South Coast Brothers Part 1

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South Coast Brothers Part 1 Page 60

by Kacey Hamford

  “I’ve got a bad feeling,” Drum added.

  “No shit Sherlock,” Toes said.

  “Prez?” I asked. He glanced at his watch and then back to the road. It was deadly quiet, not even the sound of a bike in the distance.

  “Rooster, Holes and Drum. You three head back into town, we’ll wait here. If you don’t come across anything by the time you hit the clubhouse call me.”

  “Got it.” All three of us mounted our bikes and took off down the road. I was leading and decided to stick to the route that Drake would be travelling.

  “VP, what’s that up ahead on the right side of the road?” Drum shouted. I slowed down and skidded to a halt when I noticed Drake’s bike smashed up and on the side of the road. I jumped from my bike and took off running until I saw his limp body. I threw off my helmet and knelt down beside him.

  “Drake, can you hear me?” I asked, when I got no response I leant closer to him and pressed my ear close to his mouth. “He’s breathing, just. Call an ambulance.”

  “One’s on the way,” Rooster said. “Pipe, yeah we found him. He’s unconscious, bleeding pretty badly. No, no sign of Ashlyn.”

  “Check the area,” I shouted at Drum. “In case she was flung from the bike. That field, check there.” I ran to the edge of the road and searched in the overgrow. “Ashlyn?” I called out several times. “Fuck!” I swore. How were we supposed to find her now? The sound of bikes had me spinning around and pulling my gun out of the back of my trousers.


  “WAKE UP, GORGEOUS GIRL,” I stirred as I heard someone’s voice. My head was banging and my body ached. I shot up into a sitting position when the image of Drake lying on the side of the road popped into my head. When I saw Switch in front of me I scrambled back on the bed until I hit the headboard. What? Bed? I looked around and saw that I was in some sort of bedroom, a nice one. I was sitting on a double bed with a soft duvet covered in swirly patterns, there were matching bedside tables, dressing table and wardrobe. Pink curtains covered the windows and a matching pink rug covered the floor.

  “It took you long enough to wake up.”

  “Where am I?” I croaked, my throat was dry and sore.

  “We’re back in Devon.” Switch explained. There was something different about him, he seemed calm and gentle. “We’re at the new clubhouse.”

  “New clubhouse?”

  “Yes, if you remember correctly those Devon Destroyers burnt our last one down.” His fists clenched and his jaw tightened. “Come on.” He grabbed the top of my arm and yanked me off of the bed like I was a rag doll. His mood soon changed from calm into rage.

  He stormed through the clubhouse pulling me behind him, once he got to a door he stopped and pushed it open, it looked like it lead down to a cellar, I tripped several times as I tried to keep up with him, in the end he got fed up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and hit his back several times, but then I remembered my time with him before, that was what he liked. He liked us to scream, beg to be let go and he got off on us fighting. I breathed in deeply through my nose and tried to look at as much as I could, to see if somehow I could figure out where I was. Now we were in the cellar there were no windows to look out of and it was dark and mouldy. Switch stopped once he got to another door, put me on my feet and held onto my hand in a tight grip.

  “You don’t have to break my fingers, I can’t go anywhere,” I complained. His grip loosened slightly as he dug out a key from his pocket and opened the door. He shoved me in first and I came face to face with at least ten different aged women, all naked and crying. I went to take a step forwards when Switch grabbed hold of my hips, showing me that he was hard, he ground his cock into my ass and I had to fight the sickness that crept up through my throat.

  “You see this?” he waved to all the women. “This is where I could put you again, so any of my men can have their way with you. But I want you upstairs in a nice bed with me.” I had to fight the repulsion that shot through me at the thought of me in a bed with him. The idea of being held onto a table while he cut me seemed like the better option. Where he just wanted to fuck and cut me. Not in a bed where he thought we could have some sort of relationship. I’d rather be dead, at least I’d be reunited with Drake again.

  “What?” I cleared my throat. “What are you going to do with them?”

  “The same that we have always done.” He was going to kill them.

  “But I’m here, you said if I came back to you then no one else would get hurt.”

  “But they are here now, I couldn’t possibly let them go. They would know where we are, tell the police.”

  I spun around to face him.

  “You could blindfold them and drop them somewhere far away. They were probably drugged when you brought them in. They wouldn’t know where this place was, they would have no information to tell anyone.”

  “Look at you trying to bargain for their lives. For all you know these women could be drugged up prostitutes.”

  “I don’t care. They should be set free. I’m here now, I’m who you want.”

  “What about my brothers? You willing to satisfy them too? Just so these ladies can go?”

  “Yes,” I said as I tried my hardest not to break down into tears.

  “You’re mine!” he roared as his hand reared back and slapped me across the face, the force of it knocked me off my feet and I screamed out as the hard concrete floor met my knees and hands. “Get back!” he sneered as one of the women surged forward to try and help me. I subtly shook my head at her and mouthed. ‘I’m ok’. I screamed as he grabbed my hair and forced me back onto my feet, pushing me into a wall.

  “No one is coming for you,” he spat at me. “Even your useless boyfriend couldn’t save you.”

  “Husband,” I muttered quietly.

  “What?” he snapped.

  “He’s my husband!” I screamed in his face.


  THE FURIOUS LOOK that invaded Switch’s face was one that I didn’t want to see again, he pushed me back until I was flat up against a wall. His hand slammed down beside my head and I tried not to flinch.

  “Not anymore, now you’re mine. You’ll be my wife and carry my kids.”

  “No,” I sobbed as my head fell to my chest. I had wanted to keep up a strong front but those words made me realise that he wasn’t planning on killing me, but that he planned to make me his for a long time. The defeat surged from my body and I slid down the wall until I hit the floor.

  “Fine, you wanna be like them. You can stay here with them.” He yanked me to my feet and began pulling my clothes away from my body before shoving me back to the floor. “You’ll soon realise that it’s every woman for herself. None of them will help you,” he spat at me before gathering up my clothes and leaving the room. I stayed still and didn’t move. The coldness from the floor was chilling my body and I began to shake.

  “Here,” I jumped when someone put something around me. I looked up to see that it was the same woman as before, she was wrapping one of the bed sheets around me. “I’m Rayna.”

  “Thank you. I’m Ashlyn,” I looked up when I heard several gasps. Rayna was the only dark haired girl in the room, her skin was bronzed and she had the darkest brown eyes I had ever seen.

  “You’re Ashlyn?” Another girl asked, this one was blonde like me. I nodded. “He said you were coming here.”

  “I don’t understand,” Rayna helped me to my feet.

  “You’re the one he wants. He might leave the rest of us alone now.” The same blonde girl from before said. “He would always call us Ashlyn, he always said that your body was the best. That the marks showed up on your pale skin the most.”

  “Is that why you haven’t got any marks?” I asked Rayna.

  “He never picks me. His brothers do though.” The sadness crossed her face and I so desperately wanted to help them all. A thought popped into my head and I needed to get Switch’s attention. I hurried towards the door, gripping the sheet
around my body. I pulled at the handle and it was locked, so I started banging on it, calling out Switch’s name.

  After several minutes the lock sounded and I looked over my shoulder to see that all the girls had gathered back towards the dirty mattresses that were lined up against the far wall.

  “What?” The same guy from earlier barked at me, the one that was dressed all in leather.

  “I need to see Switch, please?” he laughed and shut the door in my face.

  “What are you doing? Why are you bringing him back down here?” The blonde girl asked.

  “I’m trying to find a way to get you all out of here. Trust me, I’ll help in any way that I can.”

  The door opened again and Switch filled the doorway.

  “You wanted me, gorgeous girl?” I nodded. “Lose the sheet and come with me.” I hesitated and he rose an eyebrow at me.

  “Um… I’m yours now, right baby?” I said in the sweetest voice I could muster. He nodded. “Then you don’t want your brothers seeing what’s yours, right?”

  “Come on,” he grabbed the top of my arm and pulled me out of the room, slamming it shut and locking it again. We passed several people as he dragged me up the stairs and through a couple of rooms, I tried to make a mental note on how to get back to the girls and how many brothers were around. I gasped in surprise when I saw someone that I recognised, he subtly shook his head at me, was he here to help me? I tried to disguise the gasp for a cough. Switch stopped walking and turned to face me.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I just have a tickle in my throat. Can I get some water?”

  “You’ll definitely have a tickle in your throat soon,” he winked at me as he pushed his erection into my stomach. I tried to smile sweetly up at him, I wondered how much damage I could do to his cock with my teeth?

  We walked through another door and we were met with the most gorgeous kitchen I had ever seen.

  “Wow, this is gorgeous.” I ran my hand over the black granite worktops and the bright white glossy cupboards, the fridge, dishwasher and oven were stainless steel.

  “You like it?”

  “Yeah, do you have a cook?”

  “Na, we’ve never used the oven before.”

  “Maybe I can cook for you then?” I ran my hand over his forearm.

  “You’d cook for me?” he asked in surprise. I needed to gain his trust and slowly by slowly I’d get it.

  “Of course, we’re together now, right?”

  “We sure are,” he pulled me against him as his lips slammed down onto mine. I didn’t respond and he growled as his fingers dug into my hips.

  “Sorry, baby. I need water.”

  “Shit, sorry, I forgot.” He stepped away from me and grabbed a glass off the draining board and filled it up with water from the tap. I used that moment to take a good look around, there was two doors that led in and out of the kitchen. I needed to remember that.

  “Do you have any ice?” I smiled. He huffed and stomped over to the freezer, I heard the clinking of ice going into the glass.

  “Here,” he shoved the glass at me and I took a couple of small sips.

  “Do you think I could get some clothes?”

  “You ain’t going to need any for a couple of days, not until I get my fix.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me through the house and up a set of stairs. When my eyes landed onto a familiar pair, I mouthed the word ‘help’ and he nodded.

  Switch pushed me through a door and we were in a different bedroom than before, this one had a large bed covered in a black and white duvet, black bedside tables and matching wardrobe and the window was large, covering almost the entire wall. I gazed out of it, trying to pick up any landmarks that might have been familiar to me. I couldn’t recognise anything. I jumped when a pair of lips landed on my bare shoulder.

  “I just need to use the bathroom, baby. Why don’t you start getting out of those boots?”

  “You know I don’t like to fuck naked.”

  “Oh, I thought it would be different now?” I tried to look sweet and innocent and even tried biting my bottom lip and fluttering my eyelashes.

  “Just hurry up,” he smirked as he pulled out his pocket knife and flicked the blade open.

  I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, my eyes had dark circles under them, my hair was knotty and untidy. How the hell did he find me attractive? I looked around, what was I looking for? A weapon? An escape route? The bathroom was empty except for the shower cubicle, toilet and sink, there wasn’t a bin, a medicine cabinet, nothing. I flushed the toilet so it looked like I actually needed to go. I stripped out of the sheet and left it in the bathroom, I had to at least make it look like I wanted to be with him, I just hoped I was saved in time before he got too far.

  “Get over here,” he demanded as I opened the bathroom door. “Look at my marks on your body, pretty as a picture.” He studied them, tracing his fingers over each one. “We need to get you shaved, I can’t see my favourite one.”

  “I’ll do it, in the shower, after. Ready for next time.” He pushed me to sit on the bed in front of him, in his right hand was his knife.

  “Undo me, pull me out and suck.” I reached up to his belt with shaking hands. Please someone come and interrupt us. I pleaded in my head. “Just remember what I’ve always said. You hurt me with those teeth of yours and I’ll fuck you with my blade.” I nodded, I remembered that threat all too well. Just as he was free and I was about to cover him with my mouth a banging at the door came. I sighed in relief.

  “Yeah,” he shouted out. “Don’t fucking stop,” he growled at me. The door pushed open just as he surged inside my mouth in one long thrust causing me to gag.

  “Shit, sorry Prez. Spike said he heard bikes, intruders.”

  “Fuck!” he roared. “Stay here.” He told me, as he tucked himself away. I grabbed the edge of the duvet to cover my body. He stormed out of the room and left me with my saviour.

  “Stone!” Switch called out.

  “Coming,” he yelled back. “I’ll try and keep him busy, can you try and get out?”

  “No, I need to take those women downstairs with me too.”

  “Fuck!” he swore. “You always were the one that wanted to save everyone.”

  “Yep, I am little brother. Please tell me you haven’t joined this club?”

  “No, it was all to find you. I’ll explain later.” He rushed out of the room and I heard Switch shouting at.

  “What the fuck were you doing?”

  “Your little whore in there was offering to suck my cock if I helped get those women out,” he laughed.

  “She’s got guts, I’ll tell you that and a sweet little pussy.” I chuckled, I’m sure my brother loved hearing that.


  I HATED the fact that I was still away from Cammie and Harley, it had been two days since I seen them last. I was at the hospital everyday waiting for Drake to wake up, he was still unconscious. The crash has broken his right arm and he had internal bleeding which resulted in his spleen needing to be removed, the doctors assured us there wouldn’t be any lasting damage and he could survive well enough without a it. The doctors needed to monitor him to see if he had any brain damage, the scans he had were clear of blood on the brain but we wouldn’t know for sure until he woke up.

  “How’s he doing?” Pipe asked he walked in through the door. Once Drake was in a stable condition we were going to have him transferred back to Cornwall. But the doctors here advised against it until he woke up.

  “The same. The stubborn bastard won’t wake up,” I chuckled.

  “We’ve got it handled if you need to get back. Toes and Solar will stay,” he said as he squeezed my shoulder as we looked over Drake who looked like he was fast asleep.

  “Yeah, I do need to get back, but I hate leaving him.”

  “Go home,” Drake croaked. “Cam needs you.”

  “Fuck man. I thought you’d never wake up.” I laughed as I stood over him.

  “Ok, let me have a lo
ok at the patient.” The doctor said as he rushed in the room and started checking the machines that Drake was attached too. He shined a light in his eyes and asked him questions. “It’s all looking good, you’re probably going to be in some pain. But we can monitor that.”

  “Thanks doc,” I said shaking his hand. “When can we get him moved?”

  “Moved?” Drake asked.

  “Yeah, to get you back to Cornwall.”

  “Where’s Ashlyn?” I ignored his question for the minute, I didn’t know how I was going to explain to him that we hadn’t been able to find her yet.

  “We’ll see how he is in the morning and go from there on when to move him.” The doctor explained before leaving. “The nurse will be in soon with some pain meds for you.”

  “Where’s Ashlyn?” he asked again. I looked at Pipe and he nodded his head. I sat down into the seat beside his bed.

  “We haven’t been able to find her yet.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean find her? Was she hurt in the crash? That truck came out of nowhere.”

  “It was the Satan’s who crashed into you,” Pipe added.

  “What?” he shouted and winced at the pain in his side.

  “Now, you have to calm down or I’ll have them sedate you,” Pipe threatened.

  “I need to find her, she’ll be scared. He’ll hurt her, kill her.”

  “We will find her,” I said to him. “I promise.”


  I HAD BEEN STUCK with Switch for two days and had managed to avoid any sexual activity at all. My little brother Owen had managed to keep Switch busy, much to his annoyance. Owen wanted to kill him.

  “Hey, big sis,” Owen said as he walked into the kitchen where I was making a meal for me and Switch.

  “Hi,” I smiled sadly at him. I tried putting on a front for everyone else to see, but he knew I was dying inside.

  “I got you this,” he passed me a little bag with some herbs in it.

  “What is it?” I asked as I shoved it into my pocket and pulled the chicken out of the oven to check on it.

  “Fuck, that smells good.”


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