South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 24

by Kacey Hamford

  “Don’t pick up after her all the time, she’ll need to learn to do stuff herself soon.” I nodded in agreement, we probably did let her get away with so much at the minute, but we both knew that she needed rules and routine going forward. “I gotta help the guys unload our stuff,” he told me as he passed Liam to me. I smiled and watched Liam get excited as I kissed him on his cheeks, blowing raspberries.

  “Can we watch TV?” Kesley asked.

  “What do you say?” I asked.

  “Pwease?” She smiled. I nodded and sat on the sofa with her as she picked out a cartoon to watch. Liam was sitting up on my lap engrossed in the TV too. After a few minutes, Tegan began crying and I placed Liam in the corner of the sofa so he couldn’t move. I went and pulled Tegan out of her car seat and brought her over to the sofa.


  I SWUNG my leg over my bike as I got ready to take the small back roads and head for the Devon Destroyers clubhouse. I felt nervous and uncomfortable, if things went wrong with this plan then Heather could wind up being a single mum. She had already lost one husband, I hated to think what would happen if I was killed too. I shook my head as I zoomed down the road, that wasn’t going to happen, I’d figure out a way to get what the police needed. I needed to gain their support and trust again. I never told them why I left, I just went. Prez was used to that though as I was an enforcer, I could go where I liked as long as I attended church meetings at least four times a year.

  I pulled up to the large gate in front of the clubhouse, a prospect stepped out to greet me and I was pleased to see it was Wayne. I pulled my helmet off and offered him my hand to shake.

  “Blade, man. Good to see you. You staying long?” Wayne asked as he shook my hand and opened the large gates for me.

  “Long enough. How’s things been?” I asked, nodding my head towards the building in front of us.

  “Different lately.”

  “How so?”

  “Prez has changed, man. He’s drinking, fucking the girls and disappearing a lot more too. Gloria left him.”

  “Shit,” I cursed. What have I got myself into? “Thanks, man.” I looked at his leathers and noticed that he was still labelled a prospect. “They still haven’t patched you in?”

  “Na, in a couple of months I will have been a prospect for a year, so fingers crossed for then.”

  “Good luck, man. I’d be happy for you to be one of us.”

  “Thanks, Blade.” I nodded at him before I rode away. Wayne always seemed genuine, he looked out for all of us and I was sure he would make a great brother.

  I pulled up outside the clubhouse and parked my bike in line with the others that were already there. I climbed off and left my helmet hanging off the handlebars. Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath and waltzed into the clubhouse like I didn’t have a care in the world. I took a moment to look around, Roxy was standing behind the bar; she looked bored, filing her nails and popping her chewing gum. Riz and Ripped were sitting on the sofa watching the TV. Bump had Chantelle straddling him and CG and Tiffany looked like they were having a heated discussion in the corner of the room. Her hands were flying around as she spoke and CG kept shaking his head at her. His eyes caught mine and he walked away from her and headed straight towards me.

  “Blade! It’s good to see you, man. I didn’t think you’d come,” he said as he slapped me on the back.

  “This is still my club, you’re all still my brothers. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t falling apart,” I laughed.

  “Well, well, well, look who it is.” I turned around once I heard the Prez. His greying beard was longer and bushier. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair was greasy and he looked tired.

  “You ok, boss?” I asked, shaking his hand.

  “Never better,” he slurred. “You staying for the party?” I didn’t really want to, I wanted to get home to Heather and the kids, but I had to show my support to the club and join in. I had to make sure Prez trusted me so he would let me in on whatever was going down.

  “Yeah, wouldn’t miss it,” I smirked.

  “Great, church bright and early tomorrow. You’re sticking around, right?” he asked.

  “Yep,” I nodded.

  “Hi, Blade.” Vicky purred as she walked up to me and placed her hand on my chest. I removed it and took a step back.

  “The sweet buns missed you.” Prez chuckled.

  “I have an Old Lady, you know that,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Oh yeah and how is sweet Heather, where is she? Not joining us?” He had a smirk on his face and I felt my temper rising. He was the reason that I was away from her, if he had been more careful and not gained the attention from the police, I wouldn’t be here and in this situation. I had to push down my anger and play nice with him if I wanted him to trust me. I couldn’t afford for him to be suspicious of why I had come back so quickly.

  “Na, she’s home…”

  “A night away from the ball and chain… Who will you choose to fuck?” Ripped said from behind me, I didn’t even hear him approach.

  “Didn’t you hear me? I have an Old Lady.” I went to walk away when Prez grabbed my arm, halting my movements.

  “I think a true brother would take the opportunity to have a bit of fun. We’ll even give you free reign, have anyone you want.” Prez said as he held his hand out showing all the women for me to choose from.

  “Fine, I choose her.” I said pointing at Tiffany. Her mouth dropped open and her blue eyes bulged from her face. She looked at CG and he stepped forward.

  “She’s not a sweet bun,” he growled at me.

  “She practically lives here and I don’t see a property on her.” Ripped chuckled. “I’d say she was fair game… Have fun, brother.” He slapped me on the back and I looked at Tiffany again, she looked worried. Her eyes were red and it looked like she was about to cry.

  “Come on.” I grabbed her hand and began pulling her out of the bar area.

  “What the fuck are you doing, man?” CG shouted, stepping in front of me to stop me walking away.

  “Having some fun,” I smiled and winked at him. I had to put on a bloody good act to convince them they could trust me and that I was committed to the club.

  “She’s mine. I claimed her,” he shouted in my face as Ripped and Riz grabbed him by both his arms holding him back.

  “No properties, no claim.” Ripped laughed.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” I smiled as I pulled Tiffany towards my room. I pushed the door open and we walked inside. She stood in the middle of the room looking nervous, twisting her hands together and looking at the floor. “I need a piss. Have a seat.” I waved my hand directing it at the bed; that was the only place to sit in here. She looked like she was having an internal battle with herself, I wondered what she was thinking, was she trying to decide whether to stay or run? To disobey a club brother is a big no no in the MC world. It all depended on how smart this chick was.

  I turned around and stalked into the bathroom, my heart banged against my chest when I saw Heather’s toiletries lined up on the sink. I picked up her Lacoste pink perfume and sniffed it. My dick instantly grew and I quickly put the bottle down. I placed my hands on either side of the sink, and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had a dilemma myself, did I stay and fuck this chick to get the trust I needed from the brothers? It would be a life or death situation, if she blabbed her mouth off saying we didn’t fuck, they would grow suspicious. Could I trust her enough not to say anything? Would threatening her work? Or would she run off to CG and tell him what had happened. One thing for sure was that CG would never forgive me if I did fuck her and Heather, would she understand? Would I need to tell her? I could class this as club business and she would never need to know it had happened. I had to do what it took to survive, I had to look at the bigger picture. I needed them to trust me completely so I could take them down and spend the rest of my life with my family, with no need to keep looking over our shoulders, with no worrying that we were in

  I turned on the cold tap and splashed my face with water, I put my game face on and walked into the bedroom. I wasn’t Kade, the man Heather loved and needed, I was Blade, Devon Destroyers member, bad ass biker who loved to fuck.

  “Shit!” I cursed as soon as I saw a half-naked Tiffany spread out on my bed, the bed I shared and fucked Heather in. Shit. I needed to get her out of my head. I walked closer to her and sat on the edge of the bed at her hip. I placed one hand on the pillow by her head and whispered in her ear;

  “Are you ready for me?” She shivered as my breath crawled over her skin.

  “Are… Are you going to hurt me?” she quietly spoke.

  “Sweetheart, I’m gonna make you feel things you’ve never felt before.” I kissed the spot under her ear and she didn’t flinch, she didn’t shiver, she didn’t moan. That was the spot Heather loved being kissed the most. Shit, I couldn’t do it. I loved her too much to betray her. She was my life, my world and nothing the police or the MC did to me would make me lose her trust.

  I pulled back and stood up by the bed, I ran my hands over my face and scratched at my beard that was forming; I really needed to shave. I needed to decide how I was going to play this, how was I going to stop her from telling CG that we didn’t fuck. Could I trust him enough not to say anything to his dad? He was nothing like them so maybe I could trust him. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a tugging on my jeans, I looked down to see Tiffany kneeling on the bed and she was pulling at my belt.

  “What the fuck!” I snapped and stepped away just as I heard the door fly open and an angry CG standing there, a bottle of whiskey in one hand, half of its contents emptied.

  “Don’t you dare touch her,” he slurred stumbling into the room. Tiffany jumped off the bed and ran over to him just as he was about to fall over. He grabbed hold of her hips and they both toppled to the floor, with her landing on top of him. I stood behind her to help them both up when the door was pushed open. I looked up and saw Prez and VP standing there, smirking.

  “I didn’t know there was a party going on in here,” Ripped said stepping into the room.

  “No party, just us three. She likes to be filled by two men.” I tried to smile like I had hit the jackpot, but really all I wanted to do was leave.

  “Maybe I’ll stay, in case she can take another cock.” Ripped said as he grabbed his junk through his jeans.

  “Fuck off, man. Look at her, she’s only tiny,” I said.

  “Michelle was only tiny but she liked triple penetration,” he smirked.

  “Get the hell out!” I shouted and he backed away, longing in his eyes to stay and join in. Once he left, I looked over my shoulder and saw that CG was passed out on the floor, Tiffany was still straddling him. “Get up,” I told her and shoved her clothes back at her. “Get dressed.”

  “Aren’t we going to…” she nodded towards the bed as she held her clothes to her chest.

  “Do you want to?” She shook her head frantically causing her dark hair to cover her face. “Do you love him?”

  “Yes,” she whispered as she looked at CG passed out on the floor.

  “Do you want to be his Old Lady?”

  “I… I don’t know. I don’t know if I want to stay here.”

  “My Old Lady lives in our house, she’s staying away from here; she doesn’t like it either.”

  “Oh.” She looked over to him again and I could see how she felt just from the look she was giving him, which worked well in my favour.

  “Here’s the thing, if anyone asks, we fucked.” She gasped and her head snapped around to look at me, she shook her head. “If you tell anyone we didn’t, I’ll kill him. All you have to do is keep quiet.”

  “What about him? Can I tell him the truth?”

  “No,” she nodded and began pulling her clothes back on. “You had best stay here for a little while, make it believable.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home.” I walked towards the window and pushed it open, it was small but I would squeeze out of it. I needed Heather in my arms, I needed to smell her scent and feel her soft skin against mine. “I’m trusting you,” I said. She nodded and I walked away quietly into the darkness.

  I MANAGED to roll my bike to the gates before starting it up, I didn’t want anyone to see me disappearing. I made the quick journey home, I was desperate to get to Heather.

  I unlocked the front door and walked inside, the house was dark and quiet. I didn’t turn any lights on as I didn’t want to wake anyone up. I crept quietly up the stairs and headed for our bedroom. We’d decided to try Liam and Tegan in a room together. Tegan was in the cot that I had brought for Lily, my unborn daughter and Liam was in his moses basket. We needed to get him a proper cot soon, before he grew out of that one. I checked on them and they were fast asleep. Kelsey had her own room across the hall from us, she was sound asleep too. I walked into our bedroom and climbed on the bed behind Heather. She moaned and turned around to face me.

  “Hi,” she smiled.

  “Hi, sugar.” I kissed her gently and pulled back when she murmured against my lips;

  “What time is it?”

  “Just gone midnight.” She snuggled against my chest and within seconds she was pulling away.

  “Why do you smell like a club whore?”

  I took a deep breath and decided to tell her what they wanted me to do at the club tonight, leaving out the part about me actually considering it. Technically, it wasn’t club business so she could know. I wanted her to know in case it got back to her somehow. I knew how bitchy the sweet buns were and they would use anything to throw in her face.

  “Oh my God, that’s awful. Does having an Old Lady not mean anything to anyone anymore?” She climbed out of bed and was now pacing the room, she was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top, her hair was all over the place and she looked sexy as hell. “Why did you go back, Kade?”

  “You know that’s club business, sugar.”

  “I am so fed up of hearing those words!” she yelled. “We’re meant to be partners, a team. I should know everything that is going on.”

  “Well tough, I am not risking yours, or their lives by telling you club business. I will not go through that again.”

  “I’m a big girl, Kade, I can look after myself.”

  “Oh really,” I said as I stalked towards her and pinned her arms to the side of her body and held her against the wall. “Can you get out of this, sugar?” She struggled against me and I pushed her tighter into the wall. I placed my lips next to her ear. “They love it when you struggle, when you fight…”

  “Stop it!” she cried out. “They’ve never come for me before.” I released her and turned my back on her. “Kade, what is it?” she asked, placing her arms around my waist. I had to tell her, maybe it would make her stop going against me, stop asking for information. Make her more alert.

  “They came for you,” I quietly said. She unwound her arms from my waist and walked around to face me.

  “What? When?” She was thinking and then it dawned on her. “Cammie?” I nodded. “They thought I was Cammie? That’s why they took her?”

  “Yes, so when I say its club business you don’t ask any more questions, got it?” She nodded and looked at the floor, winding her arms around herself. Shit, I didn’t want to scare her, I wanted her to be on guard, to be careful when I wasn’t around. “Sugar?” She looked up at me. “I love you and can’t lose you.”

  “I love you too. I’m sorry.” She stretched up on her tiptoes and wound her arms around my neck. She nuzzled my neck and after a couple of minutes she pulled back. “You still smell like another woman and I don’t like it.” She pulled away and crossed her arms over her chest, pushing those breasts of hers up. My eyes zeroed in on them and my dick instantly grew hard. I moaned as I palmed myself trying to ease the throbbing. She watched every movement of my hand and when I looked up into her eyes, she was slightly flushed and her eyes were full of desire.

/>   “I’m going for a shower. Grab the baby monitor and get your ass in there,” I demanded. She wasted no time, she grabbed the monitor that would tell us if Liam or Tegan woke up, and followed me in. I left the bathroom door open slightly just in case Kelsey needed us and I started to worship the body of my beautiful woman.


  “BLADE! WELCOME BACK, BROTHER.” Prez said and all the guys joined in. I stumbled out of my room this morning, making it look like I was pleased with myself and acting like it was a bitch being up this early, when really I loved this time of day as it was when Tegan and Liam would wake up happy and active.

  “Thanks, boss,” I nodded at him. “So what’s new?”

  “Keen there a bit aren’t you?” VP said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Got something to hide?” I chuckled.

  “Nope,” he smirked and I had a feeling that he was hiding something.

  “Right, boys, we’ve got some business to attend to. Riz and Bump you two are on the daily checks of ‘skins’.”

  “My pleasure, boss.” Riz said, smiling. He was after the brunette that worked there, Beauty. She was slim with a slightly rounded ass and long dark hair. He had told us all before that she loved doggy style and he couldn’t resist spanking her fine ass.

  “Bump, there is a shipment that needs to be delivered.”

  “I’m on it, boss,” he answered without any hesitation.

  “CG find out all you can about the Cornish Crusaders, something is niggling at me and I can’t figure out what. I want details on all brothers, prospects, Old Ladies, club whores and businesses.”

  “Sure,” he agreed and he didn’t waste any time in pulling out his laptop.

  “Blade, go and spend some time with your family. We won’t chuck you into anything too deep yet, relax and we’ll call you if something comes up.” I nodded my head but it kind of felt like he was trying to keep me away.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Yeah!” Prez yelled.

  “Police are here.” Dwayne panted as he pushed the door open and didn’t look anywhere apart from at the Prez.


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