Universal War- the New World

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Universal War- the New World Page 12

by Zunzar Temurde

  “Well, that was easy” Zunzar comments and Tyler gives him a pretty nasty look.

  All of them take their positions and move slowly inside the facility. Raiken gestures Tyler to move. Tyler’s squad takes point on the end of the lobby. Tyler then signals Rupal to move up. Everyone joins at the end of lobby.

  “This looks like the central room. Rupal, take point and move out. We will use supressing fire to cover Rupal’s movement.” Tyler orders.

  Before anyone could even peak out of their position Raiken and Zunzar jump straight in the middle of the room and Start slashing everything they see.

  [The sparks fly off the torn wires, computers short out, blood spills on the floor, guns blaze in the entire room, scientists run here and there and the alarms ring]

  A huge fight breaks out between Tyler’s squad and the Area 51’s soldiers. The sound of alarm alerts the soldier outside the facility but as they move out. Swoop! Sniper shots from far stop them. Will’s squad, which is on the watch starts taking down the Soldiers while in hiding.

  “This Sniper is pretty good, Aniket you can rest assured” Will says proudly

  “Thanks man” Aniket replies on the comms and Ishaan gives him a look.

  Rupal’s squad moves to the eastern corridor to find the Relic Gear. As they enter the eastern corridor, the defence mechanisms kick in and start firing at Rupal’s squad. An auto turret and two drones with machine guns attach to them keep firing at Rupal’s position and one of his squad members gets shot by them. Rupal drags the injured to safety and signals his teammate to patch him up.

  While Rupal’s squad is pinned down, Tyler and his squad also move out of the Central room towards the western corridor to make a clean sweep. Zunzar and Raiken hold the soldiers at bay in the central room. Overpowering them with their superior skill set.

  “Raiken send us the feed” Rupal requests while pinned down.

  “Sending you the feed, Zunzar cover me” Raiken says

  “Okay, got it. We are going in the right direction.” Rupal replies

  “Tyler, you are good to go, no holds barred” Zunzar orders

  “Roger, making a clean sweep” Tyler complies and his squad open fires at the defence mechanisms and the soldiers.

  [the sound of guns blazing echoes in the entire facility.]

  Rupal throws a frag grenade and clears the drones, now only the turret remains.

  “Okay, throw three grenades on my go” Rupal orders his squad

  “Three, two, one… go” Three grenades are tossed at the feet on the turret. Boom! Goes the turret.

  Rupal’s squad moves up…

  Zunzar walks up to the mainframe along with Raiken and plugs in a pen drive.

  “Chang, you are up” Zunzar commands

  Chang is sitting on his chair in front of his computer, hears Zunzar’s orders, starts hacking in the mainframe of Area 51. Ishaan, Aniket and Mirana overlook the entire operation using mini drones which are following them at the moment.

  Zunzar and Raiken have dealt with their opponents and are relaxing. Rupal’s squad enters the room where the Relic Gear is kept. They look at the Relic Gear which is kept behind a highly secured keep safe. It has lasers, which are then supported by defence mechanisms with some poison gas containers and lastly a bulletproof glass. Inside the glass the Relic Gear resides inside a metal container. The room is also laced with laser trip wires and motion sensors.

  “Well, how are we going to get to this Relic Gear. Considering the fact that it is protected very well” Rupal says sarcastically over the comms

  A drone following Rupal shows the scenario to the entire team and those at the base.

  “We are coming to help you Rupal, say put” Zunzar says

  “Okay, we’ll camp here till you come”

  “This is…. Tyler… can… you guys… hear me…” A disrupted noise comes through the comms. The voice is unclear and distorted. It itches inside the ears. Everyone holds their ear piece and some even remove it.

  “Tyler what happened?” Zunzar asks

  “We need… help… I have… never seen such a thing… its power-…” The comms cut short.

  Shit, Tyler, Tyler…” Zunzar says agitatedly and hits himself in the thigh.

  “I will go look for Tyler. You go retrieve the Relic Gear Zunzar” Raiken commands

  “What about the drive?” Zunzar asks

  “Don’t worry boss, I have almost cracked the system open if anyone does come looking for trouble our drone will handle them.” Chang says

  “Don’t call me boss, its Zunzar” Zunzar replies over comms

  “Sorry, bo… I mean Zunzar”


  “Okay then, we are splitting up. Keep the drones stationed here”

  Raiken and Zunzar move out….

  UN – SDC,

  “Sir, our satellite is facing functionality issues” an operator says

  “Which satellite?” Taksh asks

  “Sir the one monitoring Area 51” he replies

  “What?” Taksh shakes up “Get it working right now, put everyone on that task. I don’t care, I want the satellite up and running”

  “Yes Sir”

  ‘How is this possible, Area 51 couldn’t risk causing problems to our satellite, then who is trying to stop us’ Taksh thinks to himself

  Taksh takes out his cell and calls Pran. The bell rings for few times and Pran picks up


  “Pran, where are you?”

  “What, I was sleeping, its almost 1 am” Pran replies in a sleepy tone

  “It’s Taksh here, I need you at base right now.” Taksh orders angrily

  “Okay, okay, I am coming, just wait” Pran replies and Taksh keeps the phone.

  “Sir, something is blocking our signals” an operator says

  “Then find it why are you telling me?” Taksh yells at him

  “Yes… Sir” He says slowly, scared by Taksh’s anger

  Taksh looks at the screen angrily for a minute…

  Suddenly the satellites come back online,

  “They are back sir”

  “What?” How?” “Keep looking into this matter, someone is clearly prying with our network and I need to know why” Taksh orders angrily…

  AREA 51,

  Will’s squad has cleared everything in the perimeter. Will suddenly hears something. A tremor, Will stands up immediately.

  “Everyone, take cover. Not this again” Will orders

  A huge cannon comes out of nowhere from the ground. Will and his squad look for a place to take cover behind. The cannon points towards their direction, Will looks at the cannon

  “Incoming fire!” Will screams

  BOOM! The cannon fires…

  Raiken reaches Tyler’s position and finds nothing. He looks around the room and locates Tyler’s tracker. He picks it up. He looks around for clues and notices marks of a huge machine. Raiken starts following the marks suspiciously while keeping his guard up. He goes through a huge hole in the wall only to see Tyler’s squad struggling to defend themselves from a gigantic Droid Tank. The tank has a cannon mounted which looks compact but deadly. Tyler looks at Raiken and signals him to move.

  Raiken doesn’t comply and takes out his sword. The tank notices Raiken’s movement and suddenly transforms into a robot with cannon arms. Raiken side steps and swings his sword. The robot looks him in the eye and fires a cannon at him. Raiken swiftly dodges the fire and moves up close to the robot. Swings his swords at him and BOOM! Raiken is blown away by the Robot. Tyler is in despair as he was almost ready to cheer for Raiken. Tyler immediately moves back in cover.

  Raiken gets up and looks angrily at the Robot.

  “This piece of shit thinks it can defeat me, huh. Let’s see what you have got”

  “That Machine harnesses its power from the dagger, it isn’t going to lose to the likes of you” A mysterious voice fills the room.

  “Who are you?” Raiken replies

agger? He means the Relic Gear. That could be a problem’ Raiken thinks

  “Not so easy, Alien” The voice replies

  “Very well then, after I scarp this piece of metal I am coming for your head” Raiken replies and moves rapidly around the room with the dark power.

  The robot locks onto him and fires rockets. Raiken dodges them and keeps the Robot engaged. Tyler’s squad take out the new and improved grenade launcher. Tyler takes the grenade launcher and aims at the Robot.

  “Aniket, I do hope this works or I am totally coming to haunt you forever” Tyler says and fires at the Robot. The grenade clings at the robot and attaches to it. Raiken comes in with a strike and slashes the abdomen of the Robot. Tyler fires two more grenades at him and then clicks the button on the launcher. Three loud bursts occur and the Robot’s Armour on the Back gets taken down. Raiken Comes in from the front, readies his blade. The Robot shots at him, he dodges it with a jump, lands on his feet. Pulls the arm of the Robot to thrust himself in the air above it. While in air puts his sword straight through its head and slashes it down from the back.

  Raiken lands on his feet in style as the Robot falls face first on the ground and explodes. Raiken sheaths his sword and looks at Tyler,

  “That’s how you take down a Robot” Raiken says

  “Thank you for coming” Tyler replies…

  While they were busy fighting the robot, Will’s squad encountered a cannon which targeted them and tried to blow them up but failed. Will’s squad were rescued at the last moment by the Deathrider as it took down the cannon in the auto pilot mode. With Deathrider covering them, Will’s squad moved towards the hanger.

  At the hanger they deployed themselves and fortified it. With the Deathrider hovering above in its stealth mode. Meanwhile, Zunzar reaches the Relic Gear’s location and joins Rupal.

  “I will get the Relic Gear but till then your squad has a work to do.” Zunzar says with a serious doubt in his voice

  “What did you do?” Rupal asks

  “I ran into some trouble and I brought it along so, you guys handle the enemy while I retrieve the Relic Gear. Don’t worry I will be back in a minute.” Zunzar says and walks away

  “Everyone, take point and check our ammo. Get ready for anything” Rupal orders his squad

  Zunzar uses his Dark Energy to defuse the laser grid and walks through it without any problem. He reaches a trigger mechanism which releases poison gas. He simply walks through it as if it is a joke for him. The defence mechanisms kick in and the defence system open fires at Zunzar. He simply takes the shots and Slashes the turrets one by one with his axe. He moves up to the glass and slashes his axe through it as if it is a normal glass. He then opens the Metal container and takes out the dagger. As he takes out the dagger, the entire facility shakes. Even Will experiences its tremors.

  “Zunzar what did you do?” Rupal screams

  “Ah… nothing. I guess the dagger was attached to something.” Zunzar replies confused by the scenario.

  “Guys, the energy readings around you are getting unstable, you have to move out quickly” Mirana says on the comms

  “This is Raiken reporting, I have Tyler’s squad and we are heading back to the central room.” Raiken reports

  “Copy, Raiken immediately move out of the facility, it’s too dangerous” Mirana says

  “Chang zoom in on the 4th quadrant for me” Ishaan says

  “Zooming in” Chang’s partner zooms in on 4th quadrant

  “Change to thermal” Ishaan replies

  Ishaan looks at the thermal reading and suddenly his eyes widen with fear he immediately takes Mirana’s mic

  “All squads, we have a situation, you need to evacuate the building now, it’s an order”

  “What happened?” Zunzar asks

  “The core of the facility has gone unstable by the readings I think it’s a nuclear fusion cell and it is totally unstable. It will explode any minute”

  “What, a nuclear fusion cell?” Zunzar replies startled by Ishaan’s deduction

  “Shit, Rupal take these scientists out of here now, go!” Zunzar orders

  “What are you doing?” Rupal asks confused by Zunzar’s statement

  “Just go!” Zunzar orders firmly and grabs Rupal by his collar

  Rupal turns silently and starts running along with the scientists which they found hiding in the panic room. Raiken and Tyler arrive in the central room and Raiken quickly takes the drive and moves out from the corridor. They all reach the entrance of the facility and wait for Rupal’s squad to arrive.

  “This is Will, we got incoming”

  “Tyler, you go and support Will, I will wait here till they arrive.” Raiken says

  “Okay, boys let’s move”

  [Jets screech through the sky and the Lonely and quiet Area 51 is on the verge of turning into a warzone]

  Will’s squad is ready around the Deathrider waiting for others to join. As overwatch, Will’s squad is tasked with the responsibility of being the last team to board the ship. Tyler’s squad arrive at the extraction point. They start boarding the ship.

  Zunzar is inside the facility and he enters a room filled with some random stuff. He immediately starts searching for something. He sweeps around the area and finds nothing. He turns around and Panics.

  “Wow! You scared the shit out of me” Zunzar says

  “Sorry, what are you doing here?” Raiken questions

  “I was looking for a file, it is a hard copy about the Relic Gear.” Zunzar says

  “But, didn’t we just take the entire data in the drive” Raiken questions doubtfully

  “Yes, but they have not kept a softcopy of the research on the Relic Gear.” Zunzar says

  “How did you know?”

  “One scientist gave me the info”

  “Okay let me help you”

  They both search for the file…

  Soon enough, the land beneath trembles as the ground shakes up, Rupal’s squad arrives at the extraction point and joins Tyler’s squad along with the scientists and the Relic Gear.

  “Where is Zunzar? Wait Raiken isn’t with you?” Tyler asks

  “Zunzar didn’t say anything, Raiken wasn’t even with us. I am pretty sure he was with you” Rupal answers

  “I know, but he stayed back to join you guys” Tyler says

  “Shit, how long are we going to wait. The army is already here” Will says

  “Everyone inside the ship, they won’t see us in it” Tyler orders and everyone goes inside the ship.

  “Why isn’t the ship moving?” Mirana asks

  “Now that you say, its actually not moving” Ishaan says

  “Tyler, what’s the status?” Ishaan says

  “We are waiting for Zunzar and Raiken, everyone else is onboard” he replies

  “What are they doing?” Ishaan asks

  “I don’t know”

  “You don’t know? let me contact him” Ishaan replies furiously

  “Zunzar, where the hell are you? That place is going to blow up” Ishaan says furiously

  “We will be there, actually we are on the way out”

  “Get there quick, Army is onto us”

  The ground shakes and everyone in the ship experiences the tremor. The army arriving at the scene also shakes with the ground and halts. The hanger begins to fall apart. Zunzar and Raiken come running out of the hanger towards the plane.

  Raiken is running faster than Zunzar and Reaches the ship. Zunzar is still far behind and the hanger falls. Zunzar comes out of it unharmed and reaches the ship

  “Well, that wasn’t so bad” Zunzar says as he sits inside the ship.

  The ship lifts up in the sky and A huge explosion occurs

  [the nuclear core explodes underneath the ground creating an earthquake like scenario]

  The ship shakes and loses balance for a while but then regains control and zooms away in the darkness of the sky…

  “Okay, maybe a little bit” Zunzar says as he lo
oks at the explosion


  The UN satellite comes online right before the explosion and Taksh witnesses it with open eyes, he looks horrified by the scene.

  “What is it?” Taksh asks as he looks at the screen with concern

  “Change it to thermal readings.” Pran orders

  “Ah… that was… it’s…” Pran mumbles

  “What is it Pran?”

  “It was an explosion of a nuclear warhead, or rather a nuclear fusion warhead” Pran explains

  “That means the entire Area 51 is ground Zero now” Taksh says in a low tone

  “Pretty much a yes” Pran replies

  Exodus successfully completed the operation without casualties but they didn’t plan on making a fully radiated quarantine area. With the explosion of such scale its hard that no one would notice. What’s more, Taksh has no idea what just happened and is seriously worried about the fact that Area 51 blew up in smoke and has been removed from the map for eternity…

  To Be Continued……



  Exodus Successfully returns to their base and lands. On the other hand, SDC is still figuring out the incident at Area 51…


  “Did you figure out what happened?” Taksh asks

  “Well, I can’t because whoever invaded Area 51 was really good with keeping secrets” Pran replies while with a smirk

  “What do you mean?” Taksh gets agitated a little

  “Means, they destroyed every evidence we gathered and every data Area 51 had along with the camera footage” Pran replies while rapidly typing on his keyboard

  “Hmm… since nothing is left of it, we could move as we want unless there is someone who is out there trying to stop something… the question is what are they trying to stop?” Taksh mumbles

  “What are you saying?” Pran asks

  “Nothing, have you completed the calibration?” Taksh asks

  “Yes, it’s done. You want me to begin…” Pran pauses while reading Taksh’s face

  “Yeah, while the people of Area 51 and US are still trying to hold it together. We won’t get a chance like this again.” Taksh replies

  “OK, attention to everyone this is Pran, launch sequence 12980, repeat, 12980. Engage all satellites, prepare for scanning” Pran says on a loudspeaker and everyone suddenly starts rushing to their tables.


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