In The Line of Fire Boxset 5 Books in 1 (Thriller Stories To Keep You up all Night)

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In The Line of Fire Boxset 5 Books in 1 (Thriller Stories To Keep You up all Night) Page 11

by Rhiley McCabe

  “Where is this guy?!” Badrick shouted amid the noise of gunfire and shouting.

  They aimed the machine gun at the watchtower to prevent the snipers from firing at them. Badrick rushed to the Hilux to check how much ammo was left. They couldn’t go on for much longer.

  “Cover me!” He barked at one of his men.

  He struggled through the rubble to get to the prison cell.

  He climbed on a collapsed wall to get a better vantage point. Suddenly, a massive weight lunged him to the ground.

  “Are you crazy?!” Carlos yelled, “You were a sitting duck there! You almost got shot, dumbass!”

  Badrick laughed and held out a hand so Carlos could pull him to his feet.

  “Mister Rodrigues, I like you already, mon!”

  “Leo!” An overly elated voice boomed over the phone.

  Leo had to hold it a few inches away. “I’m out. Thank you!”

  Leo rolled his eyes, already regretting his decision to help the hot-head. “Good, it’s time for your first redeeming assignment.”

  “Anything, what do you want me to do?”

  Leo smirked, “The cop who arrested you, Jason, get rid of him.”


  “Consider it done! I’m headed to a hide-out for a shower and a good night’s rest. I’ll get him soon enough.”

  “No, kid. Now.”

  “What? Like right now?”

  “Are you deaf or dumb, or both?!”

  “B—Leo,” He could hear him talking through clenched teeth, “How the hell am I supposed to find him? I need a plan.”

  “Nonsense! You love storming in without thinking. I’m texting you the address. You’ll meet with Romero Sanchez and coordinate an attack. When it’s done, you have another assignment. Give the phone to Badrick.”

  “The assassin? Why the hell can’t he handle it? And what other assignment?”

  “Kid! Don’t ever question me. I own your life. Give the phone to Badrick; he’ll tell you about the other assignment when the cop’s dead.”

  “But, Leo…”

  “Don’t test my patience, kid.”

  “Sure. Thanks again, Leo.” Leo scoffed at Carlos’


  “Mister Martinez.”

  “Badrick, yes or no. Has he paid you?”

  “Yes, mon.”

  “Good. I’m texting him an address. I want you to go with him for backup. We can’t let that cop get away again.

  You’ll meet with Romero, but I want you to do something for me afterward. Are you listening?”

  “Yes, mon.”


  “Are you sure that creep didn’t follow you?” Beatrice asked a third time, peeking outside the window.

  “If he had, you and I would be dead already.”

  She swung around with a fearful expression. Jason sighed and thought her over-dramatic.

  “Beatrice,” He said politely, “Let’s focus, OK? Why did you call me? What do you have for me?”

  “Yeah. I got another recording of Thomas and I thought you should hear it. Also, I did some digging. Remember The Syndicate?” Jason nodded, “Well, they’re real. And this is going to sound crazy, but they are everywhere.”

  “Everywhere where?”

  “Everywhere, everywhere!” She threw her arms into the air, “Like all over the world. The organization comprises underworld bosses, like Leo Martinez, influential business men… Even politicians!”

  Jason followed her to a study where she opened a black laptop.

  “I don’t get it.”

  She looked up from behind the laptop, “I know it’s a lot to take in, but…”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I meant, I don’t get how you know all this.”

  A proud smile lit up her face, “I’m a total nerd…” Her face turned light-red, “I’ve always been good with computers. So, Walter, he introduced me to hacking. And that led to me helping him win his cases.”

  “But that’s illegal!” Jason burst out in disgust.


  “Well, illegal according to who? Corrupt lawmakers?

  They protect the very criminals you try to put away every day…”

  Jason frowned.

  “People like Thomas Patrick and Leo Martinez don’t play by the rules, Jason. Why should we?”

  “So, Walter… He wasn’t that smart, huh? He had his little sister do all the dirty work?”

  “What can I say? Men love to take the credit.” She smiled, “Come here.”

  Jason walked over, wondering what he had gotten himself into. If he presented all Beatrice had given him as evidence, what would he say if the judge asked where it got it from. Could he lie about something like that? He scanned the laptop screen. It displayed folder upon folder of documents, videos and audio files.

  “Unbelievable…” He mumbled.

  “Believe it!” She said and laughed.

  She opened a drawer and grabbed a pair of earphones.

  Like last time, she took the courtesy of inserting an earpiece into Jason’s ear. He arched an eyebrow as he watched her insert the other one into her own ear.

  “There are recordings of your voice moments before Walter Sidney’s death. And Jason knows about your connection with Carlos. It’s enough to call you in for questioning.”

  “How the hell is that possible? Who made the recordings?”

  “I don’t know. I tried everything, but I couldn’t find out who it came from.”


  “I told you we should’ve gotten rid of that cop when he was half dead in the hospital.”

  “Now is not the time to point fingers. We need to get rid of him. The faster, the better. Make it look like an accident.”

  “Romero will handle it.”

  “You mean the guy who failed the last time?”

  “I said he will handle it! Just do your part. Find out who is giving Jason the information and get rid of them.”

  “What? Leo, I am the Chief of Police; I cannot get my hands dirty under any circumstances. I’ll find the person, but the rest is up to you.”

  “Yeah, OK, princess.”

  Jason slammed against the table, “That’s concrete evidence! That’s what we needed!”

  He plucked out the earpiece and started pacing,

  “Romero, huh? I’ll find you, bastard!”

  He looked to Beatrice, who was sitting quietly in the chair.

  “Beatrice? What is the matter?” He approached and kneeled in front of her.

  “What will I do if they find me? You heard them; they want me dead.”

  “No one will hurt you. I won’t allow it.”

  Her eyes lit up a bit; she smiled at Jason, “I know you’ll protect me, Jason.”

  He cleared his throat when the moment got too awkward for his liking and stood up. He exited the study in a hurry.


  “Where are you going?”

  “It’s time Thomas Patrick pays for his crimes.” He said bluntly.

  “You just promised me protection and now you’re in a hurry to run to your death!” She scolded.

  “Excuse me?”

  “It was the same with my brother. He didn’t think twice about the implications of rushing into the line of fire with no plan at all. Do you think you will find Thomas just sitting at home, waiting for you to barge in? He knows you’re on to him!” She breathed rapidly, staring intently into Jason’s eyes, “He’s probably in hiding, expecting the news of your death.” She calmed down a bit, “You are in danger, Jason. Now is not the time to run around playing mister macho. How will you stop them and protect me if you’re lying dead in some dodgy New York alleyway?”

  “You’re right, I cannot confront Thomas right now. And there is a target on my back. I can’t stay here and endanger your life, too.”


  “Don’t call me. I’ll contact you if I need anything.”

  He plucked the door open and stepped outside.


  He staggered back quickly and shut the door.

  “Jason?!” Beatrice hurried to him.

  “Cover the all the windows!”

  He brought his hand to his chest. An intense pain throbbed through him. Beatrice frantically ran for the curtains of the entrance hall. Glass shattered as she slid the curtain. She yelled.


  “Are you all right?!”

  “Yeah… Get me something to cover my hand!”

  She ran to the kitchen and came back with a few towels.

  She wrapped it around his hand and helped him to his feet.

  “Aargh, thank you,” he took a breath and held his hand up to stop the bleeding, “We need to get out of here, right now.”

  Leo lounged at his indoor pool, savoring the aroma of the tequila in his hand. He eagerly awaited news from either Carlos or Badrick.


  “What is it now?” He sat up and looked at his butler with annoyance.

  “There are people in the lobby for you.”

  “What, now?” He barked, “Tell them to get lost. They can make an appointment.”

  “But Señor, they insisted. They mentioned something about a syndicate.”

  Leo’s eyes shot up. The blood drained from his face. He staggered to his feet.

  “Make sure they are comfortable. I’m coming.”



  “W hat?”

  “Why the hell didn’t you answer immediately?”

  “I’m working.”

  “Have you got him?”

  “Almost. Your phone call just saved the man’s life.”

  “I want you to stand down for a while.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m sending one if my guys over to help with the operation. Let him take out the cop. You’ll be his backup to make sure he gets the job done.”

  “You know I don’t…”

  “Let me finish! If he fails, I want you to take him and his companion out. Now, send me the address.”



  “I’m sending you his number; call him when you see him arrive and guide him.”

  “I don’t like it. Why the sudden change of plans?”

  “I don’t pay you to think or like anything! Just do what you’re told. Besides, if you hadn’t failed the first time, all this wouldn’t be necessary.”

  Romero clenched his teeth and looked toward fifty-two Lewis street. If Leo hadn’t called, it would be over already. A breeze caught the curtain covering the shattered window he had shot when that woman scrambled to cover the windows. He had missed her on purpose.

  “Fine.” He hung up.

  He stared ahead, contemplating. Something was off.

  Besides that, Leo’s man wouldn’t spare the woman like he had planned to do…

  Carlos stared at the stranger in the mirror. He hadn’t shaved his hair since he was a kid. And he hadn’t seen himself without a beard in over five years. He looked younger—like his late kid brother. He smiled as fond memories flooded his mind.

  Those were good times. Innocent times…

  “Hey, mon!” Badrick banged against the bathroom door,

  “You’re taking longer than a woman in there! I need to pee.”

  The door flung open.

  “Whoa…” Badrick looked up at the tall Mexican,

  “Nobody will recognize you. Now, move out of my way.”


  He pushed past Carlos and tried to shove him out of the way. He might just as well have been a column of gran-ite. Carlos smirked.

  “Move, mon!” Badrick tried to give him another push.

  Carlos chuckled and walked to the living room. He wanted to stroke a hand through his hair, but he found himself sliding it over a bald head. It felt gross.

  Leo’s text finally came through.

  Lewis Street No 52. Romero is waiting for you.

  Carlos rolled his eyes and skulked to the kitchen. He grabbed his phone from the kitchen table and speed-dialed a number.

  “Are you on your way?”

  “Leo, I know what you said before. But this is a bad idea.

  Do you know what happens to Romero’s associates?”

  “Yes. That’s even more reason for you to do your job properly.”

  “Oh, good, I feel much better now…”

  “I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation you put me in.”

  “Leo, I…”

  “If you succeed, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Well, then it’s been nice knowing you, kid.”

  Leo took a deep breath after he had hung up the phone.

  Everything was going according to plan. If Carlos slipped up, Romero would tie up the loose ends that 155

  could lead back to him. He felt bad about potentially losing Badrick; it would be hard to replace him, but not impossible. And if they succeeded, his arrangement with Badrick would temporarily get The Syndicate off his back—buy him enough time to disappear.

  He checked his appearance in the mirror and headed downstairs.

  “Gentlemen,” he flashed a confident smile and opened his arms as he took the last few steps, “you shouldn’t have bothered to come all the way here.” He reached out a hand to the man in the middle, “Welcome to my humble abode.”

  The man smirked without extending his own hand. “Oh, but we had to.” He said in an eerily controlled tone with a poker face.

  Leo ignored the shivers taunting his spine and gently retreated his hand to his side.

  “It really wasn’t necessary. I’m sure a man such as yourself has more important matters to attend to.” He said smoothly and signaled the butler, “Have you offered our guests refreshments?”

  “He has. And we want nothing.”

  “Are you sure? I have rare…”

  “Cut the bullshit, Martinez!” The man snapped, “You’ve been sloppy.” The man stepped forward and hurled an iPod Nano at Leo, “You’ve been drawing attention to yourself. You’ve been warned. You’ve ignored the Top Three.”

  “I haven’t ignored them! W—What’s this?” Leo picked up the iPod Nano, eyeing the man’s two deadly silent companions before examining it.


  “It had a recording of you and Thomas Patrick, merrily discussing your incompetence to take out one cop.”

  “Where did you get it?”

  “From the same cop you cannot kill.”

  “Tate, Romero is taking care of it as we speak. After tonight, all potential threats to The Syndicate will be eradicated.”

  “And that’s why we’re here,” Tate gestured to his companions, “to make sure all threats are eradicated.”

  Leo and Tate shared an intensive stare. Leo’s pulse quickened, and he could feel a cold sweat breaking out all over his body. All he could do was nod.

  “Tonight will be a success.” Leo said with confidence.

  Tate arched an eyebrow, “We’ll see.”

  Leo dangled the iPod, “You said it had a recording?”

  Tate smiled, “If only you were so good ad covering your tracks as you are at listening.”

  Leo rolled his eyes.

  “I removed it. It’s safe on an encrypted laptop.”

  “Why didn’t you just delete it?”

  “It seems you need motivation to stay… obedient. So, I’ll hang on to it and make sure you do just that in the future.”

  “If he has a future…” One of Tate’s companions added.

  The three of them chuckled.

  “Who are they?” Leo asked, pointing to the two men.

  “Oh, sorry for my lack of manners… Boys, this is Leo Martinez. Leo, this is Jack and Paul, the most efficient 157

  assassins at The Syndicate’s disposal. After Romero Sanchez, of course.”

  “The notorious Blood Brothers. I am honored…” Leo said through clenched teeth.

; A few years back, an Arabian prince went against The Syndicate’s rules. It almost revealed the leaders, the members and their activities all over the world. They found out about it and put a bounty of three million dollars on his head. The prince ran to seek asylum in Yemen. He ended up dead alongside five thousand others who were in the same location at the time.

  The world thought it was a bio weapon terrorist attack, but everyone in the underworld knew it was the Blood Brothers that did it. Nobody knew how they did it, but they did it.

  Leo stared intently at the brothers. He walked shakily to an armchair and slouched down. They were in his house to get rid of him. Everything depended on whether Carlos and Romero would be successful in getting rid of Detective Jason Williams.



  “He’s lost his damn mind!” Carlos furiously hit the dashboard.

  “Hey, mon!” Badrick slapped his head, “Don’t damage my truck.”

  Carlos stared at him incredulously. They were on their way to Lewis street in the Hilux he had escaped in from prison. The truck was dented all over—not exactly a well-looked-after machine.

  “That’s what Leo said. And we’d better follow his orders.

  I don’t think you’ll survive another day if you don’t.

  You’re on thin ice with the big mon.”

  Carlos clenched his jaw. Leo wasn’t a match for his crew… Maybe it was time to take him out, instead.

  “Hey, mon. I know that look on your face. I’ve seen it many times before. Don’t be stupid.”

  “He’s the one being stupid! What’s he thinking, trying to kill the deadliest assassin alive?”


  “It’s about survival. Every man in the underworld will do anything to survive. Look at what you did.”

  “Would you, Badrick?”

  “Would I what?”

  “Do anything to survive?”

  “No. I have nothing to lose. I just go where there’s money and lots of blood to be spilled. If I die while on a job… It’s the best way to go, anyway!” Badrick roared with laughter.

  Carlos turned around and eyed the two men sitting at the back, oblivious to the chilly night air.

  “The four of us, can we do it?”

  “Of course. One person could do it. It’s all about strategy, mon.”

  “Good. You do it then, we’ll wait at the nearest bar until you’re done.”

  Badrick laughed. Carlos just stared ahead blankly. He’d heard about The Syndicate. Leo invited him to a meeting once. He wasn’t interested. Apparently, if you got in with them, you’d be all powerful and rich. But more than money and power, Carlos wanted freedom. He didn’t like the idea of being owned, which was the impression he had gotten about The Syndicate. Being Leo’s subordi-nate was bad enough—let alone having to be account-able to a whole panel of greedy freaks.


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