South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 27

by Kacey Hamford


  “SUGAR, I’m just gonna head to the club. Did you want to meet me there?” I asked as she changed Liam’s nappy. Tegan was laying on the floor kicking her legs in the air and Kelsey was watching TV.

  “You don’t have to come with me if you’re busy.”

  “Meet me in an hour. I’m coming with you.” I turned her face towards mine and gave her a lingering kiss. When I began pulling back, she gripped the back of my head and deepened it. “Shit, sugar, I can’t ride with a stiff one in my jeans.” She giggled as she picked Liam up and placed him on her hip.

  “Love you,” she smiled.

  “Love you too, see you in an hour.” I kissed her quickly before walking out the door and heading to the club.

  “I WAS JUST ABOUT to call you.” CG said as I walked in through the clubhouse doors.

  “Oh yeah?” I stopped in front of him, waiting for him to tell me why.

  “Church meeting.” I nodded in understanding and followed him through the door. Everyone was already in there sitting down and there was an awkward silence. I looked over to the Prez and he had his gun laying on the table in front of him, his hands were balled into fists like he was stopping himself from grabbing the gun and shooting.

  “Boss,” I nodded my head at him in greeting.

  “Just sit the fuck down!” His jaw was clenched tight and I wondered what the hell was going on. Was I the only one who was clueless? Was this to do with me? Had they found out that I am working with the police? I tried to act as calm as possible, I couldn’t let my body language give me away.

  “First order of business,” Prez began and his eyes locked on mine. “Blade…” he paused and my heart beat frantically. Was this it? Was I not going to see my family again? Not get to kiss Heather again? Or hold Kelsey, Tegan and Liam again? “It’s good to have you back, we’re having a party. Leave the Old Lady at home and come and enjoy the pussy.” I breathed a sigh of release.

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  “Next, VP and Riz got pulled over by the police yesterday. They were followed for miles so it wasn’t just a coincidence. They were looking for something, luckily they had already done the drop else they would currently be sitting in a prison cell.” He flexed his hands open and closed on the top of the table where we all could see. “My question is, how did they know about it?” Everyone, including myself, stayed quiet. I didn’t even know about a drug run. “If we’ve got a rat at this table, I will soon discover who it is and then…” He grabbed his gun and shot a hole in the wall at the back of the room. The guys sitting at that end of the table all fell to the floor, protecting themselves. “Now get the hell out!” He slammed the gavel down and we all hurried out of the room. A rat at the table? I didn’t even know about the drug run, which meant there was potentially someone else working against the club too. If I could figure out who it was we could join forces and take them down quicker. I didn’t even know where to start.

  “Yo, Blade.” My thoughts were interrupted, I looked up to see Wayne staring at me. “Your Old Lady is outside. She said she won’t come in.”

  “Tell her I’ll be two minutes.” He nodded and disappeared outside again. I walked quickly to the bar where CG was sitting, tapping away on his laptop. I stood beside him leaning on the bar. “A rat? Can you believe that?”

  “I know, shocked the hell outta me too.” He didn’t look up from his laptop as we talked.

  “Do these guys not know what happens to a rat?”

  “I guess not,” he shrugged. He wasn’t giving anything away and I would be really surprised if he went up against his dad. I looked around the room at the other guys and I couldn’t even begin to imagine any of these would be a rat either, but then I guess they may think the same about me.

  * * *


  I WAS STANDING outside my car waiting for Blade and talking to Wayne.

  “Heather?” I looked around and Tiffany was smiling at me.

  “Hi, how are you?” I asked as I walked towards her and gave her a hug. “Still here, huh?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. How’s Liam?”

  “Great, we have some new additions now too.” I nodded my head towards the car, telling her to follow me. I opened the back door and she poked her head in.

  “Who are these?” she asked, looking at Tegan in the back and Kelsey who was sitting in the front seat. I explained how our family had grown in size and we chatted about her and CG, she told me she was officially an Old Lady, which I was very excited about as they suited each other well.

  “Sugar?” I looked up to see Blade walking towards us.

  “Sorry, I’m a bit early. The babies were falling asleep and I wanted to get them in the car, so I didn’t disturb them later.” He smiled at me, placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me.

  “You don’t ever have to apologise or explain yourself to me. Got it?” I nodded, he was talking quietly so no one else heard us. “Let’s go.” He looked at the car and back to me. “We need to get a bigger car.” I laughed and agreed with him.

  “You ride your bike, I don’t know how long I am going to need to stay, and then you can at least still get back if you’re needed here.”

  “I’m not leaving you there,” he stated.

  “Kade,” I sighed.

  “Fine, I’ll follow behind you.” I smiled, stood on my tip toes and gave him another kiss.

  “Mummy!” Kelsey called out, I didn’t break away from Blade. “MUMMY!” She screamed even louder. We pulled apart and I looked at her through my open window in the car.

  “Yes, sweetie?”

  “I need to pee.” I looked at Blade, he knew I didn’t want to go back into that clubhouse. It held too many memories of me having to live there, having to dance, giving birth behind the bar, Cammie being taken and waking up one morning to find that Blade was gone.

  “I’ll take her,” he mumbled. “Come on, sweetie.” He pulled her out of her car seat and placed her on the floor. She ran around the side of the car and held onto my hand.

  “I want mummy to take me.” Blade looked at me and I gave him a little nod to say I would do it.

  “Use the bathroom in my room.”


  Kelsey and I walked into the clubhouse and I was relieved to see that it was empty. No one was standing behind the bar, all the tables and chairs were empty and it was eerily quiet. We carried on walking until we reached Blade’s room. I stopped as soon as we walked in, the bed was messy and it smelt like women’s perfume. My stomach rolled at the thought of him being in here with other women, but I knew it was from the time he had Tiffany in there. He explained it all to me.

  “Quick, Mummy.” Kelsey moaned. Oh shit, I got caught up in my thoughts. I hurried her into the bathroom and waited while she finished.

  “Wash your hands.” I lifted her up into my arms so she could reach the sink and washed her hands. “Let’s get back to daddy.” She nodded and we walked back towards the exit of the club. Just as we were about to walk out of the door Roxy stepped in front of us.

  “Well, well. Who’s this?” she asked, looking at Kelsey.

  “I’m Kelsey,” she said. I smiled politely and went to walk around her when she stepped in my path.

  “Is this another way to trap him? With more kids?” she sneered.

  “Kelsey, sweetie. Go to the car.” I ran my hand over her brown curls and she skipped off out the door. Once she was out of sight, I looked back at Roxy who had her hands on her slim hips. She was wearing a tight mini skirt that was bright pink and a small black vest top that showed off her flat tummy, she had make-up plastered onto her face and too much perfume that made me want to gag at the smell of it.

  “Where did you pluck a toddler from?”

  “She’s Kade’s niece.” I made a point of using his name, no one else was allowed to call him that apart from me.

  “So you found another thing to trap him with? He doesn’t want to be with you, he comes here and fucks me eve
ry night, more than once. He says my pussy is still nice and tight, not ruined by having a brat. Smell my perfume, I bet his room smells all of me.”

  “Oh and when was the last time he fucked you then?” I placed my hands on my hips waiting for her answer.

  “Last night.” I waved my hand out in front of me telling her to continue. “About ten o’clock,” she smirked, clearly pleased with herself.

  “Funny that, as at ten o’clock last night I was laid across his lap while he spanked me and fucked me hard and fast. Taking pleasure from my body. Not from some loose club whore.” She raised her hand and I braced myself waiting for her to hit me and when it didn’t come I opened my eyes to see that Blade had her arm in his hand.

  “You do not speak to an Old Lady that way and certainly don’t threaten them with violence. She comes above you, learn the rules or get the fuck out!”

  I was an Old Lady and there were rules to follow, but I didn’t participate in the club lifestyle at the minute. I was wearing my leather cut, Blade expected me to especially when we were heading into another MC. She backed away from us and ran in the direction of their communal sleeping area.

  “Come on, sugar. Let’s get going.” He grabbed hold of my hand and I didn’t move. “You don’t believe her, do you?”

  “No, of course not. Your room does smell like her though. I think her plan was to get you into trouble with me.” I moved closer to him and placed my hands on his hips.

  “Bloody club whores are a pain in the fucking ass,” he growled.

  “Let’s get out of here.” I offered him my lips for a kiss and he didn’t disappoint me. He claimed my mouth that made my knees weak and my underwear wet. I loved this man.

  I PULLED up in front of the Cornish Crusaders clubhouse and Cammie was sitting on the bench outside with Mason. She was straddling his lap, her long blonde hair falling down her back blew in the slight breeze. She was wearing her leather cut and she looked happy. I got out of the car and slammed the door shut, she looked over her shoulder and her face lit up when she saw it was me standing there. She jumped off of Mason’s lap and ran over towards me. I held open my arms and we stood hugging each other for ages. We had been through a lot together. Without her, I would never have got through my time at the Destroyers clubhouse.

  “I missed you,” I told her.

  “Missed you too. Where’s my handsome boy?” She pulled back and opened the back door. “There he is. Hi, handsome,” she cooed at him. She was rewarded with big smiles and flapping arms and legs that showed he was happy.

  “Don’t I get one of those?” Mason asked as he held his arms open for me. I didn’t hesitate in walking towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He smelt of lime shower wash and I could hear his heart beating loudly as my head was pressed against his chest.

  “VP.” Blade greeted him.

  “Blade, good to see you, man.” He held his hand out and Blade shook it.

  “Think I can have my woman back now?” I smiled and pulled away from Mason and stood in front of Blade watching Cammie with Liam. The girls were still asleep, we didn’t get far before Kelsey was fast asleep in the front of the car. Blade placed his hands on my hips in a possessive way, showing Mason that I was his.

  “Well, she was mine first.” Mason chuckled.

  “Mason!” I scolded him.

  “Well, she loves me.” Blade told him and I felt like I was back in the playground with children under the age of six.

  “She loved me too.” Mason shot back at him and I felt Blade’s hands tighten on me.

  “Sorry to tell you, Mason, but I have never loved anyone like I do Kade.” Blade released his death grip on me and slipped his hands around my waist and pecked kisses down my neck. I giggled as it tickled. “Where’s Daisy?” I asked Cammie, who now had Liam on her hip and was tickling him. He let out a little excited scream and we all laughed along with him.

  “She’s in her room. She didn’t get home until a couple of hours ago.” I shook my head, sighing with resignation.

  “You go, sugar. I’ll get the girls out.” I kissed him quickly on the lips and headed into the clubhouse. There were a few of the guys around, eating.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Good to see you.” Solar smiled as he walked towards me. I reached up and gave him a quick hug.

  “How you been?” I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. He looked tired.

  “Yeah, good. What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come to see Daisy.” I pointed over my shoulder towards her bedroom.

  “Ah, yes. She’s been different lately.”

  “Different how?”

  “Moodier, out all hours. I’m worried she may get kicked out. She doesn’t do a lot around here much anymore.”

  “Oh. I better go and see if I can find out what’s bothering her.” He nodded, turned around and walked away. His jeans hanging low on his hips, his biker boot laces dragging on the floor as he walked.

  “Knock, knock,” I called out as I pushed Daisy’s door open. My mouth hung open at the state of the place. There was clothes scattered over the floor, empty drink bottles laying around and dirty plates piled up on her dressing table. She was laying faced down in her bed, blonde hair scattered across the pillow and a leg sticking out under the duvet. I walked towards the window and pulled open the curtains and pushed the window open, this room needed fresh air. I started cleaning up her room, figuring that the noise would wake her up.

  “What the hell?” she moaned and turned over in bed. She locked eyes with me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. How are you?” I threw the empty beer bottles into a bin, she flinched at the noise. I’m guessing she had one hell of a hangover. I sat on the edge of her bed. “So? How are you?”

  “Fine.” She pulled herself up to lean against the headboard and she stared at me. “What?”

  “You’re not fine. What have you been up to? Where have you been going?”

  “Oh, so that’s why you’re here? The VP’s Old Lady called you.”

  “Cammie was concerned for you. Where have you been going every night?”

  “It’s none of your business.” She threw the covers off and climbed out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, tripping over clothes and shoes. I waited until she was done. “You still here?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You soon will, when your family needs you.” She riffled through her drawers until she found a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoody, she slipped her feet into some flip flops and opened her bedroom door.

  “You’re my family.” She scoffed at what I said and walked out of the room. I followed her into the bar area and she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Blade with Tegan and Cammie with Liam.

  “Of course, you had to bring them with you,” she said pointing at the kids. “Parading them around in front of me. Showing me what I’ll never have… Why do you always get everything you want and I get nothing.”

  “Everything I want?” I couldn’t believe what she was saying to me. I got close to her, I didn’t want everyone to hear us. “I never wanted my husband to be killed in front of me, I never wanted to be part of an MC. I never asked to have a hysterectomy at twenty six and I never wanted my sister to go off the rails.”

  “I lost my husband too!” she screamed, tears running down her face.

  “I know,” I softly spoke as I went to put my arms around her.

  “No. I don’t need you.” She pushed me away. “I don’t need anyone.” I watched her head for the door and as I went to go after her Blade called out;

  “Sugar? You ok?”

  “Yeah, I need to follow her. I need to talk to her some more.” I was looking between him and the door, I didn’t want to lose her, I needed to find some way to help her.

  “Let’s take the bike.” I looked over his shoulder at the kids. “Cammie and Ashlyn have got them.” I nodded and we made our way quickly to his bike.

DOING?” I said aloud as we sat on Blade’s bike watching Daisy sitting on a park bench. She hadn’t moved for over half an hour. “I need to go talk to her.” Blade started moving and I placed my hand on his arm. “I need to go alone.”

  “Ok, sugar. I’ll be here waiting.”

  “You don’t have to wait, Daisy has her car.” I pointed towards the red Astra parked only a few spaces away from us.

  “I’m waiting.” I nodded, there was no use in arguing with him. I handed him my helmet and kissed him quickly. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.” I walked away from him, down some steps and across the grass until I was sitting next to Daisy on the park bench.

  “What do you want?” She sighed, looking out straight ahead of her as a woman walked past with two children.

  “Talk to me.”

  “Ok, what do you wanna talk about?” She looked at me briefly before looking away again.

  “Daisy…” She held her hand up to stop me talking. I looked around us and saw a young, blonde, pregnant woman walk by us. A little boy was playing on the slide and a couple of other children were running around chasing each other. It made me smile that one day that would be my kids. I turned back to talk to Daisy and she had disappeared. I looked all around and couldn’t see her anywhere. I hurried back over to where Blade was.

  “You ok, sugar?”

  “Did you see where she went?” I panted, I was so unfit. I needed to add cardio training into my workouts as well as yoga. He shook his head. “I was just looking around and when I turned back she was gone.”


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