uno?” I asked Itch, he shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I saw Neil sitting at a table in the back of the room with his laptop and I made my way over towards him. He should know where his Dad was. “Hey, am I interrupting?”

  He shook his head and kicked the chair opposite him out with his foot, he did this a lot. He was tapping away on the keys and I didn’t want to disturb him. I don’t know how he saw the keys as the club house was dark and he was also sat in a dark corner.

  “What’s up, Heather?” He asked, still not looking away from his laptop.

  “I need to speak to Uno. Do you know where he is?” He shook his head and pulled out his phone from his pocket, he tapped on it a few times.

  “He’ll be here in a min.” He said, concentrating back on his computer. He was quiet and not talkative, which was not like him at all.

  “Are you ok?” I asked, leaning closer towards him, resting my elbows on the table.

  “Yep.” He clearly didn’t want to talk to me, so I stood up and went to walk away when I bumped into Uno.

  “Oh, hi.” I said quietly.

  “You wanted to see me? I’m used to women chasing after me, but I didn’t think you would ever be one.” He smirked at me, looking me up and down which made my skin crawl.

  “I need to ask you a couple of questions.” I told him.

  “Well, you can ask, I may or may not answer.” He sat down next to Neil and pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

  “Dad, come on, she’s pregnant.” Neil said, nodding his head towards me.

  “It never done you any harm.” He replied not putting his cigarette out. “If she don’t like it, she can talk to me later.” I didn’t want to waste any more time, I needed answers. I sat back down at the table and tried not to cough or breathe too much when Uno blew his smoke towards me. “Well, sweetheart? Spit it out.”

  “I went to my house today and there was someone else living there…” I paused.

  “Yeah, it’s our house.” He stated.

  “I was under the impression that James and I had bought it, I gave him a lot of money. Where is that money, if the house is yours?”

  “You see, sweetheart.” Uno said leaning on the table that separated us. “James had a bit of a problem.” I looked at him confused, I didn’t have any idea what he was talking about. “He liked to gamble, pay the girls at ‘Skins’ a visit, you know lap dances and other stuff…” He waved his hand in the air.

  “Dad.” Neil said in a tone that was warning him not to say too much.

  “So, where’s my money?” I could feel myself getting ups
et and emotional, my gramps had left me that money and I was happy that I was putting it towards something useful and now Uno is telling me that James gambled it away.

  “It’s all gone, sweetheart. We paid his debts once the money was gone, why do you think you’re here?” I shook my head, not believing what he said to me, all the money was gone. My gramps worked hard for that money and it was all wasted on gambling and girls. My heart was racing in my chest, I was upset and angry. James was never the person I thought he was, he had always stayed that young rebel that I fell in love with. No woman or baby was ever going to be enough, he sure put on a good enough act to make me believe he wanted me and our son. A sob rose up and out of my throat and I stood up quickly, not wanting to cry in front of them. I ignored the fact that my head spun and I walked away quickly, exiting from the club room and heading towards Blade’s bedroom, I needed to lie down. I had tears running down my cheeks and my vision was blurred so I stopped and leant against the cold, hard wall and focused on my breathing. I felt a few sharp pains low in my tummy which made my breath catch in my throat. Something didn’t feel right.

  “Sugar?” Blade called out as he came rushing towards me. “What’s happened?”

  “It’s gone. It’s all gone.” I sobbed again. He didn’t answer so I knew he assumed I was talking about the money. “I need to lie down.” I said, all of a sudden feeling exhausted and weak.

  “Come on.” He helped me stand up straighter and I cried out in pain, clutching low on my tummy where the pain had hit. “Sugar?”

  “Something doesn’t feel right.” I looked at Blade and his face was full of worry.

  “Are you in labour? Shit, we need to get you to the hospital.”

  “My water hasn’t broke so I don’t know what it is. I just have this pain.” I placed my hand low on my tummy again, showing him where it was. He nodded and cradled me in his arms and rushed towards my car. He placed me in the passenger seat.

  “Fuck, where are the keys?” He shouted. I dug around in my bag until I found them, handing them to him.

  “Blade, you need to calm down. Everything will be ok.” I tried to calm him, though in fact I had no idea why I was getting this pain and I wasn’t due for another four weeks. I rubbed my hand over my tummy, praying that my little boy was going to be ok and that he was still safe and healthy.


  I RUSHED Heather into the hospital explaining that she was pregnant and having pains but that she wasn’t due for another month. They got her into a room quickly and checked her over. They checked the baby’s heartbeat first and that was strong and healthy, we were now waiting on an ultrasound scan. I was pacing around Heathers room, if his heartbeat was good that meant he was healthy, but I didn’t understand why Heather had been getting pains. A nurse wheeled a large machine into the room and began setting it up.

  “Are we ready… Dad?” My head snapped up to look at her, was she calling me Dad? I looked at her and then looked at Heather, she smiled at me and held her hand out for me. I had to tell them she was my wife so they let me come back into the room with her. I walked towards Heather and held onto her hand as the nurse squirted some gel onto her tummy and ran a wand over it.

  “Here we are, baby looks good.” The nurse began explaining everything and I zoned out, not listening, I was just thankful that Heather and the baby were ok. “It’s false labour I’m afraid. I’ll get your discharge papers.” The nurse left the room and I looked to see Heather looking calmer.

  “Hey, you zoned out, what were you thinking?” She asked me. I shook my head and placed my hand on her tummy and kissed her lips.

  “I’m just glad you’re both ok.”

  About thirty minutes later Heather was discharged and we were making our way back to the club house. As we walked in Cammie came running towards us.

  “Oh my God, are you ok?”

  “She’s fine. She needs to rest.” I told her as we carried on walking towards my room. Once I had her inside I made her lie down so she was comfortable. The doctor said not to overdo it and to relax as much as she can. I lay beside her and ran my fingers through her hair, she was getting sleepy.

  Bang. Bang. Bang. Heather jumped and I swore under my breath.

  “Prez wants to see you, man.” Riz called out from the other side of the door.

  “Fuck.” I cursed as I climbed off the bed, I looked back towards Heather and saw she was getting up too. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m gonna get some of the baby stuff from the truck.” She said as she slipped her feet into her sandals.

  “Like hell you are. You need to rest. Now, back on the bed.” I demanded. She didn’t move, she stood staring at me. “Now!” I growled. She sat back on the bed with her back to me. “Sugar…” I tried to say calmly.

  “Just go, the Prez wants you.” She didn’t look at me and I knew it was because she was angry with me, for telling her what to do. If she wanted to survive in this world, she needed to realise what the bikers say, goes.

  I walked out of the bedroom and into the bar area, I scanned the area looking for the two prospects.

  “Wayne.” I called out and once his head snapped up to look at me, I nodded for him to come closer. I looked around again until I saw Dwayne, his twin brother. These guys hadn’t been prospecting with us for long but they seemed to have a lot of potential. Once they both stopped in front of me, I passed them the keys to the truck and told them to unload everything and drop it all off at my room.

  “Knock first, my Old Lady is in there.” I told them.

  “Sure thing, Blade.” Wayne said and then they disappeared off outside.

  “Blade!” Uno shouted from behind me. Shit, now he was going to be pissed that he had to ask for me twice. I made my way towards him and we walked into his office. “Sit.” He demanded. I did so without saying a word.

  “I need you down at ‘Skins’ tonight…”

  “Prez, my woman has just got back from the hospital, false labour. I don’t wanna leave her.” I said cutting him off. He paused in his movements and glared at me.

  “You’ll go where I need you.” He told me. I shook my head, I couldn’t believe I was back in this club, being told where I had to go and what I had to do. “You understand?”


  “Take Riz and CG with you… I need CG to access the computers, check the cameras are all still working.”

  “What are we looking for, Prez?”

  “We had one girl OD last week, according to everyone she never took drugs. Which meant someone forced them on her.”

  “Drugs?” I asked. Uno nodded and he was talking as I stared into space.

  “Baby, wake up. Please, wake up.” I began shaking her and she wasn’t moving, her eyes were wide open and staring into space. I placed my hand on her bump and there was no movement, my little girl always responded to my touch. I looked up from my crouched down position on the floor and looked up at the guys who had surrounded me.

  “We found her here.” Riz said, placing his hand on my shoulder. We were in the grounds of the Devon Destroyers MC.

  “We need an ambulance!” I shouted.

  “No.” Prez stepped forward looking at me. “She’s gone, they both are.” I stood up and faced him.

  “My baby could still be alive.” I growled.

  “Oh, God.” We heard a whimper behind us and I saw Gloria, the Prez’s wife at Willow’s side. She had pulled her t-shirt over her bump and what we saw was a message.

  “Blade.” Prez said, nudging me with his foot on my chair. I looked up to him and nodded. I would not let what happened to Willow happen to anyone else. “Your girl is needed on stage tonight, too.”

  “No, no fucking way. She’s been in hospital today.” I growled as I stood up, placed my hands on his desk and leant forward. “This whole debt thing is a pile of shit and we both know it. You knew I’d want her and you saw it as a way to get me back in the club. No dancing, not tonight.” I pushed away from the des
k and stormed back out to the bar to grab a drink.

  “Hey, handsome.” Michelle purred at me.

  “Shut it and get me a whiskey.” I growled. I didn’t want anything to do with her, I wanted to calm my raging heart and the hurt that had come with that memory. The only way to do it was by drinking.

  RIZ, CG and I walked into ‘Skins’. It was dark, except for the bright spot light that was covering the stage. Currently there was a girl on the stage with long blonde hair.

  “I’m heading to the office.” CG said as he walked away.

  “I’m going to find Beauty, the brunette that I saw last week.” Riz said. As he went to walk away I grabbed the back of his jacket.

  “We’re here to work, not for fun.” I told him.

  “We need to get friendly with the girls, for information.” He winked and strolled away. I had only been in this place a couple of times before. I knew that the girls had stations they worked. Some of them worked the stage, others were waitresses, there were lap dancing girls and back room girls. Those were the girls who earnt the most money and got to keep all of their tips. Brittany, the girl who was found OD’d was a back room girl.

  I walked around, familiarising myself with the layout of the place and who was working where. I kept my eyes on the clients and tried to seek out anyone who looked dodgy. CG was making sure the cameras were covering all the girls, Prez had decided to get some new ones installed last night and CG was making sure they worked.

  After being in the club for a few hours, nothing looked suspicious. I headed towards the office to check on CG, I hadn’t seen Riz since we arrived. I didn’t bother knocking and just walked straight in. The last thing I expected to see was CG with a girl spread out on the desk and him feasting on her. She wasn’t dressed like the other girls and I realised it was because it was Tiffany, she was in charge of the girls hair and make-up, she was a behind the scenes girl.


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