Universal War- the New World

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Universal War- the New World Page 5

by Zunzar Temurde

  “What do you mean?” UN head curiously asks.

  “The energy levels in that area were off charts when the aliens arrived. But what’s more interesting is that the energy also spiked below the surface almost a mile below the ground. The energy radiations were not normal and thus detecting them is hard”

  “So, you are suggesting that there is something underneath” The UN head says as he goes into his own thought process.

  “Could be and it might be the thing they were looking for.”

  Nagpur- India,


  “On the top shelf, a big box of albums.” I say disappointedly.

  “We are not going to wreck his room, right.” Minal says while she drags the box out and some albums fall from it.

  “Oh, wow he has kept all of this, no wonder he loves you so much” Minal says as she looks down at the albums.

  “I miss those days” I smile as my eyes become watery and Minal looks at me and smiles while putting her hand on my shoulder.

  She turns the photo to look at the back and looks at the number written on it ‘677723’

  “That’s weird. Who writes number on a photo?” Minal says questionably

  “This photo, it was taken during college. Minal, see if there is a box labelled with this number” My natural agent instinct kicks in as my gut tells me that number is not random.

  “677... yeah I am bringing it down”

  “well, I hope this is it” as I look at the box packed with tape.

  We unwrap the box and open it. Inside the box, there are many notebooks and papers including a few pen drives and hard drives. I wonder what are we going to find in this mess. Both of us start searching in the box. Ishaan arrives at the scene and looks at both of us and then all around the room and gives shocking expression to both of us as if we committed some felony. He walks in and suddenly notices something on the box.

  “Wait, Minal can you flip the flap of the box up” Ishaan requests

  “Okay” She flips it and beneath it on the box something is written.

  “It can’t be...” Ishaan says with an unexpected look on his face as if some old memories have struck him badly.

  The box has ‘EXODUS’ written on it.

  Ishaan is pale and I open a book which has exodus written on it. Minal looks at the box and thinks for a while.

  “He wasn’t joking about it. But how...” Ishaan says as his face gives a clear sign of question mark. His glasses slide slightly down from their position. I notice something being kept from me and ask

  “You know about this, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I have known about it since we were kids and I am not the only one who knows Exodus.”

  “Who else knows, then”

  “Aniket, Kartikeya and Rupal”

  “What is this anyway?”

  “Zunzar’s lifelong dream since we were still in the 8th grade”

  “So, he has been planning it since then.”

  “Maybe, from the looks of it.” Ishaan’s tone is making me worry

  “You know what are its content then”

  “Kind of, I mean it was a long time ago but I guess it has plans to do something about the technology or something.”

  “Okay, then let’s dig in, Minal can you help us out”

  “Off course, after all its about my brother.” Minal says with enthusiasm and we all start reading out the contents of the box and get immersed in it.

  UNHQ – Brussels,

  “So, what was your name again?” UN head says to the man sitting in front of him.

  “Pran Vishwarya.” He says

  “Ok, from now on its your duty to handle the research of the newly found study.”

  “Yes Sir. It’s an honour”

  “Ok then you may leave”

  “Yes Sir”

  Pran leaves the room and UN head turns towards the guy with whom Ishaan crossed eyes back in the conference.

  “You found him I presume” he looks at him with a belief

  “Yes Sir, I thought we could use his intellect” he replies firmly

  “For sure, Taksh” UN Head says as he smiles. He keeps his elbows on the table and joins his fingers together while leaning towards the table.

  “Then, let’s begin”

  Pit of Eternal War – Hell,


  Cling! The sword clashes the blade of the axe and swipes it away. I stand holding the axe while Raiken with the sword. We both glare at each other, breathing heavily and Raiken brings his blade down. He points his blade at me.

  I run at him and swing the axe. Raiken blocks it and kicks me. I block it and slash back at him. He quickly manoeuvres around me and thrusts his blade into me. It pierces through my abdomen and Raiken stands behind me with a smirk on his face.

  “You will not last long out there”

  Swoosh! The battle axe cuts Raiken’s head off.

  “You shouldn’t leave your guard down because I will take you down with myself if I have to” I say as and Raiken’s head falls on the ground. Our wounds heal quickly and Raiken turns towards me. He looks at me as I relax my shoulder and neck muscles. He keeps a hand on my shoulder firmly

  “You did good but you need to practice more and no fighting till last breath thing, that’s stupid”

  “I know, you fight better than this in real, right”

  “Yes, perceptive as always”

  “Yep, you already saw my blade coming at you but you didn’t react.”

  “Well, you are not ready to take on me that’s why I have to keep my guard down and let you know the basics of fighting.”

  “Ok, so is there anything in particular we do”

  “Besides training you mean?”


  “Our main job. I already told you about it.”

  “Maintaining the balance, huh”

  “You ought to know a few things before we move out for your first mission. Now, what do you think maintaining the balance of the Universe means.”

  “I guess maintaining peace and prosperity” I put a random guess

  Raiken sighs “No, there are some powerful elements in the universe which were craved into object to become usable a long time ago. They are known as Relic Gears. They grant immense power to its wielder and can tip the power balance of the Universe. Our job is to keep a watch on them and find the others which were lost a long time ago. If they get in someone’s hands and he tries to tip the balance its on us to defeat him and bring the balance.”

  “You said once that the balance was tipped off in the past, when?”

  “Yes, once almost two to three millenniums ago during the age of Legendary hero EON”

  “Eon?” doesn’t sound so legendary

  “Yeah, he is considered to be the strongest in the Universe till date. Nobody is as strong as him. A hero who brought down both Heaven’s and Hell’s army.”

  “Wow, he seems invincible. You said ‘is’, does that mean he is alive.” That is astonishing

  “Nah, he died a long ago”

  “Okay” I wonder how that guy died, probably of old age

  “Don’t sweat about it, now that you are part of the Dark Order”

  “Yes, I was just....” I say while being partially unaware of my surroundings…

  Nagpur – India - Earth,


  Lots of book cover the floor of the room while I am sitting on the couch reading a book. I finish a book and keep it down. Ishaan is sitting on the table and trying to figure out what is written on the page in front of him which has a lot of things scribbled on it.

  “We need to get all of them back together” Mirana says rather boldly.

  “As if they will come happily. Saying that, why did you wait this long, you should have called us earlier, we would have come. Kind of shit.” Ishaan clearly doesn’t seem happy with Mirana’s idea.

  “Guys, I need a minute” I say and walks out of the room.

  “They will come if we
give them a reason to come. I believe in them because he would also.” Mirana says, trying to convince Ishaan as I leave the room

  I take out my phone and open the messaging app. I quickly type a message and send it. The moment the message is sent, I turn to look at Zunzar’s photo.

  ‘I hope you are okay, wherever you are brother. It seems something good will happen and I will keep an eye out.’

  I look at the phone again, it beeps and a message pops on the notification bar. The sender’s name displays Aniket. I swipe the notification and walk back inside the room. I enter the room only to find Mirana and Ishaan picking up all the books and keeping them in the box. His absence seems to have taken toll on them. They both feel detached somehow, as if their souls were taken.

  “Well, I hope we can make them meet in one place” Mirana says

  “My brother must be proud today. To see his friends, work together” I say and I suddenly realise, I said it out loud.

  “Yeah he wished for it more than anyone and I will make sure that it happens” Mirana says with a bit of enthusiasm and the mood of the room lightens.

  “Let’s go then some people are waiting for us.” Mirana says as she takes out her phone and smiles.

  I stand there puzzled and so does Ishaan. We both look at each other with surprise.

  “Don’t look at each other, just come with me” Mirana says with a lot more confidence in her voice. She walks out of the room. Ishaan and I follow her. I keep thinking what is going through her mind. Ishaan keeps looking at his phone, maybe waiting for someone’s call. We all arrive at the front of the garage where a guy is standing waiting for our arrival. He looks like someone from the army. Short hairs, trimmed beard, neat cloths, up right posture and strong build. Blonde hairs, blue eyes, broad face, rigid jawline and a scar on his right chick. He looks tall due to a rather tightened muscles and not much volume to it. He walks up to us and shakes Mirana’s hand.

  “You owe me one now.” He says

  “Yeah I will keep this on the tab.” Mirana says with a wry smile.

  “Tyler? Its... it’s good to see you here, I guess.” Ishaan says rather annoyed, I think.

  “Ishaan, won’t you shake hands now.” He says as he draws his hand to shake. I can’t help but notice the friction between both of them.

  Ishaan shakes hand and Tyler goes and stands near the garage door button.

  “Just so you know, things are still complicated within the group.” He says and presses the button of the door. The door opens and bunch of people are standing inside the garage in groups. There is one guy who is standing alone though and I certainly know that guy. He is wearing a leather jacket and jeans. He is not as tall as Ishaan but certainly has a stronger build than him. He has a round facial structure with blunt nose similar to Zunzar. Black eyes, black hairs and a goatee. Dead giveaway, none other than Aniket. We all walk in the garage and Mirana boldly walks in the front. She looks at everyone and then lastly at me.

  “You all know why you are here, right. So, gather around.”

  “Yes, it’s time everyone knows what he planned for us.” Aniket continues after Mirana.

  I stand there looking at everyone as the atmosphere around me is gloomy even though the climate is nice and bright outside. They all seem to have some friction between them. I know I am in no position to say anything but they all seem so distant that it makes me fear that my brother’s plan would fail, yet again. Aniket senses my emotions and pats on my shoulder. Everyone gathers around Mirana and Aniket turns towards her while standing beside me. He leans towards me while maintaining his gaze at Mirana and says

  “Don’t worry, I will not let his efforts in vain. After all I promised him, didn’t I” with a little smile.

  “Yeah, I hope it all works out.” I reply and we both walk near the group.

  “If all of you are here then let’s get down to the point. Zunzar’s gone and I don’t know if he is alive or not but he trusted us with his life goal and I won’t let it go in vain. Be it with or without everyone, we are going to make his dream come true.” Mirana says

  Her words brought some of my memories back, but not about her. About brother, because I can see the same look in her eyes as I saw in his. I don’t know what’s next but somehow, I am sure it will be better…

  The UN begins its search for the aliens and Zunzar gets ready for his first mission with the Dark Order. Mirana and the band are back together, after a long time……

  There are mysteries which we try to solve, then there are those which remain unsolved and lastly the ones which nobody dares to ask. Such is the mystery waiting for everyone, because even they don’t know, on which path, the life is going to take them.

  To be continued................




  It is around 12 at midnight and all of them are discussing about the roles and things required to run Exodus. Well, more than discussion this looks like argument in a typical Indian parliamentary session. They all are trying to impose what they feel right and its making matter even more complicated.

  “I should be the one to lead” Ishaan argues

  “I would rather prefer Mirana over you” Aniket contradicts.

  “I have experience in that field” Ishaan cuts Aniket.

  “Stop it! both of you!” Mirana interrupts as she stands between them.

  “All of you, please stop. What do you think you are doing?” Mirana continues

  “All we are doing is arguing with each other over silly matters. We are here to focus on what to do next but you won’t keep your personal problems aside and think for a moment, would you?” Mirana says furiously.

  “Sorry, Mirana” Aniket says.

  “Minal, you have been quiet for a while. You are part of this now, so do you want to say something.” Mirana asks for me.

  All eyes gazed at me with anticipation as if my words are same as my brother’s,

  “Well, I know I am younger than you guys and I shouldn’t speak like this but you guys are acting more childish and most of your arguments feel more like hatred for each other, no offense but you guys are making it worse for yourself only.” I say it but I am pretty scared on the inside.

  Everyone looks awkwardly at each other…

  “So… What would you suggest then?” Mirana questions

  “What if, rather than arguing about all the stuff we first all read his books and mark points for our own interest. Once done, we all gather all the information we have on all the topics and talk them out one by one while only one of us speaks at a time and others listen to him carefully.” I suggest

  “Good idea, exactly what I was looking for, get to it then guys.” Mirana orders

  “But we need someone to lead us no matter how things turn out, because we will fall immediately if we don’t have someone to lead, to take responsibility” Ishaan puts a point in between.

  Everyone becomes silent for a moment and looks at each other with blank expressions. Aniket steps forward and points his finger at me.

  “You know best who is more like your brother among us” Aniket says.

  “But I cannot make judgements here, can I?” I reply immediately. Scared in many ways.

  “Yes, a single person can’t determine the leader, it’s unfair.” Ishaan adds. He looks at me with a face which suggests that he means no offense to me.

  “I vote Mirana” Tyler speaks up as he raises his hand in appeal.

  “Well, me too” Rose, Rupal, Yuri and Chang say in unison.

  “That makes 6 votes for Mirana alone. With me of course.” Aniket says. All of the people who vote Mirana raise their hand in appeal.

  “I guess then we don’t need further discussion on this topic.” Kartikeya adds.

  Everyone nods their head in agreement except Ishaan who rather seems disappointed with the decision. Mirana stands up on a box kept near her and bows.

  “Thanks to all but I am not sure I can become a good leader for y
ou guys.” She says as she keeps her head down.

  “You will be fine, no one’s a born leader” Rupal adds.

  If I am to judge the condition of them right now, I am sure my brother would still be disappointed in them. For past hour all they have been doing is arguing and debating over things. Maybe now, they will start to work in an organised manner.

  An Hour Earlier...

  “Hi Mirana, long time, huh” Rose says.

  A lovely sweet girl is how I will describe her. She is much shorter than us but is the cutest among the bunch. A PhD holder in medical science. She has brown hairs, brown eyes and a fairy toned skin. Rosy chicks, not so sharp nose matching her chicks, thin eyebrows, long braided hairs wearing a casual outfit and a bit healthier body. She is well known doctor who owns a hospital in our city no wonder we have our appointments fixed at that hospital.

  “Yeah, how you have been?” Mirana replies while hugging her.

  “Aniket, I have been hearing a lot from you.” Ishaan says.

  “Yeah, I heard that you were fired recently.” Aniket replies coldly and Ishaan really tries to keep a straight face.

  “Mirana told you?” Ishaan curiously questions

  “Nah, I came to know about it, well, we all seem to be pretty knowledgeable about each other, don’t we?” Aniket says sarcastically with a proud look on his face as if he is the smartest man in the room.

  “Rupal, you must have been busy, haven’t heard from you in a while.” Ishaan says ignoring Aniket’s comment on him

  “Yeah, Aces don’t often get to work with UN.” Rupal replies.

  Rupal is kind of like a brother to Zunzar. He is much taller, at least 2 inches to be precise. He has a very strong and muscular build. With a rigid jawline and a straight face, he also looks very army kind of a guy. Small and set hairs with a French beard. Thin and blunt nose, black eyes, black hairs, solid eyebrows give him a normally cold look. As cold as he might look, he is actually pretty nice. He works for the Indian Army as an Ace pilot is what my brother told me once.

  “Sia, how have you been?” Mirana asks a tall girl beside her

  “Yeah, just fine. Doing my job, in and out” She replies


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